As you consider working with both a healer and a physician, it is important to interview both to see if they are open to working together. Let both the healer and physician know how and with whom you are working. If they have not worked with each other before, talk with them to find out if they will cooperate. Let them know how they can help each other in helping you regain your health. The physician or healer may be too busy to spend much time consulting with the other. In most cases not much consultation time is really needed. If either one will not be in goodwill with the other, I suggest that you find another person to do the job.
It may come about that, in your treatment, there will be directly opposing points of view. Then it is very necessary for the two to converse. At such times, goodwill and understanding are of extreme importance. Your health treatment depends on it.
In my experience, two directly opposing points of view or conflict between physician and healer happens very rarely if both of them are in reality and open-minded. However, many people still carry the negative image that healers and physicians are opposed to each other. If people learn how the two systems complement each other, this negative image, fortunately for all, can be cleared.
There are five major ways that the healer-physician team works best together to gather a broader, deeper, and more useful set of information about a patient’s condition and what to do about it. The five major objectives are:
As we begin to develop the healer-physician team, much of the information from the healer may not make a lot of sense to the physician because it is not within his or her domain of expertise. In time, by working together, bridges of communication will be created and much more understanding about the body, the energy bodies, and the healing process will emerge. All five of these areas greatly facilitate the healing of the patient and will also help the physician gather more information about what is going on in the patient. Let’s examine, in more detail, each type of information the healer can obtain.
When working with a physician or a group of healthcare professionals, healers will describe the disease process occurring in the patient’s physical and energetic bodies. She shares this description with the professional team for the sake of clarifying the disease process in the patient. To do this, the healer will use HSP to analyze the patient’s condition. She will begin by checking the human energy field as follows:
The healer then focuses on the physical level to describe the unhealthy or unbalanced physiological processes going on in the patient’s body. These, of course, are the result of the energetic imbalances she first described. To do this, she uses HSP to sense the functioning of the organs and the tissues on the physical level. The healer proceeds in several steps, checking:
This disease description will, in many ways, correlate to a physician’s diagnosis. All the senses can be used in the HSP mode. I will discuss the three most commonly used by healers: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (touch). But the language will be different depending on the sense used to access the information. The language will most likely not be technical medical language.
When the healer uses the visual type of HSP, the organs of the body have particular colors that correlate to health and other colors that correlate to disease and dysfunction. The healer simply looks at organs in the body to see if they are weak or strong, underactive or overactive. When she finds the specific organs that need more attention by using this general type of scan, she can then focus on a more detailed examination of each dysfunctional organ.
Let me give some examples of how the visual sense works. When viewing the liver, the healer can first focus on the entire liver to find its relative size and to discover whether or not it’s enlarged. She can also observe whether it looks too dense for its normal functioning. She can change her resolution—as you do when scanning a newspaper column, then focusing on one sentence—to find out whether certain portions of the liver are underfunctioning while others are over-functioning, by simply watching the liver in process. If there are areas of the liver in which waste material is accumulating, the auric color of that waste material tells if the waste material is too acidic or too alkaline. The healer can see whether this waste material is too viscous to move out of the liver. She does this simply by looking at the thickness of the fluid and watching it move through the liver.
For example, many times I have seen an accumulation of stagnated green or yellow fluid in portions of the liver. This means toxins are piling up in the liver and there is an excess of bile. Sometimes the yellow color is left over from some drugs the person has recently taken that the liver has a hard time processing. The auric perception of hepatitis is always a band or layer of orange color. Sometimes, if someone has taken drugs for hepatitis, it shows in the liver as an area of thick, brownish mucus. Chemotherapy for breast and other cancers always appears as green-brown gunk in the liver. If the chemotherapy is given intravenously through the arm, the aura of the arm also turns brown-green. I have seen configurations that remained in the auric field as long as ten to twenty years when no healing was given.
The healer can view the effects of particular foods or drugs on the liver. Many times a combination of drinking wine and eating thick, gooey cheeses like brie causes a great deal of stagnation in the liver. It looks like stagnated mucus. That decreases the natural healthy life pulse of the liver and thereby reduces its ability to function.
