To be competitive, public and private cloud service providers must provide cost-effective services and features that enable ease of adoption. However, because most users of a cloud, whether it is a private or a public cloud, have certain expectations regarding the security of their data, service providers also must assure customers that the service they are providing is an appropriate and secure fit for their needs. In that regard, cloud service providers generally must have their products evaluated against commonly accepted criteria. Previous chapters in this book have discussed various aspects of cloud security. The security checklists in this chapter are intended to help readers develop their own lists for verifying the security of either a cloud service provider or a private cloud. The chapter begins with a review of existing work in this area. After highlighting the recommended checklists, the chapter then concludes with a section on checklist metrics.
security; metrics; legal; privacy; CSA; ENISA; TCG; SNMP; CSP; RBAC; key
Cloud security represents yet another opportunity to apply sound security principles and engineering to a specific domain and to solve for a given set of problems. This chapter builds on our previous discussions and presents the foundation for a framework for evaluating cloud security. It should benefit activities that precede the evaluation, certification, or accreditation of a cloud.
We start by reviewing existing work in this area, and then we put forward a set of checklists of evaluation criteria that span the range of activities that together support information security for cloud computing. The goal of this chapter is to provide the reader with an organized set of tools that can be used to evaluate the security of a private, community, public, or hybrid cloud. Evaluating the security of a hybrid cloud may best be done by managing the evaluation of the two or more cloud instances using one set of checklists per instance. For example, if the hybrid consists of a private cloud and a public cloud, simply evaluate the private components using one set of checklists and evaluate the public components into their separate realms. In this manner, you can more readily compare public cloud alternatives.
Most users of a cloud, whether a private or a public cloud, have certain expectations for the security of their data. Similarly, the owner and operator of a cloud share responsibility for ensuring that security measures are in place and that standards and procedures are followed. We can capture our expectations and responsibilities for security by stating them formally in documented requirements. By example, the NIST 800-53 security controls detail specific requirements for federal government systems. Systems that are fielded by government agencies must generally comply with these and related NIST requirements. The Cloud Security Alliance Controls Matrix takes a similar approach in detailing security requirements for cloud implementations, and there is a growing trend by commercial users to adopt such generally accepted requirements. A good starting point when you need to measure the presence and effectiveness of the security of a cloud includes having a list of required or recommended security controls.
To begin, there are two aspects to security controls in cloud implementations. The first has to do with the presence of the control. The second aspect is the effectiveness or robustness of the control. In other words, it is not enough that a security control is present; that control also needs to be effective. Going further, one can describe this as the degree of trust (or assurance) that can be expected from these controls. For instance, a cloud may implement encrypted communications between the cloud and an external user—but if we are evaluating the effectiveness of encrypted communications, we also need to verify that the control is properly designed, implemented, and verified.
Measuring the presence and/or effectiveness of security controls (against security requirements) is largely what security evaluations are intended to do. Security evaluations have broad value as guidance for planning or developing security and for verifying that required controls are properly implemented. But evaluations also have utility for procurement of cloud services; for instance, a cloud provider may choose to publish the high-level results of a third-party security evaluation. In addition, if we are to compare the security of two or more clouds, that will entail having a common set of criteria for evaluation.
On the basis of the sensitivity of data or the expected risk of a system, we should undergo an initial requirements phase where appropriate security controls are identified. If we subsequently perform a thorough assessment of the decision process that led to identifying those controls and couple that assessment with a security evaluation of the effectiveness of those controls that were implemented, we should gain a fairly good understanding of whether an overall cloud service has a sound security posture versus the risk to which it is subject.
Figure 6.1 depicts the relationship between requirements, security evaluation of a cloud, the cloud implementation, vulnerability remediation, and continuing configuration management controls.
