If you are considering going to a healer, it is important to know that healers work within a very different context than physicians. The two can be complementary if communication avenues are open and trust is created. Since I believe that in the future many physicians and healers will work together for the benefit of all, I’ve devoted the chapter after this one to that vision.
Many patients come to a healer wanting the same services a physician offers. Most of us see disease according to the medical system established in this country. People have been so used to going to a physician to get rid of a particular ailment, they expect healing work to alleviate pain and cure a specific illness as well.
The first thing healers must do when such a patient comes to them is to educate the patient as to what is being offered and what is not. To make this clearer, let’s start with the basic structure of an office visit to the doctor, then compare it to what happens when you go to a healer.
When patients come to a healer, many times they expect the same six steps to be followed. They want a psychic examination. They ask the healer to take away (apparently magically) their problem, much as pills and surgery take away some physical problems. Many people expect to have a posthealing meeting in which the healer gives a diagnosis and a prognosis of how long it will take “to take it away.”
Most healers do not use the six-step structure when working with patients. Usually, there is very little talking, no tests, no diagnosis, no prescribed medications, and many times no explanation of what is about to occur before the healing, what is occurring during it, or what has occurred afterward.
The steps in a healing session are very simple.
Many patients are disappointed by their first healing experience because they don’t understand what happened. They feel more relaxed and probably better, and they want to know why. They may have even walked into the office with a whole set of questions, all based on the system of illness (and M-1 metaphysics) that is accepted in this country.
They may have questions like:
“What disease is this?”
“Do I have a tumor? What kind of tumor?”
“Can you take it away?”
“How many healings will it take?”
“How much will this cost?”
“Is my Fallopian tube blocked and preventing pregnancy? Just open it please. The doctors say they can’t.”
After a healing, people say things like:
“Well, I don’t really feel much different—just more relaxed.”
“What did you do?”
“Now tell me exactly what you did.”
“How long will it last?”
“Is it gone? Will it come back?”
“Shall I come back? How many more times?”
These are all important and valid questions that need to be addressed, but they arise out of the present-day medical and health-care system of this country. To answer them in a meaningful way for the patient, the healer must bring the patient into a different understanding of health and disease.
Whether or not healers are aware of the scientific holographic context and M-3 metaphysics explained in Chapter 3, their main focus is holistic—to help patients create health in all areas of life. They do this by clearing and balancing the patient’s energy, by working to align his or her intent to heal, and by helping him or her connect to the deeper core of his or her being, creative force, and core consciousness. They direct healing energies into the patient’s energy system. Many healers work completely intuitively, allowing their hands to move freely. They offer no explanation of what might be wrong with the patient or what is happening in the healing. That is why it is called faith healing.
Others try to offer explanations that may not make any sense at all to the patient. Some have complete systems of knowledge worked out. These systems may be known by other healers, such as the system of acupuncture, while others may have been worked out personally by the healer and be specific only to him or her. They describe what is going on in the patient and how the healing is working. These can be difficult for the patient who isn’t trained in the particular system the healer is using to understand.
To educate patients, I first find a common ground of understanding within which to converse. Then I explain as best I can the healing process that is to be initiated by healings. I say that healing will continue to unfold within them and tell them how much it is going to affect their lives.
I remember one session when a new patient named Liz, who had an ulcer and wanted to prevent surgery, walked into my office and said, “Now tell me exactly what you do.” I stopped for a moment at the question and thought, “I wonder if she asked her surgeon the same question, and what answer she got.”
It would, of course, take years to explain what exactly I do. A patient such as Liz would have to be completely reeducated in the holographic view of reality, the causes of illness from that perspective, the human energy system, therapeutic techniques, and healing techniques.
So I asked myself, “What is the deeper question Liz is asking? What does she really want to know?”