To gather more information, the healer can increase her resolution and focus down to the cellular level so that she can view the cell condition. Many times the cells will be enlarged or elongated. Or the cell membrane may not be working in a way that is chemically balanced so that certain fluids that are not supposed to move through that membrane do. For example, long-term smoking usually breaks down the cell wall, making it flaccid so that the cell becomes enlarged and misshapen. The pollutants from smoking also form an acidic layer on the outside of the cell membrane, which then changes its permeability. With high or microscopic resolution, the healer can also view microorganisms inside the body and describe their appearance. All the information obtained through vision-type HSP will be described in terms of pictures using visual terms. All of this information is given in the healer’s language in simple descriptive terms, as above, not in the technical terms to which a patient or physician may be accustomed.
The healer can also use auditory-type HSP. There are two major types of auditory information—sounds (or tones) and words. The body, organs, and tissues all produce sounds that can be heard with HSP but not with “normal” hearing. These sounds give information about the health of the body and organs. A healthy body produces a beautiful “symphony” of sounds that all flow together. Whenever an organ is not functioning right, it gives off a discordant sound. By developing her sound vocabulary, the healer will be able to describe health and dis-ease within the physical and energy bodies in terms of sound.
For example, using auditory HSP, the healer may very well hear a high-pitched squealing sound coming from the pancreas of someone with diabetes. She will also see (using visual HSP) a dark vortex of energy over the pancreas that makes the squealing sound. These two pieces of information will tell her immediately that the person has diabetes. (The healer will, in turn, use sounds or tones for healing, as we will see later on.)
The other form of auditory HSP is the reception of words. If the healer is proficient in auditory HSP, she may be able to directly access the name of an organism, disease, or even a drug to be taken, including the amount and time. Most medical terms are quite long and complicated, making them very difficult to pick up through HSP. I have been able to do this only a few times. Most of the auditory information I get comes either as simple directives or as long discourses on the deeper meaning of existence or the way the world works. A few examples of auditory directives will pop up in the text as we move along. The healing meditations given in Part IV of this book are good examples of channeled discourses that are very useful in the healing process.
Each organ has a pulse. Certain organs pulsate faster than others. Using the kinesthetic (feeling sensation) type of HSP, the healer can feel the pulse from each organ. First the healer would feel the entire body system in general and find out general imbalances within organs. Then she feels within organ systems, and then cross-organ systems. For example, using kinesthetic-type HSP, the healer will check on the organ pulse of the liver to find if it is higher or lower than normal. The healer will then feel larger areas of the body to find if the liver pulse is synchronized with the other organ pulses of the body. If the liver is abnormal, the healer finds how its abnormal functioning affects organs in its vicinity and other areas within the body.
One typical question that arises in the dis-ease description given by a healer is, How does an under-functioning liver (abnormally low pulse, denoting hypofunction) affect the pancreas? My answer, from information taken with kinesthetic sensing, is that a hypofunctioning liver strains the pancreas and makes it work harder, which causes the pulse of the pancreas to increase, causing a hyperfunctioning pancreas. Eventually the pancreas will become too weak from overwork to function properly, and its pulse will also drop down below normal, causing a hypofunctioning pancreas.
Information gathered kinesthetically from infertile women who are trying to get pregnant is very interesting. In healthy bodies, the ovaries pulse synchronically with each other, with the thymus near the heart, and with the pituitary in the head. In many cases of infertility, the ovary pulses are unbalanced with each other and the other organ pulses. The ovaries have to be balanced with each other, the thymus, and the pituitary before they are able to produce a ripe egg and release it at exactly the appropriate time. When they are not pulsing synchronically, the egg will be released at the wrong time in the menstrual cycle. It may be premature or overripe, or not released at all. To reestablish balance, the healer sends energy to reestablish a synchronic pulse among all of these three endocrines. This is done through a series of techniques in laying on of hands. I have been able to assist many previously infertile women in this way. They are mothers now. (Of course, in some cases, other organs might very well be involved with this, so the healer would feel them and then balance them also.)
