From the spiritual perspective, our bodies are vehicles with which to do a task. As we make the psychological adjustment to see our bodies as vehicles with which to accomplish one task in physical reality, taking care of our bodies in a new way becomes very important. Not only do we want to make them healthy, we want to keep them very clean and clear so that we can live in the highest possible balance with nature and with the highest possible sensitivity to Higher Sense Perception. What we at one time may have called healthy may not look so healthy anymore. For example, eating heavy meats, sugars, and stimulants like coffee dulls our senses. What we wear enhances or slows down the flow of energy through our bodies. Hygiene becomes very important to keep our energy fields unpolluted. Looking at these areas and more improves not only your health but also your sensitivity to your energy field and all the energy fields around you.
Remember, your skin is the largest excretory organ of your body, so it is important to keep it in full working order. Be sure to use natural and nontoxic soaps or skin cleansers that are pH-balanced for your skin. The skin has a natural acid mantle that helps prevent infection. If you use soaps that are too alkaline, you will remove the protective mande and leave yourself open for invasion. We all naturally lose the top layer of our skin as the old cells die off and are replaced with new ones. A shower brush helps remove these old cells. If you use skin moisturizing cream or lotion, be sure it is natural and pH-balanced. The same goes for your makeup. Don’t use shampoos or hair rinses that leave heavy residues on your hair. Make sure they are natural and nontoxic as well.
Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Use natural toothpaste, or a combination of one part salt to eight parts baking soda.
Change your toothbrush every two weeks, or sterilize the one you have. There are also teeth-cleaning devices on the market that remove plaque. Find out which one your dentist recommends and get it. They work very well for me.
If you are too ill to do these things for yourself, or if you haven’t used natural products before, get someone to help you.
Your energy field needs grooming just as your physical body does. As you know, dark stagnated energy accumulates in the auric field when it is not functioning properly. This happens when you hold on to negative feelings, when you have been under a great deal of stress, when you are exhausted and run-down, and sometimes when you have been exposed to the heavy negative energies of others. Dark cloudlike masses accumulate in the second level of the field, and heavy gooey mucus accumulates in the fourth level. You will know that you have accumulated dark clouds or heavy mucus in your field because you can feel it in different ways. You may have pain in the area where it is accumulated, like a low-level muscle ache or a headache. You may feel logy, tired, irritable, or sick. You may even feel that you weigh more than normal or are toxic or polluted. You may feel as if you were getting a cold or the flu. All of these things are signals to clean your field as soon as possible so that you will not get sick. Here are several ways to clear the dark clouds or mucus out of your field.
One of the best ways I know to clear the field is to take a bath in sea salt and baking soda. You can use as much as one pound of each in a tub of water. This is a strong solution, so it tends to deplete your energy. But if you have picked up a lot of negative energy or have accumulated a lot of low vibratory energy from an illness, it is a good idea to try it this strong. Be sure that the water is not too hot. You will not be able to take the water as hot as you usually do without the salt and soda. If you have trouble with low blood pressure, be very careful, because in some cases people have been known to faint in this bath, and you don’t want to take a chance with that. If you get dizzy, get out of the tub, and try it with cooler water. Soak for twenty minutes in the tub. Then lie in direct sunlight for ten to twenty minutes to recharge your field. Use sunscreen. You will be surprised at how much cleaner and clearer you feel after such a bath.
Other baths on the market today can clear the field. Check your local health food store for the ones they carry, and experiment with some of them. There are baths to pep you up, to help you sleep, and to help remove the lactic acid from sore muscles after exertion.
It is always nice to accompany your bath with music and candlelight. If you do this, you can go into a deep healing state and do some visualizations during your bath.
You can also clear your field by smudging. Use a sage stick, sweetgrass, cedar, or any combination of these from your local health food store. Simply let the smoke from the stick diffuse through your auric field. It will take the DOR out of your field. Be sure you do this outdoors or with a door or window open. Some incenses also clear the field. Experiment with your favorite ones.
Hold a clean, clear quartz crystal in your hand, find the low vibratory energy in your field, and direct it into the crystal. Do this with your intention. This will only work if you are able to keep your mind completely clear of anything else while you do it. The minute your mind and your intention go to something else, the clearing stops and the negative energy goes back into your field. If you are an experienced meditator and can find the low vibratory energy in your field, you should be able to do this. Clean the crystal after you are finished.
There are several ways to clean crystals. The easiest is to simply put them outside in the sunlight for a day or so. If you live near the ocean, you can bury them in the sand under the salt water for an afternoon or a day. Be careful—you may lose them doing it this way. You can soak them overnight in a solution of one-quarter teaspoon sea salt to one pint spring water. I have found all of the above methods work very well. I have heard that some people simply put them in dry sea salt for a day or so. I once observed Marcel Vogel clear them with a blast of energy from his third eye and a swipe of a well-energized hand. That, however, takes practice.