In the few years since cloud computing arrived as a new model for IT, several efforts have already taken place to offer guidance for cloud security. These efforts include:
■ Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). The CSA has been very active in various efforts, including:
■ Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM). This effort is “designed to provide fundamental security principles to guide cloud vendors and to assist prospective cloud customers in assessing the overall security risk of a cloud provider. The Cloud Controls Matrix provides a controls framework that gives detailed understanding of security concepts and principles that are aligned to the Cloud Security Alliance guidance in 13 domains.”1
■ Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire. This effort is “focused on providing industry-accepted ways to document what security controls exist in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS offerings, providing security control transparency.”2
■ Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing. V2.1, published in December 2009, presented security guidance for a number of areas in cloud computing; these areas include architecture, governance, traditional security, and virtualization.
■ Domain 12: Guidance for Identity & Access Management. V2.1, published in April 2010, discusses the major identity management functions as they relate to cloud computing. This work forms a cornerstone of the CSA’s Trusted Cloud Initiative.
■ CloudAudit. Seeks to give cloud adopters and cloud operators the tools to measure and compare the security of cloud services. It does this by defining “a common interface and namespace that allows cloud computing providers to automate the Audit, Assertion, Assessment, and Assurance (A6) of their infrastructure (IaaS), platform (PaaS), and application (SaaS) environments.”3
■ European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). Leading the security guidance efforts in Europe, ENISA has produced several guiding publications for securely adopting cloud computing. These include:
■ Cloud Computing: Information Assurance Framework. Published in November 2009. Presents a set of assurance criteria that address the risk of adopting cloud computing.
■ Cloud Computing: Benefits, Risks and Recommendations for Information Security. Published in November 2009.
■ The Federal CIO Council’s Proposed Security Assessment and Authorization for U.S. Government Cloud Computing.4 The core importance of this document is that it adopts the NIST 800-53R3 security controls for cloud computing in low- and moderate-risk systems.
■ The Trusted Computing Group (TCG). In September 2010, the TCG formed the Trusted Multi-Tenant Infrastructure Work Group, which is intended to develop a security framework for cloud computing. The Trusted Multi-Tenant Infrastructure Work Group will use existing standards to define end-to-end security for cloud computing in a framework that can serve as a baseline for compliance and auditing.
All these efforts are relatively new and have yet to gain broad acceptance. More so, they are either initial activities that are intended to serve as a starting point for more formal work or the product of community efforts toward a common framework for cloud security. In other words, there is a great deal of uncertainty in this area. That presents a difficulty for cloud adopters who need to evaluate the security of their private or community clouds and for users who need a means to evaluate the security of a cloud service.
Today, users do not yet have a common and standard means to evaluate cloud security. In fact, much of the pre–cloud computing world has not adopted security evaluation frameworks outside those realms where regulation requires a security benchmark or where evaluation is mandated. But cloud security is a fast-moving area, and all the efforts we’ve cited took place between 2009 and the end of 2010. The adoption of these efforts is accelerating in several ways, especially in the government space with FedRAMP. By its very nature, adoption of public clouds is a change agent in security. There is a fast-shaping trend here, and we can expect to see real progress in the near term. This is an example of how cloud computing is stimulating better security in business areas where otherwise there was great concern over security but little improvement until the rise of public clouds.
Many tools are used for security testing. These include the following categories:
■ Port scanning for open and responding services
■ Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) scanning
There are several basic tools that have stood the test of time. These include Network Mapper (NMAP) for port scanning and Nessus for host vulnerability scanning. In addition, there has been a more recent crop of powerful tools that allow for extensive defense testing to identify quality, resiliency, and related security vulnerabilities. These tools offer test suites for a broad range of cloud network security needs.
The intent of developing a cloud security evaluation checklist is to have a uniform means to verify the security of a cloud and to obtain assurance from a CSP about their security. However, as stated in this chapter’s introduction, such checklists can also be used by prospective customers or users to compare the cloud security options offered by different providers.
