Tables are indicated by t following the page number.

Abe, Shinzō, 147, 210n13

actor rationality, deterrence and, 119–21

Afghanistan, 99

Agreed Framework, 79, 80, 81, 83, 94, 187, 189, 195

air force, 132

airplane bombing, 135

Albright, David, 133

alliances: in East Asia, China and, 158–60

allies, reassurance of, 145–47

Arab Spring, 182

arms control, 19, 23–24

arms reduction, 19

Armstrong, Charles, 49

army, 131–32

artillery, 5, 131. See also Yeonpyeong Island

assassination attempts, 135

assured retaliation, in deterrence, 37t, 38

asymmetrical capabilities, 132–34

asymmetrical escalation, 22, 48

attribution error, 120–21

Australia, 29n3

ballistic missile defense (BMD), 142–43. See also intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs); Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)

Banco Delta Asia (BDA), 83, 96

BDA. See Banco Delta Asia (BDA)

Beheading Operation, 207

Beijing-Washington G-2 idea, 159

Belarus, 43, 179

blackmail, proliferation as, 73–84

BMD. See ballistic missile defense (BMD)

Bundy, McGeorge, 58

Burma, 135

Bush, George W., 42–43, 81–82, 93–94, 141, 186

byeongjin strategy, 2, 114–15, 123, 180, 199

calculus theory, 91–92

Campbell, Kurt, 45

capabilities, 131–34

Carter, Ashton, 1, 143, 145–46

Carter, Jimmy, 78

CCP. See Chinese Communist Party (CCP); Combined Counter-Provocation Plan (CCP)

Central Military Commission, 35

Cha, Victor, 5, 59, 94–95

Chamsu Jakjeon (Beheading Operation), 207

Cheonan sinking, 5, 59, 101–2, 105

deterrence and, 38, 119

emboldening and, 198

navy and, 132

Northern Limit Line and, 137

operational control and, 144

restraint in response to, 40, 209n3

United States and, 46

China, 6–8, 20, 23

and alliances in East Asia, 158–60

Asian security legacy and, 158

commitment to peace by, 202–3

dependence on, 81–82

Korean War and, 160

maritime power of, 168–69

“Monroe Doctrine” of, 157

Non-Proliferation Treaty and, 162, 163, 177n80

North Korea and, 160–63

North Korean nuclear capabilities and, 163–68

and North Korean nuclear status, 41

as nuclear power, 162

Obama administration and, 44–45

Partial Test Ban Treaty and, 188

pragmatism of, 161–62

revisionism of, 159

rise of, 157

Russia and, 176n74

sanctions and, 170, 173n22

Six-Party Talks and, 162, 169, 202

Soviet Union and, 64

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense and, 166, 203

testing and, 188–89

“three-Rs” strategy of, 45, 158–60

United States and, 165–68

“China Dream,” 157, 161

“Chinamerica,” 159

Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 158, 159

Chun Doo-whan, 135

Chung Mong-joon, 190

Clinton, Bill, 5–6, 59, 76, 78, 80, 93, 193n27

Clinton, Hillary, 44, 111n90, 138

Cohen, Michael D., 196, 208

Cold War: China and, 158

compellence in, 58

Cuban Missile Crisis in, 60, 63–65

nuclearization and, 182

provocations during, 40

regional situation and, 18

Soviet nuclear weapons after, 179

unification of Germany after, 26–27

collapse, of North Korea, 21–22

collective actor management, 18

Combined Counter-Provocation Plan (CCP), 119, 144

compellence, 57–61, 70n15

“competency trap,” 195

competitive management, 18

comprehensive safeguards agreement (CSA), 183–84, 193n22, 205

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), 181, 188, 206

computer hacking, 134

constitution, of North Korea, 33

context, deterrence and, 122

control, 61–66

credibility, 98–100, 104–5

CSA. See comprehensive safeguards agreement (CSA)

CTBT. See Comprehensive Test Ban

Treaty (CTBT)