Another good way to groom your auric field is with the simple auric brush. It is like brushing your hair, but now you will brush your aura. Do it with a partner. One person stands with legs spread to shoulder width, arms at the sides, with eyes closed. The other begins at the front of the body. With fingers spread wide, reach up as far above the head of your partner as you can. Imagine that your fingers grow six inches longer than they are. Begin now to use the elongated fingers of both hands as a brush. Make long continuous strokes from above the head down through the body, all the way to the ground. As you reach the ground, bell out the bottom of the field. Notice that your imaginary elongated fingers actually reach through the physical body. Make one long stroke down the body without stopping. Do not break your stroke. If you do, start over at the top of the head to prevent energy pile up. Now take a step around the body, and do the same thing so that you stroke right next to the last stroke. Continue all around the body, covering the entire body till you reach the place where you started. Make sure you do not leave areas undone. Now it’s your turn to be stroked with the auric brush. This has a wonderful calming and grounding effect. Enjoy.
Ever looked in your closet and there is nothing to wear, yet there are lots of clothes there? You may need a color that is not there. Your energy field responds to the colors you wear. Usually, you will want to wear the color that you lack or the one you feel harmonious with that day. For example, if you need more physical energy you may need red that day. However, anger makes the energy field dark red. If you are feeling angry and do not want to get angry at work, you’d better not wear red to work. It may help charge your anger. On the other hand, red will help protect your field by warding off negative energy. It also will help keep you from absorbing negative energy. Whatever color you or others around you wear affects your mood. In general, the colors listed in Figure 9-2 (see this page) are effective in clothing as well.
If you are ill and in your pajamas without much choice of color, you may still want someone to pull some of your favorite things out of the closet so that you can see them and absorb their color. You could try to get different-colored pajamas. Or pick the color you need according to the chart, and get a friend to buy a yard or so of cotton cloth that color. Drape it on your bed. Colored light bulbs or a large green spotlight help a great deal. Flowers are also great to add color to cheer up your surroundings.
A healer friend of mine told me that her MS patient improved after she started wearing red socks to energize her legs. The client was sure the red socks had a lot to do with it.
Wear natural fibers. They have a strong positive effect on the energy field, enhancing and sustaining it. Cottons, silks, and wools are best. Fabrics that are mixtures are also fine. Be sure there is more of the natural fiber than the synthetic. It is best to avoid fabrics made from petroleum by-products, especially if you think you might be sensitive to them. These are acrylics, polyesters, and nylon. These synthetic fabrics interfere with the natural energy flow of the human energy field. Nylon stockings strongly interfere with the energy flow up and down the legs and are, in my opinion, related to many modern female illnesses. I recommend that you wear them only when you really have to. Find silk stockings somewhere if you can.
If you wear jewelry or crystals, make sure they are within the healthy vibrational range of your field. To test this, hold them firmly in the palm of your hand and feel the effect they have on your hand. Does their energy feel heavy or light? Sharp or soft? Does it pierce into your field, or gently soothe the outside of your field? Does it rev you up or calm you down? Does it charge you with the types of energies that you need, or does it pull energy from you because its vibrations are too slow for you? Find out where it feels more comfortable by feeling your energy as you place it on different places on your body. Are you comfortable with it? Perhaps you need a particular color in your auric field. Ask yourself for what purpose are you wearing this crystal. Does it do the job? Ask your guidance what you are to do with this crystal. Repeat this procedure with all your crystals and all your jewelry.
It is possible to get sick from wearing objects that belonged to other people whose energies are not compatible with yours. To prevent this from happening, if you are given or inherit an old piece of jewelry, soak it for a week in salt water. Use four tablespoons of sea salt to one quart of spring water. If possible, leave the bath with the object in it in the sun.
All of the food that you eat is filled with life energy. Different foods carry different energy combinations. This means that when you eat food, you imbibe the energy in the food. If this energy is what your auric field needs, it will help your body and your health. If the energy in the food you eat is not what your field needs, then it will interfere with your health.
We need a lot of additional research to clarify how the life energy in our food affects us. The two major investigators I know of who have investigated life energy in our food are the famous Michio Kushi, who developed macrobiotics, and Dr. Hazel Parcells, a naturopathic physician in Albuquerque, New Mexico, who studied the life energy in organically grown foods as compared to the life energy in foods that have been grown with pesticides.