A good example occurred several years ago, when I was still practicing healing in New York City. The client, Barbara, wanted to get pregnant. She was forty-two.
Barbara had clinically died from hemorrhaging after giving birth to a daughter fifteen years earlier. She told me she could remember leaving her body and visiting her deceased father, who told her to return to earth. He said that she could bring all the love and peace to earth that she felt there with him. She could then feel herself being pulled back into her body. A doctor stood over her and said, “She’s gone.” The next thing she was aware of was a big nurse leaning over her, pumping her chest, screaming, “Breathe, damn you, breathe!”
After a long road of recovery, raising her daughter alone, then finally getting married again, Barbara wanted another child. There was a lot of concern about this. No one had ever found the source of the hemorrhaging, so it might happen again. Plus, Barbara had had cervical cancer four years before getting married. Her physicians were concerned that, because of the surgery, the cervix would not be strong enough to hold the fetus for nine months.
She had tried to get pregnant with no success for three years before she came to me. A brief inspection of her energy field showed a large tear in the second chakra. Her ovaries were not functioning properly, and they were not synchronized with the thymus or the pituitary. She would ovulate infrequently, and when she did, it was too late in the cycle for the egg. I also saw her weakened cervix and another place within her womb where an old wound had been. This was the source of the hemorrhaging.
First I cleared and cleaned the wound and restructured the first level of its field so it would heal. I then rebuilt the energy field of the cervix to make it strong. I made it extra strong so it could hold the fetus. Next, I repaired all the damage in the second chakra, then stabilized it. I then synchronized the ovaries with each other, then with the thymus, and then with the pituitary. As each system in the body began to function, Barbara’s energy increased. This took one session in February 1984.
I called up Barbara in September 1990 to see how she remembered the event. Barbara said, “You found a black energetic hole at the source of the hemorrhaging, and you found also an energetic dysfunction at the cervix. You found both of the sources of prior medical concerns. Then I became pregnant in March. It was a miracle.
“Another interesting sidelight was that I came back to see you in my ninth month because Annie was in a breech position. You turned her.…Another interesting piece of this was that you prepared me for a cesarean. I can remember feeling your conflict. I remember trying to support you by saying it’s okay, it’s okay, you can tell me anything that is going on here. Well, I did have a cesarean. After twenty-four hours of labor, my cervix just wouldn’t dilate and Annie went into distress.”
When Barbara came for her second healing in her ninth month, I received guidance that she was going to have a cesarean. I didn’t want to tell her in a way that would sound as if it would have to be that way. I wanted to leave plenty of room for the possibility of a natural birth, but I did manage to warn her that it was a good idea to accept it any way it came, that having the child was the most important thing, not doing it perfectly. As I remember, when I was working on her, it seemed that we had a choice between building a strong cervix and having a cesarean baby, or not building a strong cervix and chancing losing the baby.
Later Barbara said, “This never would have concerned me anyway. I never had any mindset about how you are supposed to have a baby. I think most New Age spiritual women have a lot of gunk about medical procedures. They can’t quite handle the duality between that and being spiritually responsible for our own healing. I never had any trouble with that. It is their duality, not real duality.
“I think there is a mindset with many people generally about those issues. It feels as though you have to make a choice between your taking self-responsibility for your spiritual and physical well-being and medical technical know-how, knowledge, and expertise. In fact, every time you make such a choice, you are limiting reality because there really is no need to choose. It is only when they work together that it is complete. What we are all trying to do is to heal that duality on the earth.”
