
Acidalia Planitia, 186

Ackerman, Diane, 285

Adams, Ansel, 54n, 130

Aeschliman, Ralph, 53, 54, 57

Agnew, Spiro, 60, 246

Air Force Chart and Information Center (ACIC), 49

Airy (crater), 21, 22

Airy Sea, 14

Airy, Sir George, 10–12, 27, 28, 112, 125

Alba Patera, 99, 101, 104, 196

Albert, Prince, 58n, 83

AlborTholus, 104

Aldiss, Brian, 135, 213n, 291n

All Terrain Vehicles (ATV), 275

Amazonian period, 117–18, 138, 140

Amazonis Planitia, 97–98, 119

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 81

American Astronomical Association Division of Planetary Sciences, 197

American Geophysical Union, 29, 247

American West, 79–81

See also frontier, rhetoric of

USGS, as link between Mars and the West Ames Research Center. See NASA

Anders, Bill, 31

Antarctica as analogue to Mars, 247

Anthropologist on Mars, An (Sacks), 19

Antoniadi, Eugène Michael, 21, 96, 178

Arabia Terra, 15, 98, 102–3

Arcadia Planitia, 96, 119–20

Ares Vallis, 3, 102

Argyre Planitia, 16, 47, 103, 118, 126, 193–94, 209

Arizona State University (ASU), 92

Armstrong, Neil, 60, 92, 228

Arsia Mons, 98

Arvidson, Ray, 100

Ascraeus Mons, 98–99, 101

Astrogeology Study Group (USGS), 88

Atacama Desert (Chile), 247

Athabasca Vallis, 287

Atomic Energy Commission, 88

Auden, W.H., 48, 151

Babbage, Charles, 84

Baker, David, 261

Baker, Victor, 188–89, 191–92, 193, 196, 197, 205, 209, 215, 222, 266

Ballard, J.G., 320

Barringer, Daniel, 87

Batson, Ray, 51, 54–55, 57, 58

Baxter, Stephen, 289

Beagle 2, 287

Bear, Gregory, 36

Beer, Wilhelm, 13, 21

Beer Sea, 14, 21

Benford, Greg, 36, 174

Benjamin, Walter, 128

Bergmann, Karl George, 108n

Birth of Fire (Pournelle), 178

Bisson, Terry, 289

Blue Mars (Robinson), 36, 177, 177n

Bogdanov, Alexander, 3

Bonestell, Chesley, 54n, 130, 132, 133, 324n

Boston, Penny, 243–45, 250–52, 254, 256, 258, 325

Bova, Ben, 289

Bowie, David, 273

Brackett, Leigh, 17

Bradbury, Ray, 3, 37, 42, 93, 107, 156, 320

Brandenberg, John, 188

Bretz, J Harlan, 189–90

Brezhnev, Leonid, 58

Bridges, Patricia, 49–51, 53–57, 89, 90, 179, 238

British Antarctic Survey, 285

Britt, Dan, 234

Brown, Andrew, 153

Brown, Harold, 58–59

Bureau of Mines, 324

Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 3, 17, 93, 178–79, 180

Bush, George, 246, 260

Bush, Vannevar, 264

Cabrol, Nathalie, 207–9, 230–31, 323

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

intellectual belligerence fostered by, 42–44

Cameron, James, 278

Candor Chasma, 101

Carl Sagan Memorial Station, 234

Carpenter, James, 83

Carr, Mike, 112, 117, 142, 143, 153, 154, 162–72, 196, 197, 202, 203, 204, 210, 211, 212, 226

