1 I’m going to use “they,” “their,” and “them” throughout the book to refer to a person whose gender isn’t specified—like here, where the friend you’re writing to could be male, female, genderqueer, etc. The grammar nerd in me isn’t a fan, but at the moment they seem to be the easiest gender-neutral pronouns for all people to understand.
1 Just as you do in real life, you’re likely to encounter people in virtual worlds who think it’s fun or normal to treat women poorly. This behavior is sometimes exacerbated by the anonymity online venues provide. If you come across this sort of ugly behavior, feel free to use it as an opportunity to practice boundary setting (remember the Nice Person Test?), or ignore it, or tell the person off in a way you never would in real life. If behavior is particularly offensive, you can also report it to the folks who run the site you’re on, usually through their “help” or “contact” section.
1 FetLife is the Facebook of kink communities, but some find it cliquish and hard to navigate. It’s a place to connect with like-minded people, but do proceed at your own risk.