Now, using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic HSP together, let us “focus on” (visual term), “tune into” (auditory term), and “connect to” (kinesthetic term) the pancreas to “see” (visual term) what information we can “get” (kinesthetic term). In people with problems in digesting sweets and sugars, the pancreas will “look” weak. Instead of being a bright, clear, peachy-brown color, the pancreas will have a very faded peachy-brown color. The pancreas may be enlarged due to its inability to function properly. Using visual HSP, the healer can “see” this. By increasing visual resolution, the healer may also see piles of yellowish-amber cells here and there in the pancreas. The anatomy book tells us that these are the islets of Langerhans. In some cases, there may be more of these piles of cells, or each islet may have more cells and be larger than normal, or each islet may be made up of enlarged yellowish-amber-colored cells. The excess numbers of the islets of Langerhans are the body’s effort to produce more of the secretion that they make. Auditory HSP or a physiology book tells us that this secretion is the hormone insulin. Using the kinesthetic sense, the healer finds that the organ pulse of the pancreas is also lower than what the healer feels to be healthy. The pancreas is underfunctioning. Thus visual, auditory, and kinesthetic HSP together tell us that this patient needs healing work to reestablish normal pancreas function.
When a weakened pancreas begins pulsating more slowly than its normal healthy rate, it usually begins to affect the pulsation of the left kidney, located directly behind it. Soon this kidney pulsates at a rate that correlates with the slower pulses of the pancreas. This makes the kidney drop sugar into the urine. The kidney looks darker than normal. From the healer’s perception, the functioning of both the pancreas and the kidney is decreased. Even the connective tissue wrapped around the organs, called the fascia, begins to harden, contract, and bind the organs together. The fascia is the physical medium that carries most of the energy flow of the first layer of the auric field through it. When it hardens, its ability to conduct energy greatly decreases. This in turn decreases the amount of energy flow the organ wrapped in the fascia can receive from the energy fields all around us.
I believe that this decreased conductivity through our fascia has a great deal to do with aging. When work is done to soften the hardened tissues, a great deal more energy flows to the organ or muscle surrounded by the fascia. That organ or muscle wakes up and becomes alive and healthy again. This type of work combined with healing energy work is effective even on very old injuries. It re-enlivens tissues that have been unusable for years. It takes lots of time and attention to repair old injuries, but to many people it is worth it. People who do body work or energy work that softens the fascia stay younger longer. Many such people look ten years younger than their age.
Healers use all the same HSP techniques mentioned above to describe problems in the haric and core star levels. This information will include description of any disfigurement or dysfunction in these levels. (The haric and core star levels and the five objectives of healing will be discussed in Chapters 16 and 17.)
As was described earlier, the healer acts as a conduit for healing energies from the universal health field, or universal energy field, all around us. The human energy field must be regarded as no less real than the physical body. There are several levels of bodies. The healer will work on each. The first, third, fifth, and seventh levels of the auric field are structured in a way such that they contain all of the organs that we know about in the physical body, plus the chakras, which are intake organs that metabolize energy from the universal energy field for the area of the body in which they are located. These structured levels appear to be composed of standing light beams. The even-numbered layers are not structured. They look like blobs or clouds of fluid in motion. The fluid flows along the standing light lines of the structured layers.
The healer’s work on the structured levels is to repair, restructure, and recharge the energy bodies. The healer’s work on the unstructured levels of the field is to clear stagnated areas, to charge weakened areas, and to balance overcharged areas with the rest of the field.
All this has a big effect on the functioning of the physical body. Even if the physical organ has been removed, rebuilding it on the structured layers of the field and charging it on the fluid layers of the field have a very strong healing effect on the body. In cases where the thyroid has been removed, I have consistently seen a restructured thyroid on the auric level reduce the amount of thyroid medication that a patient needs to take. Hands-on healing work usually decreases healing time by one-third to one-half the normal time, decreases the amount of medications needed, and greatly reduces side effects of invasive modalities.
A friend of mine who was highly allergic to drugs had a double cataract operation. She took drugs only during surgery. She took no pain-killers afterward, did self-healing several times a day every day, and healed twice as fast as the “normal” recovery time for a one-eye lens removal. Simple problems like sprained ankles, which normally require two weeks on crutches, can be healed in one-half to three-quarters of an hour if worked on immediately.