Macrobiotics essentially divides foods by their energy into two basic groups: those that contain yin, or female, energy and those that contain yang, or male, energy. All foods can be designated on a line depicting a degree of either yin or yang, with neutral in the middle. According to macrobiotics, we need a certain combination of types of foods based on the energy that they carry. This combination varies with who we are, the season of the year, and the location we live in. Macrobiotics is very popular in this country now. I have seen many people get well from it. Other people have not done so well on it because their bodies could not adjust to it. It was a drastic change in their lifelong diet, or it simply wasn’t what their bodies needed at the time.
Dr. Hazel Parcells is a longtime healer who is 103 at the time of this writing and still practicing her art. She pioneered in the field of measuring the life energies in foods to determine if they had “life-supporting or life-enhancing” energy rates. (Energy rates means frequency of pulsations.) She devised a method to measure life energy rates in food with a pendulum. If any food measures below the life-supporting or -enhancing rate, she advises not to eat it. If eaten, it simply takes energy out of the system.
According to Parcells, there are two major things that decrease the life energy rates in food. The first is pollution from such things as pesticides and acid rain. In order for food to be healthy, it must maintain an auric pulse rate that is at least as high as the human energy field pulse rate. Fresh, naturally grown foods always have higher energy than those that are polluted with pesticides. Organic food contains the life energy vibratory patterns we need for our health. Organic food is healthy not only because it maintains the normal energy pattern of the produce but because it maintains an intensity and vibration rate high enough to sustain life. It also contains more natural nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
Drs. Patrick and Gael Crystal Flanagan of Flagstaff, Arizona, have been observing the effect of nutrients on the blood through a high-powered dark field microscope for many years. They have found that organic raw fruits and vegetables as well as their juices quickly affect the blood in a positive way. Raw fruits and vegetables provide trace minerals and live enzymes that are powerful blood catalysts. The fluid within the cells of organic fruits and vegetables has a high zeta potential or negative electrical charge. The zeta potential is the force that maintains the discreteness of the billions of circulating cells that nourish the human organism. Our blood cells are kept in circulation by it. If the zeta potential is low, toxins cannot be suspended for elimination, nutrients cannot be suspended for transportation to the cells, and the entire system becomes clogged.
The Flanagans have found that poisons and pollutants tend to destroy the zeta potential in the foods we eat, thereby making them very hard to utilize for the body’s nutritional needs. Saturated fats and animal fats found in milk, dairy products, potato chips, processed foods and meats tend to cause blood clumping and stickiness. This interferes with the mobility and ability of the blood to transport nutrients to the cells. It also stops the body from eliminating toxins.
Certain positively charged ions like the aluminum ion are extremely destructive to the balance of the biological colloidal system. This is why we should not use aluminum pots and pans for cooking. We should carefully avoid aluminum-containing products such as antacids, baking powders, and deodorants.
Pesticides not only decrease the vibrational rate of produce to below that which sustains life, they disfigure the energy field pattern of the produce, thereby changing its nature. The more pesticides in foods, the more the energy field of the food is distorted and weakened. Parcells has ways of removing the negative energy effects of poisons left in whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, and eggs. The formula may seem absurd because it is so simple, but it restores the original pattern and intensity of the life energy field of the produce. It works for vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and whole raw eggs. It does not work for any food that no longer has its energy field intact—such as meat, poultry, processed foods, milled grains, or dairy.
Simply fill your sink with cool water. Add a capful of Clorox. It must be plain Clorox, without anything added to it (not new and improved with special scents or anything). Put all the garden produce and eggs that you bring home from the grocery store to soak in the sink for twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, rinse everything in cool water, and you are finished. Simply store in the refrigerator as usual.
Dr. Parcells states that the second major way food loses its energy is by spoiling. As foods spoil, they lose their frequency rate and vibrate at a frequency lower than life. If you eat these foods, they will simply decrease the rate of vibration of your field. Your field will have to make up for the decreased frequency by drawing energy from another source, such as the digestive organs, or discard it as waste energy. It is better not to eat them. Be sure your food is fresh. Overcooking food also decreases the life energy in it. So it is great to have lightly steamed vegetables rather than fully cooked ones.
There are other things that affect the energy in foods. For example, when animals are slaughtered in terror, their auras have the energy configuration of terror. The aura of terror, which is grayish white with sharp points, is then taken into the persons who eat it. They then must clear the energy of terror out of their field. From my perspective, this is one of the reasons why rabbis do a ceremony before slaughtering cattle for kosher meat.