Carson, Rachel, 300

“Case Against Mars, The” (Easterbrook), 260

Case for Mars, The (Zubrin/Wagner), 267

Case for Mars conferences, 246, 260, 263

Celestis Foundation, 324

Chandelier. See Noctis Labyrinthus

channeled scablands, 189–92

Chao, Edward, 162

Chapman, Mary, 231, 290

Chasma Boreale, 97

Chryse Planitia, 2, 16, 98, 120, 164, 169, 184

Church, Frederic, 132, 134

Clancey, Bill, 274–75, 279, 279n

Claritas Fossae, 101

Clark, Benton, 243, 245, 261

Clarke, Arthur C., 3, 42, 219, 295, 296, 303, 319

Clements, Edward Henry, 178

Clifford, Steve, 200–205, 213

climatologists, 62

Clinton, Bill, 253–54

Clute, John, 95, 321, 322

Cockell, Charles, 285, 292, 298, 323

Cole, Thomas, 132, 133, 134, 324n

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 198

Collier’s magazine, 132

Columbia River, 237, 251–52, 251n

Conrad, Joseph, 7, 10

Coon Butte (Arizona), 74–76

See also Meteor Crater

Copernicus (lunar crater), 89–90

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 17

Coprates Chasma, 102

Corona project, 23, 55

Cross, Charles, 50

Cuttsjim, 42, 104–5

Cydonia Mensae, 109, 186

Daedalia Planum, 96, 101

Dandelion (volcano). See Tyrrhena Patera

Danielsen, Ed, 22n

Darling, Louise, 23

Darwin, Charles, 84

David, Leonard, 245, 254n

Davies, Merton, 22–29, 32, 39, 50, 52, 105

Davis, Don, 130

Davis, Susan, 53, 55

Davis, William Morris, 79, 189–90

Dawes’ Forked Bay, 16

Dawes, Reverend William Rutter, 14, 21

Deccan Traps (India), 91n

Deuteronilus Mensae, 186, 196

Devon Island (Canada), 273

diatremes, 85

Dick, Philip K, 156, 320

Dickens, Charles, 9

Dickson, Gordon, 319

“Difficulties Involved in Photographing Nix Olympica, The” (Aldiss), 135

Discovery program, 65

Dish, The (film), 38n

Dune (Herbert), 178, 178n

Dutton, Clarence, 79, 80, 147, 150

Dzigai Vallis, 96

Earth, 91n, 106–8, 236n

mapping, 89

Mars compared and contrasted with, 3, 42–45, 92, 106–10, 118, 146–48, 157, 170, 211–12, 214, 215–17, 245, 255–56