Liz was obviously trying to take responsibility for her health and her healing. She genuinely wanted to understand what to expect in the healings. She wanted to know what I could give her. Her question was, “What are the possible outcomes of healings?” She had no idea of how broad the effect could be. She didn’t know how much all that depended on her and her acceptance of personal change in her life. She didn’t know that the human energy field exists and affects the physical body. And most of all, she didn’t know she could heal herself with her intention to heal (haric level) and with her creative force from within (core star level). My challenge was to cover a vast ground of knowledge in a few minutes’ time. I searched for a simple analogy to start with and remembered how a radio works. Of course, I would have time for more detailed explanations during the healing sessions that would follow.
So I said, “Have you heard of the human energy field, or aura?”
“No,” said Liz.
“Well, there is an energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates the body. It is intimately associated with your health. When you become ill, it is because the normal functioning of this field has been disturbed. What I do is to realign this field, charge it, and repair it. It is a little like acupuncture. Have you heard of that?”
Liz said, “Yes, I’ve heard of it, but don’t know much about it.”
“Well, acupuncture is an ancient form of healing from the east, that works by balancing your energy field, which supplies bioenergy to the different systems of your body. This energy is very powerful. We actually bring more energy into our bodies through this field than we do by eating. Did you notice that on sunny days you have more energy than on cloudy days? That’s because the sun charges the energy in the air. Then we take it in through our energy system. We don’t think too much about it in our culture because we concentrate primarily on the physical body. But in China, Japan, and India, it is known to be most important to our health. Their systems are based on knowledge of these life energy fields.”
Liz replied, “Where does this energy come from?”
“The source of this energy is inside you and all around you,” I said. “It’s like radio waves that are always there in the air. You just need to know how to receive them to get the benefit. Turn on the radio and tune it to the station you want. Your energy field is like a radio. I’m here to repair it and help you learn to tune it better. I’ll help open up and balance your chakras.”
“My what? My chakras?” Liz asked.
“The chakras in your aura are your energy receivers,” I explained. “They look like vortices of energy that, by virtue of their spin, pull energy into them like any whirlpool. After the energy gets sucked into your body, it then flows along the energy lines in your field to your organs.
“Whenever there is disruption in your field, your organs don’t get the energy they need, and they become weak, eventually allowing access for infection or other physical problems.”
“That sounds simple enough,” Liz agreed. “So you’re actually saying that I could get this ulcer because my energy lines are weak?”
“It is, of course, more complicated than that, but that’s basically the idea. The way you react to stressful situations can be seen in your field. You habitually distort your field in a way that pulls healthy energy out of the stomach area and draws improper and therefore unhealthy energies to your stomach. When we’ve rebalanced your field, you will be able to feel what proper healthy energies in that area feel like. Now what you experience as ‘normal’ for you is not healthy.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Just bring your awareness to your stomach now,” I said.
“It feels like it usually does.”
“After the healing, it will feel different,” I said. “Then you will understand what I mean. It’s something you need to experience. It is a subtle difference, but a very powerful one as far as health goes. Eventually you will learn how to keep the proper balance of energies in your system, and you will be able to maintain a higher level of health. So when I rebalance your field, the energy flows properly to your body systems, and you regain your health. You will be able to tap into the energy fields all around you.
“I call these energy fields the universal health fields. They are there for everyone. They are not only available for your physical health but for your emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well. So now, when I work on your fields, we will also work on your emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects that relate to your having an ulcer. You see, it’s not just a physical thing. Not only that, but whatever is healed for you personally will also heal whatever aspect of your life it is connected to.”
“What do you mean by that?” Liz asked. “What connections do you mean?”
“From the healer’s point of view,” I went on, “everything is connected to everything else. It is the holistic view. It means that your ulcer, which is a result of overacidity in your stomach caused by your reaction to stress, not only affects your digestion and your nourishment but is a sign to me that you most likely have stress in every area of your life that concerns ‘digestion’ of personal nourishment. In other words, even when someone gives you something, it must be hard to take it in and let it make you feel good.”
“Sounds familiar, but I don’t see how that could be connected to an ulcer,” she replied.
