Chapter 32


The inner guidance number is the frequency we tune to when we go about solving our problems.

It is well known that our brain waves emit frequencies during our thinking process. In our waking moments they emit beta waves and in sleep they are delta. In that time between wake and sleep, in the meditational state, they are in the alpha frequency, which is the borderline between conscious and unconscious activity that precedes sleep.

When we work on our problems consciously, we are in the beta state. But when we relax and enter the calmness of meditation for problem solving we reach the alpha state, where we have access to our Higher Self for answers.

Our Inner Guidance Number pinpoints our personal use of these energies that help us decide how to handle problems.

To find your Inner Guidance Number you either double your total name number (Total Expression or Destiny) or add that total name number to the vowel and consonant numbers. Check both ways, for one may give a master number that would otherwise be missed, i.e.:


We double that number because our Higher Self vibrates at twice the rate of our personal expression. That is the law of our being. “The vibratory rate of the Holy Spirit is doubled, making it an octave higher.” Robert C. Lewis, The Sacred Word and Its Creative Overtones.

Inner Guidance Number (Beta State)



You solve your problems yourself. You know your own abilities and trust your own judgment.

(Negative 1: Every decision is entirely selfish. May be aggressively impulsive.)



You don't always trust your decisions because of your talent for seeing both sides of a question. You will often go to others for advice and then decide. But when you do decide, you make sure every detail is considered.

(Negative 2: You are too pessimistic to think clearly. It is too difficult to make your own decisions so you lean on others.)



You don't always take your problems seriously because you have an optimistic outlook. You come up with creative solutions and you enjoy discussing them. You are enthusiastic.

(Negative 3: Too self-centered. Scatters energies. Worries and frets. Has lack of direction. Talks more than thinks.)



Unlike the 3, you take your problems seriously, face them squarely, and work them out in an organized way. You handle them with honesty and expect honesty in return.

(Negative 4: Too serious, argumentative, and stubborn. Unwilling to bend because of set opinions. You think you are right at all costs.)



You are willing to try different solutions and are not afraid to take chances, and you often learn through experience. You will gather much information in order to make the right decision.

(Negative 5: Too restless to take time to apply self. Will procrastinate. Can be totally irresponsible and thoughtless until emotionally mature.)



You are very concerned; you want to take the responsibility and do it right. You consider the feelings of your family and others close to you. You will nurture and protect.

(Negative 6: Inclined to meddle in others' affairs. Can be smug and self-righteous. Controlling. In own problems can be obstinate and slow. Will worry and complain.)


Faith in Self—Wisdom

You analyze the facts and work out your own solutions. You wouldn't dream of asking for someone else's advice. Answers often come through meditation, books, and within yourself.

(Negative 7: Suspicious and unreasonable. May have hidden motives—even consider cheating to get results. Will find fault with everything and thereby find it difficult to make a rational decision.)



You have innate good judgment and can formulate your own plans. If unsure, you will pay for expert advice.

(Negative 8: Will strain for material things. Can be overly ambitious with motives for self-gratification. Will not consider others' feelings; on a power trip. Tension will cause overreaction. Desires money; needs to look prosperous.)



You won't do anything that will hurt anyone, so your decisions take other people's feelings into consideration.

(Negative 9: Wants to please everybody in order to look good. Easily depressed and held back by daydreaming rather than deciding and doing. Becomes too emotional to think straight.)



You are very intuitive and will often rely on hunches and inspiration.

(Negative 11: Can be very dishonest. Thinks only of self and what can be attained. Completely lacks understanding. Loses through carelessness, apathy, or timidity.)



You are a master of accomplishment. You can figure out solutions when no one else can. You check the fine print and catch details that others miss. You have much nervous energy until you solve your problems.

(Negative 22: Cunning and underhanded. Can plan detailed schemes for self-attainment. Not to be trusted.)

Reduce master numbers 33 and higher to 1–9.

The Meditation Inner Guidance (Alpha State)

In addition to using our Inner Guidance Number on a conscious (beta) level, we can also draw directly from the creative principle of the Tree of Life by using our personal-number ray. This is the same number vibration but holds a clearer answer because we are open to hear our inner counsel. Each ray is a state of consciousness, and we can use it for effective meditation.

The following attributes pertain to the Inner Guidance Number on the higher, or alpha level:


Kether the Crown—Will

Concentrate on one desire or problem at a time. Seek the Will of your Higher Self and you will be directed to the Crown; the great center from which all ideas originate. When you tune in to this first ray your awareness is raised, perception is keen, and all options are clear. (See below, 10. Malkuth—Kingdom.)



Meditate first on Wisdom. This is the area of pure intellect. Your Higher Self is in tune with this ray, and by meditation you become one with this active force. By keeping your goal in view you will see, with your inner eye, the result of any conscious action. This will enable you to make the wisest choices for the action you will take. Wisdom takes form in intellectually controlled activity.



Seek Understanding. In meditation your Higher Self connects you with insight into any problem. Leave behind any preconceived opinions and be open to truth and true purpose. You will become aligned with it. The right answer comes clothed in a feeling of peace, a sense of knowing. Understanding makes the way clear for you.


