The ninth chakra is our connection to the stars. It is our portal or access point to other dimensions and provides us with encouragement to pursue ascension and spiritual development in this life. For some, the call of the Soul Star Chakra is louder and harder to ignore; for others, the call is subtler. Whichever way this chakra speaks to you, you can draw from this well of soul strength for inspiration and courage.
The Soul Star Chakra sits about 12 inches (30 cm) above the top of your head and is your aura’s uppermost point of contact with the broader energy field. Its alternate name, Sutara, means “holy star” in Sanskrit and reflects the sacred nature of the etheric energies that reside beyond the physical chakra system. When this chakra is open and energy is flowing well through it, you feel a sense of embodied peace. You feel capable of channeling and holding the energies around you and find that your manifestation abilities are strong. At the Soul Star Chakra, it becomes possible to imagine a highly complex universe in which time and space are not linear, and where it is possible to experience the past, present, and future synchronously. Consider what it would mean for you, personally, to be able to experience the past now, in this moment, as if it were happening right now. What about the future? What would it mean for you to experience the future now, synchronously with the present? Would you live differently or love differently? And would this wisdom help you or hurt you?
Once your horizons expand and your awareness opens, it is difficult to return to ignorance. The Soul Star Chakra offers you enhanced awareness, but will you be able to integrate it and use it wisely in service of your highest good?
If the Crown Chakra is your crown, the Soul Star Chakra is your halo. It is an angelic amulet, a divine ray of heavenly light that offers nothing but pure nourishment and loving balm to your soul. The medicine of the Soul Star Chakra is ascension, and its call is to the deepest part of your soul. Use this meditation to guide you on your journey.
1/ If you are ready to answer the call of the Soul Star Chakra, stretch your arms above your head, directly up toward the sky, and point your fingertips skyward. Now, imagine the tips of your fingers making contact with the warmest, most tender energy you have every experienced. It is as if a cloud of love is being placed upon your fingertips.
2/ Pull this radiant energy toward you and hold it gently in your fingers, resting it on the palms of your hands. Imagine it as a luminous soap bubble—delicate and perishable, yet real and palpable. Some say the Soul Star has a six-pointed star of energy within it. Lift your head to gaze into this energy, and see the rays of the star radiating toward you. Each of the six rays carries a message for you: The first ray brings you love; the second, prosperity; the third, peace; the fourth, wisdom; the fifth, beauty; and the sixth, sovereignty. These are the six gifts of Spirit.
3/ Receive each of these blessings as you hear the angel guides and ascended masters who reside here speaking to you. They are saying: May you know love; may you experience prosperity; may you live in peace; may you receive wisdom; may you walk in beauty; may you enjoy sovereignty. (While many receive spirit gifts at the Crown Chakra, you might also notice an opening of your heart space. Be open to receiving the resonance of these gifts wherever they arrive.)
4/ Give thanks for these gifts, and commit to bearing the responsibilities they bring. For you are a teacher, a guide, a leader, and a healer. To conclude this meditation, ask yourself how you can bring these gifts forward in the world, and ask your spirit guides for the strength to do this sacred work with power and reverence. Amen, A’ho, So it is.
The Star has been a sacred symbol throughout time, representing human form and spirit connection, and the Soul Star, or Holy Star, is the place within where the human self and star self unite. In Cherokee legends, humans descend from the Pleiadians, a fifth-dimension civilization living in an adjacent star system. These beings are said to live in love and peace, free from conflict. What it would mean for you to love this way, absent from conflict or challenge?
Pour yourself a glass of hydrating spring water, and place a piece of clear quartz inside the glass to raise the frequency as you drink. Imagine that every molecule of the water heals every cell in your body. Receive the healing, allowing yourself to experience the increased frequency, and enjoy the vibration of pure love as you consider the answers to the following questions:
1/ What is becoming clear to you about people and things in your life as you sip this enhanced water? In this place of pure divine love, you are gaining a deeper sense of clarity than ever before. Use this clarity to examine your relationships: Where can you love more deeply or bring more compassion to others in your life now?