If it is not possible to give immediate hands-on healing, other healing methods developed in osteopathic medicine, Structural Integration (Rolfing), deep tissue work, unwinding, or myofascia work will still reduce healing time to a few days. Whenever such an injury occurs, the body recoils and twists itself away from the injury. The fascia and muscles sometimes remain in the twisted position. These methods are very useful in healing injuries resulting in misalignments, sprains, strains, bruises, fractures, and injuries to the spinal cord. By holding the body in certain tension positions and following body pulses, one can simply follow the unwinding of the twists that resulted from the injury.
Recently, a very heavy table collapsed on a healer-student’s shin and foot. We immediately picked her up and worked on her for about forty-five minutes. She feared that her leg was broken. After careful visual HSP examination, we knew that it was not broken. It was badly scraped and bruised. We did laying on of hands techniques to restructure the energy field, and a structural unwinding technique simultaneously. At the end of forty-five minutes there was no swelling, very little bruising, and a few scratches. She rested a few hours with ice on the area, and the next day she was walking normally. It looked as if she had bumped herself two weeks before.
I have seen benign “operable” tumors reduce to “not necessary to operate” in a few laying on of hands healings. I have seen heart patients avoid open heart surgery, cancer patients reduce the amount of chemotherapy needed, early stages of diabetes turned around, colonectomies prevented. In a few cases, I have seen cancer disappear. I have seen many lives completely reformed into the way the people longed for their lives to be.
The healer also does hands-on work on both the haric and core star levels. Once the healer has determined the state of the haric and core star levels, she can work directly on each of them. Haric and/or core star healing is advanced work. It requires a lot of training and practice to do it. (It will be discussed in Chapters 16 and 17.)
The third area of work with the healer-physician team is the gathering of a disease history. A physician does this through the patient’s personal and family health and medical records. The healer obtains historical information by psychically witnessing past events, which are both physically and psychologically related to the disease. The healer has the ability to go backward in time and to observe the sequence of events that have occurred to a particular organ, body part, or the whole body system on the physical or energy body levels. The healer does this first by kinesthetically connecting to the body part, then by consulting memory.
It is much the same process as when you activate your own memory. You automatically do it only for yourself. It feels like simply rolling time backward to witness a past event. Try it for another person by first connecting to them and then activating memory. You will be surprised. You can access their past also. You were just brought up to believe that the only past you could remember was your own.
On the physical level, the healer will use HSP to witness, in reverse sequence, the traumas that occurred to a particular body part. In my experience, most serious illness is not new. Rather, the disease configuration has built up over a long period of time and through several different forms and symptoms that are compiled into the present state. How you are now represents the sum total of your life experience.
A common example is hip problems in older people. Most hip problems in later years are activated by structural misalignment in earlier years in the spine or knees. Dietary deficiencies may also contribute to the degeneration process, until the elderly person falls and breaks a hip.
Many people notice that the same body part is repeatedly injured. Once an ankle is twisted and sprained on the tennis court, that same weakened ankle will most likely be sprained again. This misalignment in the ankle radiates throughout the entire structural system of the whole body and affects all parts of it. An early fall off a tricycle bumping the knee may lead to a later bicycle knee injury, which in turn leads to a jogging knee trauma, and so on. Each injury increases structural misalignment that then leads to more injury.
Usually by the time a serious problem erupts in the physical body, that part of the body has been traumatized many times. A problem in an organ is a sign that the problem has sunk deeply into the body. Effects of old childhood traumas are enhanced, carried forward, and maintained through repeated bad living habits on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. People re-create and repeat problems in their lives over and over from their negative belief systems. These negative belief systems are usually unconscious. Using HSP, these re-created negative experiences can be read in sequence.