possibly colonized by Martians, 313

seen as a planet, 55–56

Earth Is Near, The (Pesek), 319

Easterbrook, Gregg, 260

Eccentric Spaces (Harbison), 112

EchusChasma, 57, 102

Edgett, Kenneth, 142, 143, 150, 203, 205n, 230, 231

Electronic Frontier Foundation, 264

Elephant’s Ass, 102

Elysium, 15, 16, 98, 112, 119, 120, 140, 145, 287

Elysium Mons, 104

Emmart, Carter, 244

Encyclopedia of Fantasy, The (Clute/Grant), 95

ERV (Earth Return Vehicle), 262–63, 290, 290n

Europa, 214

exobiology, 105

Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA), 276, 281

Eyck, Jan van, 129–30

“Face on Mars,” 103, 109, 142, 186, 188, 245

Far Call, The (Dickson), 319

Fastigium Aryn, 16

Feynman, Richard, 317

First Landing (Zubrin), 289

First Light (Rawlings), 134–35, 290

Flagstaff (Arizona), 91, 92, 93–94

Flammarion, Camille, 14–15

Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, 273–74, 275–77, 314

Fogg, Martyn, 315, 317

Foundation (journal), 175

Fountains of Paradise, The (Clarke), 296

Frey, Herb, 143

Friedman, Lou, 30

Friedmann, Imré, 247, 257

Friedrich, Caspar David, 134–35

Frontera (Shiner), 289

frontier, rhetoric of, 92–93, 237, 294

Full Moon (Light), 237n

Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth (Lovelock), 303

Gaia theory, 247, 302–3

Galle Crater, 103

Ganges Chasma, 231

Ganymede, 214

Garvin, Jim, 198

“Genesis” (Turner), 110–11

geochemists, 62

Geological Society of America, 149

Geological Society of Washington, 83

geophysics, relation to geology, 62

Gibbons, Dave, 134–37

Gibson, Everett, 252

Gibson, William, 264

Gilbert, Grove Karl, 71, 79–84, 85, 86, 87–94, 115, 118, 120, 125, 150, 185

GIS (geographical information system), 240

global warming, 316–17

Goddard Space Flight Center. See NASA

Goetzmann, William, 79

Gold, Thomas, 115n, 144, 250, 254

Goldin, Dan, 65, 253

Golding, William, 302

Goldstone dish, 38, 241

Golombek, Matt, 228–29, 233–34, 281, 290n

Gore, Al, 254

Grand Canyon, 80, 90, 146–48

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, The (Moran), 131

Grand Tour, The (Hartmann/Miller), 131, 133, 173, 176, 176n

Grandin, Temple, 19

Grant, John, 95

Greeley, Ron, 93, 112

Green Mars (Robinson), 36, 173, 176, 177, 117n, 181–82, 213n

Green, Nathaniel, 16

Greenwich meridian, 10–12

Greenwich Park, 9, 10–11, 318, 326

Grin, Edmond, 207, 230

Guest, John, 112

Gulick, Virginia, 193, 209

Gusev Crater, 207, 287

Haberle, Robert, 208–9, 286

Hall, Barbara, 53, 55

Harbison, Robert, 112

Hartmann, Bill, 128–40, 150, 289, 297n

Haughton Crater, 273–77

Haughton-Mars Project (HMP), 274–79, 298

Haynes, Robert, 275, 314

Head, Jim, 199–200

Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 7

Hebe Chasma, 289

Hecates Tholus, 104

Heinlein, Robert, 3, 19, 156, 178, 292, 302n

Heiser, James, 267

Hellas Planitia, 2, 15, 42, 47, 69, 103–4, 118, 196, 209

Hematite site (Terra Meridiani), 205, 230, 232, 287

Herbert, Frank, 178

Herodotus, 15

Hesperia Planum, 103, 112, 117

Hesperian period, 117, 138, 207

Hockney, David, 147, 149, 239

Hoffman, Nicholas, 213

Holmes, William, 147–49

Horowitz, Norman, 320

Hourglass Sea, 13, 14, 15, 103

See also Syrtis Major Planum

Hudson River School, 132, 133

Hughes, Robert, 132

Hynes, Nancy, 322

Icarus journal, 250

Imbrium basin, 119

“In Praise of Limestone” (Auden), 151

In Suspect Terrain (McPhee), 22

Inca City, 104–5

India, 91n, 125

Inge, Jay, 51, 53–57, 179, 238

International Astronautical Federation, 268, 268n

International Astronomical Union (IAU), 21, 28, 95, 321

International Space Station, 93

Internet, 237–38, 241–42, 278–79

Isidis Planitia, 98, 103, 118, 126

lus Chasma, 101

Ivanov, Mikhail, 243–47, 250–51

Jangle U, 86, 87, 298

Japan launches Mars mission, 288

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), 24, 30–36, 37, 61, 67–68

Johnson Space Center. See NASA

“Julian and Maddalo” (Shelley), 173

Jupiter, 61, 131, 214

Kaiser, Frederik, 15

Kaiser Sea, 15

Kant, Immanuel, 166

Kargel, Jeff, 192–93, 196, 209, 213

Kasei Vallis, 96

Kasting, James, 255, 256

Kay, Marshall, 166

Kennedy, John F., 88, 90, 264

Key, The (Rawlings), 134

King, Clarence, 79, 237

Kirschvink, Joe, 254–56

Kissinger, Henry, 58–59

Kitt Peak Observatory, 92

“Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 198

Kuiper, Gerard, 91, 129

Landis, Geoffrey, 213, 249n, 289

Landscape and Memory (Schama), 324n

Lederberg, Joshua, 105

Lee, Pamela, 289

Lee, Pascal, 274

Leighton, Robert, 24, 39, 42, 212

Lemke, Larry, 251

lemmings, 323

Levin, Gil, 248

Life magazine, 132

“Life on Mars” (Bowie), 273

Light, Michael, 237n

Limerick, Patricia Nelson, 264, 269

Lonar (India), 91n

Lorenz, Ralph, 315n

Lovelock, Jim, 247, 302, 303, 306, 307

Lowell, Percival, 15, 16–17, 17–21, 73, 79, 92, 93, 96, 102, 108, 108n, 109, 112, 156, 157, 160, 177–78, 292n, 320

