Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 102103

Algeria, 19

Allegheny River, flowback discharges into, 8687

Alpha Reclaim Technology, 107108

Altmaier, Peter, 50

American Academy of Pediatrics, 85

American Chemistry Council, 5657

America’s Natural Gas Association (ANGA), 56, 6667

Amos, Jon, 116117

Amos, Laura, 93

ancient Babylon, 14

Anadarko-Woodford Shale, 42

anthracite coal, 11

appendix of chemicals, 131

aquifers, effects on, 7375, 118119,

Argentina, 19

Arkansas, 43

AT&T, 6263

automobiles. See cars, natural-gas-powered

Baker Hughes, 110

Bakken Shale, 1, 33, 34, 42, 101102, 118120

Barclays, 111

Barnett Shale, 28, 2830, 4042, 4243, 9495, 102103, 118120

BaseTrace, 116

Beman, Art, 102103

Bergius process of conversion, 23

Berkeley Earth, 123

BG Group, 111112

BHP Billiton, 5354

biogenic methane, 82

Birol, Fatih, 126127

bituminous coal, 11

black shale, 20

Bloomberg, Michael, 29

blow outs, 35

bridge fuels, 1819

British Petroleum (BP), 14, 17, 71

Brown, Valerie, 77

BTUs (British Thermal Units), 16

Bulgaria, 4849, 4950

Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 3536, 46

Cabot Oil and Gas, 8182

Caldeira, Ken, 1819

California, 4445, 104

Canada, 19, 22, 125

carbon capture and storage (CSS), 13

Carboniferous Period, 910

Carnegie Mellon University, 9192

Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc., 3435

cars, natural-gas-powered, 6263, 120122

Carter administration, 2728

Cathles, Lawrence, 91


CF Industries, 58

chemicals, listing of, 131

Cheney, Dick, 6566

Chesapeake Energy Corp., 73, 7778, 9596, 110111, 111112, 119120

Chevron Corp., 4950, 71, 106107, 110111


coal production, 12

discovery of coal, 11

energy consumption, 25

reduction of carbon footprint, 122123

shale deposits in, 3, 49

shale oil production, 19

Chow, Justine, 116

Clean Air Act (U.S.), 70, 109, 117

Clean Water Act (U.S.), 70


overview, 910, 1013

CO2 emissions due to, 1011

coal-bed methane, 22

coal gasification, 2223

types of, 11

Colborn, Theo, 85

Coleman, Dennis, 83

Colorado, 3536, 45, 47, 91

Colorado Oil and Gas Association, 47

Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC), 36

Colorado School of Mines, 102

Commercialization Plan for Recovery of Natural Gas from Unconventional Sources (DOE), 28