One patient named Tanya, who had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck and had a forceps birth, repeated these neck and head traumas throughout life in different forms. In early childhood, she fell off a cannon in a park and landed on her head. Then she fell from trees more than once. Later, her brother accidentally hit her in the head with a baseball bat. She was standing behind him when he swung back to hit a ball. Each time she received a blow to the head, her neck also got worse. Her father repeatedly hit her whenever her mother reported that she was “bad.” She wouldn’t know it was coming because the punishment came many hours afterward, when her father came home from work. Sometimes he hit her with a yardstick while he held her upside-down by one foot. Next, there were repeated blows to the head from an abusive husband. This went on for almost ten years. During this time there was a whiplash accident in a motel room, when a man tried to pull off her swimsuit. Two years later, there was another whiplash and hairline skull fracture from a car accident. The continued neck and head injuries led to more and more structural misalignment that weakened not only the areas directly involved but the whole structural system as well. The whole left side of her body was weakened. She said it came from being married to a right-handed man—it’s the left side that gets hit. Through laying on of hands and unwinding, she was later able to heal most of her injuries.
Since organs all work together, chronic dysfunction in any particular organ will eventually affect all others. First the other organs may overwork to make up for the loss of function in one organ. Then later they may underfunction because they are unable to carry the extra load. To the healer, who sees the body functioning from the holographic point of view, anything occurring in any part of the body is always related to the rest of the body.
I witnessed an interesting case of earlier dietary deficiencies in a man who had shin splints. When I rolled backward in time, I saw that the cause was related to the fact that he drank a lot of milk as a fast-growing teenager. Milk was not the best source of calcium for his body. When his body grew bone cells, they became “too hard” and didn’t allow the muscles to insert properly into the bone. Thus at the age of forty he got shin splints when he jogged.
Through HSP, the healer helps the patient access general information about the patient’s background on the psychological level. This includes information about possible childhood trauma, interaction with parents and the environment, the patient’s mental attitude about life, and the patient’s belief system.
A healer will also use HSP to “read” specific information about the psychological history that correlates to a given presenting complaint. To do this, the healer connects to the diseased body part and rolls backward in time while tuned in to the psychological level and witnesses the past experiences of the individual directly related to the physical problem. This also reveals a lot about the patient’s personality, childhood psychological traumas, and reactions to them that create certain unhealthy life patterns that led to partial creation of the physical problems.
This information, when handled sensitively, can greatly help the patient’s personal healing process. It helps patients give up unhealthy habitual actions that cause imbalance in their energy system that eventually lead to disease in the physical body.
The idea that one might create accidents in one’s life as a result of one’s beliefs and earlier traumas is, of course, interesting and controversial. Some accidents are clearly the result of intent. I’m sure you have all witnessed children hurting themselves directly after being confronted about something they shouldn’t have done.
Tanya’s case is a good example. As Tanya worked to heal herself through hands-on healing and deep tissue work, she was able to find how she helped create her injuries, even the car accident in which she was not the driver. She connected with her intent to continue to be the “victim” of other people, which somehow, from the child’s reasoning, meant she was “good.” This is what I mean by a negative belief system. In order to remain “good” from the unconscious child’s reasoning, she had to keep being the “victim.” Her father hit her to punish her for being “bad.” To her child’s reasoning, the punishment then made her “good” again. She also remembered that when her father hit her, she felt connected to him. Besides being terrified, she could also feel his pain and could feel that his hitting her actually relieved some of his pain. This is the basis of martyrdom. In the incident of the car accident, her abusive husband was driving. You might ask, how could she take the “blame” for that one? She didn’t take the blame, but she connected with an intent to hurt herself the night before. It was a way to stop the intense pain of her life. She said that the night before the accident, she was extremely upset. Her husband was trying to set her up with an old boyfriend, and she didn’t know what to do. She remembers repeatedly looking at the large plate-glass window of her home, thinking how good it would feel to run across the room and hit it with her head. She said she felt totally crazy.
She was finally able to leave the marriage and create a new life for herself. After all the work on herself, it was only a year or so after the divorce that she began a very healthy, supportive relationship with her present husband of seven years.
During the reading and the unfolding of past information, the healer is also working directly to clear the energy field distortion that is correlated with those events and with those traumas. Work is being done on both levels at the same time. The information is being brought to consciousness, and the distortions in the field from those events are being cleared. This has a very positive effect on the healing for the patient.
The healer can then tune to higher levels in the patient that reveal thought patterns or habitual thought forms that take over and rule the patient’s psyche at times. The healer will also eventually be able to help the patient find his or her negative, unhealthy belief systems that are the root cause of habitual unhealthy living patterns that create disease.
As Tanya connected with her unconscious efforts to remain a victim and therefore “good,” she began changing her stance. She reached the haric level of intention. She intended to remain a victim so that she could remain the “good” one and also not have to go out into the world and take responsibility for herself.
She aligned with a positive intent to change. It was necessary to connect with a deeper part of herself that already knows she is good, her core. From the broadest perspective, the cause of illness is forgetting who you truly are (disconnection from the core), and healing is remembering the true self (connection to the core). Thus Tanya began to remember who she is. She connected with her inner basic goodness by building corridors of communication to her core star. She didn’t have to prove her goodness anymore through victimization.
The fifth major objective of the healer-physician team is to bring about new combined treatment modalities. The results from the first four objectives—the new disease description, information about the body’s functioning, the changes in the view of the causes and deeper meaning of illness, and the strong positive healing effects of laying on of hands—bring about great changes in treatment modalities and new guidelines to help us maintain our health.
Some major changes in treatment modalities are:
Many prescribed medications have been reduced by the physicians because their patients got well sooner. The use of pain-killers has been greatly reduced in patients with chronic pain such as headaches, back pain, or pain in the ovaries.
The healer can read the effects that any particular herb, homeopathic remedy, or medication is having on the body of the patient. It is possible for the healer to observe the patient taking homeopathic remedies to see the effect on the energy field, because remedies have both immediate and long-term effects on the field. If it is the incorrect homeopathic remedy, there will be no effect. If the remedy is not potent enough, it will not penetrate into the field and have a big effect. A higher potency will. A higher potency will reach higher levels of the field and may not immediately affect the lower ones. This information can be very helpful to the homeopath not only in choosing the correct remedy but in choosing where in the patient’s energy bodies they wish it to have the most effect.
I have found that healing will reduce the required amount of medication the body needs, even when a gland has been removed. I have experienced this many times with various people and different kinds of medications. It is an automatic result of the laying on of hands healing process.
Reducing the amount of medication needed by patients going through the healing process is a step-by-step process. Normally, the guidance in the beginning is for the patient to continue on the medication they have. After some period of healing, perhaps only a few weeks, the guidance will suggest that the medication be reduced by a quarter. After a few more weeks or months, another reduction will be needed.
Let me give an example. I was working with a young woman who had multiple physical disorders nearly from birth—many illnesses, many surgical operations. She was in her mid-twenties. Her progress was slow, but she steadily gained health and energy. After approximately six months of healing, she reached a plateau of health. The healings didn’t seem to be having much effect. I asked for specific guidance, using auditory HSP, as to why she stopped progressing. I heard the following words: “Tell her to reduce her thyroid medication by one-third.” At the time, I was completely unaware that she was taking it. In a rather embarrassed manner, I asked her about it. She confirmed that she was taking it. In the next few weeks, with the consent of her physician, she reduced her intake of the medication according to the guidance channeled and proceeded to regain more health. After five months it was necessary to make another reduction. Shortly thereafter, she left treatment, satisfied with her health, having decided to go to college.
Many times, ten to twenty years later, the radiated parts of the body will begin to dysfunction. One patient lost most of the use of her arms because the nerves deteriorated. She received very strong radiation treatments in the area of the brachial plexus (the area where the nerves that serve the arms come out of the spine) for Hodgkin’s disease ten years earlier.
We found, by treating another patient with laying on of hands as soon after radiation therapy as was possible, that we were able to continually remove the fragmented auric field and rebuild it each time. That patient had very few negative effects from her radiation treatments.
