A message is a distinct piece of information transmitted by one client that can be received by one or more other clients. Each SQS message is identified by an ID value generated by the service. A message’s ID uniquely identifies that message within a queue, and the combination of a queue URL and a message ID can uniquely identify any message in SQS.
There is no limit to the number of messages that can be sent to SQS queues, nor to the number that may remain stored in queues pending delivery. Messages cannot be left in the service indefinitely; they will be automatically deleted after 15 days or so.
SQS does not include a timestamp with messages to indicate when a particular message was sent. This makes it difficult to check whether your queues contain messages that are nearly 15 days old. SQS is not intended for long-term data storage, so you must be prepared for very old messages to be deleted.
Messages have a maximum size of 256 KB. This size limit is not large by the standards of alternative messaging systems, and it clearly indicates Amazon’s intentions for how its messaging service should be used. SQS is not intended to serve as a means for distributing files or transmitting large data objects; it is intended to carry short notifications or instruction messages that refer to data resources stored outside the SQS service, for example, in the Simple Storage Service (S3).
The data content of SQS messages must be unicode text characters that are legal for standard XML documents, as defined in the XML 1.0 character specification.[3] Legal unicode characters include those in the following ranges:
#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
If you need to transmit binary information, or you are in doubt about whether your messages will conform to these character set limitations, you should encode your message data using Base 64.
The SendMessage operation creates a new message in an SQS queue and makes it available for retrieval. Table 8-5 shows the SendMessage request parameters.
The SQS Query API allows messages to be sent using either HTTP GET or POST requests. The size limits for messages sent using GET is only 8 KB due to the fact that the entire message text must be included in the request’s URI, and URIs cannot become too long. POST requests store the message body along with the other parameters in the request’s body and therefore do not suffer from the same message size limitation.
External factors, like web proxies between your clients and S3, may impose a URI limit much shorter than 8 KB for GET requests. If your messages are likely to be longer than a couple of thousand characters, we highly recommend you send them using POST requests.
In addition to supporting standard HTTP POST request messages, the SQS Query API also allows messages to be sent using a specialized POST request format constructed as follows:
The request’s URI is constructed in the same way as for a GET request, but it does not include the message’s contents.
The message’s content is sent in the request’s body.
The request uses the content type text/plain
The request description string does not include
the MessageBody
It is unclear what advantages this nonstandard POST request format provides over the standard POST format that works as expected and is already supported by our AWS module. We will not implement this alternative approach in this book.
Table 8-5. SendMessage request parameters
Parameter Name | Value | Required? |
Action | SendMessage | Yes |
MessageBody | The data content of the message can be up to 256 KB and must be UTF-8 encoded text that is compatible with XML. | Yes |
Here is an XML document returned by the operation, including the message’s unique identifier value in the MessageId element.
<SendMessageResponse xmlns='http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-05-01/'> <MessageId>0WQR23VAFKFCYM4ZC9MM|72AD0F0NE09VCMT3AJ61|M57DGQ7TB0T3MFY3J1X0</MessageId> <ResponseStatus> <StatusCode>Success</StatusCode> <RequestId>06ea96d8-008a-41e7-8bb9-f3b6da5d6a65</RequestId> </ResponseStatus> </SendMessageResponse>
Example 8-5 defines a method that sends
a message to an SQS queue and returns the identifier of the newly
created message. The message data can optionally be Base-64 encoded
prior to being sent if the method parameter encode
is set to true
Example 8-5. Send message: SQS.rb
def send_message(queue_url, message_body, encode=false) message_body = encode_base64(message_body) if encode parameters = build_query_params(API_VERSION, SIGNATURE_VERSION, { 'Action' => 'SendMessage', 'MessageBody' => message_body }) response = do_query(HTTP_METHOD, URI.parse(queue_url), parameters) xml_doc = REXML::Document.new(response.body) return xml_doc.elements['//MessageId'].text end
Here we demonstrate the vital difference between sending a message to a queue using a GET versus a POST request. We have included some of the debug logging information to highlight the difference in the URI between the two requests. Notice that the GET request requires a long URI even when the message is small, while the URI for the POST request is always quite short.