compressed natural gas (CNG), 6263

ConocoPhilips, 6465, 107108

Corbett, Tom, 106107

Cornell University, 94

Council on Foreign Relations, 47

crises, energy-related, 17

crude oil

components of, 13

refined products of, 15

types of, 1415

Cuadrilla Resources Ltd, 48

Czech Republic, 4950

Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, 6263

Damon, Matt, 4

Denmark, 125

Devon Energy, 30, 110

Devonian Shale, 28

diatoms, 13

Dow Chemical, 5758

Drake, Edwin L., 14

drillrigs, 31

drinking water, effects on, 7780

dry shale deposits, 16, 112

Duke University, 116

Durham University, seismic surveys, 8990

Eads, Ralph, III, 5354

Eagle Ford Shale, 43, 73, 96, 107108

earthquake concerns, 46, 4950, 8990

Eastern Gas Shales Project, 2728

East Resources, 5354

Ecologix, 113114

Ecosphere Technologies, 115


coal-based, 12, 1213, 127128

hydroelectric/geothermal-based, 125

natural gas-based, 17, 60, 6669

wind/solar power-based, 124

Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (U.S.), 85

EnCana Corporation, 7778, 93

The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, 85

Energy Department (U.S.), 28, 61, 9192

Energy in Depth (EID), 6566, 68, 83

environmental concerns. See hydrofracking debates/opponents

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

case studies, 118120

green completions rules, 108110

on groundwater contamination, 76, 7780

on methane emissions, 6669

on methane leaks, 9093

non-hazardous chemicals in hydrofracking, 6566

proposed limits on carbon emissions, 13

on water usage in hydrofracking, 38

EQT Corp., 113

Ernst & Young, 111

Europe. See specific countries

Everly, Steve, 68

Exco Resources, 111112

ExxonMobil, 4950, 71, 106107, 113

Farris, Floyd, 27

Fayetteville Shale, 43, 110

flared-off natural gas, 1617

flowback, 38, 8588

fluids and chemicals, 3739, 6566, 7580, 8385

Ford administration, 2728

fossil fuel primer,

overview, 910

coal, 910, 1013

natural gas, 910, 1518

oil and gasoline, 910, 1315

unconventional fuels, 1923

Fox, Josh, 81, 118, 86, 96

fracking. See headings at hydrofracking, 117

France, 4950

Frerichs, Mike, 104105

fugitive emissions, 9093

Fukushima nuclear disaster (2011), 17

future trends,

citizen data compilation, 116118

conclusions, 128129

global energy consumption, 25

green completions rules by EPA, 108110

industry business trends, 110113

local vs. national politics of issue, 103105

natural gas cars, 120122

reduction of China’s carbon footprint, 122123

regulation of hydrofracking, 106107, 118120

technological innovations, 113115

use of tracers, 116

and U.S. shale deposits, 101103

water conservation in drilling process, 107108

Gasfrac, 114115

gasification plants, 2223

Gasland/Gasland II (films), 4, 81

gas-to-liquids (GTL) technology, 63

Gazprom, 4849, 121

Germany, 12, 48, 4950, 125

global energy crises (1970s), 27, 28

global warming, 1819, 6669

Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas report (IEA), 92

Goldman Sachs, 111

Granite Wash Shale, 43

green completions rules (EPA), 108110

groundwater, effects on, 7580, 118119

Ground Water Protection Council, 76

Groundwater Protection Council, 96

Gruber, Eli, 113114

Halliburton Company, 27, 4243, 115

Halliburton Loophole, 6566, 94, 9597

Hang, Walter, 118

Hanger, John, 78, 87

Harvard University, 61, 127128

Haynesville Shale, 4344, 110, 111112, 118120

health reports, quality, 9395

Henry Hub, 1718, 110113

Hickenlooper, John, 47

Holland, 48

Holt, Maynard, 110

Honeywell, 59

horizontal vs. vertical wells, 2, 3236

Howarth, Robert W., 68, 91

Hubbert, M. King, 54

hydrofracking, overview,

conclusions, 124129

defined, 24

history of, 2628, 2830

international development, 4750

purpose of, 23, 26

U.S. locations, 4047

hydrofracking, techniques of,

eight steps of process, 3132

equipment, 31

horizontal vs. vertical wells, 3236

use of fluids and chemicals, 3739

wastewater treatment, 3839, 109, 115

hydrofracking debates/opponents,

aquifers, effects on, 7375

bridging debates, 9597

earthquake concerns, 46, 4950, 8990

flowback disposal, 8588

fluids and chemicals, effects of, 7580, 8385

fugitive emissions, 9093

groundwater, effects on, 7580

health reports, quality of, 9395

methane migration, 8083, 9093

protests against hydrofracking, 35, 36, 46, 4950

radioactivity of flowback, 8788

wastewater injection wells, 8889

water supplies, effects on, 7280,

hydrofracking debates/proponents,

bridging debates, 9597

and employment, 55

and foreign investment in U.S., 60

and global energy market, 61

global warming, effects on, 6669

and Halliburton Loophole, 6566

halo effect of gas prices on other industries, 5860

individual wealth due to, 5354

job creation, 5657

and natural gas prices, 5556, 5758

non-industrial benefits of, 60

petrochemical industry, effects on, 5657

transportation, effects on, 6263

U.S. economy, effects on, 54

water supplies, effects on, 6465

Iceland, 125


Illinois, 104105

Illinois Chamber Foundation, 104105

Independent Oil and Gas Association of New York, 82

India, 3, 12, 49

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 67

Interior Department (U.S.), 64, 107

International Energy Agency (IEA)

on China’s demand for coal, 12

on electricity from solar power, 124

on global renewable energy, 125

Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas report, 92

recommendations of, 71, 9596

on U.S. energy independence, 3

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 25

Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, 96

Italy, 12

Jackson, Lisa, 64

Jacobson, Mark Z., 126

Jefferies & Company, 111

Jewell, Sally, 107

job creation and employment, 55, 55, 5657, 5758, 61

Kansas, 45

Keffer, James, 74

Kentucky, 4546

kerogen, 2122

Keystone XL Pipeline, 22, 71, 119

Knittel, Christopher, 121122

Late Ordovician period, 4546

Lawrence Livermore, 28

Lennon, Sean, 4

Letterman, David, 4

Libya, 19

lignite coal, 11

liquid natural gas (LNG), 6263, 112

Liveris, Andrew, 5758

Louisiana, 4344, 5758

Lu, Xi, 127128

Lux Research, 107108

Mall, Amy, 78

Manitoba, Canada, 42

Marcellus Shale, 1, 28, 31, 34, 4042, 44, 55, 60, 8687, 9495, 106107, 108109, 116117, 118120