Chesed—Mercy and Gentleness

This is a ray of manifestation that wants to make your desires into reality. In meditation it is reached with deep humility and honesty and by desiring an answer that is fulfilling and due us by divine right. Having an attitude of kindness and gentleness lightens our load, lessens our stress, and gives us a brighter outlook. This attracts peaceful solutions, which are the balanced center of Mercy.



This fifth ray is not as harsh as it sounds. It is a protective force that helps us maintain our balance by setting up boundaries for direction. Remain detached from the problem. View it impersonally, coolly, and calmly. Ask for Divine Order and meditate on right process so that the actual steps you must take will be revealed. Then firmly follow through each step with the feeling of the fifth ray's strength behind you. It is disciplined action.



Approach meditation in a state of joy and it will connect you with the sixth ray of Beauty—the ray of the Christ-consciousness whose reflection is in the solar plexus within us all. This is the ray that holds every true answer. Love and beauty are the route to satisfying every need. Any problem can be solved in a loving way. This is a state of consciousness that radiates beauty of expression and right, loving action. When we call on Beauty, we are one with peace and reap peaceful solutions.



Approach meditation in the consciousness of having already accomplished the goal in spirit, and ask for the proper physical steps to fulfill it. Have a pencil and paper handy to list the steps received by your Higher Self, which is the seventh ray of Victory. Let the energy of the word Victory fill you with a feeling of accomplishment through Divine Order. When we focus on our goal in meditation, we are given the steps and the courage to follow through to victory.



To enter this eighth ray, we meditate on the glorious feeling that comes with self-respect and knowing that those with whom we associate also respect us. With this sense of self-worth we reach up to our Higher Self, which is in tune with this eighth ray of Glory, and present our desire or problem in the spirit of “feeling good about it,” and knowing we are worthy of fulfillment. Then we must see ourselves as having the talent to bring it about in all its perfection and glory. When we approach a problem with self-confidence, that energy field of self-worth is sensed and respected by others.



Foundation is the sphere of Yetzirah, world of formation—the fourth dimension where our desires take form before being clothed in matter. Whatever we meditate on and see clearly with our mind's eye is where our answers take form, in the silence. To reach your ninth ray, breathe slowly in and out until you find that center of strength and poise within you. Meditate on balancing those energies on a firm foundation of strength. As you consider your desire or problem, know that you have the foundation of intelligent reaction to opposition, and the self-control to handle any resistance.

Keep your eye on your goal and feel as though it were now a reality. Bathe that reality with your calm inner strength, and with a sense of peace and acceptance. See the details that unfold during your step-by-step process for fulfillment. Realize that the strength of that peaceful energy will be with you as you physically take the steps toward accomplishing your goal, and the stability of the firm foundation will remain with you.



It is said that Kether finds its completion in Malkuth. There is a direct tie between the two, starting as Will to manifest all ideas necessary to do so in Kether, and the completed result in the world of action, Malkuth: the manifested world as we know and see it.

To realize the answers to problems and to achieve desires, we must tune in to the energy field of supply, which is brought about more quickly by working through all 10 spheres of the Tree of Life (Sephiroth), where it finds its perfect manifestation in 10: Malkuth.

1—Exercising will.

6—Joyful expectation.

2—Wise choice.

7—Seeing victorious completion.

3—Insight and understanding.

8—Feeling worthy of it.


9—Balance energies; stand firm.


10—See it through to perfection.

(Reduce master numbers to 1 through 10.)

In my meditation I saw how this Inner Guidance takes form from its roots in our desires (vowels), our emotions/personality (consonants), and our total expression (vowels and consonants combined).

There are three interlocking circles of energy, Auric Circles (see Figure 6 on page 258), that constitute our aura, the emanation around every person which is formed by a semi-visible electric force which pours through the surface of the skin. Those who have the gift of clear seeing are able to tell at a glance a person's soul qualities and physical health by these emanations.

I was shown how the three wheels interconnected, and observed the Dove of Peace take form in the center. It raised itself high above the wheels, emitting its glorious white light as the multicolored wheels turned below, changing colors with our desires, emotions, and moods.

The three main points of our being: the Soul's Urge, or deepest desires; our personality; and our total expression of talents are the three intertwined circles that fill with light and color as they turn.



Circle 1:

This first circle represents the Soul's Urge—energy of desire. It is influenced by the vowels in your name. This circle takes on the colors of all your desires, likes, and dislikes from the material to the spiritual.

  1. Physical desires: Red spectrum.
  2. Mental desires for knowledge: Yellow spectrum.
  3. Prayer and healing: Green spectrum.
  4. Spiritual unfoldment: Light Blue and Violet.
  5. Desire to help others: Rosy Yellow with tinges of Violet.

Circle 2:

This is the mental energy expressed in emotion through the personality (the consonants of your name). These colors, too, run the gamut from the physical to the spiritual, from red to violet.

