1 Speech to the Bundestag, June 7, 1972, quoted in Texte des prisonniers de la “fraction armée rouge” et dernières lettres d’Ulrike Meinhof, Draft version, A3.

2 Television interview, April 25, 1975, quoted in Ibid., A6.

3 Croissant, “Le procès de Stuttgart,” 17.

4 Bakker Schut, Stammheim, 157.

5 Ibid., 158.

6 Jacobs, “Civil Rights and Women’s Rights,” 168.

7 It should be noted that even as they condemned this as a transparent move to bar them from proceedings, the prisoners also insisted that they were unfit to stand trial because of the isolation conditions, not the hunger strikes themselves.

1 Cobler, 207.

2 “Wir waren in den Durststreik treten,” Spiegel 4/1975: 52-57. Cf 300-318.

3 Croissant, “Le procès de Stuttgart,” 18.

4 Brigitte Mohnhaupt’s Testimony at the Stammheim Trial, July 22, 1976.

5 In 1987, RAF lawyer Pieter Bakker Schut published the entire Info collection in a book entitled Das Info: brief von gefangen aus der RAF aus der discussion 1973 - 1977. It is available online at the site maintained by his former client, ex-RAF prisoner Ronald Augustin, at http://labourhistory.net/raf/search.php?search=das+in fo+bakker+schut&field=0&word=0&btn=Search#

1 Bakker Schut, Stammheim, 519.

2 Ibid., 630.

3 Ibid., 419.

4 Varon, 256.

5 Cobler, 117-118.

6 Braunthal, 160-161.

7 Ibid., 161.

8 Associated Press, “Terrorist Bomb Racks Train Station,” Modesto Bee, September 14, 1975.

9 Reinders was a 2nd of June Movement member arrested in September 1975, in connection with the Lorenz kidnapping. The 2JM also disclaimed responsibility for this attack.

10 The Bombing of the Hamburg Train Station, cf 378-79.

11 Most notoriously in Italy. As an example, see: Stuart Christie, Stefano Della Chaie: Portrait of a Black Terrorist, (Black Papers, No 1) (London: Anarchy Magazine/Refract, 1984).

1 Associated Press, “W. Germans fear possible gas attack by terrorists,” Reno Evening Gazette, May 16, 1975.

2 Cobler, 46.

3 Ibid.

4 Ibid., 47.

5 Jacobson, 21.

6 Ibid.

1 Aust, 164.

2 Ibid., 360.

3 Christiane Ensslin and Klaus Jünschke, “Stimmen aus Stammheim: Isolationshaft ist kein Mythos,” Neue Rheinische Zeitung [online], August 8, 2007.

4 Becker, 273.

5 Aust, 362-363.

6 Associated Press, “Baader-Meinhof Armourer Testifies,” European Stars and Stripes, January 28, 1976; “Handelsgeschäfte mit der ‘Wahrheit’ Kronzeugen als Sonder- Beweismittel der Anklage,” http://www.freilassung.de/div/texte/kronzeuge/goe1.htm.

7 Aust, 384-386.

1 The preceding points appeared in the German as one long paragraph; they have been reformatted here for added readability.

1 Klaus Croissant indicated that Meinhof misspoke, intending to refer to the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), a guerilla group active in the California between 1973 and 1975.

1 With minor omissions, this is a quote from Lenin’s Imperialism and the Split in Socialism written in October, 1916 and available at http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/oct/x01.htm.

2 Le Duan became the first Secretary of the Communist Party in North Vietnam in 1960. After the death of party founder and leader Ho Chi Minh in 1969, Le took over the leadership of the government. He remained General Secretary of the CP and head of the government until his death in 1986 at the age of seventy-nine.

3 This quote is from Le Duan’s Principles and Methods of Revolutionary Action, written on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the establishment of the Indochinese Communist Party (1970). A slightly different translation appears in This Nation and Socialism Are One: Selected Writings of Le Duan First Secretary, Central Committee Vietnam Workers Party available at http://leninist.biz/en/1976/NSO261/05-Principles.and.Methods.of.Revolutionary.Action#forw1page17.

1 Amir Parviz Puyan was a prominent member of the Organization of the People’s Fedayeen Guerillas, a Marxist-Leninist guerilla group established in 1971. By the time of the 1979 revolution, the OPFG was the most significant guerilla group operating in Iran.

2 Probably quoted from memory, this is a mangled paraphrasing of an argument from Marx’s “The Class Struggles in France.” The full passage as it appears in Marx and Engels, Selected Works II, ed. V. Adoretsky (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1942), 192: “revolutionary advance made headway not by its immediate tragi-comic achievements, but on the contrary by the creation of a powerful, united counter-revolution, by the creation of an opponent, by fighting which the party of revolt first ripened into a real revolutionary party.”

1 This signaled the third of the RAF prisoners’ hunger strikes; see page 253.

2 These are actions the police and media claimed the RAF was planning.

1 §231a and §231b allowed for trials to continue in the absence of a defendant, if the reason for this absence was found to be of the defendant’s own doing—a stipulation directly aimed at the prisoners’ effective use of hunger strikes.

2 Following the 1848 working class uprising in Germany in which prominent communists including Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels played an important role, a series of trials in Cologne was used in a partially successful attempt to destroy the Communist League, also known as the First International.

1 On November 21, 1974, bombs in two pubs in Birmingham, England claimed twenty-one lives. These bombings were denounced by the left as a counterinsurgency action meant to discredit the Irish nationalist movement, but the IRA acknowledged its responsibility some years later.

2 On December 12, 1969, a bomb exploded in a public square in Milan killing a large number of people. Initially blamed on anarchists, the action was subsequently proven to be the work of fascists supported by the Italian security services and NATO.

3 Many of the actions listed here were carried out by the Revolutionary Cells. For more on this guerilla organization, see pages 436-41.

4 This was the most complete version of this document available to us.

1 Probably quoted from memory, this is a very mangled version of a phrase from Marx’s “Class Struggles in France.” See page 367, fn 2.

1 This was the most complete version of this document available to us.