“Yes, well, let’s just start where we are now, and let your experiences unfold. We’ll take care of the connections as they come up. I’ll make it clearer then.”
“How long will it take to regain health?” she asked.
“How many sessions it takes depends on how well your system responds to the healing, how much change it (you) can take, and how long you are able to hold that change. Change isn’t always so easy, you know, because it affects all areas of your life, as I said. It takes time to integrate changes. You see, we want to go for the deeper cause of the ulcer, not just the ulcer. We want you to be able to take in and enjoy what you receive. We want to find out why you may not think that is okay.”
“I think it’s fine to receive,” she said. “But it’s true—I always feel that I owe the person who gave me something. I don’t like to owe people. Wow, I didn’t know there was so much to this. Does this stuff really work?”
“Working with the human energy field is actually more useful in some illnesses than our regular medicine,” I said. “I usually get the people with diseases that our medical system isn’t very successful with. People with cancer, colitis, immune disorders, viruses, migraines, and so on.”
“Well, I’m glad I’m here. This sounds interesting. Let’s go for it.”
Liz really wanted to know what the healing process was all about, and we were able to communicate clearly. This helped her as she went through the healing process. As we continued through several weeks, her ulcer disappeared and she regained her health. Not only that, she also changed her profession and began a new relationship.
I gently coaxed Liz into the holistic view by describing it in simple terms. As a healer, I work from a broader view to deal with disease. I agree with physicians that an infection due to a microorganism may occur and that usually a medication will remove it. But from my perspective, the microorganism is not the cause. Healers know that a weakness or imbalance in the patient’s physical-energetic system allowed for the microorganism invasion that developed into a disease. The microorganism invasion is also another symptom. The cause must be dealt with from the holistic or holographic point of view before true health can be restored. The healer is more concerned with the underlying balance of energies, intention, and consciousness that support health or that become unbalanced and eventually allow for disease.
Healers must have the ability to work with all these aspects of a patient’s human makeup. They focus on healing the physical body and seek to heal the patient’s emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects as well.
The tools and training of a healer are very different from those of a physician. Although most highly skilled healers probably are capable of accessing information about an illness, perhaps even naming both it and an appropriate medication that would correspond to a physician’s diagnosis, that is not their primary concern. Healers regard that information as part of the description of “Pribram’s apple,” not the primary reality and not of prime importance. Indeed, it is quite illegal for them to give such a diagnosis. That right has been reserved for those courageous and dedicated souls who have graduated from medical school and passed the state boards.
Liz did not ask me for a diagnosis; rather, she told me what it was when she came in. She filled out my client intake form that asks for the patient’s disease history. I checked the information she had given me. With HSP I could see that part of the wall of the stomach tissue was worn away, and that the tissues that remained in that area were inflamed. They looked red. With that HSP information, I too would conclude that she had an ulcer. Yet I do not, as a healer, diagnose, any more than you do, when you can simply look and see that someone has just cut themselves or broken an arm.
There are specific healing techniques for each level of the human energy field. I usually concentrate on the lower levels of a patient’s field when I work, starting on level one. The work includes sensing, cleansing, balancing, repairing, and charging the field. Most of the time, each layer has to be treated separately to make sure that all levels are healed. A full healing must include healing all levels of the field, or all the energy bodies in addition to the physical. Therefore, I move through levels of patients’ energy fields that correspond not only to their physical, emotional, and mental nature but to their spiritual nature and their basic beliefs in reality as well. All need to be balanced. To do this, the healer taps into the universal health field held in the holographic universe. If this is not completed, the patient may very well recreate either the same or another disease.
Healers are usually born with a talent to be able to learn to perceive and work with the energy field. This talent is no different from another person’s talent in music, math, or business. Most healers have had training, like other professionals, to develop these innate talents into a healing art. This training teaches the healer to develop Higher Sense Perception, with which to sense the levels of the human energy field and eventually the levels of the hara and core star beneath the aura. It will probably also include training in channeling.
