chapter 6


sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself.

{Zen saying}

In our fast-paced society, we tend to value motion, energy, and productivity. Often this attitude leads to mental and physical overload and we find ourselves feeling rundown, tense, and stressed out. Eastern philosophers hold that tension and stiffness can eventually lead to disease. For optimum health, we need to release our tension and restore balance in our bodies and minds. We can accomplish this by focusing and relaxing our minds, monitoring our breathing, and stretching our bodies.

Stretching provides a release of muscular tension. Relaxing the mind through use of imagery and visualization helps to release mental tension. Breathing exercises complement relaxation exercises by connecting the mind and body and helping you to be aware of the present. All of these practices—stretching, relaxation, and breathing—strengthen your mental fitness and encourage physical flexibility.

In the East, a relaxed and supple body is believed to reflect ideal health. Physical tension denotes an imbalance or blockage in the flow of life-force energy. Through regular practice of your exercises, your awareness of muscular tension increases. Regular stretching and movement enables you to begin releasing excess muscular tension to restore healthy muscle tone. Circulation of blood (as well as life-force energy) improves, bringing nutrients to formerly undernourished areas of the body. Movement and health are restored to previously underused areas of your body. You dramatically increase your use of your body to maintain optimum vigor and health.



Traditionally, Pilates exercises did not focus on stretches. Our modern lifestyle, however, contributes to muscular tension and stiffness for many people. Stretching can release this tension, enhance feelings of well-being, and prevent cramping and muscle exhaustion during long workouts. The stretches that follow do all this, in addition to effectively counterbalancing your Pilates exercises.

Stretching is a “feel good” activity and should never be performed if it causes you any pain. Hold each stretch to a point of moderate tension, and make sure the tension is felt in your muscles, not in your joints. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Hold the stretch position during inhalation and increase the stretch and release tension with each exhalation.

The Power of Combining Stretches with Visualization

Exercises that involve focusing on mental imagery to enhance relaxation are becoming increasingly widespread. Many hospitals now use guided imagery exercises with patients before and after surgical procedures to reduce stress and promote healing. Some cancer patients also use imagery to make chemotherapy less unpleasant. The “Spirit—One with Nature” cues in this chapter provide visualizations that you can use to help release your muscular tension and feelings of stress.


Diaphragmatic belly breathing stimulates the relaxation response and helps bring your body back into balance after experiencing and responding to stress. Each time you perform any of your stretching exercises, make an effort to breathe deeply. In this manner, you can maximize their relaxation effect and condition your respiratory muscles.

The belly breathing exercise technique below can be used during your stretches. This technique differs from the expansive rib cage style of breathing that characterizes your Pilates exercises.

1 Sit or lie comfortably. Place your hands on your belly to increase your awareness of its movement.

2 Inhale fully, keeping your shoulders soft and relaxed, as you feel the expansion in your belly.

3 Exhale fully, as you notice your belly moving inward.

4 Breathe deeply for 1 minute.

5 Notice your mental state. Do you feel more relaxed?

This belly breathing exercise can help you develop a more relaxed, diaphragmatic breathing pattern. Do not be surprised if at first you are so accustomed to holding in your abdominals that you find it difficult to relax and allow your belly to expand. With focused practice you can relearn to breathe naturally.

During each stretch, as you focus on releasing tightness and tension from your muscles, concentrate on allowing stress to drain away from your mind. Use your exercise time as an opportunity to harmonize your movements with your internal sense of well-being. Awaken your senses to the beauty of the natural world and align your perspective to feel your place in nature. When you do so, each exercise session will leave you feeling refreshed, replenished, and relaxed.


Progressive relaxation is an effective technique to increase your awareness of tightness in your body. Before you can consciously release tension from your muscles, you need to know what muscle tension in your body feels like. You can practice progressive relaxation at your desk during a break or in bed before you fall asleep at night.

1 Sit or lie comfortably.

2 Tighten all the muscles in your head: squint your eyes, clench your teeth, and tighten your scalp.

3 Inhale fully through your nose. Exhale through your nose, relaxing all the muscles in your head. Soften the muscles around your hairline, allow your eyes to sink deeply into your head, soften your throat, and relax your jaw. Open your mouth and throat wide as if you are yawning and really stretch your face.

4 Allow all the muscles in your head to remain relaxed.

5 Contract and release each of the major muscle groups in your body one by one, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Relax your entire body.

6 Inhale fully through your nose and simultaneously tighten every muscle in your body: clench your fists, squeeze your heels together, tighten your buttocks, grit your teeth, and make every other muscle tight, tight, tight.