# Send a message using a GET request irb> SQS::HTTP_METHOD = 'GET' irb> sqs.send_message(queue_url, 'Hello SQS!') REQUEST ======= Method: GET URI: http://queue.amazonaws.com/A1MU5FWLQSN7CU/testing?Action=SendMessage &Signature=kT3RopxqdtNrv6Tk1yOS4lcK3g0%3D &MessageBody=Hello+SQS%21 &Version=2007-05-01 &AWSAccessKeyId=ABCDEFGHIJ1234567890 &Timestamp=2007-08-29T03%3A11%3A53Z &SignatureVersion=1 . . . => "0WQR23VAFKFCYM4ZC9MM|72AD0F0NE09VCMT3AJ61|M57DGQ7TB0T3MFY3J1X0" irb> SQS::HTTP_METHOD = 'POST' irb> sqs.send_message(queue_url, 'Hello SQS!') REQUEST ======= Method: POST URI: http://queue.amazonaws.com/A1MU5FWLQSN7CU/testing . . . => "1S5HB19QG48H4V6JYSEE|1SE7TJVAQZBXRPC11VS0|1SH8K2VEBJ99XCYY2JH0"
The ReceiveMessage operation allows an SQS client to receive messages that have been sent to a specific queue. This operation is slightly misnamed in the API, because it can actually receive more than one message at a time. The response for this operation includes a listing of messages with the ID and content data for each message.
Receiving a message from a queue does not delete the message from that queue. The receive action triggers the message to become invisible to subsequent ReceiveMessage requests for a period of time; this is called the message’s visibility timeout. The timeout to apply to received messages can be set with a parameter in the ReceiveMessage operation, or if no explicit timeout value is provided, the message is assigned the queue’s default visibility timeout. For more information on the visibility timeout and life cycle of messages, refer back to The Message Life Cycle.”
The ReceiveMessage operation allows you to specify a maximum limit for the number of messages you wish to receive; however, there is no guarantee that SQS will provide the number of messages requested, even if the queue contains more than enough messages. As we discussed in SQS Architecture,” SQS only checks a subset of its distributed servers for available messages. This means that any one receive request may return fewer messages than are actually available, and that multiple ReceiveMessage operations may be necessary to receive all of the available messages.
Table 8-6. ReceiveMessage request parameters
Parameter Name | Value | Required? |
Action | ReceiveMessage | Yes |
NumberOfMessages | The maximum number of messages to receive; this value may range from 1 to 256 inclusive. If this parameter is not provided with the request, a maximum of one message will be returned. | No |
VisibilityTimeout | The visibility timeout that will be applied to any messages received by this operation; this value is specified in seconds and may be from 0 to 86,400. If this parameter is not provided, the queue’s default visibility timeout setting will be applied to the messages. | No |
Here is an XML document returned by the operation, which includes a Message element for each message received from the service. The Message element includes two subelements: MessageId, which contains the message’s unique identifier, and MessageBody, which contains the message’s data content.
<ReceiveMessageResponse xmlns='http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-05-01/'> <Message> <MessageId>0NMA4SD7PN4TN0MF9ZZS|...|260BDAS2K7RNYSSR6GY1</MessageId> <MessageBody>Hello SQS!</MessageBody> </Message> <ResponseStatus> <StatusCode>Success</StatusCode> <RequestId>413154fa-18da-4002-81fe-3df6dbee0cf8</RequestId> </ResponseStatus> </ReceiveMessageResponse>
Example 8-6 defines a method that
receives messages from a queue and returns them as an array of hash
dictionary objects. Each message is represented by a hash containing
named mappings to the message ID and body content text. If the
parameter is
provided with a duration value, the received messages will be made
invisible to subsequent requests for the specified period of
Example 8-6. Receive message: SQS.rb
def receive_messages(queue_url, maximum=1, visibility_timeout=nil) parameters = build_query_params(API_VERSION, SIGNATURE_VERSION, { 'Action' => 'ReceiveMessage', 'NumberOfMessages' => maximum, 'VisibilityTimeout' => visibility_timeout }) response = do_query(HTTP_METHOD, URI.parse(queue_url), parameters) msgs = [] xml_doc = REXML::Document.new(response.body) xml_doc.elements.each('//Message') do |msg| msgs << { :id => msg.elements['MessageId'].text, :body => msg.elements['MessageBody'].text } end return msgs end
To receive the messages we sent earlier, we will run the
method and store
the results in the variable msgs
so we can have a closer look at them. In our examples we have sent two
messages, so we will try receiving up to two messages in this
irb> msgs = sqs.receive_messages(queue_url, 2) => [{:body=>"Hello SQS!", :id=>"0NMA4SD7PN4TN0MF9ZZS|1SE7TJVAQZBXRPC11VS0|260BDAS2K7RNYSSR6GY1"}] irb> msgs.length => 1
Notice that our receive request returned only one message, not two as we might have expected. This is because one of our messages is stored on SQS servers that were not sampled during the operation. If we run the command a number of times, we will eventually receive all the available messages, although before long we will also start receiving redelivered messages because the visibility timeout for the original message will expire.
The DeleteMessage operation outlined in Table 8-7 removes a specific message from a queue. The message is deleted immediately, regardless of its visibility state or whether it has been delivered to any SQS clients.
You should delete messages from SQS as soon as possible once a message has reached the end of its useful life; messages will persist and may be redelivered if you do not remove them from the service.