Lowell Observatory, 49, 51, 73–74

Lucchitta, Baerbel, 145–46, 188n, 204, 216, 230, 290

Lucchitta, Ivo, 145, 150

Lunae Planum, 102, 112, 150

Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, 93

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

(1979), 304

(1990), 196

(1999), 200

(2000), 66–67, 68, 68–70

Ma’adim Vallis, 96, 207

McAuley, Paul, 271n

McCauley, Jack, 169

McEwen, Alfred, 57, 93, 140, 144, 150, 203

McKay, Chris, 243–45, 247–48, 250–52, 253, 254–56, 281, 306, 311–12, 313–14, 316, 325

McKay, David, 252

McPhee, John, 22

Ma’dler, Johann von, 13–14, 21

Malham Cove, 153–55, 167

Malin, Mike, 141–43, 163, 206, 209–12, 230

Malinovsky, Alexander, 178

Man Plus (Pohl), 173–74, 178

“Man Who Lost the Sea, The” (Sturgeon), 319

Mangala Vallis, 96, 175

maps and mapmaking, 13–14

airbrush, use of, 53–59

albedo, 51

digital, 238–40

history of, 54–55

photomosaics, 52–53, 57

quadrangles, 98

See also Mars (maps)

Mare Cimmerium, 15

Mare Erythraeum, 101n

Mare Orientale, 131

Mare Sirenum, 15, 16

Margaritifer Sinus, 15, 16

Margaritifer Terra, 102

Mariner program, 23, 24–25, 64–65, 156, 163, 184, 216

Mariner 9, 37–48, 55, 56n, 69, 95, 96, 100, 102, 112, 146, 157, 164, 178, 198, 316


age of, 109, 117–18, 138–40

American West, comparisons of with. See American West

art on, 297, 297n

axis of rotation, 106

basins, 119–20

calendar, 268

canals, 16–17, 102, 121, 177–78, 320

colors on, 32, 56, 99–100

crustal thickness, 126–27

as dying planet, 108–9, 319–22

Earth, compared and contrasted with. See Earth

geological ages, 117

gravity of, 126–27, 266

Marsquakes, 287n

MGS studies, 65–68

landing sites, 221–232, 289–90

layering, 141–50

life on, 17–22, 39–40, 108–9, 135–36

literature set on, 17, 36, 93, 135–36, 173–83, 236n

magnetic field, 124–25

mascons (mass concentrations), 126

megaregolith, 167

moon, compared and contrasted with. See moon

obliquity, 15, 106–7, 208

paintings of, 128–40

plate tectonics, evidence for and against, 121–23, 145, 216

polar layered terrains, 141–50

prime meridian, 13

size, 13–14

sky, 99

Viking studies, 99–100, 164–65

valleys, 164–65

world, as part of our. See world

Mars (atmosphere)

carbon dioxide, effects of, 211–15

dust storms, 316

Gaia hypothesis and, 301–34

greenhouse effect, 158–60, 304

ozone, lack of, 248

terraforming, 303–18

water. See Mars (water)

Mars (climate)

computer models, 208–9

greenhouse effect, 158–60

long-winter model, 304–5

methane, effect of, 255

terraforming, 303–18

Mars (craters)

dating, 117–18, 138–40

earth craters, comparing, 76–77

Schiaparelli crater, 102–3

Mars (maps), 1–2

airbrush, use of, 53–59

albedo, 51

Beer and Mädler, 13–14

digital, 238–40

Flammarion, 14–15

Mars Digital Image Mosaic 1:2 million series, 57–59

Marsmap, 238–40, 246

MOLA, 64–66, 68–70, 123–24

1:15,000,000 USGS maps, 3–4, 179, 287

1:5,000,000 maps, 57

photomosaics, 52–53

Proctor, 14

quadrangles, 98

shaded relief, 50–51

Scott and Carr’s synoptic map of 1978, 113

See also United States Geological Survey

Mars (meteorites from), 138–39, 249, 312

ALH 84001, 210, 224, 252–54, 255, 256–57, 311–13

Mars (moons), 106–8

Deimos, 107

Phobos, 107–8, 134n, 296, 315n

Mars (nomenclature), 14–16, 21

exceptions, 97n, 101n

IAU, 95–111, 234

IMP, 233–36

Mars (ocean), 199–206

Borealis, 119–20, 193–97

release of during terraforming, 296–99

shorelines, suggestion of, 184–97, 206

Mars (polar caps), 105–6

carbon dioxide in, 42, 156–57

deliberate melting of, 304–6

northern, 105

southern, 105

Mars (settlement of)

