Ch / 1 Earth Star Chakra— Vasundhara


The Earth Star Chakra sits about 12 inches (30 cm) below your feet. It is a spinning wheel of light that connects you to Mother Earth, as well as all of the bones of the ancestors, the gem and mineral people (the spirits living within our gemstone and mineral tools), the faerie folk, and the collective consciousness of all humankind. For all of these reasons, many people feel that the Earth Star Chakra is the most important of the central nine energy centers.

Connecting to the Earth Star, or Vasundhara, allows you to ground and root our collective energy more firmly into Gaia’s mortal matrix. Mother Gaia is the mother of all life on planet Earth, the keeper of ancient and grounded feminine wisdom. The Sanskrit name Vasundhara literally translates to “daughter of the Earth.” Thus, this energy center is your oldest spiritual home. The Earth Star is also the Lower World of Shamanism, the entry point to a labyrinth of time, rock, and stone that leads to the molten core of our planet. What follows is a guided journey to help you explore the many aspects of this sacred birthplace.

Embodiment Exercise: Earth Star Chakra Induction

Call your energy gently into present time by speaking your name out loud, over and over, in a soft voice, or by imagining your name written into sand on a beautiful beach. Your energy is the most powerful resonant tool you can use: Speaking it out loud or imagining it written brings your personal energy and focus into the present.

Bring your attention to this moment. Here begins a journey to encounter the Earth Star Chakra—your closest energy connection to Mother Gaia herself, and the part of your energy field that resides closest to the gemstone and mineral kingdoms, as well as the sacred plant medicines that grow in Gaia’s jungles. The Earth Star is represented by the Mother archetype, the essence of safety and compassion that wants nothing more for you than happiness, safety, and wellness. Let this meditation guide you.

1/ Bring your attention to your feet, and notice the way your feet make easy, intimate contact with the Earth. Curl your toes and then relax them, stretching them out and then curling them in and down to push your energy into the ground. Roll your feet back and push your ankles down toward the ground, curling your toes up and back. Feel the muscles down the backs of your legs tighten as you hold this position. Then relax your feet and let them rest softly on the floor in front of you.

2/ Now imagine that you are walking in a heavily wooded forest. On all sides of you are trees so tall you cannot see their tops. Their trunks are so large you cannot fit your arms around them. Breathe in the forest scent and let the clean, crisp, clear air fill your lungs. Notice how grounded you feel in this moment; it is almost effortless to find safety among the trees.

3/ Return your attention to your feet and imagine the vast strength and power of Mother Earth under them. Think of the centuries, the millennia, for which Gaia has existed, and how much change has taken place on her continents, in her cities, and across her countries. Try to access and pull up as much of that strength and power as you can. Bring up fire and heat from the core of the planet; bring up soil and bedrock and layers of limestone; bring up fistfuls of quartz and tourmaline; pull up fruit and vegetables to nourish and sustain you. Pull up tree roots, branches, and limbs to build a solid foundation for your growth and expansion.

4/ Fill your lungs with the scent of ancient soil, soil that has been buried for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Once you feel that you can see, hear, and smell Gaia clearly, give thanks for the connection you have made with her. Stay in this space for as long as you feel called to do so.

5/ Say, silently or aloud, “Pachamama, see your children today as they gather strength from your deepest reserves and bless them as they call this energy into present time, into their daily lives, to strengthen, solidify, and support them through change and transformation. Amen, A’ho, So it is.” (For more about Pachamama, see here.)

6/ With a breath of love and gratitude, release Pachamama’s energy from your space by offering words of thanks to her and sending her sweet blessings for her return to the spirit realm.

