abstract expressionism 163, 168
abstraction and abstractionists 53–5, 80–4, 87, 126–7, 135, 139–40, 142–3, 146, 163, 167–8, 192
Action d’art 55
Angrand, Charles 39
anti-obscenity laws. See censorship
Arbeiter Ring 117
Art Journal 167
Artistocrats, the 55
Baer, Freddie 189–90
Barand 152–3
Barr, Alfred 127
Bataille, George 118
Belgium 39–42
Bellmer, Hans 118
Bergson, Henri 50, 52, 58–9, 67
Creative Evolution 52
Laughter 58
Time and Free Will 52
Berlin wall 181–95
Biomechanics 101–6
Black Guards 73–4. See also Moscow Federation of Anarchists
Black Panther Party, the 164
Bloch, Anna 39
Bradberry, George 40
Bread and Puppet Theater 140, 154
Britain 72, 113–5, 117, 153, 183–4, 190–1
Brooklyn College, City University of New York 136–49, 154, 167–8, 178
Bruegel the Elder Pieter 190
The Tower of Babel 190
Bruno, Guido 65
Buck-Morris, Susan 194–5
Dreamworld and Catastrophe: The Passing of Mass Utopia in East and West 194–5
Burliuk, David 76
Bush, George, Sr. 191
Cage, John 134
California School of Arts 126–7
capitalism 12–14, 17–18, 37–46, 72–3, 98, 103, 115, 120–1, 181–195
censorship 54–67, 129, 138, 167
Central Institute of Labor 103
City University of New York. See Brooklyn College
Cold War, the 120, 126–7, 168, 188, 190
collage and collage artists 127–8, 156–7, 166, 173, 182–5
Collins, Jess 125–9
If All the World Were Paper and All the Water Sink 126
Mouse’s Tale 127–8
Communism (general) 181–3, 188, 194–5
Communism and the Communist Party (Russian) 71–7, 88–9, 97–105, 109
Communism (US) and the American Communist Party 115, 135–8
Comstock, Anthony 61–7
constructivism and constructivists 97–109
Cooney, Blanche 118–21
Cooney, James 118–21
Burial at Ornans 23
Painter’s Studio: A Real Allegory, The 24
Return from the Conference 22–3, 25
Stonebreakers 23
Crass 182–7
The Wanderer 45–6
cubism and cubists 50–64, 80, 88, 145
Dada, advent of 49–67
de La Fresnaye, Roger 50
di Prima, Diane 134
drawing. See illustrations and illustrators
Dubois-Pillet, Albert 39
Duchamp-Villon, Raymond 50
Duff, Peggy 149
egoism and anarchism 53–5, 77, 83–8
England See Britain
FalklandsWar 183–7
Federation of Artists, the 32–3
feminism and feminists 134, 157–9, 165
Feuerbach, Ludwig 18, 20–1, 25–8
Fini, Leonor 118
Flipside 182
Ford, Charles Henry 117–18, 122–5
France. See Paris; Paris Commune
Free Speech League 64
freedom and liberty 12–14, 18–33, 43–6, 53–6, 77, 84, 114, 120–2, 126–8, 137–8, 159, 163–7, 189
Friedrich, Ernst 186–7
futurism and futurists 76–83
galleries 50, 53, 56–7, 63–6, 118, 128, 153, 176
Constructivism 98
Gastev, Alexei 100–5, 107, 109
gay and lesbian, people and issues 113–29, 134, 139, 152–3, 165. See also homosexuality
Gay Liberation Front 165
Gazeta Futuristov 76–7
Ge, Aleksandr 73
Germany and Germans 17–21, 31, 72–3, 113, 143, 150, 186–7. See also Berlin wall
Greek Interior 23
Gideonse, Harry 137–8
Golub, Leon 144–5
Greenberg, Clement 127
Gulf War, Persian 190–5. See also Iraq
harmony and social order 43–6, 192–3. See also freedom
Havel, Hippolyte 64–5
Saint Anthony, Guardian of Morals 64–5
Hegel, Wilhelm 17–21
Hegelian theory and Hegelians 17–21