Cuba, 5, 43

Cuban Missile Crisis, 60, 63–65

cultural interchange, 19

“cyber army,” 134, 141

Defense Reform Plan 307 (DRP 307), 103–4, 106

defensive systems, 27

delivery systems, 37

Delpech, Thérèse, 196

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), 27, 131, 197

democracy, 43

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). See North Korea

deterrence, 16–17, 20–24

attribution error and, 120–21

beyond, 206–9

cognitive psychology and, 120–21

compellence vs., 57–58, 70n15

as context-specific, 122

dictatorship and, 121–22

emergence of, as term, by North Korea, 44

in evolution of nuclear doctrine, 32–33

Kim Jong-un on, 129

limits of, 196–201

military balance in, 37t, 39–40

missiles and, 133

modes of, 36–42, 37t

as North Korean strategy, 31–32, 36–42, 37t

preemptive attack prevention in, 37t, 38

proliferation and, 129

rationality in, 119–21

recognition of nuclear status in, 37t, 40–42

revisionist strategy and, 37t, 42–47

as social construction, 123–24

as South Korean strategy, 116–24

status quo and, 37–38, 37t

tailored, 43

in Tailored Deterrence Strategy, 118, 142

testing and, 33, 129–30

theory, 119–21

United States and, 48–49

war prevention in, 37t, 39

dictatorships, 43, 121–22

diplomacy, 74, 138–40. See also Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT); Six-Party Talks

DMZ. See Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

DPRK. See North Korea

DRP. See Defense Reform Plan 307 (DRP 307)

East Germany, 26–27

economic interaction, 19

economic responses, 140–41. See also sanctions

economy, of North Korea, 115

EDPC. See Extended Deterrence Policy Committee (EDPC)

Eisenhower, Dwight, 182

energy: from China, 81–82

nuclear, 44, 75–79, 83–84, 93–94

subsidies, 79–80

engagement, 124–26

Extended Deterrence Policy Committee (EDPC), 142

F-22 aircraft, 43

familial interchange, 19

fear, 56–57, 61–66

first use, 35–36

Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty, 180

Foal Eagle, 105

France, 188

Freedman, Lawrence, 123–24

G-2 idea, 159

Gaesong Industrial Complex, 40, 61, 199

Gallucci, Robert, 76–77, 79

Gates, Robert, 1, 102, 111n90

General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA), 148–49

Germany, 26–27

Gottemoeller, Rose, 146–47

Grand National Party, 100

GSOMIA. See General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA)

Guam, 1, 61, 133, 143

hacking, 134

Hagel, Chuck, 1

Hart, B. H. Liddell, 130

Hawaii, 61

Hiroshima bombing, 2

Hoguk, 102

Hussein, Saddam, 5, 38

IAEA. See International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

ICBMs. See intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)

imperialism, 157

India, 33, 35, 51n13, 58, 60, 64, 130, 179

inspections. See International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

intellectual interchange, 19

intelligence sharing, 159

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 1, 51n17, 59, 96–97, 97–98, 198. See also missile(s)

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 44, 86n21, 138, 180

expulsion of, 94

light-water reactors and, 93

Non-Proliferation Treaty and, 181, 183–84, 185

proliferation and, 75–78

safeguards, 183–84

international system management, 18

Interview, The (film), 134, 141

Iran, 7, 67

Clinton, Hillary on, 138

diplomacy with, 5, 27, 29n6

proliferation and, 20, 23

in Quadrennial Defense Review, 43

technology transfer and, 21, 29n6, 186, 187

United States nuclear deal with, 195

Iraq, 5, 7, 38, 42, 43, 65, 99, 140, 182

Ishiba Shigeru, 190

Israel, 33, 179

Jammu military base, 60

Japan: American alliance with, 159

China and, 166

Non-Proliferation Treaty and, 186

and North Korean nuclear status, 41

nuclearization of, 169, 190

proliferation in, 4

as target, 2, 132, 136

testing and, 59

in trilateral relationship, 147–49

Joint Declaration of a Denuclearized Korean Peninsula, 187

Joint Vision Statement, 146

Kaesong Industrial Region. See Gaesong Industrial Complex

KAMD. See Korea Air and Missile Defense System (KAMD)