To keep the energy in meat clean and synchronized with earth energies, Native American people took only the meat they needed to eat. They did it in reverence and gratitude. They would ask permission in ceremony to receive the nourishment from the animals about to be hunted and killed. By doing this, they were holographically maintaining the fourth-level connection to the animals, whom they saw as equal inhabitants of the earth. In the ceremony there is acknowledgment that one day the person would also be consumed to nourish other forms of life and thereby maintain the great cycle of life eating life to remain alive. This was a way of staying within the divine pattern of God’s will.
Synthetic vitamins and minerals do not have the normal energy field of natural vitamins and minerals that your energy field needs. Therefore, taking synthetic vitamins and minerals will not necessarily fulfill your energy field needs.
Medicines are not made with the energy field in mind. Many of them cause strong negative effects in the field such as decreasing or changing the normal vibration levels needed to maintain health. Homeopathic remedies, on the other hand, are energy medicine and work directly through the field to the physical body. The higher the potency, the higher the auric level they affect.
Be sure to eat when you are hungry. When a field does not receive all the types of energy it needs or when there is no food available, the energy field gets very depleted. The longer hunger goes on, the more depleted the field gets. The field will get depleted in the areas of the field where the particular energies are lacking and where it is already weak. One of the hardest things about healing back problems is preventing reinjury. Reinjuries always occur when the client is hungry. I asked clients with back problems to carry little snack bags of fresh nuts and raisins with them to work. Every time they were late for a meal, they could eat to keep up their blood sugar level. They did not reinjure themselves then. Their blood sugar level was apparently affecting the strength of their muscles and also their physical awareness as to what was okay and what was not okay to do.
Overeating, on the other hand, can cause the vibrations of a field to decrease, and the person to go into depression. The aura of overeating looks dark and slimy. It is full of toxins.
When you do not drink when you need to, your energy field begins to contract. After a long time of thirst, it begins to get brittle. If your thirst continues and dehydration sets in, your auric field will begin to splinter.
Pay attention to your food when you eat it, and make it look appealing. Give yourself enough time to eat. Chew your food well. It is extremely important not to have a stressful meeting while you eat. Stress immediately affects the third chakra by closing it down or tightening it. The third chakra brings the life energies to your digestive organs. Remember, the food is going to nourish your cells and become you once it is inside your body.
Before you begin to eat, do a little meditation with your hands placed over your food to give it energy and synchronize with it. Visualize it nourishing you. Give thanks for it. Then, as you eat, follow your food all the way through your digestive system and into your cells. It will help you appreciate it.
Everyone needs a diet that is especially suited to him or her. This diet will change with the seasons and over time. If you are having any digestive problems such as intestinal gas, please get yourself checked out for what you may be allergic to or what digestive organs are not functioning properly. Exhaustion, dizziness, inability to think clearly, and even spinal misalignment can all be related to food allergies. Bloating after meals is very common for people of middle age in this country and often is related to the inability of the body to digest carbohydrates and polysaccharides. Many diseases such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, and chronic diarrhea have been cured or alleviated through a low-carbohydrate, or specific-carbohydrate diet.
If you are in good health, probably your diet is working for you. I hesitate to recommend any specific diet because everyone’s needs are so individual. However, here are some good general guidelines for healthy ways to eat.
Its energy field is stronger, and it has a vibration rate high enough to sustain and enhance life. If you can’t get it, use Dr. Parcells’s cleaning methods to restore the original energy patterns. Choose unprocessed foods. If you buy packaged food, be sure to read the label to check what may have been added in processing. Drink only fresh spring water, bottled in glass, or get a very good water filtration system.
Your diet should consist mostly of whole grains, salad, and fresh organic vegetables in season. That means more root vegetables in the winter to synchronize you with winter earth energies. You can also eat fresh fish, organic lean meats like turkey or chicken breast, and some other meats like lamb, depending on your body’s needs. Be sure to use cold-pressed polyunsaturated oils on your salad. Some studies have shown that certain oils, like cod liver oil and linseed oil, reduce the cholesterol in the blood. They are also high in vitamin A. You may want to add them to your diet.
Steam or roast your food whenever possible. Or eat it raw.
Choose fresh whole grains over bread and pasta. Whole grains retain life energy much longer than flour. Mixing grains, corn, and beans to get complete protein is good. Dried beans need to be cooked slowly and well so that they are easier to digest. Many people have trouble digesting soybeans. If you get gas from eating beans, it means you have not digested the food completely. Cut them out of your diet till you are stronger. Try tofu. It is partially digested for you.
Buy only fresh nuts and keep them in the refrigerator. When they go rancid, they are very hard to digest, and it is best not to eat them. Remember, nuts are high in oils, so be sure they are okay for you. Don’t eat too many.