Higher State Artistic and Technical Workshops, The (Vkhutemas) 97–99
Hoffman, Abbie 159–61
Holland 149–50. See also Amsterdam
homosexuality and homosexuals 54, 113–29
House of Free Art, the 76
illustrations and illustrators 40, 45–6, 56–60–5, 109, 118, 135, 141, 146, 149–56, 169–72, 182–3, 189–92
industrialism and industrialists 37–46, 49, 59–60, 99–106, 118–20, 186–9
International Anthem 182
Iraq 191. See also Gulf War
Jacobus, Harry 128
Supermale 60
journals, magazines, and newspapers. See 291; Action d’art; Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; Anarkiia; Ark; Art Journal; Camera Work; Fifth Estate; Flipside; Gazeta Futuristov; Guardian; International Anthem; L’Assiette Au Beurre; L’en dehors; La Plume; Le Pere Pinard; Les Temps Nouveaux; Liberation Magazine; Movement, The; Politics; Rat; Retort; Revolutionary Almanac, The; Rogue; Vanguard, The; View; World War 3. See also pamphlets
Kamenskii, Vasilii 76
Kant, Immanuel 21–2
KingUbu 128–9
Khlebnikov, Velimir 83
Kropotkin, Peter 11–14, 43, 192
Kuwait 191. See also Gulf War
L’Assiette Au Beurre 39
L’en dehors 39
La Plume 39–40
laborers. See workers
Le Père Pinard 39
Lebasque, Henri 40–1
Provocation 40–1
Léger, Fernand 50
Les Temps Nouveaux 39–41, 45–6
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 72–3, 102–3, 195
Libertarian Circle, the 117, 125, 128
liberty. See freedom and liberty linocuts 192–4
Living Theatre collective 134
Factory Chimneys: Couillet Near Charleroi, The 42–3
Lukashnin, A. 76
magazines. See journals, magazines, and newspapers
Magraw, Roger 38
Magritte, René 118
Makhno, Nestor 76
White on White 83–4
Marx, Karl 17–18, 77, 181–2, 195
Marxism and Marxists 12, 71, 89, 97, 104, 120, 133–4, 143, 164, 194
Maximov, Gregorii 74–5
Mayaskovskii, Vladimir 76
McCarthyism 113–29
megamachine, the 188–90
metaphysics 20–2, 25–9, 50, 52–5, 59, 77, 82, 87–8
Meyer, Agnes Ernst 57
Meyerhold, Vsevolod 99–101, 104–9
Millman, Paul 136
Mirbeau, Octave 44
Mock, Richard 192–5
Gulf War series 192
“Oil Kill Spill” 193
“Raper Vapor” 193–4
“Target” 194
Untitled 192
“Victim” 193
modernism and modernists 49–66
Moscow Federation of Anarchists 73–9
Movement, The 154–5
Mumford, Lewis 188
nature, issues and depictions of 24, 27–8, 43, 45, 58, 188–9, 192–5
neo-impressionism and neo-impressionists 37–46
New York 49–67, 116, 118, 121, 123, 135–6, 139–40, 152, 154–5, 158–65, 168, 173
New York Society for the Repression of Vice 61. See also Comstock, Anthony
newspapers. See journals, magazines, and newspapers
Nicholas II, Tsar 72
non-objectivism and non-objectivists 76, 82–4, 126–7
Norton, Alan 64
obscenity laws. See censorship
October Revolution, the 71–2, 98
pacifism and pacifists 114, 134, 182, 186–8
painting and painters 17, 22–30, 39, 42–5, 50–6, 59, 64, 76, 80–91, 97–8, 109, 117, 125–7, 135, 142–6, 150, 192
pamphlets 11–12, 45, 64. See also journals, magazines, and newspapers
Paris Commune, the 17–33, 37, 39
performing arts and performers. See theater and performance
Peters, Yakov 109
photography and photographers 26, 29, 39–43, 50–2, 56, 61, 100, 102, 109, 122, 140, 166, 170, 172–4, 186
Picabia, Francis 49–67
Dances at the Spring 50, 52, 63