By diligent practice of many exercises designed to increase the sensitivity of their senses, healers learn to use those senses beyond the normal range of human perception. Many healers can feel, hear, and see this energy field, as well as intuit other information about it. In addition to sensing the field, the healer also must learn a great deal about how to work with the field to heal through its levels, as well as about human anatomy, physiology, psychology, illness, and the ethics of healership.
With Higher Sense Perception, healers distinguish the many levels of the human energy field. Since each layer of this energy field also penetrates inside the body, healers also sense the field inside the human body. Well-trained healers also develop the ability to sense the energy field of the whole body, of a single cell, and sometimes even of smaller particles. With the use of HSP, healers can access a great deal of information to utilize in the healing process.
Above all, healers’ greatest tool is love. All healing is done in the context of love. I believe that love is the connective tissue of the universe. It holds it together. Love can heal anything. Healers not only work from a place of love, they teach patients to love themselves. As we move through this book, it will be more and more apparent just how important loving is. Loving the self is a full-time job. Most of us have a lot to learn in this area.
Liz’s healings slowly progressed through the levels of her aura. Her third chakra, located in the stomach area, was torn. I repaired it, and her ulcers began to heal. On the emotional level, that chakra is associated with connecting to other people and being able to receive nourishment from them in a healthy way. Her relationships became closer and more fulfilling as we worked to teach her to maintain a healthy balance of energy in that area of her body. On a deeper level of the psyche, that chakra is related to who you are in the universe, your place on earth and in this life. As those levels of her field became stabilized in a healthy way, she also became more self-confident about who she is.
The mechanics of a healing session are quite simple from the physical point of view. Of course they vary with each healer. The mechanics I describe here are those followed by the men and women who have graduated from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.
If you choose to have a healing with such a graduate, you will first be asked to fill out an intake form, usually listing your history and presenting your complaints. The healer will interview you to make you feel comfortable and find a common ground of communication within which to speak. A main question will be, “Why are you here? What have you come to accomplish?”
From your answer, the healer will not only find what you want but will begin to find your level of experience with the healing work.
While the healer listens to you and finds a common ground of understanding, the healer is also using HSP to scan your energy field to find imbalances, tears, stagnations, and depletions. She watches your constantly changing flow of energy as you talk. She correlates those changes with your psychological state as you describe your problems. She reads your physical body with normal vision to discover the psychological environment of your childhood from your body structure and body language. She also scans your physical level with HSP to check internal structural alignment and organ functions. The healer usually takes about ten to fifteen minutes for this scan to find the major areas of difficulty in your body and energy system. She will sometimes share this information with you if she is sure of it and if giving it to you will not interfere with your healing process. In other words, she will speak in ways that do not frighten you, stop your energy flow, or decrease your ability to intake energy. All this information integrates into a holographic model, since all the levels of functioning affect each other.
After getting the overview, the healer will ask you to take off your shoes and socks and he on the treatment table. Nothing else needs to be removed. Sometimes some jewelry or crystals may be interfering with your field, and she will ask you to remove them. The healer simply proceeds to put her hands on your feet and sends energy through your body. She slowly moves up the body, placing her hands in key positions and using various healing techniques, depending on what HSP revealed about your condition. Of course, with HSP, the healer is always observing the effects she is having on your energy fields. (She also carefully observes and regulates her own field—a very important part of healing training.) The healer continues this HSP scanning to see how well you are receiving the healing and to get more detailed information about the changes occurring in your field during the healing. With use of HSP, the healer can make sure that all necessary changes are accomplished and that nothing is missed.
As the healing progresses, the healing gets much stronger. More energy is poured through your system, and you will probably go into a very deep state of relaxation, which helps the healing process a great deal. At this time your brain becomes synchronized with the healer’s. Both are in strong alpha waves (8 Hz), the healing state.