The Earth Star Chakra is your primary power portal for grounding and stabilizing erratic energies. As the deepest of the lower chakras, it is an important access point for transformative work around releasing, purifying, or transmuting low frequencies. Here you have a sacred opportunity to let go of what is too heavy for you to carry, or what no longer serves your Highest Good. Imagine surrendering these heavy energies and pouring them into the soil under your feet. Take a moment to notice a new lightness of being in your physical body, and sense whether that lightness also extends to your etheric body. You might feel a warmth and tingling in your feet, which are your points of contact with the Earth Star realm. All healers understand the importance of opening and aligning the lower chakras; without a solid and stable foundation in the lower chakras, empaths face psychic burnout. Time spent in the Earth Star realm prevents this, as it re-energizes and nourishes from within.

The Earth Star Chakra is a cosmic buffer: It helps Gaia release cosmic stress from the planet and the immediate environment, distancing you from anything that your physical body cannot integrate or assimilate into healing light. When you allow your Earth Star Chakra to filter out heavy or unwanted energies, or energies that are not relevant or necessary for your training and development in this moment, you take advantage of a valuable resource that is available to everyone, all of the time.

To do this, let go of what is too heavy to carry. Give it back to the Great Mother, whose arms are strong. Next time the cares of the world feel like too much for you, bring your attention to your feet, then to the Earth upon which you stand, then to the layers of rock, soil, stone, and time beneath your feet, then to the bones of the ancestors buried all around you, and send an anchor of light down through the layers. Envision a great anchor made of the brightest white or golden light, and imagine a chain of light extending from your hands to the anchor. Lift the anchor, and let it fall from your hands down to the Earth, watching as it descends beneath the top layers of soil and pushes past, down, through, and beyond where you can see it, bringing its bold illumination to the center of the planet. Let that anchor bury itself firmly on your behalf. Know that nothing you do or say can change the Great Mother’s love for, and devotion to, you. Rest in your power and trust that you are always guided and served by a team of guardian Earth Spirits who love, know, and remember you well. This is the medicine of the Earth Star Chakra.






tarot card




essential oils/herbs




Reflection Questions for the Earth Star Chakra

Reflective writing is a balm for the soul, and setting the stage for spiritual writing is an intentional process. Light a blue candle for wisdom or a purple candle for spirit guidance. Gather crystals for writing and wisdom, like blue lace agate, azurite, or vanadinite. Then diffuse some essential oils for focus, like geranium or rosemary, and other oils for beauty and peace, like rose de mai or lavender. Brew yourself a beautiful cup of tea in a mug that has special meaning for you: Mugwort tea will soften your consciousness to help you receive spirit messages more easily, while orange tea will bring gentle waves of energy your way and help support a richer attention span.

You might like to choose a special journal or notebook for this process. Choose one that speaks to you or consider decorating one with beautiful stickers or your own art. Choose a lovely piece of vintage ribbon to use as a bookmark. And on the first page, write a brief dedication to your journal—a love note to yourself, reminding you to breathe and relax each time you begin to offer an entry to your journal.

Enjoy the process of setting up your sacred writing space and then let these questions guide you:

1/ Gemstones are the teachers of the Earth Star kingdom. They hold the sacred record of all that transpired on the Earth during the course of their growth, so they have much to impart to us about the history and future of our planet. What wisdom do the crystal and mineral spirits hold for you? If the crystals and minerals could show you where they grew and formed over millennia within Pachamama herself, what stories would they impart? Do you feel a deeper connection to crystals when you think of them as sacred teachers?

2/ What emotions surface for you when you imagine pressing your roots down into Mother Earth? Does the idea of deep grounding inspire or scare you? What potential benefits and risks might come from being more grounded than you are today?

3/ Whereas the Heart Chakra is the heart of the energy system, and the heart of the collective consciousness, the Earth Star Chakra is the heart of the planet. When you place your energy ear closer to our Great Mother, what do you hear? What messages are coming up for you from the depths of the planet? Where is your healing energy and presence needed most now?

When you are ready to close your reflective writing, thank your spirit guides and higher self for attending you while you write, and blow out your candles. Store your gems and other writing tools together in a special place so that you’ll have them handy when you want to do more reflective writing in the future.