The remainder of this section presents checklists that form the heart of a framework for evaluating cloud security. The questions in these checklists are derived from several sources, including the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix,5 the ENISA Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework,6 and NIST’s 800-53R3.7
One application for the checklist is that a cloud owner can use it to guide a security evaluation of its cloud. If cloud providers use such a checklist as a framework to report on the security of their clouds, then prospective tenants and users can compare the relative security of multiple clouds. The checklist can also be used by a public cloud customer to ask a series of questions that are relevant to the customer’s business needs. Not all these questions will be relevant for all uses or business relationships.
Each of the following sections is organized around a set of closely related controls or requirements. Figure 6.2 presents an overview of the evaluation checklist sections and lists the groups of controls or requirements for each section.
A security policy defines the organization’s requirements or rules for security. A security policy delineates the constraints and requirements that individuals and groups must operate under, and it serves as a statement of management’s intent for security. Actions that are taken in regard to security should be clearly traceable to the security policy. Several classes of policy may exist, including an overall security policy as well as additional policies that address more limited areas (such as an acceptable-use policy). The security policy is focused on achieving desired results, not on specific implementations.
Augmenting such policies are other statements of requirements for specific areas. These are usually defined as standards and cover such specific areas as technical controls or specific hardening requirements. Standards state mandatory actions that support policy. Guidelines are a third class of documentation that is less formal and more oriented toward procedural best practices. These are recommendations or descriptions of practices that support the objectives of a security policy by describing a framework to implement procedures. In other words: A policy states why, a standard states what, and a guideline states how. Checklist 6.1 covers foundational security elements related to policy, standards, and guidelines. Checklist 6.2 covers evaluation criteria that are focused on CSP transparency.
Personnel security for a cloud is a foundation on which operational security resides. The intent of personnel security is to avoid several classes of security risk and to create an environment that reinforces the objectives that are stated in security policy. Checklist 6.3 lists evaluation criteria related to personnel security.
The use of subcontractors or third-party providers can create undue risk for customers unless such providers follow and operate in accordance with CSP policies. Checklist 6.4 details criteria for third-party providers.
Various business considerations bring with them the need for security considerations. Business considerations include legal issues, business continuity, and resource provisioning. Evaluation criteria for these considerations are listed in Checklists 6.5 (legal issues), 6.6 (business continuity), and 6.7 (resource provisioning).
Business continuity is a complex topic that warrants far greater coverage than is possible in a cloud security book. The interested reader is encouraged to research several related topic areas, including business continuity planning along with contingency and disaster recovery planning. There are many sources in these areas, including:
■ ANSI/ASIS SPC.1-2009 Organizational Resilience: Security, Preparedness, and Continuity Management Systems—Requirements with Guidance for Use American National Standard
■ The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-34, Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology Systems
■ Good Practice Guidelines, which can be downloaded from
■ The Business Continuity Institute, located online at
As reported by the German online newspaper Zeit Online26 on February 18, 2011, an error in a cloud provider’s payment system paralyzed a German company’s access to its public cloud SaaS email and online documents. Although the actual facts in this case were not fully clear at the time this chapter was written, it should serve as a warning: Any cloud provider’s accounting or customer management systems could be in error, and in an extreme case this might result in a business denial-of-service situation.
Such an accounting error is certainly not unique in the world of billing and debt collection, but in a communications system—such as the Internet—or in a cloud services situation, the error can conceivably occur, and the consequences will be felt very quickly, without the victim having any prior billing warning. The cloud services model brings a second complicating factor: Many cloud services largely rely on self-service interfaces, with little recourse from traditional human customer service representatives.
In the case, it appears that the CSP abruptly cut off access to’s office software and relevant documents. apparently could not reach the CSP’s regional office in Dublin, and emails to the CSP did not solve the problem for a few days. The facts in this specific case are not at all clear, so the CSP will go unidentified here. However, if you outsource your critical business functions, make certain that any similar situation can be more quickly resolved with the CSP. That will entail doing your homework before you form a business relationship with a CSP, and it will entail maintaining contact with the provider so that you are always aware of any changes in contact methods or details. Finally, consider this: If your disaster recovery plan is stored on the CSP’s systems, you really don’t have a CSP disaster recovery plan at all.
