
Cover    1

Title Page    2

Copyright Page    3

Endorsements    4

Dedication    5

Acknowledgments    9

Prologue    13

Part 1:  Admit It!    19

1. Real Food and the MAD Way of Eating    21

2. The Trouble with Mass Production    33

3. The MAD Diseases    41

4. The Mad Truth about the MAD    46

5. Marketing to Children and Other Scandals    52

6. Who Rules the Economic Roost?    60

7. The Genetic Elephant in the Room    67

Part 2:  Quit It!    81

8. Mindset and Meal    83

9. Taking Responsibility    88

10. The Meeting of the Minds    93

11. Toxic Schedules and Television: Twin Enemies of Our Minds    105

12. What’s Eating You?    116

13. This Is Your Brain on Brain Scans    128

14. Confused Emotions, Destructive Behaviors    133

15. Me, Myself, and My Epigenetic Environment    144

16. The Whole Beef and Nothing but the Beef    154

17. Sugar: The Forbidden Fruit?    173

18. To Eat Gluten or Not to Eat Gluten: That Is the Question    197

19. Sleep In, Then Move It    206

Part 3:  Beat It!    211

20. Twelve Tips to Beat It    213

21. A Twenty-One Recipe Kick Start    235

Conclusion    253

Notes    255

About the Author    329

Back Ads    331

Back Cover    333