Goddesses of the Earth Star Chakra


Inanna is the ancient Sumerian goddess of creation, and her name means “lady of heaven” in ancient Sumerian Cuneiform. She is also said to be the goddess of sex, beauty, love, wealth, war, and wisdom. Inanna, whose identity became entangled over time with that of the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar, is the most cited and attributed goddess of any pantheon. She is one of the only goddesses in history whose presence and energy have remained relevant across civilizations. Her ancient and revered status on Earth, and the fact that she governs so many broad and distinct energies, qualifies her as the primary goddess to represent the Earth Star. Inanna is, of all of the goddesses across time, the truest Vasundhara, or daughter of the Earth.

Just as Inanna’s identity has transformed over time, shifting from being the oldest goddess on Earth to the most powerful goddess of all things desired by humans—love, sex, wealth, power—you, too, may also have grown and shifted within your own identity over time. How have you encountered and integrated new facets of your power? Call upon Inanna to help you reimagine yourself and safely explore all facets of your identity. (To call upon Inanna, simply say her name. You will draw upon her ancient energy stream and begin to feel her power surround you.) You are, as she was, a brilliant and circumspect creature, capable of shifting and becoming as circumstances require. Let yourself grow, expand, and evolve, trusting that, in doing so, you are safe and protected from below and within. The anchoring magic of the Earth Star Chakra will help you stay steady and centered as you discover the fullness of your magic.

Another powerful goddess archetype with a more modern lineage is Pachamama, the Incan goddess of growth, fertility, and natural disasters. In Quechua, the indigenous language of the Andes region, Pachamama translates literally to “Earth mother.” Pachamama is the heartbeat and lifeblood of our planet, always fertile and pregnant with new life. She represents the highest evolution of the Divine Feminine and our closest ally in the Mesoamerican spirit world for shamanic journeywork. Pachamama uses her plant and animal allies to create a fortress of strength to support you. Look to her as a grounding force to connect you with Earth energies. Whisper a prayer to her each time you pick a flower or plant a seed. Give thanks to her for strong crops and sacred sustenance. You can even create a small altar to Pachamama in your garden, sprinkling a few seeds to the east as you do, to represent her blessing of new life.


Earth Star Chakra Gemstones


BLACK KYANITE clears all energies from all people, places, and things. It serves as the Great Broom, releasing and redirecting energies that are no longer in service of your Highest Good. It is the only gemstone that instantly clears negative energy from all other stones, but does not itself need to be cleared or cleansed. Energy practitioners should keep a piece of black kyanite on their altar to maintain clear energies at all times.

BROOKITE facilitates interdimensional access and, in this way, it allows you to expand your energy field to receive frequencies attuned to other dimensions and realms. These expanded energy frequencies yield access to new layers of wisdom and knowledge and new senses beyond the five traditional ones. Take brookite with you into a shamanic journey or any kind of enhanced or advanced spiritual experience: It will guide you as you expand and integrate a deeper level of awareness.

PETRIFIED WOOD is deoxygenated, fossilized branches and trunks of ancient trees, with their organic elements broken down to reveal layers of quartz under layers of wood. Within the swirls of purple, orange, red, and brown tones, you can find pathways to the magic of center Earth. Ancestors’ bones whisper to you from within the core of this sacred gem. Working with this stone—holding it, keeping it with you in your home—will allow it to convey its ancient messages and whispers of inspiration from the distant past.

RED JASPER prepares you for battle, strengthening the blood and internal organs as well as your personal energy reserves and stamina. Native Americans often carried red jasper in times of battle or conflict to ensure resolve and courage.

SARDONYX, the warrior stone of endurance and expanded capacity, reminds you that you are much stronger than you think. Hold this stone in meditation to connect to your inner warrior any time you find yourself in a challenging situation.

TEKTITE is an amazing connection talisman, especially between human souls. It is actually meteoric glass and, as such, contains the grounding of the Earth Star in union with the blessings and ascension energies of the Soul Star. Lovers who must be separated across long distances should hold two pieces of tektite together. Once separated, the two pieces will communicate telepathically with each other, transmitting wisdom and messages to the other.