Kang Sok-ju, 76–77, 94

Kashmir, 58, 60, 64

Kazakhstan, 179

Keltner, Dacher, 62

Kennedy, John F., 64

Kerry, John, 203

Key Resolve, 105

Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 186, 187

Khrushchev, Nikita, 59, 60, 63–64

Kill Chain, 47, 117, 118, 143, 203

Kim Dae-jung, 100, 190, 211n20

Kim Il-sung, 33, 85n6, 182

Kim Jong-il, 26

death of, 66, 114

disappearances of, 43

Iraq and, 43

stroke, 182

Kim Jong-un: byeongjin strategy and, 114, 180

control by, 67

on deterrence, 129

as dictator, 121–22

fear on part of, 65

legitimization of, 208

on nuclear weapons, 1–2

rationality of, 120

as successor, 50n9

threats under, 114–16

Kim Yong-nam, 40

Kissinger, Henry, 92

KN-02, 133

KN-08, 133

Korea Air and Missile Defense System (KAMD), 47, 115, 117, 118, 143. See also ballistic missile defense (BMD)

Korean Air Lines Flight 858, 135

Korean People’s Air Force (KPAF), 132

Korean People’s Army (KPA), 131–32

Korean People’s Navy (KPN), 132

Korean War, 2, 5, 58, 68, 114, 160, 181–82

Korean Workers’ Party (KWP), 34, 50n9

KPAF. See Korean People’s Air Force (KPAF)

KPN. See Korean People’s Navy (KPN)

Krepon, Michael, 35

KWP. See Korean Workers’ Party (KWP)

Laskhar-e-Taiba, 64. See also Carter, Jimmy

launch detection, 27

Law on Consolidating the Status of a Self-Defensive Nuclear Weapons State. See Nuclear Weapons State Law

laws, in policy adoption, 34

Leap Day Deal, 84, 136, 139

Lee Myung-bak, 100, 103, 146, 175n55

Lerner, Jennifer, 62

Lewis, Jeffrey, 3

Libya, 5, 7, 179, 182, 186, 187

light-water nuclear reactors (LWRs), 93–94

Li Jinjun, 170

loss aversion, 120–21

low-level provocations, 144

L-SAM, 118

Luck, Gary, 5–6, 78

LWRs. See light-water nuclear reactors (LWRs)

Mao Zedong, 58, 60, 64

MCM. See Military Committee Meeting (MCM)

media, 137

Middle East crisis of 1973, 92

military balance, between North and South Korea, 37t, 39–40

military capabilities, 131–34

Military Committee Meeting (MCM), 145

military exercises, 36, 68, 102, 207

military responses, 141–44

mines, 197, 199

miniaturization, 36

missile(s): capabilities, 132–33

defense, 142–43

intercontinental ballistic, 1, 51n17, 59, 96–97, 97–98, 198

KN-02, 133

KN-08, 133

and Korean Air and Missile Defense System, 47, 115, 117, 118

Musudan, 37, 51n17, 61, 133, 200

Nodong, 51n17, 132

Scud, 51n17, 132

submarine-launched ballistic, 37, 115, 133, 198, 201

Taepodong-1, 59, 136

Taepodong-2, 51n17, 96–97. See also testing

Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), 180, 186–87

Monroe Doctrine, 157

Morgan, Patrick, 3, 117, 122, 123, 206

motivations, of North Korea, 24–25, 115–16

MRLs. See multiple rocket launchers (MRLs)

M-SAM, 118

MTCR. See Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

Mullen, Michael, 103, 111n90

multiple rocket launchers (MRLs), 131

Musharraf, Pervez, 60, 64

Musudan missile, 37, 51n17, 61, 133, 200

Mutual Defense Treaty, 145

Myanmar, 43

Nagasaki bombing, 2

Nakagawa Shoichi, 190

Narang, Vipin, 35

National Defense Commission, 36

National Security Strategy (NSS), 42, 43

NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

navy, 132

Nixon, Richard, 2

NLL. See Northern Limit Line (NLL)