De Zayas, De Zayas! 57
Edtaonisl (Ecclesiastic) 55, 63
Girl Born Without a Mother 56
New York Perceived Through the Body 53
object portraits 49, 46, 58, 60, 67
Portrait of a Young American Girl in a State of Nudity 49, 51, 56, 58–61, 66–7
Saint of Saints-This is a Portrait About Me, The 57
Voila Haviland The Poet as He Sees Himself 57
Picasso, Pablo: Guernica 145
Apple Picking at Eragmy-sur-Epte 44
Social Turpitudes 40
Pissarro, Lucien 39
poetry and poets 11, 21, 74, 76, 83, 87, 101, 117–18, 121, 134, 149, 153, 161, 163, 173
Poetry Conference, the 125
Poetry Forum, the 117
Popova, Luibov 106–9
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 11, 14, 17–33
punk music and musicians 149, 152, 175, 182. See also Crass
Rainer, Dachine 115–16
realism 24–9
reason. See Hegel; Hegelian theory and Hegelians; Proudhon
Reclus, Elisée 43–4
Revolutionary Almanac, The 64–5
Rimbaud, Penny 182–4
Rodchenko, Aleksandr 71, 74, 76, 79–91, 98–9, 109
Oval Hanging Spatial Construction no. 12 99
“Rodchenko’s System” 84–7, 90–1
Ten Years of Uzbekistan 109
Rogue 64
Rosenblum, Walter 140
Rozanova, Olga 76
Russia and Russians 17, 71–89, 99, 102–3, 113. See also Soviet Union
Russian Revolution, The 71–89
San Francisco 117, 125, 154–5, 160, 189
sculpture and sculptors 50, 56, 76, 80, 97–8, 153, 192
sexuality, issues and representations of, 54–61, 66–7, 103, 113–29, 133–4
Seurat, Georges 39
scientific management 100–7
Signac, Paul 39
Snyder, Gary 134
Simensky Bietila, Susan 133–77
Sobey, James Thrall 127
socialism and socialists 12, 14, 77, 99, 103–4, 107, 116, 167, 181, 188, 195
Soviet Union 97, 102, 104, 115, 121, 126, 167–8, 190. See also McCarthyism; Russia
Spanish Civil War 115, 145, 153
spirit and spirituality 12, 18–20, 27, 83, 88, 91, 126, 143, 189
“world spirit” 18–20
State Higher Theater Workshops 99
Steiglitz, Alfred 50, 53, 56–7, 64
Stepanova, Varvara 84, 88–9, 97–9, 107–9
Still, Clyfford 126–8
Stirner, Max 53–5, 77, 81, 85–7, 90
street theater 140, 153–4, 157, 172
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 135–9, 146–7, 150–2, 155–7, 163–6
suprematism and suprematists 76, 82–7, 106
surrealism and surrealists 117–18, 122–3, 145
Tatlin, Vladimir 76, 78–81, 83, 87–8, 98, 109
Taylorism. See scientific management
Thatcher, Margaret 184
theater and performance. 74–9, 87, 99–101, 128, 104–9, 140. See also Biomechanics; street theater
Tice, Clara 64–6
United Kingdom. See Britain
United States of America and Americans 12–14, 49–67, 101–2, 113–29, 133–77, 183, 190–1. See also Greenwich Village; New York; San Francisco
Vaucher, Gee 182–7
Van Rysselberghe, Theo 39–40
The Wanderers 39–40
Vanguard, The 137
Verhaeren, Emile 39–40
Vesnin, Alexandr 107
Vietnam War and the anti-Vietnam War movement 133, 136–41, 147, 162–4
Villon, Jacques 50
WITCH (Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell) 158–9
War Against War! (Friedrich) 186–7
Watson, David 188–90
Wilde, Oscar: monument of 54–5
workers, issues and representations of 23–5, 32, 37–46, 72–3, 77, 88, 99, 101–7, 181, 188
World War I 14, 49, 55, 72, 80, 115, 186–7
World War II 14, 113, 115, 137, 141, 188
Yakulov, Georgii 79