7 Exhale powerfully, releasing all the tension in your body. Gently rock your body. Take a big yawn and do a leisurely full-body stretch like a cat waking up from a long nap in the morning sun.

8 Enjoy this feeling of complete relaxation.

9 Repeat as needed.

Benefits of Deep Breathing

Breath is the link between your body and mind—an unconscious process that can be made conscious. In many ancient cultures, breath is laden with spiritual implications since breathing is our first act when we are born and our last when we pass away. Breath, therefore, is a powerful affirmation of life.

Deep-breathing exercises can give both physical and emotional benefits. Research shows that deep, diaphragmatic breathing practices can reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of anxiety. In addition, the action of the lungs, diaphragm, and thorax pumps lymphatic fluids throughout the body, supporting the immune system.

If you don’t have time for a full or even abbreviated Pilates workout session, simply take a few moments during your day to observe your breathing. Pay particular attention to how the breath moves your body, noticing subtleties, such as whether your chest or belly rises with inhalation, and how your body responds to exhalation. This singular focus brings you into the present moment and into the immediate experience of your body. Simply observing your breath often results in slower, deeper diaphragmatic breaths that further relax your body.

Deep within each of us lies a well of peaceful calm. By doing visualization exercises, breathing from your belly, and stretching your muscles, you can use your exercise time to connect with this inner serenity. Celebrate the joy of movement, the striking beauty of life itself, and your inner self. You will feel relaxed, refreshed, and energetic.


Stress is an inevitable part of modern life, and it manifests in several different ways. Physical and mental signs include:

• increased blood pressure

• increased heart rate

• increased blood flow to the extremities

• reduced blood flow to digestive organs

• increased blood cortisol levels

• increased perspiration

• muscle tension

• anxiety

• mental tension

• hyperalertness

These symptoms appear when we experience more stress than our bodies can handle and we do not discharge the resulting tension. The body is not designed to live in chronic stress. Long-term stress can affect our physical and mental health, making us more susceptible to illness, depression, and anxiety disorders. Therefore, we need to release our tensions before they start to build up. Unfortunately, since many stress-causing situations do not require physical responses (like running away from a predator) we do not have a natural way to “burn off” the stress response. Consequently, we need to implement alternative measures such as breathing and relaxation exercises to return the body and mind to a calm, balanced state.

Benefits of Stretching

The idea that stretching is healthy and beneficial may seem obvious, but in our busy lives it can be easy to neglect this aspect of our exercise routines. To help you remember to stretch before and after working out, and even when you’re just feeling tense, below are the benefits of stretching the body.


• increases your ability to move fully and freely

• improves your balance

• encourages balanced muscle development, which increases joint stability

• reduces your risk of injury and muscle soreness

• improves your posture

• prevents lower back pain

• alleviates muscle cramps

• improves joint health by lubricating joints when taken through a full range of motion

• improves athletic performance

• enhances strength-training results by preventing feelings of tightness or stiffness

• releases muscle tension and helps you relax


This exercise increases your awareness of diaphragmatic breathing, helps you to increase the length and depth of your exhalation, and helps you avoid shallow “overbreathing.”

You will need a drinking straw for this exercise.

1 Inhale through your nose.

2 Make a long slow exhalation through the straw.

3 Count your breath cycles for one minute. (One inhalation and one exhalation equal one breath cycle.)

Notice how you feel during the experience. Explore any emotional reactions, such as fear of not drawing in enough air or impatience over exhaling slowly. Practicing this exercise will help you gradually become more comfortable and patient with slower breathing. It will also improve your ability to take longer, slower exhalations. An ideal rate of relaxed breathing is six breath cycles per minute.

Rules for Static Stretches

• Move slowly to the edge of your range of motion.

• Concentrate on the muscle being stretched.

• Exhale, relax, and allow your muscle to release gradually; inhale and check your alignment.

• Start with a fifteen-second stretch, work up to twenty or thirty seconds.

• Always move deliberately, with control.

• Always feel the stretch in the central area of the muscle.

• If you feel any pain or tightness in your joint, ease up on the stretch. Pain in your joints means you are stretching too hard.

• Stretch during and after every training session.

• Do NOT bounce.

• Do NOT move quickly.

• NEVER apply force.

• Do NOT lock your joints.

• Do NOT go beyond a joint’s natural range of motion or hyperextend your joints.

• Do NOT stretch an injured joint.

• Do NOT stretch a torn muscle.

Knee Sways Stretch

1 Lie on your back in Base Position (page 33) with knees bent ninety degrees, feet flat on the ground, and arms slightly away from sides in an A shape with palms up.