mineral exploitation during, 305–306, 305n

railways as part of, 294–95

space elevator, 295–96

transformation caused by, 110–11

Mars (subsurface)

anaerobes, 255

bacteria, 210, 224, 252–54, 255, 256–57, 309–10, 311–13

Mars (surface)

age, 109

erosion, 110, 170, 288

layering, 254

Mars (terraforming), 296–99

carbon dioxide, effects of increasing levels, 304–5

CFCs, effects of increasing levels, 300, 306

literary interpretations, 178

nuclear weapons, for the release of oceans, 298–99

Mars (water), 108, 162–72

aquifer system, possibility of, 167–72, 250

carbon dioxide as an alternative to, 156–57, 211–15

clathrates, 211–15

crater palaeolakes, 207–8

fretted channels, 163, 164, 164n

greenhouse effect, relation to presence of, 158–60, 306

gullies, water as explanation for, 209–11, 212

ice caps, presence of water in, 208–9

outflow channels, 163–64, 164n, 168, 207–8, 212

run-off channels, 163, 164n, 164–65

scarcity, 156

symbolic importance of, 155–56, 217

valleys as evidence of, 164–65, 199–206

See also Mars (ocean)

“Mars” (Ackerman), 285

Mars (Bova), 289

Mars (Lowell), 17–18, 79

Mars and Its Canals (Lowell), 292n

“Mars and the Mind of Man” symposium, 37, 107

Mars Climate Orbiter, 27n, 31–32, 37, 67, 221, 223, 224

Mars Crossing (Landis), 249n, 289

Mars Direct, 261–63, 265–68

Mars Geoscience/Climatory Orbiter, 62–63

See also Mars Observer

Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), 29, 65–68, 198

aerobraking, 66

gravity studies by, 126–27

magnetic field discovered by, 124–25

MOC. See Mars Observer Camera

MOLA, 64–66, 68–70, 123–24

plate tectonics, sparks interest in, 123–24

success, 66

Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), 114–15, 205–6, 214, 215

Mars 01 Lander, 223–24, 229–32

Mars 01 Orbiter (Mars Odyssey), 224

Mars Observer, 37, 63–65, 223–24, 224n

Mars Observer Camera (MOC), 230

lost on Mars Observer, 228

spacecraft, attempts to pick out, 29

water, reveals possibility of, 209

Mars Observer Laser Altimeter (MOLA), 64–66, 68–70

crust, allows estimations of thickness, 126

hidden craters, discovers, 76

Mars Odyssey. See Mars 01 Orbiter

Mars Pathfinder, 2–3, 28, 65, 224n

IMP (Imager for Mars Pathfinder), 233–36

landing and landing site, 233–34

rock color studies, 100, 234–35

Sojourner (rover), 32, 235–39, 325

success of, 234–35, 237–38

Web site, 32, 237–38, 325

Mars Polar Lander

failure, 30–36, 37, 67, 221, 223

landing ellipse, 232

Scott and Amundsen microprobes, 35, 48

Mars Society, 267–72, 269n, 273, 275–77, 278, 279, 309, 310–11

Mars Surveyor program, 67–68, 211

Mars Underground (Hartmann), 297n

Mars Underground, 245–46, 261, 267, 302, 303, 321–22

“Marsprojekt” (von Braun), 260

Martian Chronicles (Bradbury), 93, 107, 156

Martian Inca, The (Watson), 174–75, 178

Martian Race, The (Benford), 36

“Martian Sends a Postcard Home, A” (Raine), 19

Martian Time-Slip (Dick), 156

Martin Marietta, 266n

Masursky, Hal, 40–41, 44, 47–48, 54–55, 62, 95, 175, 226, 228, 245

Mawrth Vallis, 96

Medusae Fossae, 143–45

MEGAOUTFLO (Mars Episodic Glacial Atmospheric Oceanic Upwelling by Thermotectonic Flood Outbursts), 205