Maryland, 4546

McClendon, Aubrey, 9596, 110111, 113

McElroy, Michael, 127128

McKibben, Bill, 68

McNally, Scott, 64

Mesa Inc., 111112

methane (CH4), 1518, 22, 6669, 8083, 9093

Methanex Corp., 58

Metzger, Luke, 74, 96

Mexico, 19

Miller, Alexey, 49

mineral rights regulation, 3536

Mitchell, George Phydias, 2830

Mitchell Energy, 2830

Moily, Veerapa, 49

Mongolia, 4849

Moniz, Ernest, 64

Montana, 42

Monterey Shale, 4445

Mordick, Briana, 118

Morgan Stanley, 62

Morse, Ed, 55

Mothersbaugh, TJ, 115

Mufson, Steven, 54

Myhrvold, Nathan, 1819

National Conference of State Legislatures, 106

National Intelligence Council (NIC), 61

National Labs, Sandia/Los Alamos, 28

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 68, 91

National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 126

National Research Council, 12, 120

Native Americans, use of oil, 14

natural gas,

as bridge fuel, 1819

early uses of, 1516

flaring-off, 1617

pricing of, 1718, 110113

processing of, 16

U.S. energy sources, 10

uses of, 17

volume, measurement of, 16, 910, 1518

natural gas cars. See cars, natural-gas-powered

natural gas-powered vehicles (NGVs), 6263

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 108

Navigant, 13

Nebraska, 45

new energy bonanza, use of term, 2

New Jersey, 44, 46

New Mexico, 45

New York (state), 44, 4546, 85, 8687, 88

nickel, 21

Niobrara Shale, 45

nitroglycerin (NG), 26

Norse Energy Corp., 111

North Dakota, 3536, 42

Norway, 125

nuclear power, 10, 17, 50, 6465

Obama, Barack

energy policy, 2526, 62, 79, 105

on job creation due to hydrofracking, 55

as pro energy, 13

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 84

Ogallala Aquifer, 119

Ohio, 4546, 46, 104

the Oil Age, 14

oil and gasoline

overview, 910, 1315

barrels, measurement of, 14

early uses of, 14

oil refineries, 15

oil sands. See tar sands

oil shale, 2122

Oklahoma, 42, 43, 46, 90

Ono, Yoko, 4

Ontario, Canada, 4546

Orascom Construction Industries, 60

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 61

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 7475

Pagulia, Terry, 5354

Paleozoic period, 8586

Pecos River, Texas contamination, 8889


Dimock water contamination, 8082

job creation, 55

Marcellus Shale, 44, 55, 60, 8687

natural gas production, 56

regulation of hydrofracking, 104, 106107

Royal Dutch Shell plant, 60

Utica Shale, 4546

wastewater treatment, 3839, 8687

permeability, defined, 21

Permian Basin Shale, 45

petrochemical industry, effects on, 5657

Petrohawk Energy, 5354, 111112

petroleum, defined, 13

Pickens, T. Boone, 18, 111112

Place, Andrew, 113

Plains Exploration, 111112

Poland, 4849, 4950

pollution. See also specific natural resources and events

CO2 emissions due to coal, 1011

greenhouse gas, 12

natural gas vs. oil, 6263

reduction of China’s carbon footprint, 122123

reduction of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, 67, 69,

and renewable energy, 124127

porosity, defined, 21

Portugal, 125

Powers, Bill, 101102

Preventive Medicine and Family Health Committee (New York), 88

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 5657

produced water, defined, 38

Promised Land (film), 4

propane gel, 114115

ProPublica, 76, 78

protests. See hydrofracking debates/opponents

Putin, Vladimir, 4849

Quebec, Canada, 4546

Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World (Yergin), 25

radioactivity of flowback, 8788

Railroad Commission of Texas, 8889

Ranger, Richard, 76

Range Resources Corp., 42, 79, 119120

Raton Basin, 118120

regulation of hydrofracking

adequacy of, 6566

federal exemptions, 70

future trends, 106107, 118120

and groundwater, 7780

horizontal vs. vertical wells, 3536

local vs. national politics of issue, 103105

mineral rights regulation, 3536

restrictions on, 4647

temporary state bans on, 44

renewable energy

future trends, 124129

and greenhouse gas emissions, 124127

and low natural gas prices, 127128