2/ Expanding consciousness means you become more aware of subtle energy patterns around you. What methods have you used to integrate your deepening awareness? For example, are you more aware of changes in your sleep patterns or menstrual cycles? Are you more attuned to the rhythms of nature, or have you become more deeply attuned to your own intuition?
3/ How can you celebrate your own personal and spiritual evolution? Your soul is evolving and you are moving closer to your purpose for being. What can you do today to acknowledge this achievement? For instance, you might create an intention space in your home or garden—a corner of your world where you can gather sacred items such as candles, gemstones, essential oils, sea shells, sand, dried flowers, or any talismans that represent your development. Create this space on a day of meaning, such as the anniversary of a significant event. Then tend the space with care either daily or weekly, adding or removing items as they become more or less relevant to you. By celebrating your progress, you ensure its continuation.
When you are ready to close your reflective writing, thank your spirit guides and higher self for attending you while you write, and blow out your candles. Store any gems you’ve used and other writing tools together in a special place so that you’ll have them handy when you want to do more reflective writing in the future.
tarot cards
essential oils/herbs
White Buffalo Calf Woman, from the Lakota tradition, is one of several goddesses aligned with the Soul Star Chakra; Asherah, the Queen of Heaven in the Semitic and Akkadian traditions, and Mother Mary from the Christian tradition, are also associated with the Soul Star Chakra. All three reflect the most heavenly embodiments of Soul Star Chakra energy, which some refer to as Christ Consciousness: the purest essence of divine love manifested on Earth in human form. All of the deities associated with this chakra are teachers: They are ascended masters and light beings who stand between the worlds of the living and the ascended in order to transmit wisdom, love, and light.
White Buffalo Calf Woman was the most influential figure in Lakota lore. She is revered as a mystical figure who taught the Lakota methods for ensuring their well-being and helped them manifest an abundance of resources. Buffalo is sacred to the Lakota, and it is said that the White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared to them one night after a period of drought and famine. She taught them sacred ways of praying and holding space, and promised that if the Lakota would follow her ways, they would never go hungry again. So it was that the Lakota enjoyed an abundance of buffalo, and they developed ceremonial practices that brought peace to the people and the land. Even today, the sight of a rare white buffalo is considered a sign from White Buffalo Calf Woman that you are safe and blessed.
To connect with these queens of heaven, compassion, love, and ceremony, imagine yourself shapeshifting into a white dove. Watch yourself fly and float up to the heavens effortlessly, weightlessly carried on the winds. In this state of effortless peace, give thanks to these goddesses for their blessings of ascension and Christ consciousness.
Natural DIAMOND is the hardest gemstone on the planet. It is formed from carbon, which, metaphysically, is the substance known to be the basis of creation and healing. Diamond reminds you of your inner strength and offers endurance, tenacity, and pure vibration of unconditional love. It is considered to be the most powerful gemstone talisman you can use for channeling the strength of the life force.
DANBURITE is a healer, helping you identify and remove the root causes of pain and discomfort in the physical body. Place danburite on the physical body and wait for tingling or warmth on the skin, which can be a sign that physical healing is needed.
HERDERITE, also a member of the Synergy 12, enhances intuition and expands consciousness. Of all the Soul Star Chakra gemstones, herderite is the most powerful for accelerating spiritual development. Add it to your manifestation altar to help expedite your manifestation and creation efforts.
HERKIMER DIAMOND is said to be the highest vibrational crystal on the planet, and it is collected by gem lovers because of its rarity and clarity. Place a Herkimer diamond above your head during meditation to connect to your Higher Self, a source of powerful wisdom and clarity that can help you identify and evolve into your soul’s highest calling.
MOLDAVITE is deep translucent green meteoric glass, the result of a collision between meteors and Earth over Germany, the Czech Republic, and Moldova. (It has never been found or sourced from any other locations.) It is said to hold the energy of the outer edges of our universe and can transfer information from other dimensions and star systems to the person working with it.