Melas Chasma, 101

Mercury, 96, 104, 236n

Meteor Crater (Flagstaff), 73–78, 85–86, 86–87, 91, 91n

Meyer, Tom, 244, 321–22

micro-oases, 298–99

Middle Spot (Pavonis Mons), 44, 46, 98

Miller, Ron, 130–31, 289

Miller, Walter M., Jr., 283

Milton, Danny, 90, 162, 191, 212, 215

Mission to Mars (film), 290, 290n

MOC. See Mars Observer Camera

MOLA. See Mars Observer Laser Altimeter

moon (earth’s satellite), 84, 129

Apollo missions, 50, 57, 60, 92, 221–22, 281, 312

Earth compared and contrasted with, 91n

Mars compared and contrasted with, 118, 137

geological history, 89–90, 90n, 118, 129, 167

Lunar Prospector, 324

Shoemaker commemorated on, 95

Surveyor, 221, 312

Tranquillity Base, 92

Moon: Considered as a Planet, a World and a Satellite, The (Carpenter/Nasmyth), 83

Moon over Half Dome (Adams), 130

Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico (Adams), 130

Moore, Alan, 134–37

Moore, Hank, 228

Moore, Jeff, 205n

Moore, Patrick, 50

Moran, Thomas, 131

Mount Wilson Observatory, 24

Moving Mars (Bear), 36

Murray, Bruce, 22n, 24–26, 30, 42–43, 44, 47–48, 58, 105, 141, 156–57, 212, 268

musk oxen, death of, 323, 325n

Mutch Memorial Station, 234n

See also Viking

Mutch, Thomas, 234n

MX “Peacemaker” nuclear missile

Nakhlites (meteorite), 139

NASA, 2–3, 67–68, 88

ALH 84001, press conference about and effect upon, 210, 224

Ames Research Center, 207, 238, 274

birth of, 88

budgets, 60–61

Case for Mars, relationship with, 260

craft sterilization, 326

Discovery program, 65

first Mars mission (Mariner 4), 24–25, 26

Goddard Space Flight Center, 63–65

Haughton-Mars Project, 274

Johnson Space Center, 252

Long Duration Exposure Facility, 312

mapmaking responsibilities withheld, 40

NASA rover (2004), 224

Space Shuttle, 60–61

See also Mars Surveyor program; individual missions

Nasmyth, James, 58n, 83

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. See NASA

National Space Society, 267

Naval Observatory (Washington, D.C.), 81

Neptune, 214

Netlander, 287

Neukum, Gerhard, 138

New Mars, The (Hartmann/Raper), 130

New Scientist, 169, 174

Nilosyrtis Mensae, 104

Nirgal Vallis, 96, 167

Niven, Larry, 36, 213n

Nix Olympica. See Olympus Mons

Nixon, Richard, 60

Noachian period, 117, 138

Noachis Terra, 103, 117

Noctis Labyrinthus, 100–101, 135

Noguchi, Isamu, 297, 319n

North Spot (Ascraeus Mons), 44, 46, 98–99

Nowell, Lisa, 176

nuclear weapons, 298

nuclear winter, 46

Nye, Bill, 36

Oberg, James, 304

Oceanus Borealis. See Mars (ocean)