Other information obtained with HSP will include diet, vitamins, minerals, herbs, or even medications that could later be prescribed by a physician if appropriate. The HSP also reveals psychological problems that helped cause the illness. It reveals childhood traumas, your images of how you think reality is, and ultimately your belief system, which is the basic cause that keeps your illness intact. The healer directly works with all these through your energy field.
During the healing, the healer will also use HSP to receive guidance from spiritual teachers, guides, or guardian angels. This guidance comes in many different forms. The guides may tell the healer what to do next; they may tell the healer where to look for your physical difficulties; or they may even name the disease you have. The guides usually tell the healer the cause of the problem from both the physical and the psychological perspective. The guides may speak directly through the channel of the healer to you. When this occurs, the conversation that ensues is usually a very tender, personal one that brings you into a deeper understanding of what is going on with yourself, why it is going on from the perspective of cause, and the deeper spiritual and life lessons involved. These conversations are always supportive and truthful and make no false promises if the channel is clear. The guides also work directly through the hands of the healer to heal you. Other information received through HSP is either written down or taped for your further use.
It usually takes several sessions to get down to the cause in the belief system. By the time the healer has progressed through all layers of the field and brought closure to the healing, you will probably be in a state of deep relaxation and serenity.
Many healers encourage you to rest on the table for ten to thirty minutes to allow the fields to stabilize. This allows you to take full advantage of the healing and allows it to integrate into your energy system. The healer usually answers a minimum of questions at this time, because in order to ask a rational question, you must go out of the healing alpha brainwave state and into the “rational” beta or fast brainwave state, which will stop the healing process. When I was practicing healing, I always warned my patients before the healing started about this very important posthealing quiet time and encouraged them to ask all the questions in the beginning of the healing before the alpha linkup occurs. Later, the healer will ask you to come back at the appropriate time and will assure you that the rest of your questions can be answered next time.
Many times people resist the healing process by trying to control the situation with an overactive mind. This is easy to do. All the patient needs to do is force a very active mind and refuse to relax and allow the healing to take place. If patients force their brains to remain rational, they will not go into an alpha state, 8 Hz, the healing state. Rather, they will stay in normal waking brainwave patterns, beta waves. (Patients, of course, can do this anytime, whether or not a healer is present.) If they continue to stay in such a state, they will interfere with the normal healing processes in their body. When patients’ rational minds get out of the way and their brainwaves go into alpha, they are able to surrender to their natural healing process as enhanced by the healer.
Healings are usually scheduled once a week, to last one or one and one-half hours, for several weeks. Sometimes, especially for back problems, I would only work with people if they could come twice a week. That is because there is so much strain on the back from normal daily activity that inevitably patients would get tired, have low blood sugar, do one last lift, and restrain their backs again before a week was up. I found that diet was also very important for back problems. People would only strain their back again when they were overworked and hungry, with low blood sugar. I would instruct them to carry a bag of nuts and dried fruit around with them, to eat more often, and to eat complete meals. It is amazing how many overstressed, undernourished people our rich society produces!
The spacing of sessions for cancer patients who are on chemotherapy or radiation therapy should be at least weekly and always right after a treatment, even if that treatment is daily. Chemo and radiation cause debris in the physical body as well as the energy field. The debris from chemo is composed of the chemotherapy itself, as well as from the tissues it kills. The body must get rid of both. Chemotherapy causes low-frequency, mucusy, dark, thick bioplasma in the auric field that does not support life. It slows and interferes with the functioning of the auric field, causing a great deal of discomfort in the client. Radiation also causes debris in the physical body because it not only kills cells, it alters the normal biological processes that occur in many cells around those that are killed. This produces a lot of waste products that also must be gotten rid of. Radiation burns the auric field, much like putting a nylon stocking into a flame. This damage needs to be repaired. Radiation also causes the auric field to splinter like glass, thus causing a lot of debris in the field that needs to be cleared. The sooner the healer clears the debris caused by chemo or radiation out of a field, the fewer the side effects will be.