OPTICAL CALCITE is an interdimensional travel stone that also brings clarity. Gaze into a piece of optical calcite to see a situation or energy pattern with new clarity and enhanced perspective.
RAINBOW MOONSTONE is the gem of fullness and fruition and carries a joyful energy of celebration, gratitude, magic, and possibility. It can be used in water or charged under full moonlight to create a potent energy elixir of joy and manifestation.
SCOLECITE is the ascension stone. It is a member of the rare Synergy 12 configuration of gemstones and minerals, a category of gemstones said to accelerate human development and manifestation abilities. Carry or meditate with scolecite to connect to universal consciousness and higher dimensional states of awareness.
If you don’t have a dedicated meditation space in your home yet, consider this chapter an invitation to create one, and use the energy of the Soul Star Chakra gemstones to raise the most pure, perfect vibrations in your sacred space. This space should be peaceful, silent, and beautiful. Gather the Soul Star Chakra gemstones that speak to you, and decorate your space with those stones and white or cream-colored fabrics, as white is the color of the Soul Star Chakra. Hang twinkling lights to bring a bit of glamour and magic to your space in the evening, or use candles or tealights to add a spark of fire element energy to this peaceful oasis. Light a white candle each time you sit before this sacred space, and anoint yourself with white floral essential oils that resonate with you (see here).
The herbs and essential oils of the Soul Star Chakra are bringers of light. They have angelic energies to them, although each manifests those energies in different ways. White Lotus is the womb of creation, connecting you with energies of rebirth. Anise makes it easier to hear the voice of your intuition. It is also considered a sacred offering to Source or Great Spirit, especially in its perfect star form. Basil attracts prosperity, as does Red Myrtle, and both are helpful for meditation and relaxation. Davana is useful for divination and psychic visions, and for awakening intuitive abilities and recalling past life memories. Gardenia is a spiritual healer, and offers relief to those who have suffered spiritual or psychological trauma. Elemi was once used in ancient Egypt during burial and mummification ceremonies, so it is no surprise that it supports transition, new beginnings, and internal transformation. Tuberose calms and soothes, promoting relaxation and surrender while easing sadness and anxiety.
A beautiful, comforting way to connect with the energy of the Soul Star Chakra is through a ritual cleansing bath. By using salt, flowers, essential oils, and dried herbs to smudge and purify your space, you can transform the energies around you and within you, opening and preparing you for meditation or ritual work. Plus, ritual bathing has been part of magical preparation processes since ancient times, for the water is a symbol of ritual purification, especially when salt is added. Gather the gemstones, essential oils, candles, plants and flowers, plus any other tools you feel called to include, and begin building a bath altar to bless your watery oasis with peaceful Soul Star Chakra energy (see here). Consider including a sacred chalice filled with your favorite beverage, or a vintage glass vase holding fresh flowers aligned to the chakra, such as white roses or peonies.
• White candle
• Soul Star gemstones
• Soul Star essential oils, such as white lotus, gardenia, and tuberose
• About 2 ounces (57 g) Dead Sea salt crystals
• Fresh roses or other flowers you love
• A sacred beverage to enjoy during your bath, served in a beautiful chalice or stemmed glass
Gather these tools and place them around your bathtub in a clockwise direction, pausing to pray over each item and invoke its energies as you enjoy your ritual bath. Light your white candle, and call upon the Star People to bless you with wisdom and clarity as well as the peace of divine love and connection. Allow yourself to visualize the Six Rays of Soul Star Chakra blessings; receive those blessings now. Run hot water in the bath, and gather the salt in your hands. Pour a few drops of the essential oils over the salts in your hands, then blend them between your fingers, whispering prayers and blessings as you do so. You can even blow your breath on the salts to offer your life force energies to the spirits that will attend you during this ritual bathing experience.
As you take a step into the bath, feel the warmth of the water envelop you. Surrender to its delicate power, letting it cleanse you of any energies that no longer serve you. Set those energies free upon the tiny waves of water you create by running your fingers through the bath gently, side to side. Let your vision go soft and blurry, enjoying the moment and releasing everything else.