2 Pull your knees and feet together.

3 Inhale. Exhale as you allow both legs to fall to the left side and your right hip to lift off the ground, keeping your shoulder blades on the ground and your knees bent. Feel the stretch along the side of your torso and in your lower back.

4 Inhale as you pull your legs and hips back to the center position.

5 Repeat, dropping your legs to the right side.

6 Alternating sides, repeat 5 to 10 times.


• After completing at least 3 repetitions on each side, you may hold your knees to one side for a static stretch for one or two breath cycles. (One inhalation and one exhalation equal one breath cycle.) Repeat on the other side.




~ one with nature

Imagine that the earth beneath you is an absorbent sponge. As you release your breath, allow any stressful feelings stored in your back to drain into the sponge. As you inhale, feel the lightness that fills your body after you have let go of stress and tension. Continue releasing tension with each exhalation.


• Improves spinal mobility

• Releases tension from the middle and lower back

• Stretches the lower back, waist, and hips

Knee Hug Stretch

1 Lie on your back in Base Position (page 33) with knees bent ninety degrees, feet flat on the ground, and arms at your sides with palms down.

2 Place your arms around the backs of your thighs. Pull both knees toward your chest. Avoid putting any pressure on your knees. Inhale as you hold the position.

3 Exhale as you gently pull your knees closer toward your chest. Feel the stretch in your buttocks and lower back. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.


• For an inner-thigh stretch, pull your knees toward your shoulders. Feel the stretch in your inner thighs, buttocks, and lower back. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.

• For a lower-back massage, gently circle legs together, feeling the movement in your lower back and hips and at the base of your spine.

• For a seated variation, sit comfortably in your chair with both feet flat on the ground. Place your arms around the back of one thigh. As you exhale, draw your knee toward your chest, keeping your other foot on the ground. Continue breathing, focusing on the exhalation as you feel the stretch in your buttocks and lower back. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.




~ one with nature

Feel the nurturing comfort of the earth beneath you. As you exhale, allow any tension in your back or buttocks to melt away like a snowflake in warm water. With each inhalation, draw in new energy.


You should not feel any pain. Relax, breathe, and ease gently into this stretch.


• Stretches lower back, buttocks, and inner thighs

• Releases tension from lower back and hips

Neck Stretch

1 Lie on your back in Base Position (page 33) with your knees bent ninety degrees, feet flat on the ground, and arms at your sides with palms down. Reach overhead, placing your palms on the back of your head, with elbows up.

2 Inhale. Exhale as you lift your chin toward your chest, supporting your head with your hands. Look down the front of your torso, keeping your shoulders relaxed. Relax the weight of your head into hands. Feel the stretch behind the central part of your neck. Do not compress chin into chest.

3 Hold for 3 breath cycles. (One inhalation and one exhalation equal one breath cycle.)

4 Inhale. Exhale as you lower head to ground.


• For a seated variation, sit comfortably in your chair and place your hands on the back of your head. Allow your chin to drop toward your chest, keeping your shoulders relaxed. Do not pull on your head or compress chin into chest. Feel a gentle stretch behind the central part of your neck. Lift your head back to normal position. Return your arms to your sides.




~ one with nature

As you exhale, shed any worries that are stored in your neck and shoulders. Allow stresses to drain down into the absorbent earth below you as you relax your breath, body, and mind. Imagine your heart and mind opening up like the petals of a flower. Enjoy the fresh feeling of lightness as you let go of your tensions.


Stretch your neck gently and without pain. Release from the stretch slowly.


• Improves neck mobility

• Encourages lengthening of neck

• Releases tension from neck and shoulders

Full-Length Torso Stretch

1 Lie on your back in Base Position (page 33) with knees bent ninety degrees, feet flat on the ground, and arms at your sides with palms down.

2 Extend and straighten your legs. Extend your arms overhead past your ears.

3 Inhale. Exhale as you reach the arm and leg on one side of your body toward opposite directions and lengthen your waist by drawing your rib cage away from your pelvis. Continue to breathe normally as you hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.

4 Repeat on other side.

5 From your center, lengthen both arms and both legs together, stretching in opposite directions. If comfortable, arch your rib cage up to increase your torso stretch.


• For a seated variation, sit comfortably in your chair with your shoulders relaxed, feet placed on the ground hip-width apart, and arms at your sides with palms in. Hold the side of the chair with one hand. Exhale as you lift your other arm palm up in a long arc out to the side and over your head. Feel the stretch in the side of your torso. Continue to breathe normally as you hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Bring your arm down in an arc out to the side. Repeat on other side.