Resource provisioning has to do with assuring that the cloud service will be sufficiently resourced as customer demand increases. To do this, a CSP would need to take certain measures to successfully deliver on its SLAs. For instance, the CSP might have procedures in place to add servers or storage as demand increases. Checklist 6.7 lists evaluation criteria for resource provisioning.
The integrity and security of an operational cloud depends on the integrity of components that comprise it. Software is a primary vector for vulnerabilities and exploits. To begin, Checklist 6.8 lists evaluation criteria for software assurance.
One very powerful technique for improving software security is to empower developers during the development process itself by giving them access to security testing tools. Such tools range from static code analysis through Web security testing. A best practice is to have the development environment closely mirror the eventual testing, staging, and production environments. With development, this is not always easy, but the fewer deltas between environments, the better the transition and the fewer security surprises your developers will encounter. (When test, staging, and production environments vary widely, errors and costs will rise dramatically as well.)
The most significant aspect of a cloud’s security may well be the network implementation. Architectural and isolation choices that are made here will have far-reaching benefits or consequences. Network choices start with the physical network and equipment functionality and extend to network virtualization and monitoring. The degree of isolation between different classes of traffic (customer access, customer-to-customer, operations and management, external access, and so on) will drive other security requirements at the systems and VM levels. Checklist 6.9 lists criteria for network security.
The kinds and degree of security controls that are required to protect hosts and VMs are to a large extent driven by the network architecture. On one hand there are trade-offs between extreme network isolation and control and on the other hand with the desire for maximum flexibility in operation. The greater the flexibility, the more compensating controls are needed at the host and VM levels. Checklist 6.10 lists evaluation criteria for host and VM security.
CSPs are generally responsible for the platform software stack, including security. Although a CSP may be reluctant to provide details about the security of a PaaS stack, a CSP should be transparent about its security practices and the scope of security controls. Checklist 6.11 lists evaluation criteria for PaaS and SaaS security.
Identity and access management are critical elements of security for a cloud. Checklist 6.12 lists evaluation criteria for identity and access management, along with authentication.
Key management and cryptography must be handled in precise and correct ways; otherwise, cryptographic security is quickly undermined. Checklist 6.13 lists security criteria for these areas.
To this point in the checklists, we have covered evaluation criteria for foundational security, business considerations, and defense in depth. The final group of checklists addresses operational security issues.
Many concerns around public clouds have to do with the fact that physical security of IT is in a third party’s control. With a public cloud, a physical breach will affect multiple customers. Checklist 6.14 lists evaluation criteria for datacenter physical security and datacenter power and networking.
A CSP must maintain a current and complete list of all information resources that are used to implement and operate the cloud. The state-of-the-practice (ITIL) is to use a configuration management database (CMDB) to maintain such information. The state of the art is to have that process automated by using the CMDB as the centralized repository with which all other cloud management functions interoperate. Checklist 6.15 lists criteria for datacenter asset management.
Effective security is an ongoing process that entails well-defined procedures and roles for all personnel. To be effective, such procedures must anticipate various kinds of events. Procedures should offer enough guidance to allow personnel to navigate a broad range of failure in systems, processes, and other circumstances. Such events and responses must be captured, with learned lessons integrated into updated procedures. Chapter 7 provides a deeper treatment of this topic, but here we outline the kinds of controls that guide operational practices and security. Checklist 6.16 lists evaluation criteria for operational practices.
The goal of incident management and response is to minimize or contain the impact of events. Incident management should be well defined in order to support and guide the CSPs and the customer’s ability to reduce the consequence of unanticipated events or situations. Checklist 6.17 lists evaluation criteria for the area of incident management.
The checklists alone have utility to judge the security of a cloud, but what prospective public cloud customers and owners of a private cloud want to know are:
■ How secure is the implementation?
■ Is the CSP meeting best practices for security?
■ How well does the CSP meet discrete security controls and requirements?
■ How does this service compare with other similar services?
Looking at Checklists 6.1 to 6.17, there is a good deal of variation in how controls can be implemented and how they can be measured. This makes it very difficult to identify metrics for each question. Existing approaches for measuring security meet this challenge by both detailing fine-grained security controls for specific realms (such as NIST 800-53R3) and specifying which of these controls apply to systems operating at different levels of assurance or sensitivity. But even then, the actual evaluation of the security of an implementation is time consuming and expensive and requires expertise.
The resulting certification and accreditation (C&A) of a system is a snapshot in time and must be repeated as the system evolves and undergoes change. Typically, these evaluations are paper exercises that involve a great deal of effort. What is needed is an evolution to this process itself, and cloud computing will demand greater automation, simply due to the nature of the contract between IT and cloud consumers.
What would this look like? To begin with, the information and the evidence artifacts that are collected about security, systems, and processes must be organized in a C&A repository that is more like a database than a traditional formal document. The importance of collecting and organizing this information is that it supports statements and claims about how discrete security controls are met.
Having such information in database form makes it useful to multiple entities. In a cloud implementation, multiple parties use the same infrastructure and controls. A security evaluation should enable the reuse of information about such controls as well as information about their effectiveness. Cloud computing really does change the game for security, and it is already becoming clear that the adoption of a cloud will drive the development of not only better security to meet the demands of elasticity and on-demand self-service but also for the measurement and evaluation of security.
The rise in public computing utilities has brought increased need for better security. By their very nature, competitive public cloud services are faced with the need to provide cost-effective services and features sets that enable ease of adoption. But equally important is the need for a public cloud service to be seen as an appropriate and safe solution to meeting IT requirements. And in that, CSPs have few alternatives other than to undergo evaluation of their product using commonly accepted criteria. Likewise, with private clouds, even if security requirements are included from the earliest design stages and even when sound principles are followed in building and fielding a private cloud, the proverbial proof is still in the evaluation pudding.
The security checklists in this chapter are intended to guide readers in developing their own lists for verifying the security of either a CSP or a private cloud. At the time this book was being written, there were several ongoing activities around developing industry or government guidelines around this need. Readers are encouraged to research the state of such work by following the various leading groups that are involved in these activities. It is not at all clear how successful any of these groups will be, and already today there is a good deal of collaboration between groups such as the CSA and CloudAudit/A6. It is certain that this is a rapidly evolving area, and it is very likely that the unique characteristics of the cloud computing model will drive far greater automation in the ongoing verification of such evaluation criteria.
It seems that every few weeks, LinkedIn and Google Groups are adding new cloud groups, and more than a few of these groups are focused on security. With all these cloud security groups, one of the best ways to stay informed is to join the major high-level cloud interest groups and follow general trends in the field. Periodic research via Web searching should identify other specific interest groups as they arise.
1. CSA-GRC-Stack-v1.0-README.pdf;
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Proposed Security Assessment & Authorization for U.S. Government Cloud Computing, Draft version 0.96, CIO Council, US Federal Government; 2010.
5. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
6. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009 [accessed 24.03.11].
7. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
8. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
9. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
10. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
11. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
12. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
13. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
14. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
15. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
16. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
17. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
18. Catteddu D, Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
19. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
20. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
21. Catteddu D, Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
22. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
23. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
24. Catteddu D, Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
25. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
26. Asendorpf D. “Ab in die Wolken”, Zeit Online, 2011; Cloud-Computing; 2011 [accessed 24.03.11].
27. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
28. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
29. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
30. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
31. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
32. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
33. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
34. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
35. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
36. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
37. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
38. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
39. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
40. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
41. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
42. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
43. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
44. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
45. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
46. Catteddu D, Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
47. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
48. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
49. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
50. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
51. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
52. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
53. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
54. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
55. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
56. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.
57. Controls Matrix (CM), Cloud Security Alliance V1.0; 2010.
58. Catteddu D., Hogben G. Cloud Computing Information Assurance Framework, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).; 2009.
59. NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations; 2009.