How long a series of healings lasts depends on the seriousness of the problem, on how long the patient has had the problem, and on the long-term effects of the healing. Usually the patient strongly feels the healing effects for about three days. Then the energy system will begin to resume its old habitual distortion to a certain extent. How much and for how long the energy system of the patient can maintain a clear, balanced state is completely individual and depends on so many factors that it would be impossible to enumerate them all here. Of course the severity of the problem, the patient’s life circumstances, the patient’s self-care and ability to carry out what activities or diets are required, and the skills of the healer are all factors.
With each succeeding healing session, the patient’s energy system regains more and more of its original healthy configuration. The old habits of distortion are gradually dissolved. How fast permanent changes can occur is completely individual. Suffice it to say that some patients will finish in one healing, others in many months of healing. As the healing process unfolds, it becomes easier and easier for the healer to know how long it will take, because the healer observes the extent of the changes and how long they hold each time a healing is given. Sometimes a more advanced healer will give the approximate length of the healing series through guidance in the beginning session.
The healing process can continue, perhaps over weeks, months, or years. How long it lasts, in many cases, depends on what degree of health the patient accepts.
Many patients wish to continue the healing process long after the original presenting complaint is gone because what they settled for as “health” before entering a healing situation is simply no longer acceptable. This occurs because healing not only educates patients but helps them make much deeper connections to their internal longings. In this case, the process of healing becomes one of personal evolution and release of creativity. It becomes a spiritual experience.
From the holographic point of view, this means the healer will be working on the connection between the individual within a system, that is, within the greatest system, the Universal Being. On this level, an unacceptable state of health is seen as an apparent disconnection from or imbalance with the whole or the divine.
That leads to questions: “What is the patient’s relationship with God-Goddess, the cosmos, or the Universal Being?” “How have her beliefs led her to the experience of disconnection from her essential connection with the Universal Being?” “How has he forgotten who he is, and how has his way of living that arises out of that forgetting led him into imbalance and vulnerability to infection?”
Healers work directly with the energy field of the patient to balance it with the highest spiritual reality to which the patient can expand.
Healers’ greatest purpose is to help their clients connect with the greatest spiritual reality possible. They do this in very practical ways, stepping on each rung of the ladder from basic physical humanity, through the personality level of the human energy field, through the haric level of intentionality, and to the divinity within each human being, the core essence.
The healer first looks for the precise nature of the patient’s energy field patterns that express the different aspects of his or her being. Since they act holographically to affect each other and the physical body, the healer’s line of inquiry covers the overall physical and energetic patterns that correspond to the emotional, mental, and spiritual health of the patient. The healer helps the patient deal with his or her intention toward their health and their life’s purpose. One of the main jobs the healer is faced with is to help patients find the cause of their illness. How do patients cause this illness in themselves?
All of these areas of inquiry and healing are necessary to restore full health and to prevent another occurrence of the disease, or the possibility of another disease. The healer and patient work together to explore these areas. Ultimately, the healer and patient come face to face with the ultimate cause of the patient’s dis-ease.
Healers ask: “What are the patient’s beliefs about divinity that help hold this dis-ease in place?” “How is God seen as a negative authority that would punish rather than love?” “How has this individual then taken upon himself the punishment that he thinks God has ordained for him?” “How does this patient mete it out and assume that God is doing it to her?”
We are speaking here not only about that which individuals create for themselves as punishment, but about how they meet greater cycles of events that do not seem to be immediately connected to their individual creation. These greater cycles are the long-term effects put into motion in times past, or “karmic cycles,” as well as those events that come about as a result of the collective creativity of humankind. Each individual has the choice to meet these experiences with expectations of punishment for some terrible past deed, rather like a lesson chosen by the greater self, for the purpose of learning and soul growth.
The healer helps clients open a corridor to the deeper creative energies of their core, from which they create their experiences of reality.
We are left with this one very practical question of ethical limitations. This question has a broad range of aspects, and its answers depend on the healer involved. Here are some.