TIBETAN QUARTZ is the master healer of the Earth Star Chakra. It carries you right back to the arms of the Great Mother, Gaia, so that she can fortify and support you. Working with Tibetan quartz in meditation heals, soothes, and hydrates the physical body.

To work with the Earth Star Chakra gemstones, consider creating an in-ground prayer altar. This is a burial space on land that is sacred to you, in a location where you can safely open a pocket in the Earth about 10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm) deep and about 4 to 5 inches (10 to 13 cm) wide.

To create a prayer altar, first decide what you will be praying for. Consider micro and macro prayers; micro prayers are for you, your family, and your home, while macro prayers can be for the entire planet, or even the entire universe. (When you pray, it is wise to hold space both for your needs and the needs of others.) Then gather a few Earth Star Chaka gemstones, essential oils, and herbs (see here). Next say a prayer or blessing of gratitude for the Earth and for the fruits she offers you, and for her wisdom and security. Open the Earth in as natural a way as you can, using your hands when possible, to feel your connection to the Earth at this deeper level.

Once you open this sacred pocket of Earth, take one or two of the Earth Star Chakra gemstones in your right hand and blow your breath upon them. Whisper your prayer or request to them as you send them down into Gaia as prayer anchors, holding the energy of the things you desire. For instance, perhaps you are sending down red jasper for strength and courage to help you get through a particularly challenging time or circumstance in your life. Or maybe you are offering Tibetan quartz to your in-ground altar, along with a prayer for healing, to support your own health or the health of someone you love. Take a moment and feel the energies of the stones swirling with the energies of your intentions for the work they will do. Sense the frequency of your intention aligning with the frequencies of the gemstones you have chosen.

You might consider the integration of another layer of energy correspondence by using herbs and essential oils to anoint the stones and the Earth itself. For example, frankincense resin has been used as a prayer offering since Biblical times, and frankincense essential oil is ideal for this task, as are white sage (Salvia apiana) leaves. Frankincense grounds the energies of wishes and intentions, helping them take root, and also serves as a sacred offering to Source/God/Creator. White sage leaves are used among Native Americans to clear and purify negative energies and low frequencies from people and places. A single leaf placed into your burial altar, along with a few drops of frankincense or a piece of frankincense resin, adds another dimension of ceremonial magic to this already potent ritual, and helps to intensify the focus of your prayer. Place your stones above the oil and leaf, and then, with your left hand extended palm-down over the hole you have opened, say one final prayer, giving thanks for the blessings that are already on their way to you.

Seal the burial space in as sacred a way as you opened it, filling as much as you can with your bare hands. Feel the gift of Gaia’s fertile soil between your fingers as you pray, sing, smile, cry, speak, or whisper your needs—whatever feels right to you. Know that the Daughter of the Earth is listening. She sees you, and she loves you.

Some practitioners recommend revisiting this space one year and one day from the time you bury these offerings; others suggest that a sacred return is not important. Use your intuition to guide you about whether and when you should return to this place, as well as whether and how to care for the space you created. You can leave organic offerings safely within the Earth for a lifetime, so as long as you are comfortable leaving your offerings with Gaia, let them be.


Earth Star Chakra Herbs and Essential Oils


In Native American practice, Ceremonial Tobacco is considered a sacred offering to the Great Spirit, and is commonly added to medicine bundles, bags, and pouches, in particular for healing rites and ceremonies. White Ceremonial Sage (Salvia apiana), when burned, is revered for its power to clear low, negative, or stuck frequencies. Light one end of a ceremonial white sage bundle, blow the flame out, and then place the bundle inside a fireproof dish, fanning the smoke from east to north. Allow the smoke to envelop you and your sacred space, and into it release any energies, sensations, or emotions that are no longer serving you. Black and Pink Peppercorn, either in whole, powdered, or essential oil form, bring protection, grounding, and courage. Red Clover detoxifies and purifies while Myrrh Resin invites angelic energies. Frankincense Resin also purifies and is typically used in liturgical practice to prepare for religious ceremonies. Finally, Galangal Root facilitates astral projection, as well as contact with spirit guides during divination. It is also very protective of overall physical health, especially the central nervous system.