This operation returns a successful result in all cases in which a message with the specified ID is no longer present in the queue. This means the action will succeed when you delete a message that was already deleted, or even if you delete a message that never actually existed in the queue in the first place.
Table 8-7. DeleteMessage request parameters
Parameter Name | Value | Required? |
Action | DeleteMessage | Yes |
MessageId | The identifier of the message to delete | Yes |
Here is an XML document returned by the operation. The response contains no useful information beyond the status code.
<DeleteMessageResponse xmlns='http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-05-01/'> <ResponseStatus> <StatusCode>Success</StatusCode> <RequestId>7e53e4f7-07f3-40ca-8d7b-f4adda882289</RequestId> </ResponseStatus> </DeleteMessageResponse>
Example 8-7 defines a method that
deletes a specific message from a queue. The method returns true
if the request succeeds.
Example 8-7. Delete message: SQS.rb
def delete_message(queue_url, message_id) parameters = build_query_params(API_VERSION, SIGNATURE_VERSION, { 'Action' => 'DeleteMessage', 'MessageId' => message_id }) response = do_query(HTTP_METHOD, URI.parse(queue_url), parameters) return true end
We can test the new method by sending a new message and storing
the message’s ID in the variable msg_id
. Once we have this ID, we can delete
the message. We can even delete the message multiple times; the delete
operation will always succeed even though the message is only actually
deleted the first time.
irb> msg_id = sqs.send_message(queue_url, 'Doomed message') => "1QJNM0VK5203GVAS2KP7|A617CAQHX0CS7N69WY71|RW2145BC0M6GHC5ZPAC1" irb> sqs.delete_message(queue_url, msg_id) => true irb> sqs.delete_message(queue_url, msg_id) => true
The PeekMessage operation described in Table 8-8 makes it possible to retrieve the data content of a message regardless of its visibility state, provided you know the message’s identifier. Unlike the ReceiveMessage operation, you can use the PeekMessage operation to view a message’s contents while the message is invisible, and peeking at a message does not trigger the message to become invisible.
You can only perform this operation when you know the message’s identifier in advance. For this reason, the PeekMessage action cannot be used as a replacement for the ReceiveMessage action. For a message receiver client to be able to peek at a message, it must first learn its identifier value, which it can do only by receiving the message.
The PeekMessage operation is most useful for tracking the progress of messages. For example, a message-sending client that knows the message’s identifier could determine whether or not a message has been processed by peeking at the message on the queue to see if it has been deleted.
Table 8-8. PeekMessage request parameters
Parameter Name | Value | Required? |
Action | PeekMessage | Yes |
MessageId | The identifier of the message to peek at | Yes |
Here is an XML document returned by the operation. The document includes a single Message element representing the peeked message. The Message element includes two subelements: MessageId, which contains the message’s unique identifier, and MessageBody, which contains the message’s data content.
<PeekMessageResponse xmlns='http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-05-01/'> <Message> <MessageId>1ZBAAYNJ59Y3ACC1SKWD|...|M57DGQ7TB0T3MFY3J1X0</MessageId> <MessageBody>Hello SQS!</MessageBody> </Message> <ResponseStatus> <StatusCode>Success</StatusCode> <RequestId>288526a0-fa04-4d2c-bbe2-2541c36bf702</RequestId> </ResponseStatus> </PeekMessageResponse>
Example 8-8 defines a method that peeks
at a message and returns its data content and identifier. It is fairly
pointless to return the message’s identifier, because you must already
know this value to perform the operation; however, this result
structure will be consistent with the data structure returned by the
Example 8-8. Peek at message: SQS.rb
def peek_message(queue_url, message_id) parameters = build_query_params(API_VERSION, SIGNATURE_VERSION, { 'Action' => 'PeekMessage', 'MessageId' => message_id }) response = do_query(HTTP_METHOD, URI.parse(queue_url), parameters) xml_doc = REXML::Document.new(response.body) return { :id => xml_doc.elements['//MessageId'].text, :body => xml_doc.elements['//MessageBody'].text } end
To demonstrate message peeking, we will obtain message identifiers for the messages we sent previously and compare what happens when we peek at a message versus receiving it.
# Find a message identifier irb> msg_id = sqs.receive_messages(queue_url).first[:id] => "1ZBAAYNJ59Y3ACC1SKWD|A617CAQHX0CS7N69WY71|M57DGQ7TB0T3MFY3J1X0" # Peek at the message to retrieve its identifier and contents irb> sqs.peek_message(queue_url, msg_id) => {:body=>"Hello SQS!", :id=>"1ZBAAYNJ59Y3ACC1SKWD|A617CAQHX0CS7N69WY71|M57DGQ7TB0T3MFY3J1X0"}
To see where the peek operation can be very handy, we can try
running the receive_messages
a few times, until we no longer receive any results; at this point all
of our messages have become invisible to ReceiveMessage operations.