First it is very important that healers be aware of their level of ability and be straightforward about it. One of the worst things I have seen happens a lot. Very ill people go to a healer or a healing circle and are told that they are cured. The healers jump to this conclusion because they felt so much energy and got such a spiritual high from the healing that they assumed it meant the patient was cured. At times, such people even get guidance that says this is so. They may even advise that patients stop treatments that the healers know nothing about. They are completely convinced that this is right and their guidance is true.
These healers are out of reality. They are not in touch with their patients or their conditions. They have “blissed out” on their own energetic high and have disconnected from the patient in the process. This is very serious. It is a Pollyanna escape into denial because such healers cannot deal with the reality of life, pain, and death. It is a misuse of spirituality and healing for denial of their own fear.
There is nothing wrong with a healing circle that brings love, hope, and support to people who are isolated in fear with their disease. But it is important to stay in reality about the amount of love, hope, and support that is needed for such a person. It is not a one-shot deal. It is a long ongoing process. The support groups and workshops of Bernie Siegel, M.D., and Louise Hay attest to the strong positive effectiveness of such groups.
I have found that there is a worldwide issue with people thinking it wrong for healers to charge money. This prejudice can be found in Great Britain, Russia, Europe, and Southeast Asia, as well as in the United States. I believe there are two ways to go with this. It depends on the healer’s training and expertise.
If healers are trained in a religious tradition like the Christian charismatic movement, the healings are done in church service, and often donations are accepted. From my perspective, that seems appropriate.
If, however, healers have gone through a meticulous long-term training—at least four years, in my opinion—healers have the right to charge. This type of training includes anatomy, physiology, psychology, ethics, and professionalization of a practice, as well as the development of HSP and healing techniques. It is through this type of training that healership will gain its rightful professional role in our health-care system. These healers have the right to charge normal professional fees just like psychological therapists, massage therapists, home-care nurses, physical therapists, and physicians. These fees should be in the same range as those of any therapist. A no-fee policy for such a person is simply prejudice. If these healers didn’t charge, they would have to work all day in a job for financial support and then give whatever is left to healing. That would simply keep badly needed healing services to a minimum.
Healers should not diagnose and cannot prescribe drugs. They have not been trained to do so. A healer may, on the other hand, receive guidance as to what drug may be beneficial. The patient can take that information to a physician to check out. (See Chapter 6 for a fuller discussion of healer-physician cooperation.)
This was a question that really disturbed me in the beginning of my practice. At first, I simply gave all the information I received through my channel to the person involved. I figured it was not my job to discriminate. If I got it, they got it. I got into trouble right away with this one. I freaked people out. They didn’t really want to know, even though they claimed they did. They weren’t ready for the answer.
I remember in 1978 I was at a healing conference in Washington. A member of the audience knew I had HSP and could see his neck vertebrae. He followed me the whole weekend, endlessly asking me to tell him what his neck looked like. I finally sat down on the steps of a large corridor in the hotel and drew the misalignment in his neck. He became very quiet and left with the picture. I saw him two years later at another conference, and he told me that he had been very upset for days after the incident. He had never seen a picture of how bones in the neck become misaligned, and he didn’t understand the meaning of his misalignment. I had not taken the time to tell him how to take care of the problem and that it was not serious.
In another case, one of my best friends, Cindy M. from Washington, D.C., was studying in New York City for a few weeks and decided to have a healing. Her presenting complaint was that she had a little pain in her chest. During the healing I looked down into her chest with HSP and saw a black-gunmetal-gray shape like a three-dimensional triangle. At the same time I saw this, my guide Heyoan leaned over my right shoulder and said, “She has cancer and she is going to die.”
I had a private argument with Heyoan. I was outraged that he could know of an imminent death and, even worse, that he would tell me about it. Needless to say, I kept it quiet. Right after the session, I went to a birthday party. I was so upset, I had to leave early. I didn’t know what to do. Was my guidance off? Was it possible to be told of someone’s death? Would I help her create it if I thought about it in that way when I was giving her healings? What should I tell her to do? Later I checked with advanced healers I knew to see if such a thing was possible. They said it was.