Negative emotions cast a shadow over the colors. Basic, uncontrolled passions are scarlet, while hatreds ooze a muddy brown with streaks of bloodred running throughout. Jealousy and greed are dark greens with reddish brown or reddish black flecks. Dark and somber grays, browns, and blacks show depression. Gray is fear.

Happy, sunny feelings emit rosy and clear yellow colors. A feeling of comfort and peace gives forth a lovely sky blue. Feelings of deep friendship and love are a rosy hue. Lavender shades show spirituality. Light green is sympathy and understanding, while the slightly darker but still clear green is healing.

Circle 3:

This is analogous to your total expression, or destiny (the total of the vowels and consonants combined). This takes on a little from desires and from emotions and blends the two.

Inner Circles:

In the center of the three wheels are the three loops that form the Dove of Peace. Picture it as being raised high above the outer wheels (Figure 6). This is the Higher Self, the source of guidance of our inner being.

The Dove of Peace remains high above the other three circles in its white-light God-energy, while the wheels are constantly turning and changing color with our desires, emotions, and moods—dark and somber when negative, and clear and beautiful when expressing the positive side of the same numbers. Altogether they constitute the aura of a person.

These colors have been photographed, and the true mystic is able to see them clearly. The rest of us sense them in our feeling world.

We all emit light according to our level of consciousness. The more spiritually aware, the more the face will shine and the more glorious the colors of the aura.

Some mysteries teach that a Christ seed is dropped into each person's heart where it is nurtured by mother-love and spiritual food. When sufficiently nourished, the seed becomes a dove that spirals upward and reaches the heavenly world where it continually supplies a life force to the physical self below. Through meditation this high consciousness can be reached and wisdom revealed.

And we must listen! Listening is the beginning of wisdom. How can we be sure it is really the voice of the Higher Self, the God within? We read sometimes of despicable acts committed by people who say that “God” told them to do it, for that was the voice they heard in their head.

The true test is to ask ourselves, “Is this a loving answer?” If the voice tells us to do something that will harm anyone, it is not God that we hear. Always, the true voice of God will uplift and heal every circumstance. Love is the keynote. Never are we told to harm another or ourselves in any way. Never are we told to destroy property or to condemn anyone. The perfect law of the circle always metes out exact and right consequence without our conscious help. It is our responsibility to respond with love.

The inner Dove of Peace is the highest center of our being, which is in constant contact with us if we turn within and listen. It is the spark of Divine Light of Christ-consciousness direct from the Kether the Crown where Ain Soph Aur abides, a light that is in every living thing. It is the Creative Principle: the first three Sephiroth of the Sephir Yetzirah and of the Tree of Life, and of the top triangle of the Pythagorean Tetractys. It is this that our Higher Self touches upon.

When the three wheels constituting the aura fill with spiritual light, spiritual teachers who are ready to guide the Initiate into higher perceptive awareness see it. From then on, the still small voice becomes very clear.

There is a special feeling that comes with enlightenment. There is a lightness in the solar plexus area, exactly where Tiphereth, the sixth Sephirah, is centered in man—the area where the Christ-consciousness waits to be awakened, the location of the third Chakra of 10 petals that is associated with feelings and emotions. When those 10 petals unfold and vibrate, they send waves of cooling energy from that center, which undulate outward through the pores. That energy is felt as though we had walked into an “electrical” area. Later on, the actual enlightenment is often confirmed in other ways.

For me, one confirmation of these three intertwining circles occurred when I found that exact picture in Manly Palmer Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages. There, it is defined as “The Triune Divinity of Will, Wisdom and Understanding.”

I feel that the Inner Guidance Number has not been revealed before because so many people had never sought it. It is and will be in this new millennium. More and more people are seeking enlightenment. They want to get beyond the age-old opinions and find the truth, which can only be found by the true seeker.

When I reflect back on my research, I realize how much I depended on my Inner Guidance. It was on tap for me just as it is for all of us. Most of us use it at one time or another and are not even aware of it. I know I was not aware that I was on a definite wavelength, one that I could put a number to, but I have called on it often in my life and learned that I could depend on it. In fact, this book is the result of my listening to that inner voice. It was amazing to me to learn that my approach is exactly as given in the number 7, both on the conscious beta level and in the alpha meditational usage, and that number 7 is my Inner Guidance Number. But the point that really matters is this: We all have the ability to tap that source. In fact, the full intent of the mysteries, for us all to know, is this one gem of truth: God dwells in man; within the soul of each and every one of us there is that abiding light which is a ray from the Divine Being, just as Yod appears in every letter of the Hebrew alphabet with its light of Wisdom from its Source. All of our God-like qualities—love, compassion, understanding—emanate from this light.

I am an earnest seeker of truth. Opinions and emotionalism mean nothing to me, only truth. I have studied all religions and have found good in each one and I embrace their truths, but I found something in the study of numbers that I could not find anywhere else: insight, answers, tolerance and appreciation for others—for what they are, what they believe, and why they are here.

When you know the meaning of numbers you have the key to understanding.

The light of understanding is within. The magic word is:
