Trip to an Alien Realm

Betty hastily slipped into her own clothes. She felt secure in them. They provided a link with things familiar—home, family, and friends.

Betty: I’m getting dressed, and I put the garment down on the floor. And the garment seems to—sort of stick somehow to the stuff there…stick, although it didn’t feel sticky on me, but it seems like it sticks there. I’m still trying to get dressed. I wonder what they are going to put me through next.

Betty finished dressing and shouted to her captors, “I’m ready! I’m ready!”

The door whooshed open and there they were. Again the two gnomelike beings asked her to follow them. Somehow she was automatically drawn between them, and they glided forward effortlessly. Betty found herself reentering the room where the elevator tube had terminated.

The trio glided toward a wall. A door flashed open and they entered an enclosed corridor that reminded Betty of a subway tunnel. It was at this point that she noticed they were floating above something like a track!

Betty: We are going through—like an underground corridor, all hollow—into another opening where it is light. And it’s like a track we’re going on, like a track. We are still walking, gliding—or something. My head feels so heavy. It feels so heavy. I can hardly hold it up.

We later asked Betty if she thought she had left the craft, because the area that she had been describing seemed too vast to have been within the UFO.

Betty: No, it doesn’t seem as if I’m in the craft.

Joseph: How did you get out of the craft?

Betty: It was through that long black tunnel.

Ray: When you were going along this tunnel, were you walking with your feet?

Betty: No. We were just skimming on this black thing.

Ray: On it or above it?

Betty: Just a little above it. We were skimming on this black thing. I’m just following that other one and the other one is in back of me.

Ray: That black thing. You said it was like a track?

Betty: Yeah, it’s like a track. It wasn’t like we know a track.

Ray: How wide was it?

Betty: About as wide as your book, right there.

I glanced down at my hard-covered clipboard. It was only 9 inches wide.

Joseph: It wasn’t any wider than that?

Betty: No, it was narrow.

Ray: Was it metal, or could you tell what it was made out of? Was it just one, or two, or three?

Betty: No. Again, to me—well, it was like…plastic maybe.

Jules: You must have been curious about where you were going. Did you ask them where you were going?

Betty: [Softly] I must have asked them.

Soon Betty saw light in front of her.

Betty: …There is more light, and it is bright—now we’re in there.

The three emerged into a curiously shaped compartment like a half cylinder or Quonset hut. Four glasslike chairs lined each side of the room. The escalator-like track ran between the peculiar chairs. (See Figure 24.)


Figure 24: The cylindrical room. June 19.

Betty: And there are—there are some, like uh, glass?…uh…plastic? Clear plastic seats on the side. And there are lights that come up. And there’s—one, and two, and three, and the fourth one looks different. They’re on two sides, and there’s something in the middle and it encloses somehow with glass. The glass things are upward, or held up somehow.

The alien beings brought Betty to sit in one of the strange chairs. They said, “Would you please be seated?”

“What is this going to do?” Betty asked.

“Please be seated,” he said. “We will not harm you.”

Betty felt somehow under their control. Their polite requests created an illusion of free will, but in reality, she found that her choice always corresponded with their wishes. Her willpower seemed mesmerized by powerful influences beyond her ken. As she sat down, a transparent enclosure came down around her. (See Figure 25 on page 76.)


Figure 25: The “cold” chair. June 19.

Betty: I sat down in this thing and they put this glass around me, whatever—plastic? Clear plastic or clear glass.

“You said the chair was glass or plastic,” Joseph Santangelo later asked her. “You sat in the chair. Did you touch it? Did you feel it with your hands?”

Betty: Yeah, I was sitting in it.

Joseph: There’s a difference in feeling between glass and plastic.

Betty: I think it was plastic.

Now Betty became panicky.

Betty: I hope I can breathe in here! [Pause] There seems to be air. I feel so…[Sigh]…I feel I’m going to be knocked out from it. It feels like they are putting something cold in there. [Sigh] Oh! It feels like it is getting colder! [Deep breathing] It feels cold.

Her deep breaths continued. Betty’s voice weakened to a whisper. “It feels very cold.… It feels like—feels like moisture is even being drawn from me.… And it’s cold. The moisture is coming right out of me.”

Her last sentence was extremely weak, as if she were enervated. The hypnotist reacted quickly.

Harold: You are only there as an observer. You are only there as an observer. You will now start to feel comfortable. You will feel very, very comfortable. Are you now feeling more and more comfortable?

Betty: Yes.

Harold: Are you?

Betty: A little.

Harold: Fine. Continue, please.

Betty: Uh [weakly], they have me in this thing. It’s a glass thing. Clear plastic, or something. And [sigh] my legs feel funny from it.

Betty felt trapped, caged, and to those of us gathered around her in the office, the anxiety in her voice was distressing. Again, the hypnotist brought her relief.

Harold: Betty! I want you to relax for a few moments. Just relax. Make yourself very comfortable.

Her tense body relaxed and slumped back into the comfortable contours of the reclining chair. It was a convenient time to change recording tapes. After a few minutes, she was allowed to continue the bizarre escapade. Unfortunately, even stranger things awaited Betty and her listeners.

Harold: Please continue where you left off.

Betty: I’m in that glass thing—that encasing chair. I’m cold. And I’ve been in there a long time.… And the door [i.e., the covering] is starting to open. The other half of it is opening. And [sigh] the—uh, they’ve come for me again.

The entities beckoned to Betty, and in a sitting position, she floated to another of the odd-looking chairs.

Betty: And somehow the chamber is sort of weightless, because they just beckon me and I’m lifting up! I’m sort of in a sitting-down position, but I’m lifting up. And they’re directing me over to the other side, where there are chairs similar to this. And I’m sitting down again.


Figure 26: The “immersion” chair. June 19.

Terror filled Betty’s heart when she was told that she was to be immersed in a liquid. The entities assured her that provision would be made to prevent her from drowning.

Betty: They’re telling me that there are three tubes…that they are going to put liquid in here with me in it!

Betty became hysterical. “I’ll drown if you do that!”

“No, you won’t drown,” they said. “We’ve provided something for you. It is a tube—three tubes. Just keep your eyes closed, and you will be fine.”

A translucent canopy enshrouded Betty’s body. Self-sealing tubes were connected to her mouth and nose. (See Figure 26.)

Betty: They are closing that and sealing it. And they’ve got a tube they are inserting into my mouth and two tubes for my nostrils. [Softly] Oh, my God! And that tube goes down, into my mouth, into my nostrils, and somehow it’s sealed.

Later, I asked Betty if she could feel air coming down those tubes into her mouth or nostrils, or both.

Betty: Yeah, I could feel air coming out, yeah. Just as if I was living under water. You know, drawing air in and out.

Betty cringed as liquid of a grayish color flowed onto her head and down the sides of her cheeks. She closed her eyes and grimaced as the trickle became a constant flow of inrushing liquid.

Betty: They’re letting some gray liquid pour down on my head and into that place. And it’s—uh, I’ve got to remember to keep my eyes closed! He said to keep my eyes closed.

Betty softly repeated the telepathic instructions being sent from the alien creatures: “‘Don’t be afraid. Keep your eyes closed. Don’t be afraid.…’ That liquid is filling up—and it’s filling up fast.… Keep my eyes closed.”

As the watery substance filled the chair-like enclosure, Betty felt soothing vibrations pulse rhythmically through her submerged body.

Betty: Oh-h-h-h, it’s soothing—it’s relaxing.… Oh-h-h-h, feels good.… Ah-h-h, feels good. Oh, it feels so good! It’s like a whirlpool—vibrating around. And I can breathe all right, ‘cause I’m breathing through my mouth and through my nose through those tubes.

The tranquilizing oscillations continued. The feeling of heaviness that had attended Betty from the onset of her experience dissipated. She became one with—in perfect resonance with—the undulating fluid. Suddenly, Betty started as a telepathic voice interrupted her reverie.

“‘Yes?’ They’re calling me and telling me that they are going to give me something to drink, and for me to swallow it.”

Now Betty became visibly upset.

“‘What is it? What is it?’… They said not to be alarmed. It is something I must go through and take. ‘What is it?’”

Betty waited expectantly. Soon, she felt a thick syrup seeping into her mouth through the connecting tube.

Betty: It is a—about a spoonful or so they are giving me through the tube, and it tastes sweet. Tastes good. Oh! This feels good! Oh, so relaxing. [Sigh] And it tastes…tasted good. It was sweet and thick, sort of like a cough syrup. And I’m just in here and that vibration is going around and around, and it feels good on me. I feel very relaxed—just like a whirlpool.

“Did they give you this water—syrup—through the tube?” Fred Youngren later asked her.

Betty: They gave it through the tube.

Betty felt as if she had been transported somewhere during her immersion in the enclosed chair. She later speculated that the strange tank-like apparatus somehow shielded her body from harmful effects while en route. Her intuition was well founded: It would appear that the strange craft did carry Betty somewhere. The events that followed indicated that it again landed and linked itself to the entrance of an alien realm.

Finally, the vibrations ceased. The gray fluid drained from the enclosure, and it opened again.

Betty: It’s stopping—it’s stopping now, and starting to drain. And I can’t seem to open my eyes yet. I can feel it draining. And now the heaviness is coming back. My hands, and my arms, and my legs, and my feet feel heavy again.

Somehow, the entities had control of Betty’s eye movement. They had taken safety precautions to assure that Betty would keep her eyelids closed during her immersion. Soon her eyes blinked open, and Betty was startled to see that each creature had a black hood over his head. (See Figure 27.)

Betty: They are coming in again. This time they’ve got something dark over their faces, both of them—two of them. “My head hurts.”…They’ve got something dark over their faces like a—sort of like a hood, but not a point to it. It is just—over both of their faces.

“The black things that were over their heads,” Joseph Santangelo reminded her. “Was it like a device that would allow them—a life support system? So they could survive?”

Betty: It didn’t seem that way. It just seemed like a black hood over them—clothes, like a concealment.

One of the entities stepped forward and touched something on the chair.

Betty: The one in front leaned over a little and touched something on the seat there.… I don’t know if it was a button or something.

Immediately Betty’s hands and arms felt lighter.

Betty: I’m beginning to feel lighter in the hands and the arms. But my right leg and my feet are so heavy still.

“Follow us, please,” they said. Betty struggled to get up out of the chair. Suddenly she again found some force pulling her between them.

I later asked if she was wet when she came out of this immersion chair.

Betty: Yes, I was.

Joseph: How did your clothes dry?

Betty: I don’t know.

Joseph: They weren’t clinging to you?

Betty: Yes, they were clinging.

In moments, the trio were again floating above the black track. Betty sighed unhappily. They were moving in the opposite direction from which they had entered the half-cylindrical room. As they reached the other end of the chamber, a door flashed open. It opened into a tunnel.

Betty: And we are—going through a tunnel. Looks like a dark tunnel. They have hoods over their heads. And it’s a very dark tunnel.

During debriefing, Betty later described gliding along within the darkened tunnel: “Oh, it wasn’t a huge, huge tunnel. It was about the height of this room, maybe even a little smaller.” But the entities’ dark hoods caused a frightening illusion.

Betty: Their suits look shiny, but because of that dark thing they have on, they look like they don’t have any heads. Look—headless. [Softly] “I wanna go back!”


Figure 27: June 26.

“Can you describe those black hoods?” Jules Vaillancourt asked her later.

Betty: Just black. No shine to it. Just black cloth, because it blended right in with the tunnel so that all I saw was just the silver shining suits.

Jules: What was the source of illumination in the tunnel? You said it was really dark.

Betty: Their suits. The suits were the only illumination.

The aliens’ silver suits glowed in the dark, barely illuminating their way. But the soft glow lighted the tunnel enough for Betty to see that it had been chipped out of stone.

Betty: I can see things that are chopped out. Oh, my head feels so heavy. I’m still going in that tunnel. I’m just going with them.

Later, Jules Vaillancourt prompted her.

Jules: Did it seem like a tube, like the inside of a garden hose, or did it seem chipped like a coal tunnel?

Betty: Chipped, like a coal tunnel.

At times they passed openings from intersecting tunnels.

Jules: How could you tell? It was so dark.

Betty: Because of their suits. The illumination came from those suits, and we would pass other tunnels, openings. I could tell that there were other tunnels there. As we would pass, I would see, like, a darker hole.

Jules: Did they seem… Of course, you wouldn’t be able to tell how far the tunnels went in. As you went along, could you feel any temperature change?

Betty: No, it just was regular coolness, going through.

Jules: How fast was the speed? Could you see any traffic? Any signs of any other beings?

Betty: No.

Ray: You never touched the track? You were always above the track?

Betty: No, I couldn’t touch anything with my hands or my legs and feet because they were too—uh, heavy, or something.

Betty wanted to go back, but found herself completely helpless.

Betty: Oh, my head feels heavy. [Sigh] And we’re going, now we’re going upward a little bit.

Abruptly, the track slanted upward. Ahead loomed a shiny, mirror-like obstruction.

Betty: And we are coming to some kind of a glass-mirror, or glass. [See Figure 28.]

She braced herself for a collision, which never occurred. The trio passed through the silvery material without encountering any assistance.

Betty: And they are going through it! We are going through it—through that mirror!

Betty squinted her eyes as they passed out of the tunnel into a place where the atmosphere was a vibrating red color. “The red looked like infrared light,” she later explained. “It vibrated. It was like vibration through the air.” The entities’ silver suits reflected the shimmering color of this new environment.


Figure 28: The tunnel. June 26.

Betty: I’m in a place where it’s all red. The atmosphere is all red, vibrating red.… And their suits look red. Only their head-thing looks blackish red.

Later, during debriefing, Joseph Santangelo reminded her, “You said you saw red. Was that the horizon?”

Betty: That was after we came out of the dark tunnel. It was red all over.

Joseph: Below you? Above you? In front of you? Behind you?

Betty: Yeah, everything was red, except for the track that we were on. It was a dark color, like a black, but with the red hitting against it.

The black track stretched on ahead, between two square buildings with window-like openings.

Betty: We are going in this place, and there are buildings—square buildings with openings.

“Could you see the structure of the buildings?” Jules Vaillancourt later asked her. “Are they similar to ours?”

Betty: They seemed as if they’re stucco or cement.

Joseph: Was it like a landscape, a—

Betty: In the red part, there wasn’t. There wasn’t any vegetable life.

Harold: Was there any foliage in the red portion?

Betty: Nothing.

Joseph: You were like in a red cloud?

Betty: No, it was—uh, there was land and there were buildings, but there was no vegetable life. Just land, and buildings.…

Evidently, the scene was distant and none too distinct:

Betty: All you can do is make out the forms of things. And now we are passing—oh, boy, we are coming to where there’s some beings!

Betty gaped in horror at what she saw crawling on the buildings. (See Figure 29.)

Betty: And these beings are—got two eyeballs…and there are loads of them. Oh, they’re scary! And they’ve skinny arms and legs and kind of a full body. And their eyes can move every which way, and they can climb just like monkeys. They can climb up quickly and swiftly and down and around and in and out of windows. They are all over the place!

The weird creatures were headless. They had two large eyes located on the tips of stalks that emanated from the top of their bodies, and the stalks moved independently of each other.


Figure 29: The lemur or monkey-like creatures. June 19.

Betty became very agitated as they passed by the frightful animals. “Who are these? Who are these?” she cried. The entities wouldn’t tell her.

Betty: But they are all around us, everywhere! They are all around and they keep looking at us.

“Was there animosity between the beings and these lemur [monkey] types?” Dr. Edelstein later asked her.

Betty: The beings just had the hoods over them.

The creatures’ huge eyes gawked at Betty and her companions as they glided by. When they passed by without mishap, Betty breathed a sigh of relief.

“Was there anything else in the red place?” Dr. Edelstein later asked.

Betty: Just the buildings and those beings.

The track swept them forward.

Betty: We are in this red place. We are still going on this—I don’t

know if it’s an escalator or what. It just seems like we are going along—further and further on…and we’re coming to…

The threesome approached a circular membrane and passed through it without resistance into a place with a green atmosphere. (See Figure 30.)

Later, Joseph Santangelo asked her, “When did it change to green? I mean, did it change suddenly, or…”

Betty: No, we went a distance, and I seen those things [the monkey-like creatures]. And then it started to change.

The track curved upward. This new area was vast.

Betty: It’s beautiful here. Oh, it’s so beautiful here, and we are still along the thing. And now that we are in the green atmosphere, they are taking off those black hoods. And…going along and it seems like mist or sea or something off to the side there. Beautiful. And we’re like on a narrow, narrow passage of land and we’re gliding across it. And off to the side, I see—I don’t know if they are fish or what. It looks like a combination fish and bird. And it seems like it’s haze all over, and fog, and yet it’s light so I can see it. And we are going someplace. I don’t know where it is, up ahead, but it seems that we’re going someplace.

Betty peered down upon strange plants, mist-enshrouded water, and a distant complex of buildings. The sheer vastness of this alien realm overwhelmed her senses. Where was she? What place was this? It reminded her of some legendary underground kingdom.

Betty: It’s getting brighter green and beautiful. Oh, it’s so beautiful. That one in front of me told me, “See, I told you not to be afraid.” There’s a lot of different stuff I’m seeing, but I can’t describe it. It’s just unusual and different. Plants are different. It’s like, uh—long stems that come out in loops and the different colors. But they are green!

Betty sounded puzzled and frustrated at not being able to describe verbally what she saw.


Figure 30: The circular entrance between the red and green atmospheres. June 26.

Betty: I don’t know how that can be, unless I’m just feeling or thinking the colors. Because it’s green all around, and yet I can see the color in it. It’s all green.… We are coming.… [Pause] Must be to a city or something, because there seems to be—buildings or something up ahead. It’s just…[pause] I don’t have the words to be able to explain it.

All of a sudden, Betty and her bracketing companions coasted to a halt. Other similar elevated tracks crisscrossed the area. They stopped to let something go by. Betty just watched, dumbfounded. Later she found nothing in her vocabulary to describe it.

Betty: We are stopping because there is something white there. There is something white. I don’t know what it is! It is something like—I can’t ever explain it. [Sigh]

“You mentioned starting and stopping,” Fred Youngren reminded her later. “Could you feel yourself speed up and slow down? You know how in a car or train you can feel acceleration? Could you feel that?”

Betty: Yes.

Fred: Yes, but when you stopped, could you feel yourself being thrown forward? And when they started up, could you feel yourself being thrown backward?

Betty: No, there was no thrust. We just stopped—slowly stopped, and that was it. There was no—you know, fast stop.

Fred: Very smooth?

Betty: Yeah.

Their stop was brief, and soon they were on the move again. Betty was fascinated as she gazed down upon a building that reminded her of a pyramid. To its apex a sculptured head was affixed.

Betty: I’m seeing a pyramid. But this pyramid is a different kind of a pyramid—it has one big flat side and the others indent, sort of. We are going over it, high in the sky.

In a later debriefing, Jules Vaillancourt elicited from her a more complete description.

Jules: Getting back to those pyramids you mentioned—

Betty: One pyramid. With a white edge.

Jules: Where was the white edge? Was it on all three edges?

Betty: It was like a—okay, let’s see if I can explain this. You take a star. You know, if you had a regular star, like this, right? Well, it had the edges, which were just like a star but it was cut off right in the middle, the center, so it was straight across. And then you just had the star.

Jules: You mean like a painted white edge or a source of illumination?

Betty: It was white, going down the whole edge.

Ray: Like if you took a knife and cut off the sharp edge and made it a flat edge all the way down and painted it white?

Betty: Yes, and then there was the head on the very top. There was no white there. It was just stopped at a certain section, and here was the big head on top—it still came to a point.

Ray: What was the head? Could you see?

Betty: It looked sort of like an Egyptian head, and it had like—you know, how they wear those hats? It was just a regular head. It wasn’t fat like the Sphinx—the Sphinx has a big fat face. This had 11 cheeks, but it looked sort of feminine, yet male.


Figure 31: Betty’s view of the Green Realm. June 19.

Jules: Do you think that you could draw a sketch of it now?

Betty: Not up close. I couldn’t see the features that good. I could try. I’ll attempt it, to get it down, but it was feminine-male. It was a combination of the two. [See Figure 31.]

I later asked Betty for some clarification on one point.

Ray: You say you were flying over this pyramid. What were you in? You said you were looking down. Have you been up in an airplane before? Was it like being up in an airplane?

Betty: It wasn’t. No. That thing just went up into the air, and we just were going over it and able to look down.

Joseph: This thing that you were talking about. Was it like a bus?

Betty: No.… We’re just standing up, that’s all. It’s just on this thing that we’re standing on as we’re going along.

Betty was talking about the same black track that transported them through the tunnel.

Joseph: And whatever that is, does it have any constraints? It just seems like you are out in the open, but that track is what is guiding you?

Betty: That’s right.

Ray: Did you feel dizzy? Like you were going to fall off this thing at any time?

Betty: I felt dizzy a couple of times, yes, but I didn’t feel as if I were going to fall off.

Jules: Were you breathing normally? I mean, you didn’t have any kind of tubes or anything?

Betty: No, I was breathing normally.

Joseph: But you could see things below you as well as above you and to the side?

Betty: Yes, way below.

Ray: Did you see a horizon, like you were up in a…?

Betty: No, it was all fog and mist.

In her original description, of course, Betty had cited other buildings as well.

Betty: By that pyramid there’s like a—I don’t know if you would call them bridges or walkways, or what they are. And there’s water there.

Jules Vaillancourt reminded Betty of this during debriefing.

Jules: Getting back to the city that you could see at a distance. Were you close enough to see any kind of beings? Any movement? How did you know it was a city?

Betty: It was definitely a city.

Jules: Were there high buildings?

Betty: There were, but they were so—they looked like, you know, a lot like science fiction. Big cities with all these different bridges all around.…

Jules: Could you see activity?

Betty: No, I don’t remember seeing activity. It was too far away. That was way over to the side there, way over to the side. The pyramid was closer than that. The city was way over to the side. There was a horizon because that was on the horizon and the sky was in back of it, the green sky.

Fred: Was there anything up in the sky? A sun?

Betty: No.

Harold: Was it artificially lit?

Betty: No.

Harold: Was there a dome?

Betty: Yes, there were domes.

Harold: Was there a large dome that contained this whole area that you were in?

Betty: No, there were many domes.

Ray: Where did you see these domes? Overhead?

Betty: No, off to the side. There were domes in the city.

Joseph: Betty, if you looked up, what was overhead?

Betty: Just endlessness of that green.

Betty’s journey continued, however.

Betty: “Where are we going?” My head is so heavy. It feels funny. Still going up, and up—

Directly ahead of them, a bright light source came into view. It reflected off beautiful crystalline structures like giant prisms. Betty gazed in awe at the changing colors. The stark beauty of it all was frightening. (See Figure 32.)

Betty: And I’m coming before a bright light—crystals, bright, bright light, and clear crystals that have rainbows all in it. It is all crystal all around—all forms of crystal. I don’t know what it is. I’m afraid! I want to go back! And the bright light up ahead. [Sigh] I want to go back. [Sigh] They are taking me through these crystals. That bright light is up ahead.… Oh-h-h-h-h, that bright light. We are stopping and the two are getting off the thing. And I’m just there, before the light.


Figure 32: June 26.

A vague form in front of the light slowly became more distinct. Astonished, Betty observed a huge bird standing directly in front of the dazzling light source. It was too big to be real, and yet it looked as if it were alive.

Betty: I’m seeing something like a large bird—huge, huge bird. It is standing with its wings and the light in back of it.

As they approached the birdlike apparition, the temperature became unbearably hot!

Betty: Whew! It is hot. I’m so hot. [Panting] I’m so hot. I feel like I’m burning, I’m so hot!

In the chair, Betty’s body began to writhe in agony. The hypnotist immediately came to her rescue.

Harold: Just relax. I’m bringing you back to the present time, but this thought will remain in your mind where you have left off. And the next time that we conduct this, you will go to this state of mind.

Betty was allowed to recuperate. While she rested, we investigators hurriedly scanned our notes to frame questions for the debriefing period that began shortly thereafter.

Fred: Do you think that the ship was somehow connected to those places—through some other dimension, or something like that? I’m putting words in your mouth.

Betty: I think I went for a trip.

Fred: In the ship, do you think?

Betty: In the ship. I think I was kept in those glass chairs while we were going.

Fred: Okay, that’s when you think the trip occurred?