Olympus Mons, 44, 45–46, 47–48, 96, 99, 110, 115n, 137–38, 140, 146, 179

difficulties involved in representing, 135

“On the Origin of Hypotheses” (Gilbert), 71, 83

Ophir, 101

O’Sullivan, Timothy, 237

Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), 9

Out of the Cradle (Hartmann/Miller/Lee), 289

Oyama, Vance, 300

Pacific Edge (Robinson), 176

Paine, Thomas, 238, 260, 272

Panetta, Leon, 253–54

Pardee, Joseph Thomas, 190–91

Parker, Tim, 184–88, 200–206, 213, 228, 234, 298

Pavonis Mons, 98, 102

Penrose, Roger, 213n

Pesek, Ludwig, 130, 319

Phlegra Montes, 123

Pieri, David, 164, 188

Pigwad (Planetary Interactive GIS-on-the Web Analyzable Database), 240

Pilcher, Carl, 67–68, 70

Pioneer Astronautics, 273

Pioneer mission, 61

“Pioneering the Space Frontier” (Paine), 246, 260

Place and Placelessness (Relph), 222–23

Planetary Explorer program, 65

Planetary Society, 30

Planetfest, 32, 35–36, 42

Planum Australe, 104, 105–6

Pohl, Frederik, 173–75, 178, 179

Pollack, James, 46, 100, 121, 158–60, 304

Poor, Kim, 92, 131

Poss, Richard, 132, 133

Poundstone, William, 100

Pournelle, Jerry, 178

Powell, John Wesley, 79, 148

Proctor, Richard, 14

Protonilus Mensae, 104, 186

Ptolemaus (crater), 2

Rainbow Mars (Niven), 213n

Raine, Craig, 19

RAND Corporation, 23, 24

Rawlings, Pat, 32, 134, 290

Reagan, Ronald, 185

Red Mars (Robinson), 36, 108n, 177, 179, 186, 289, 319, 322

Red Planet (film), 290, 290n

Red Planet (Hemlein), 178

“Red Star: The First Bolshevik Utopia, The” (Bogdanov), 178

Relph, Edward, 222–23

Return to Utopia (Rawlings), 32

Robinson, Kim Stanley, 36, 108n, 173–83, 205n, 213n, 257n, 281, 289, 308, 310–11, 319, 322, 323

Roddenberry, Gene, 264

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 324–25

Royal Astronomical Society, 12

Royal Greenwich Observatory, 10–11

Sacks, Oliver, 19

Sagan, Carl, 30, 42, 46, 95, 96, 100, 108n, 158, 197, 227, 234, 240, 257, 268, 303, 304–5