Another patient had had spinal surgery ten years before I met her. When she came to healing, she was still primarily bed-ridden. She could only walk to the bathroom and back. I saw red dye still locked in her spine. Apparently it was used to view the spine with some hospital device. With healing treatments to remove the red dye, she became much stronger and started to walk again.
Postsurgical healings effectively reduce pain and repair what could become long-term side effects. A patient named Elizabeth still had pain in her right ovary and the abdominal region of her body one year after her cesarean section. I could see that the energy lines of the first layer of the field were tangled and blocking normal energy flow to that area of her body. In one healing, I was able to untangle, align, and reconstruct the energy lines of the first layer of the field. Her pain immediately went away and hasn’t returned in two years. If the distortions in her field had remained, she probably would have eventually had infections in that area of her body since the lack of energy flow would eventually weaken the area.
In the case of Richard W. (see the transcript of the healing session in Appendix A), a vertical scar in his chest from open heart surgery interfered with the energy flow that served his heart and chest. Repairing it insured longer health in that area.
When we understand the long-term, negative effects that many harsh treatments have on our energy fields and our physical bodies, they will not be so readily used as they are today. I gave an example earlier of how a red dye stayed in the spine for ten years after treatment. I have seen other drugs still in the liver years after they were used for treatment of hepatitis. Many drugs are used in too strong doses for some people, who are more sensitive than others. When we can get more specific information as to just what dosage an individual can accommodate, we will be able to gauge the dosages better to suit the individual.
In some cases, the amount of medication needed can be reduced drastically by healing methods. For example, I was working with another healer to help a young woman who received a liver transplant. We prepared her energy field before the surgery. After the surgery, we connected her energy bodies to the new liver by reconstructing all the energy lines that had been cut to remove the old liver. We could tell that the new liver was actually larger than her original one. We tried to warn the hospital staff that she would need less of the medication that prevented her body from rejecting the liver. Unfortunately we couldn’t get anyone to listen to us. They finally reduced the medication when she started having side effects. She is fine now.
Since the dis-ease configuration always appears in the auric field before the physical body, we will develop treatment modalities and equipment that cure the disease in the energy field bodies before it has a chance to precipitate down into the physical body. This will prevent a lot of physical illness.
The life energy in food is also decreased by pollution. Because of the chemical poisoning of the soil, the plants themselves do not produce foods with high enough pulsatory rates to keep the human body healthy. Pulse rates of food intake must be within the range of organ life pulses, or they will drag the organ pulses down and the organs will eventually become unhealthy. We find many Americans taking vitamins and minerals because our foods are not full of the life-force. Our physical bodies can, through eating healthy, uncontaminated food, maintain pulsations that are synchronized with the pulsations of the earth itself. This is one of the reasons why organic foods are so important.
Remember, the earth as a whole has its own life pulses. One of these is the pulsation of the earth’s magnetic field. It pulses eight times per second (eight Hertz, or 8 Hz). Since we have physically evolved within that magnetic pulse, it is very good for us. Before it was contaminated, our soil carried the healthy pulsations of the earth. The natural food we ate was healthy because it was synchronized with the earth pulsations. Now when we eat a carrot grown in poisoned and polluted soil, the carrot does not enter into the body with the same vibrational energy as a healthy carrot grown in healthy earth-synchronized soil. Many times such a carrot is poison to us, and we are better off not eating it. We have a great need for the health food industry. It is an attempt to give us the life-force-supporting food our bodies need and to reestablish the balance between us and the life-force of the earth that produced our bodies.
As healers and physicians do more work together, we will build bridges of communication. We will learn how to combine the information gathered, by the healer through HSP, with the information the physician gathers in his or her years of training and through the physical testing with advanced technologies. I’m sure that healer and physician will make a wonderful team. Eventually, physicians will develop their HSP. And healers will help in the laboratory to develop instrumentation that will verify and quantify the information healers gather. Someday we will have sensitive instrumentation that can do national screening of people’s energy systems to prevent the imbalances in the field from being precipitated down into the physical body that later emerge as disease in the physical body.