Nodong missile, 51n17, 132

nonproliferation, 20–22

Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 4, 33, 45, 76, 78, 95–96

basics of, 180–81

challenges to, 181–89

China and, 162, 163, 177n80

International Atomic Energy Agency and, 181, 183–84, 185

objectives of, 181

Pakistan and, 187

role of, 179

technology transfers and, 187

undermining of, 205–6

as weak, 189

withdrawal from, 12, 33, 45, 76, 77, 94–96, 184–86, 205

normalization, 44

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 182

Northern Limit Line (NLL), 100, 101, 132, 136–37

North Korea: actions of, 135–37

antagonization of South Korea by, 5

capabilities of, 131–34

China and, 160–68

collapse of, 21–22

economy of, 115

feelings toward South Korea of, 16

motivations of, 24–25

United States and, 16

Northwest Islands Command, 104

NPR. See Nuclear Posture Review (NPR)

NPT. See Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

NSS. See National Security Strategy (NSS)

nuclear doctrine: evolution of, 32–36

Nuclear Weapons State Law and, 34–36

nuclear energy, 44, 75–79, 83–84, 93–94

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. See Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), 42, 45–46, 146, 200

Nuclear Security Summit, 147

nuclear status recognition, in deterrence, 37t, 40–42

Nuclear Suppliers Group, 180, 205

nuclear testing. See testing

nuclear war prevention, deterrence in, 37t, 39

Nuclear Weapons State Law, 32, 33–36, 45–46

Obama, Barack, 67, 139

Bush vs., in approach to North Korea, 44–45

deterrence and, 46

diplomacy and, 138, 139–40, 191

engagement and, 93, 97–98

in Joint Vision Statement, 146

military power shifts in, 53n46

sanctions and, 141

testing and, 99

on trilateral cooperation, 147–48

Yeonpyeong attack and, 111n90

OPCON. See operational control (OPCON)

operational control (OPCON), 68–69, 143–44

PAC-3, 118

Pakistan, 8, 21, 64, 130

“asymmetrical escalation” posture of, 35, 48

compellence and, 58, 60

deterrence and, 20

Non-Proliferation Treaty and, 179, 186

proliferation and, 23

technology transfers from, 164, 186–87, 205

terrorism and, 22

testing and, 33

uranium enrichment and, 94

Park Chung-hee, 103, 135

Park Geun-hye, 46–47, 68, 147

Park Gil-yon, 40, 46

Partial Test Ban Treaty, 188

Perry, William, 126

plutonium, 36, 59, 75–77

Politburo, 35

political usefulness, of nuclear weapons, 92–93

preemptive attack prevention, in deterrence, 37t, 38, 42

proliferation, 4, 20–22

as blackmail, 73–84

deterrence and, 129

diplomacy and, 74

drivers of, 73–74

propaganda, 137

Protect the Nation exercises, 102

Qaddafi, Muammar, 4, 182

Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), 43

Radio Free Asia, 59

Rangoon bombing, 40, 209n3

rationality, deterrence and, 119–21

reassurance, 124–26

Republican Party, 42–43

Republic of Korea (ROK). See South Korea

reputation, 91–92

retaliation, 35–36

assured, in deterrence, 37t, 38

revisionist strategy, 37t, 42–47, 159

rhetoric, 137

risk, 61–66

Ri Su-yong, 204

rocket launchers, 131

rogue states, 121

Roh Moo-hyun, 100

Russel, Daniel, 140–41, 148

Russia, 20, 23, 58, 162, 176n74, 179, 186. See also Soviet Union

Saenuri Party, 100

Sagan, Scott, 35, 39, 196

sanctions, 31, 59, 78, 130, 140–41, 195–96

China and, 45, 170, 173n22, 201

financial, 82, 83, 190

limits of, 80

Non-Proliferation Treaty and, 94–96, 188

peace treaty and, 41

public discontent over, 49

reactions to, 82, 99

severe, 55

testing and, 109n58

unification and, 19

Schelling, Thomas, 57, 75

SCM. See Security Consultative Meeting (SCM)