Give thanks for this ability to let go and let God. You are a child of the divine, a blessed creation of Source/God/Creator. Stand tall in this identity and allow its power to fuel you from a place of love and service. In this way, you ascend to a higher level of dimensional awareness, and you free yourself from limitations imposed upon you by external forces and pressures. Give thanks for the blessings that surround you, as well as for your ability to see and receive them. Amen, A’ho, So it is.
In the Major Arcana of the Tarot, two cards are aligned with the Soul Star Chakra: Temperance and The Star. Temperance represents the ultimate balance and union of forces. The dual chalices often depicted on the front of this card are visual metaphors for the two worlds balanced by humans: the spiritual and the mundane. Back and forth the waters flow in our lives, anchoring in the material realm and then uplifting in the spiritual realm. The Star card offers you the blessing of a wish come true: Before making this wish, give thanks to The Star for reminding you that hope is always available to those who seek it. Let her blessings of wishes come true remind you to believe in magic.
To connect with these two cards, ask yourself where the spiritual energies and mundane energies of your life manifest and co-exist within you. What spiritual qualities or experiences are you seeking to manifest right now, and what support do you need in doing so? What about the mundane or material qualities you are seeking to manifest? Articulating your needs and intentions in this way can summon the resources necessary to attain them.
Two runes offer guidance at the Soul Star Chakra: Eihwaz, the rune of liberation and initiation into the Great Mystery, and Dagaz, the rune of awakening and awareness. Dagaz means “day,” and represents the coming of dawn in the physical as well as the spiritual sense. Eihwaz is an invitation to universal mystery, while Dagaz is an invitation to universal wisdom. Both of these runes connect you to the Soul Star Chakra because they activate ascension energies. They are both unembodied runes, meaning that their significance is relevant for the spirit versus the physical body. Use your writing tools to draw these sacred symbols, activating their energy systems and helping bring you into a stronger, more liberated state of consciousness.
The study of the lunar nodes is sometimes referred to as evolutionary astrology or developmental astrology, because this information illuminates a long path of growth over the course of your soul’s most recent incarnations. The North lunar node of the moon shows you which astrological sign represents your deepest soul work in your current lifetime, while the South lunar node represents the astrological sign you embodied in your most recent past life. Once you know where you have been and understand where you are now—and once you integrate the lessons of both—you will be well-prepared to build a strong future.
The Soul Star Chakra represents your ascension in light of this knowledge and wisdom about your soul and your path. For many people, revelations about past and present karma become a powerful impetus for growth, and help the soul evolve more quickly, accelerating spiritual progress. By identifying the house location and sign of your North and South nodes, you will be able to understand your karmic lessons from this lifetime as well as the lifetime immediately preceding this one. In doing so, you can identify patterns of behavior and interaction that serve—and hinder—your spiritual progress.
Arguably, the Soul Star Chakra represents every archetype, for there is a unique face of the Divine within each archetype. The Soul Star Chakra is the amalgam of all of the faces of the Divine, and so it includes all beings, all archetypes, and all energies in their highest evolutionary form. Think of it as the best of the best.
To anchor this chakra in a material example, though, The Shaman comes forward as its archetypal representation. “Shaman” comes from the Siberian word saman, or “keeper of knowledge.” These days, human beings have a way of taking deep spiritual concepts and processing them through the lens of the intellect (perhaps due to our experience as children of the Industrial Revolution and Scientific Method, who value hard work, facts, and data). Thus, in Western culture, we often look for and privilege education, training, and credentials when we seek someone deeply spiritual. However, there are no credentials in the realm of the spirit, and in many traditions, the wisest elders are also the humblest.
So it is with the archetype of the Shaman, who is the healer in the broadest sense of the word. The Shaman is one who watches, experiences, and translates. The Shaman can, with client permission, embark on a spiritual “journey” experience on behalf of a client without his or her physical presence. Shamans are grounded channels of divine wisdom. They know how to access all of the chakras, how to move within and between them, and how to integrate the wisdom that each one offers. They know how to balance and align the chakras to improve energy flow and function. What’s more, they understand the life cycle and have seen all its phases, so they are threshold-keepers who guard the sacred doorways to life and death.