~ one with nature

Imagine a glowing ball of light at your body’s center. As you stretch, let light stream throughout your body as you extend your fingertips and toes to opposite horizons, illuminating and refreshing you.


• Stretches the entire torso, particularly the waist

• Releases tension throughout the body

Shell Stretch

1 Kneel on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips, in a “table” position.

2 Exhale and lift your abdominal muscles as you tuck in your bone and lower your hips toward your heels as far as is comfortable for your knees. With palms on the ground, lengthen your arms. Continue to breathe, focusing on expanding your rib cage with each inhalation and rounding your lower back with each exhalation. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.

3 To finish, lift hips back up to start position.




~ one with nature

Imagine that your back is a sun-bathing tortoise’s shell. Inhale up and into your shell, feeling safe and comfortable. As you exhale, feel the warmth of the sun on your back melting any tensions and allow them to drain into the ground. Enjoy the nurturing, stable support of the earth beneath you. Continue to relax your mind and body, releasing unneeded thoughts, worries, and stresses.


If you have any knee pain or discomfort, do not lower your hips completely to your heels. If this modification does not help, substitute the Knee Hug Stretch (page 96).


• Stretches the back, shoulders, and rib cage

• Releases tension throughout the body

Cat Stretch

1 Kneel on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips, in a “table” position. Maintain neutral spinal alignment and lengthen through neck and torso.

2 Exhale as you round your spine by tucking in the tailbone. Spread shoulder blades wide and allow neck to relax by dropping head.

3 Inhale as you return to start position.

4 Repeat 5 to 10 times. Flow through motion without stopping, feeling fluidity and suppleness in your spine.




~ one with nature

All natural life is filled with rhythm and motion. Imagine that you are as supple and graceful as a purring cat. Use your suppleness to flow naturally and rhythmically with the pulse of life, through your spine and with your breath.


If your knees are not comfortable in a table position, substitute the Knee Hug Stretch (page 96).


• Improves spinal mobility

• Stretches the back

• Increases body awareness

• Enhances the mind-body connection

Deep Buttocks Stretch

1 Lie on your back in Base Position (page 33) with your knees bent ninety degrees, feet flat on the ground, and arms at your sides with palms down.

2 Pull your right knee toward your chest, place your right ankle on top of your left thigh, and place both hands around the back of your left thigh. Inhale.

3 Exhale as you pull your left thigh toward your chest. Continue breathing, lengthening the stretch with each exhalation. Hold stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.

4 Inhale. Exhale as you unwrap legs and return to start position.

5 Repeat with other leg.




~ one with nature

With each exhalation, imagine letting your tensions soak deep into the ground beneath you. Imagine this stream flowing far into the absorbent earth, carrying away your cares and burdens. Surrender to gravity.


• Stretches the deep buttocks muscles

• Releases tension from the lower back and hips

• Improves hip flexibility

• Helps prevent sciatica

Circle Shoulder, Chest, and Back Stretch

1 Lie on your back in Base Position (page 33) with knees bent ninety degrees, feet flat on the ground, and arms at your sides with palms down.

2 Slide left heel down.

3 Rotate your waist to the left and drop your right knee across your body as you place the left hand on the outside of the right leg. Extend your right arm in the opposite direction.

4 Turn your head to look at your right hand. Rotate your right palm upward. Drag your knuckles or fingers in a semicircle on the ground as if making a “snow angel.” Repeat 3 to 5 times.

5 To finish, position your arm directly out to the side. Roll onto your back, hugging the knees toward your chest and stretching your lower back and buttocks. Return to the start position, placing your feet flat on the ground with bent knees.

6 Repeat on the other side.


• To further open up and stretch your back, instead of rolling onto your back after making the snow-angel motion remain in the twist with arms extended wide in a T position. Sweep your right arm across the sky in an arc and touch your left palm. Tuck your chin toward your chest, stretching the back of your neck. Direct your breath into your upper back. Feel the stretch in the middle of your upper back between your shoulder blades. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Roll onto your back and continue the exercise. Repeat variation on the other side.



~ one with nature

Imagine you are creating a circle of protective light with each sweep of your arm. Inhale as you draw in healing, restorative energy to bathe every cell in your body. Exhale as you release unneeded tension. As you open your chest and shoulders, open your heart to receive all the goodness and richness in your life.


Stop if you feel any shoulder pain or discomfort.


• Stretches the chest, shoulder, torso, and hip muscles

• Releases tension from the chest, shoulders, middle and lower back, and hips

• Improves spinal mobility