Betty: Yes.

Fred: Do you think the glass chairs were in the ship?

Betty: Yes.

Fred: Okay, and that’s when you think the voyage occurred. And then, when you reached the destination, you connected with this red and green place?

Betty: Yeah. When we reached the destination, we went through the black tunnel.

Fred: Still in the ship?

Betty: No, outside of the ship. There were…black tunnels.

Jules: Did they seem very long?

Betty: Yes, they seemed long.

Joseph: Did you have anything over you at that time? Your head felt heavy.

Betty: It felt like pressure or something on my head. My head was hurting and heavy from it, whatever it was. Even now, my head feels heavy from it.

Jules: Is this when the pear-head beings had the hoods on? And you didn’t?

Betty: Yes, they had those black hoods. I didn’t.

Joseph: Betty, when you said they put the—something dark over their heads—was that—do you think that was for protection?

Betty: I think so. That red, to me, that red seemed—they seemed worried about the red atmosphere. Because when they got into the green, they took those hoods off their heads.

Ray: What did they do with the hoods when they took them off?

Betty: We were out of the red atmosphere, and I don’t know if they laid them to the side or if they kept them on their person.

Harold: Were these, ah, lemurs—were they on one side of the red atmosphere, or were they intermingled in the same area with the beings without the hoods?

Betty: No, they were just in one area.

Harold: There was nothing in the red place. The green place—was there foliage in the green place?

Betty: Yes. When we went into the green, there was vegetation. There was. I can’t explain it.

I glanced at my watch. The debriefing period was about over. (Many of our debriefing questions and Betty’s answers have, of course, been interpolated into the foregoing narrative.) Hastily we checked our notes for other questions that we had planned to ask Betty.

Ray: You seemed to be somehow attached to the track.… Do you think you left this earth and went to another world, or was this all someplace on this earth?

Betty: Not on top of this earth. I could have been inside the earth, but I went someplace else other than the earth.

Fred: You don’t know whether it was another world then, or whether it was part of this earth?

Betty: Are you talking about another dimension?

Fred: No. I’m saying, did you leave this earth and go through space—to another planet? Or did this all happen on this earth?

Betty: I left this earth, yes, I left this earth. I believe we were in space, and somehow I believe we were in the center of the earth. Now how can you be in both?

Harold: It may be that this “other earth” that you went to, that the outside of it is like the shell, the housing. Everything that goes on, goes on within—like a large garage. The door opens and you can go in, and then you can leave it.

Our time was up, but many intended questions remained unanswered. We wondered about the strange bird, the dazzling light, and the heat that Betty had begun to describe in vivid terms. Could this have been real? Was she hallucinating? The answers would have to wait until the next session, scheduled for June 23, 1977.


Betty Ann Andreasson. Courtesy of Fred R. Youngren.


Becky Andreasson. Courtesy of Fred R. Youngren.


Dr. Harold J. Edelstein, who conducted the hypnosis sessions. Courtesy of Fred R. Youngren.


Back row (from left to right): David Stanton, Raymond E. Fowler, Virginia Neurath, Betty Andreasson.

Front row: Nancy McLaughlin, David Webb, Joseph Santangelo.


The investigative team. Courtesy of Fred R. Youngren.

Back row (from left to right): Deborah Vaillancourt, May Ellen Brady, Harold J. Edelstein, Becky Andreasson.

Front row: Jules Vaillancourt, Fred R. Youngren.


Joseph Santangelo and Jules Vaillancourt prepare to tape-record Betty’s recollections under hypnosis. Courtesy of Fred R. Youngren.


Betty’s face registers the fear and discomfort she experienced during the physical examination. Courtesy of Fred R. Youngren.


Still in hypnotic trance, Betty produces sketches of what she saw during her CE-IV experience. Courtesy of Fred R. Youngren.


Based on Betty’s sketches and recollections, Fred R. Youngren and his daughter Faith constructed this three-dimensional “mug shot” bust of Quazgaa, the apparent leader of the entities who abducted Betty. Courtesy of Fred R. Youngren.


The author, Raymond E. Fowler, with the Youngren model. Copyright Ralph Tourcotte, Beverly [Massachusetts] Times.