To work with the archetype of The Shaman, set an intention for the integration of all dualities in your life and call upon the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) to be present to you. Then, work closely with the plant, animal, and crystal allies, learning to respect those tools as sacred helpers on your path. The more you attune yourself with nature’s cycles and her offerings, the more easily you will ascend to your next level of soul wisdom.
In Sanskrit, the mantra of peace is Om Shanti Om. Om is the sound of the name of God, and shanti means peace in Sanskrit. Together, these words call in the peace of God/Source/Creator energy. Use this beautiful mantra whenever you feel sad or overwhelmed. (It also resonates with children, since it is easy to pronounce and introduces them to two of the most important words in the Sanskrit language.) Open the door to ascension by calling upon the peace of Source. There are levels of peace, and the deepest peace does not come from within—it comes from above. Once you begin to receive this highest level of universal peace, you will have a sense of the interconnectedness of all life. You came to this planet and this life from that oneness, and part of you longs to return to it.
Allow yourself the opportunity to receive this gift of loving union with All That Is: When you attune yourself with the Oneness of All Creation, you recognize yourself as one sacred part of the whole. In this way, you release your need to control, manipulate, or change your life circumstances. Instead, you begin to trust that everything you need is already being provided to you in every moment, and all is well.
To activate the Soul Star Chakra is to take your place among the Children of the Stars. By acknowledging your own sacred nature, you open yourself to receiving wisdom, guidance, and truth, and to connecting with All That Is. You open yourself to connecting with the Oneness of Creation. These are lofty concepts and yet, the purpose of life is to evolve and ascend so that you can reconnect to a deeper sense of unity. Use this meditation to guide you on this path.
1/ Remember that your body has lived one mortal life, but your soul has crossed many lifetimes. Your soul may feel young and energetic or tired and weary. No matter how it feels, honor the beauty of your spirit now. You may do this exercise sitting or lying down in a comfortable resting position. Whichever position you choose, close your eyes and say “thank you” quietly to yourself. You have walked a long road.
2/ Now, extend your gaze skyward (outdoors, if you can) and lift your face to the sun. Open your eyes and your arms wide and feel the air around you, the breeze blowing, and let yourself hear the sounds of nature that embrace you. Be fully in this precious moment.
3/ Then, when you are ready, recite your Om Shanti Om mantra aloud. Stretch each word out, fully articulating each syllable, and take a long, deep breath in between each repetition. As you say each word, focus your attention on the meaning behind it. Really sense the presence of God as you say Om, and then receive the blessing of peace as you say Shanti. Repeat Om one last time, and then take a breath. Breathe, repeat; breathe, repeat. Do this for as long as you are called.
4/ Bring your hands together in front of you, folded in prayer pose, and pull them tight in toward your chest, aligned slightly to the left, over your heart. Feel your heart beat against your hands, and give thanks for the blood that flows in your veins. Give thanks for your breath, for your body, and for this life you are blessed to live.
5/ Now, give thanks for your spirit and your wisdom. Give thanks for your connection to the Divine, for the peace you experience, for your spiritual gifts. Give thanks for your ability to trust your intuition and hear the voice of the Divine, for the beauty that surrounds you, and your ability to see the art of the Divine. Give thanks for the many people and beings who love you in this lifetime, and your ability to feel and sense their love.
6/ Gratitude is the key to magic, to ascension, and to peace. As you embody this deep state of peace and ascension, give yourself permission to enjoy this moment. Many spend their whole lives seeking this moment of union and surrender. Allow it to wash over and purify you from within and without. Give thanks to each part of your body and invite yourself to relax and soften as you step further into this state of enlightened bliss.
May your journey be blessed as you ascend toward the Soul Star. Amen, A’ho, So it is. And on we go.