In Peru, one way to honor the Mother is to create a despacho, or organic offering that can be buried within Tierra Madre, or Mother Earth, as a way of creating a sacred exchange with our planet. After all, we receive so much from her that it can be rewarding and healing to give something back.

On the following page, learn how to prepare your own despacho.

Despacho de la Madre—An Offering to the Mother



• 1 ounce (28 g) white sage leaves

• Pinch of ceremonial tobacco

• 6 black or pink peppercorns, or a pinch of black pepper

• Frankincense or copal resin

• Brightly colored candies or dried fruits

• Pinch, or one large crystal, of sea salt

• Seashells, gemstones, or other organic materials

• 1 piece (12" × 12" [30 × 30 cm]) canvas or biodegradable fabric

• Twine or thread to tie the package

Make sure that all the items you use are organic and biodegradable, as you will be burying, burning, or floating this despacho off to its permanent home—that is, offering it back to Gaia. Include a variety of ingredients, and make sure some are sweet and brightly colored. The Mother enjoys candies and sweets as well as non-edible offerings that bring sweet, loving energies back to Earth.

Place all of the ingredients inside the piece of canvas or fabric, then fold the despacho into a square or rectangle. Wrap it three times with your thread or twine, whispering a prayer for our planet each time you do so. Then either bury or burn the despacho, or set it out to sea. Release it to the elements and ask that your offering be received by the Mother with love and gratitude—just as it was created. Amen, A’ho, So it is. (While the despacho is meant to honor Gaia, and is not often used for personal intentions, some shamanic groups do create them for group intentions related to Pachamama.)

Tarot Card, Rune, and Planet of the Earth Star Chakra

Major Arcana: The Hierophant

The Hierophant is the keeper of origins and traditions, and is a great teacher of What Was in service of helping you imagine What Is and What Can Be. The Hierophant energies reside in the Earth Star, for this is where your line ascends and descends, and where ancestor bones rest as you integrate their wisdom over time. Here, you locate your cultural origins, and identify with the terra firma of Gaia herself.

Call upon The Hierophant to illuminate your view of your ancestors. He is the guardian of the gateway to their bones, your lineage, and shared wisdom. Think of him as the Master Librarian of the Akashic Records, the grand recording of all that has ever happened or will happen in the universe.

If you could access the record of all wisdom across all time, what questions would you ask? What wisdom would you seek from the pages of the Akashic Record? These are profound considerations, so allow yourself a moment here to connect with The Hierophant and to consider what you most need to know at this point in your life and in the development of your soul. Would it help you to know the stories of your oldest ancestors, to become aware of the trials and tribulations they survived in order to find motivation and encouragement? Perhaps you are not sure where your ancestors came from, so your own personal roots are a subject of curiosity for you. In that case, call upon The Hierophant to show you the answers to these questions and help you excavate the ancient ruins of your maternal and paternal lines. Once you know the details of your personal origin story, you will better understand the lessons of this lifetime and how best to navigate them. For example, if some of your living relatives have strong memories of your ancestors and their wisdom, make time to connect with them even if you must travel to do so, for they are the medicine keepers of your line. In meditation, ask your elder spirits and ancestors to share their wisdom with you now in ways you can understand, appreciate, and integrate well into your life. Always give pre-emptive thanks for what gifts might arrive and close your prayer with “Amen, A’ho, So it is.”

Rune: Othala

The rune Othala, one of Odin’s original twenty-four runes of the Elder Futhark (the oldest form of the runic alphabets), is said to contain the power and energy of all other runes. Othala is also called the blood rune, for it is said to be the chamber of ancestral roots, where the fates of the lines of mother and father are decided. This is the work of the Earth Star chakra because it serves as a filter of parental karmic debt, sparing souls of energies that no longer require purification or re-enactment in the third dimension. You can draw this rune or carve it into wood in order to connect most deeply with its shape and its message. Some people have jewelry with their runes on it, or choose to work with runes via physical tattoo. Whichever way you work with this rune, know that the shape itself carries intense magic and can transfer energy across both space and time.