Scud missiles, 51n17, 132

Security Consultative Meeting (SCM), 46, 142, 145–46

Security Council Resolution 1718, 99

Security Council Resolution 2270, 200

Security Council Resolution 2276, 141

Seoul, 2

Sheehan, Michael, 127n3

Six-Party Talks, 75, 84

breakdown of, 38

China and, 162, 169, 202

concession-seeking in, 73

denuclearization and, 40

deterrence and, 37, 44

Non-Proliferation Treaty and, 186

proliferation and, 81, 83

threats and, 95–97

SLBM. See submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM)

Snyder, Glenn, 196

Snyder, Scott, 45

social construction, deterrence as, 123–24

Sony Corporation, 134, 141

South Africa, 179

South Korea: attacks on, 100–105

cyber attacks on, 134

deterrence strategy of, 116–24

military balance with, 37t, 39–40

in military exercises, 36

North Korea’s feelings toward, 16

nuclearization of, 190

proliferation in, 4

sinking of ship of, by North Korea, 5

strategic environment of, 5–6

as target, 2, 132

in trilateral relationship, 32, 147–49

United States and, 6, 46–47, 48

South-North Joint Declaration, 211n20

Soviet Union, 18, 58, 59, 60, 63–64, 64–65, 182. See also Russia

status recognition, in deterrence, 37t, 40–42

Strategic Forces, 35

Struckman, Dana, 134

submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), 37, 115, 133, 198, 201

subsidies, energy, 79–80

Sunshine Policy, 100

Syria, 43, 44, 140, 194n40

Taepodong-1 missile, 59, 136

Taepodong-2 missile, 51n17, 96–97

Tailored Deterrence Strategy, 118, 142, 198–99

tanks, 131

technology transfers, 186–87, 194n40

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), 68, 118, 143, 166, 171, 203–4. See also ballistic missile defense (BMD)

terrorism, 22, 135, 141

testing, 135–36

Banco Delta Asia and, 96–97

byeongjin and, 115

China and, 188–89

compellence and, 58

deterrence and, 33, 43, 129–30

increasing power of, 197–98

military exercises and, 68

Obama and, 97–98

predictions of, 99, 109n58

sanctions for, 99

underground, 187–89

THAAD. See Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)

Thompson, Julia, 35

threats: credibility and, 98–100

hyperbolic, 98–99

under Kim Jong-un, 114–16

reputation and, 91–92

in rhetoric, 137

“three-Rs” strategy, 45, 158–60

Thurman, James, 104

TISA. See trilateral intelligence-sharing agreement (TISA)

Tokyo, 2

tracking, of North Korean weapons, 27

trilateral intelligence-sharing agreement (TISA), 159

trilateral relationship, 32, 147–49

Ukraine, 179

underground testing, 187–89. See also testing

unification, 19, 25–26

unipolar management, 18

United Nations Security Council, 4

United States: China and, 165–68

Cold War and, 18

cyber attacks on, 134

deterrence and, 48–49

Iraq and, 42–43

in military exercises, 36

normalization with, 44

North Korea and, 16

Nuclear Weapons State Law and, 36

proliferation by North Korea as blackmail of, 73–84

responses of, 137–44

South Korea and, 6, 46–47, 48

as target, 2, 3, 4, 55, 60–61, 66, 113

in trilateral relationship, 32, 147–49

unification and, 25–26

Yeonpyeong Island attack and, 103. See also Bush, George W.; Carter, Jimmy; Clinton, Bill; Obama, Barack

uranium-enrichment program, 36, 59, 187, 205

U.S.-Japan-ROK Trilateral Dialogue, 166

Ussuri River, 58, 60

Voice of America, 59

Volpe, Tristan, 195

Waltz, Kenneth N., 39, 165, 196

Wang, Fei-Ling, 45

war prevention, deterrence in, 37t, 39

Washington, D.C., 2, 3, 4

White, Ralph K., 42

Wolfowitz, Paul, 81

World Bank, 141

World War II, 2

Xi Jinping, 161, 166, 202, 210n12

Yeonpyeong Island, 5, 38, 41, 59, 94, 102–3, 105, 111nn89–90, 131, 137, 150, 198

Yokota Air Base, 149

Yongbyon reactor, 44, 85n6

Yuk Young-soo, 135

Zhenbao Island, 60, 64

Zhu Chenghu, 174n36

Zimbabwe, 43