I did the only thing I could do. I told Cindy to stop school, go home, spend time with her husband, and get her chest checked out by a doctor. She came to two more healings before leaving New York. In each healing, I would see the same dark form in her lung, and Heyoan leaned over my right shoulder and said, “She has cancer and is going to die.”
I kept asking her to go home. I didn’t tell her the specifics of my guidance. She finally did what I asked her to do. The tests were clear. I assumed my guidance was wrong. But she kept getting worse. Four months and three CAT scans later, the physicians at George Washington Hospital found the spot—same size, shape, and location. They said it was a blood clot. Again, I thanked God the guidance was wrong. She didn’t respond to treatment but got worse. They opened her up and found mesothelioma—a lung cancer they did not know how to cure. She died eight months later.
About three days before she died, when I was in Washington helping Cindy separate from her friends, she called me into her room right after she had gone to the bathroom. She said, “I just pissed out a half truth for you. What was it?”
I explained why I hadn’t told her what I’d seen when she first came for a healing.
She said, ‘Thanks for not telling me sooner. I wasn’t ready. It’s okay now.”
What I learned was that, as a healer, and like any professional, I can access “privileged information.” This information must be handled professionally, under a code of ethics that includes the right person and the right timing. I now only give “privileged information” that comes through guidance when the guidance says to do so, and to whom guidance indicates.
All healers encounter circumstances in which they should disqualify themselves. This is very important for both healers and patients to understand. This means any healer you go to may have to disqualify herself. One sign of good healers is that they make sure that they are qualified to treat you before taking you on as a patient. They may not openly discuss this with you if there is no problem. But usually by the end of the first session, they will know and tell you if there is a problem. The two major reasons for healers to disqualify themselves are their previous relationship with a patient or patient’s spouse and because they are not qualified to handle the case.
In the first case, many people think they can go to a healer who is also a friend. This is fine, as long as both people know that it will change their relationship permanently. The two must make the decision of which is more important—the healing relationship or the personal one. Because healing is such a deep process, if the two try to maintain their personal friendship as it was, they will rather rapidly reach a point where the healings are jeopardized or the deeper healing process is compromised. In cases where a husband and wife want to go to the same healer, again, if the healing process continues over any length of time, relational problems may occur because of the depth of personal change involved in the healing process. For this reason, I recommend that healers use the same guidelines as therapists, who do not take both people in a marriage for individual counseling.
Healers must be able to know if they are qualified to handle any particular case. This may also have to do with the level of expectation from patients. If patients expect miraculous results, the healer must inform them that the probability is very low. Only one percent of cases heal instantly. Some healers may not be able to handle certain illnesses or types of cases. They may react to certain illnesses that affect their energy system in ways that make them sick or give them pain. They may not be able to handle someone who has received a “terminal” sentence and, if it happens, go all the way through the dying process with someone. They may not be able to work with the physicians involved. They may know someone who could do it better. If they are prejudicial about a certain treatment the patient is on, they need to deal with it honestly and let go of the prejudice. If they can’t, they should refer the patient elsewhere.
I had to disqualify myself from a case several years ago with a young man who was paralyzed from the waist down. I could see what was wrong in the energy field, but I had absolutely no effect on it after trying for an hour and a half. I didn’t charge him for the session and sent him home. I said I would call him if I found a way to help him or if I found someone who could. Several years later, I found someone to whom to refer him.
The best way to get straight answers is to ask straight questions. Ask the healer whatever you want to know—it’s their job to find a way to answer from their framework of healing. It may not be the answer you want, but you ought to be able to get one. Even ask them about their cure rate, if you want to know. They must answer honestly. How many patients has the healer treated with this disease? What were the results? Healers must be clear as to what they are offering. This way you, the patient, can be clear as to what results you can expect and therefore what you are paying for. Of course, your healing is dependent on many other things, but you have the right to know about healers’ experience and results, as well as how long they have been practicing and how well they are trained.