Planet: Pluto

Even though Pluto isn’t technically considered a planet any more, for the purposes of chakras it is. Pluto represents death, transformation, and all that is unseen. The patron planet of Hades, God of the Underworld, in Greek mythology, Pluto illuminates karmic obligations in this lifetime, which are inherited from actions and decisions in lifetimes past. Consider the many ways in which transformation is arising as a theme for you: Are you changing physically, emotionally, or spiritually? All human beings undergo cycles of growth and change; in fact, every seven years, most of the body’s cells transform and are reborn. If you are actively seeking support for transformation, look at the house placement and astrological sign in which Pluto sits within your own natal chart. The house will tell you what area of your life is highlighted for transformation in this lifetime, while the sign will help you understand how best to navigate change in your life.

Archetype of the Earth Star Chakra

Archetypes are a concept rooted in Jungian psychology, whereby people enact different faces or aspects of the collective unconscious in their human lives. At the Earth Star, you encounter The Mother archetype as you enter Gaia’s deepest and innermost chambers. Here, in her tightest embrace, it is possible to experience a powerful awakening. Your capacity for compassion and softness expand, and once they do, you see a way to offer others the love, tenderness, and grace that perhaps you were not offered in your own life. For instance, if you were emotionally impoverished as a child, you may find it difficult to open yourself to affection and compassion in your adult life. If so, the Mother archetype can help you by reminding you of your inherent worth. You are a divine creation worthy of love and sweet affection, of respect and admiration. As you receive this blessing of love from the Mother, you will be less likely to seek out maternal affection in non-maternal places. So much familial and intergenerational healing begins at the Earth Star Chakra.

Mantra of the Earth Star Chakra

In Sanskrit, the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is perhaps the most sacred of all mantras, since it is said to contain all of the teachings of Buddha within its frequency. It translates literally to “I offer praise to the jewel within the lotus,” and it reflects the physical grounding and embodiment of the purest notion of compassion. Repeating this mantra in meditation will connect you with the protective, rooting, and anchoring energies of the Earth Star, and will support you in feeling more connected to Gaia, where healing begins.

Consider what it means to activate all of the Buddha’s teachings and blessings with one phrase. Doing so reminds you that, while they are complex, spiritual teachings are also highly interconnected. One of the great lessons to be learned from studying the chakras is the sacred simplicity of energy; it flows seamlessly from one energy center in your body without instruction or direction. Meditate on this concept of simplicity and ease, and think about how you might benefit from deepening your own awareness and compassion. Receive the blessings all around you.

Embodiment Exercise: Earth Star Chakra Activation

Earth Star Activation is the next step in the process of anchoring your energy deep within the Earth as a means of stabilizing, nourishing, and supporting you. Now, you bring the work back in, back within, toward your center, where you can experience, embody, and integrate this sacred energy frequency in service of mirroring it to the planet. Use this short meditation to guide you.

1/ First, give thanks to the Great Mother, Pachamama, Gaia, Mata, who has given you this life to enjoy and this beautiful planet to care for.

2/ As you give these thanks, close your eyes and let your body relax. Feel every muscle and vertebrae softening, allowing the energies to move through with ease.

3/ Now imagine a beautiful, gleaming, red-black, glowing Merkaba star glowing in front of you, pulsating and shining its red-black light on everything around you. Put your hands out and touch it, and feel the warmth of her Earth pulse as you connect with her frequency. Doesn’t it feel like a molten womb, calling you, inviting you home? It reminds you that you are never far from your Great Mother who knows, loves, and appreciates your very being.

4/ Enjoy a moment in her field and then release her back down into the Earth, past the crust and mantle, and down into the core, where she can resume her heartbeat pulse of love and safety. You are never far from her.

Amen, A’ho, So it is. And on we go.