San Juan Mountains (Colorado), 91

Sanchez, Anthony, 53, 55

Sand Dunes, Carson Desert, Nevada (O’Sullivan), 237

Sands of Mars, The (Clarke), 219, 303

Saturn, 131, 132, 133

Saturn V, 31, 316

Saunders, Steve, 188

Schama, Simon, 324n

Schiaparelli, Giovanni, 15–16, 21, 44, 96, 100, 101n, 102

Schiaparelli (crater), 102–3

Schrödinger, Irwin, 301

Schmitt, Harrison, 57

Schubert, Frank, 275, 276

Schultz, Peter, 144–45, 150, 222

Science (journal), 68, 190, 210, 211,

science fiction, 17, 36, 93, 135–36, 173–83, 289–90, 319–23

and Martian giganticism, 108n

See also individual authors

Scott, Dave, 112–16, 115n, 117, 150, 167–72, 324

Scott, Robert Falcon, 30

Scout missions, 287

Secchi, Father Angelo, 14, 155

Secchi Continent, 14

Secret of Life, The (McAuley), 271n

Seed, David, 175

Service, Robert W., 141

Shakespeare, William, 324–25

Sharp, Bob, 24, 163, 164

Sheffield, Charles, 180

Shergotty meteorites, 139, 247

Shelley, Percy, 173

Shiner, Lewis, 289

Shirley, Donna, 61n

Shoemaker, Gene, 84–92, 95, 148, 150, 162, 254, 324–25

Shultz, Peter, 254

“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The” (Turner), 263, 264

“Significance of the Martian Frontier, The” (Zubrin), 265

Silent Spring (Carson), 300

Simud Vallis, 96, 102

Sinai Planum, 101

Sleep, Norm, 122–23, 124, 313

Smith, Brad, 40, 42

Smith, David, 63–64, 65, 69–70

Smith, Peter, 69, 100, 233–34, 235, 236, 239, 239, 315n

Smithsonian Air & Space Museum (Washington, D.C.), 322

SNC meteorites, 249

Snell, Willebrord, 25

Snyder, Gary, 180n

Soderblom, Larry, 42, 166–67

Solis Lacus, 16

Solis Planum, 101, 102

South Spot (Arsia Mons), 44, 46, 98

Space Shuttle, 60–61

Space Task Group, 60

“Spell of the Yukon, The” (Service), 141

Sputnik, 85

Squyres, Steve, 119

Star Trek, 93

Stoker, Carol, 244, 246, 263, 276, 293

Storm, Bob, 196

Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), 19, 156, 302n

Strickland, Ed, 134n

Sturgeon, Theodore, 319

Surface of Mars, The (Carr), 163

Syria Planum, 101

Syrtis Major Planum, 13, 14, 15, 103

See also Hourglass Sea

Taber, Frank, 324–25

Tanaka, Kenneth, 112, 211, 240

Teapot Ess, 86

Tempe Terra, 186

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 18, 48

Terra Meridiani, 102, 143, 203, 205–206, 232, 287

Terraforming: Engineering Planetary Environments (Fogg), 315

Tharsis, 15, 46, 98–101, 112, 145, 179

Titan, 316

Tithonium Chasma, 101

Tiu Vallis, 41–42, 96, 102

Tolkien, J.R.R., 309

TOPS probes, 61

“Transit of Earth” (Clarke), 319

Traveler’s Guide to the Solar System, The (Hartmann/Miller), 130–31, 136

See also Grand Tour, The Triton, 96, 214

true polar wander, 144–45

Truman, Harry, 264

Tucson Mafia, 196, 209

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 110–11, 263–64

Turner, J.M.W., 131, 132

Turrell, James, 73, 297

Tyrrhena Patera, 103

Tyrrhenian Sea, 15

“Under the Surface” (Brown), 153

Understanding Comics (McCloud), 116

United States Geological Survey (USGS), 40, 84, 88

Apollo missions, contribution to, 167

Gilbert building, 93, 94, 94n

given Mars mapping role, 50

as link between Mars and the West, 85–88

Mars Digital Image Mosaic, 57

1:15,000,000 maps, 3–4

1:5,000,000 maps, 57

Pigwad, development of, 240

University of Washington Department of Nuclear Engineering, 254

Utopia Planitia, 2, 16, 104, 119–21

Valles Marineris, 46–47, 57, 101, 101n, 102, 121, 135, 143, 169

Grand Canyon, compared with, 146–48

influence on fictional landing sites, 289–90

“Value of Outrageous Geological Hypotheses, The” (Davis), 184

van Hoogstraten, Samuel, 49

Van Sant, Tom, 297

Vastitas Borealis, 97, 119

Venus, 81, 109n, 170, 214, 236n, 304

Verne, Jules, 295

Victoria, Queen, 58n

Viking (missions), 2, 28, 39–40, 61, 184, 234n, 322

color cameras, 99–101, 228–30

crater pictures, 76

exobiology experiments, 301–2

landing sites, 227–28

picture archive, 193, 198, 234

replica lander, 322

success of, 61

Thomas Mutch Memorial Station, 322

“Viking Results—The Case for Man on Mars, The” (Clark), 243, 245

Vishniac, Wolf, 247, 300

von Braun, Wernher, 132, 260

Von Braun Planitia, 275

Voyage (Baxter), 289

Voyage to the Red Planet (Bisson), 289

Voyager, 214

Wagner, Richard, 267

Wallace, Alfred, 211–12

Wanderer Above the Sea of Mist (Friedrich), 134–25

Watchmen (Moore/Gibbons), 134–37

Watkins, Carleton, 235, 237

Watson, Ian, 174–75, 178, 179

Weinbaum, Stanley, 3

Wells, H. G., 3, 17, 108

White Mars, 213

White Mars (Penrose/Aldiss), 213n

Wild Shore, The (Robinson), 173, 176

Wilhelms, Don, 119

Williamson, Jack, 178

Wise, Donald, 138

“Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, The” (Benjamin), 128

Works Progress Administration, 25–27

Woude, Jurrie van der, 41, 58–59

Wu, Sherman, 63

Xanthe Terra, 41–42, 102

Xiaotong, Fei, 321

Zelazny, Roger, 319

Zubrin, Robert, 259–72, 281, 289, 293, 305, 305n, 308–10, 317, 322