politics of, 2526

U.S. energy sources, 10

resource wars, 74

Revkin, Andrew, 123

Rice University, 113114, 116

Riley, Alan, 61

Rolling Stones (rock group), 71

Romania, 4950

Romney, Mitt, 2526

Rosneft, 4849

Royal Dutch Shell, 5354, 60, 63, 71, 110111, 113, 121

Ruhl, Christof, 105

Russia, 19, 4849

Safe Drinking Water Act (U.S.), 70, 84, 8485, 8687

Salazar, Ken, 97, 107

Saskatchewan, Canada, 42

Saudi Arabia, 5758

Schlumberger Ltd, 113114, 114

Securities and Exchange Commission, 110111

seismic surveys, 16, 8990

Serra, Jamie, 117

shale gas

overview, 20

explanation of, 1

extraction of, 16

pricing of, 1718, 110113

shale oil, 21

Shell, 63, 106107

Shenkar, Laura, 107108

shipping industry, 63

Shumlin, Peter, 4647

SkyTruth, 116117

Smith, Jim, 82

Société Générale, 3

solar energy, 124

sour gas, 21

Southwestern Energy, 110, 116

Soviet Union, former, 4849

Spain, 12

Stanolind Oil and Gas Corporation, 27

subbituminous coal, 11

Surma, John, 5859

synfuels, 23

syngas, 2223

tar sands, 22

technological innovations, 113115

Tennessee, 4546


Barnett Shale, 4243

Eagle Ford Shale, 43, 73

gas field discovery in (1918), 17

Granite Wash Shale, 43

Haynesville Shale, 4344

mineral rights, 3536

Permian Basin Shale, 45

resource wars, 74, 74

wastewater injection wells, 8889

Weatherford water contamination, 79, 64

therm, 16

thermogenic methane, 82

Thomas Russell, 59

3M, 121

three-dimensional microseismic imaging, 28, 34

Three Forks Shale, 101102

tight gas, 16, 2021

Titusville, Pennsylvania oil discovery, 14

Toxic Targeting, 118

tracers, 116

trade secret exemption. See Halliburton Loophole

transportation, effects on, 15, 6263, 120122

Tudor Pickering Holt & Co., 110

Tverberg, Gail, 102

UBS, 56

Ukraine, 4849

Ultimate Economic Recovery (UER), 102103

unconventional fuels,

coal-bed methane, 22

coal gasification, 2223

oil shale, 2122

shale gas, 20

shale oil, 21

sour gas, 21

synfuels, 23

tar sands, 22

tight gas, 2021

Union of Concerned Scientists, 1011

United Kingdom, 12, 48, 4950, 8990

United States. See also specific legislation and government agencies

annual drilling of natural gas wells, 20

CO2 emissions due to utility coal plants, 1011

coal, 10, 12, 1213

deaths due to greenhouse gas, 12

economic impact of hydrofracking, 54

energy consumption, 10, 25

energy independence, 3, 61

future trends, 101123

governmental research and development, 2728

job creation, 55

local vs. national politics of issue, 103105

natural gas, 3, 17, 30, 4849, 5556

petroleum consumption, 15

renewable energy, 125

shale deposits in, 101102

shale gas production, 54

shale oil production, 19, 20

University of Colorado, 91

University of Tennessee, 35

University of Texas, 3435, 74

Upper Cretaceous period, 43

Upper Jurassic period, 4344

U.S. Congress, report on carcinogenic chemicals, 84

US Energy Information Administration (EIA),

on gas reserves in China, 122

on global energy consumption, 25

on increase in natural-gas based electric generation, 6669

on Monterey Shale deposits, 44

on natural gas production, 5556

projected natural gas production, 18

projected oil demand, 14

on shale oil production, 19, 20

on U.S. reduction in carbon emissions, 67

on U.S. shale deposits, 101102

on Western Europe shale gas deposits, 48, 3, 10

US Geological Survey, 42, 90, 101102

U.S. Steel, 5859

Utah, 91

Utica Shale, 4546

utilities, 1011, 12, 1718, 35, 67

vanadium, 21

Venezuela, 21

Ventura, Jeff, 42

Vermont, 4647

vertical vs. horizontal wells, 3236

Virginia, 4546

Volkswagen Scirocco R-Cup, 121

wastewater injection wells, 8687, 8889

wastewater treatment, 3839, 109, 115

water supplies, effects on, 6465, 7280, 107108, 118119

WaterTectonics, 115

West Virginia, 55

Wes Virginia, 4546

wet shale deposits, 16, 112

Williams (company), 58

Wilson, Floyd, 5354

Windfall Profits Tax Act (U.S.), 28

Woodford Shale, 46

Wyoming, 45, 7779

Yergin, Daniel, 25, 50