Although we cannot receive these messages, we can still use a
PeekMessage operation to view the message contents.
irb> sqs.receive_messages(queue_url, 10).length => 1 irb> sqs.receive_messages(queue_url, 10).length => 1 irb> sqs.receive_messages(queue_url, 10).length => 0 # All messages are invisible, yet we can still peek at the contents irb> sqs.peek_message(queue_url, msg_id) => {:body=>"Hello SQS!", :id=>"1ZBAAYNJ59Y3ACC1SKWD|A617CAQHX0CS7N69WY71|M57DGQ7TB0T3MFY3J1X0"}
We can determine when a message has been removed from a queue by
checking for a 404 Not Found
response when we peek at the message.
irb> sqs.delete_message(queue_url, msg_id) => true irb> sqs.peek_message(queue_url, msg_id) AWS::ServiceError: HTTP Error: 404 - Not Found, AWS Error: MessageNotFound - No such message with requested id
The ChangeMessageVisibility operation detailed in Table 8-9 modifies the visibility timeout duration for a specific message. A message’s visibility timeout can be adjusted at any time, regardless of the message’s prior visibility status.
Alterations to the message’s timeout value take effect immediately, but they are one-off adjustments that apply only until the next visibility state change.
This operation can be used in a range of scenarios:
If a message recipient will not have time to finish processing a message before it is scheduled to be redelivered, the recipient can defer the redelivery by changing the message’s visibility timeout to a higher value.
If a message recipient is unable to process a message, it can reset the message’s visibility timeout to 0 seconds. Doing this will make the message immediately visible again, so it can be received and processed by another message receiver.
A message sender can defer the initial delivery of a message by setting its visibility timeout to a high value before any receivers have accessed it. If the sender is the only one who knows the message’s ID, it will effectively be locked for the duration of the visibility timeout.
The sender cannot rely completely on this strategy, because there is no way to know for sure whether a particular message has already been received. A message’s visibility timeout cannot be specified in the SendMessage operation; it must be changed with a follow-up operation. Therefore, it is possible that the message will be delivered before the sender can apply a visibility timeout adjustment to lock the message.
Table 8-9. ChangeMessageVisibility request parameters
Parameter Name | Value | Required? |
Action | ChangeMessageVisibility | Yes |
MessageId | The identifier of the message that will have its visibility timeout changed. | Yes |
VisibilityTimeout | The new visibility timeout value to apply to the message, measured in seconds. This value must be between 0 and 86400 inclusive. | Yes |
Here is an XML document returned by the operation. The response contains no useful information beyond the status code.
<ChangeMessageVisibilityResponse xmlns='http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-05-01/'> <ResponseStatus> <StatusCode>Success</StatusCode> <RequestId>104a8898-77db-4808-bd95-cd7728093f89</RequestId> </ResponseStatus> </ChangeMessageVisibilityResponse>
Example 8-9 defines a
method that changes a message’s visibility timeout setting and returns
provided the request was
successful. If no value is provided for the visibility_timeout
parameter, the message’s
visibility timeout is set to 0 seconds, making the message visible
Example 8-9. Change message visibility: SQS.rb
def change_message_visibility(queue_url, message_id, visibility_timeout=0) parameters = build_query_params(API_VERSION, SIGNATURE_VERSION, { 'Action' => 'ChangeMessageVisibility', 'MessageId' => message_id, 'VisibilityTimeout' => visibility_timeout }) response = do_query(HTTP_METHOD, URI.parse(queue_url), parameters) return true end
The best way to demonstrate this method is to call the receive_messages
method repeatedly, until
all our messages are in the invisible state. We will then reset the
visibility timeout of one message to 0 seconds, making it visible
immediately, and confirm that we can receive that message that has
been made visible.
# Locate a specific message ID irb> msg_id = sqs.receive_messages(queue_url).first[:id] => "0MXR9SQQT1JHFPK37JCN|72AD0F0NE09VCMT3AJ61|K6KT2VSF12BR9S52HCC0" # Send receive requests until all your messages are invisible irb> sqs.receive_messages(queue_url, 10).length => 1 irb> sqs.receive_messages(queue_url, 10).length => 0 # Reset the visibility timeout for one message irb> sqs.change_message_visibility(queue_url, msg_id, 0) => true # Confirm that you can now receive that message irb> sqs.receive_messages(queue_url, 10) => [ {:body=>"Hello SQS!", :id=>"0MXR9SQQT1JHFPK37JCN|72AD0F0NE09VCMT3AJ61|K6KT2VSF12BR9S52HCC0"}]
[3] See the character set section in Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition) - http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charsets