Cut out all foods that have preservatives or other chemical additives because their vibrational rate is not life-supporting. Keep your diet low in foods that have fat, cholesterol, sugar, salt, and dairy; low in acidic foods like tomatoes; and low in foods that have stimulants like coffee and chocolate. Dairy foods and sometimes wheat tend to produce mucus in the system. I suggest that you limit your dairy intake to very little or none. There are lots of nonfat, lactose-reduced dairy products on the market today. You may want to try them. Many people have negative reactions to nightshades, such as eggplant and green peppers.
Do not eat bottom fish, like sole or fluke, or the kinds that have been polluted. Each year, different fish in different areas of the world’s seas get polluted in different ways. To keep informed as to what is clean enough to eat, ask your local health food store people or check with the FDA.
On any packaged food, you get to find out what it is that you are buying. Do this especially in the health food stores on items that say they are protein snacks. Most of them really aren’t. They are a New Age way of denying our intake of sweets. Most of that stuff is really just New Age junk food.
Get one of the many little books that are on the market that show the amount of calories and cholesterol and the different types of fat in different foods. Use it as a guideline to choose the foods you will eat. There are also some good books that give diets that balance specific ratios of protein, fruit, vegetables, carbohydrates, and fat. They even give specific meal plans and recipes. Read the labels of the food you buy to determine the grams of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and cholesterol. If the label doesn’t tell you what you need to know, you may not want to purchase the product. Many labels are very misleading just to make a sale.
It is easier for your body to digest certain combinations of food. Hard-to-digest food will stay in the system and dump toxins into your body. Mucus in the digestive tract is composed of long strings of undigested protein. If you follow simple guidelines in mixing food according to the digestive process, your body will more easily digest them. Grains and vegetables go together well. In general, we could say starches and vegetables go together well. So do proteins and vegetables, like meat and vegetables or nuts and vegetables. Oil and leafy greens or oil and acid or subacid fruits digest okay together. But oil with sweet fruits like bananas or dates does not. Remember, oil slows digestion. Things that are hard to digest together are protein and starch (meat and potatoes), oil and starch, or fruit and starch. Eat melon alone, and wait a couple of hours before eating anything else. Any fruit makes a great snack. Fruit is best eaten alone, as are fruit juices. If you have juice in the morning, drink it as soon as you get up. Wait a half to one hour, then have breakfast.
Water is very important to our health. Water is the carrier of all nutrients to the cells, including oxygen. We cannot even breathe without water. The human brain is composed of over 90% water, and the body is at least 70% water. Even bones are 60% water. Since our bodies are composed of mostly water, the type of water we drink has a profound influence on our well-being. There are several places on earth that have “special water” where people live to be 100 or more. The Flanagans have found that this special water is full of natural colloidal mineral clusters that are suspended by an electrical charge or zeta potential. This alters the surface tension of the water and makes it a more efficient solvent and wetting agent. It is the solvent nature of water that enables it to perform its functions in the living system. Certain minerals in this special water actually alter the structure of the water so that it closely resembles that found in the cells of living fruits and vegetables.
Aluminum salts are used to precipitate or coagulate organic colloids out of many municipal water supply systems. Free aluminum ions are sometimes found in city tap water. These aluminum ions neutralize the zeta potential in the water, and make it very unhealthy to drink because it will decrease our blood’s capability to carry nutrients to the cells and toxins away from the cells. Therefore it is important to drink fresh spring water, or water that has been distilled or run through a reverse osmosis system.
Take only natural vitamins and minerals. They carry natural earth energy. Many people have strong negative reactions to some of the vitamins they take because they are sensitive to the binders with which vitamins are made. If your diet is good, you may not need them. Be aware of the stress changes on your body as you go through your normal schedule. There are times when you need them and times when you don’t. If you do eat foods that have been grown on weak soil, you may need vitamins to make up for the deficiencies in your food. If you are working in the health-care field and have a lot of personal contact with ill people, you need to supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals. Be sure to get a good multimineral/vitamin natural product, and be sure to take extra amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Take liquid calcium so that it gets digested in the stomach rather than in the lower intestines. Never take vitamin C without taking vitamins A and E. Again, the amount depends upon your body. The algae on the market today is a very good source of minerals and vitamins.
The Flanagans have found that all natural raw vegetarian foods contain more than twice as much magnesium as calcium. In addition they contain at least five times as much potassium as sodium. The sodium/potassium balance controls blood mobility through electrical charge balance while the magnesium/calcium balance affects the output of hormones that control the mobility of these ions in and out of the bones and soft tissues. These hormones can directly affect blood balance. The Flanagans state that excess magnesium helps to move calcium away from soft tissue and into the bones where it belongs. When calcium is in excess to magnesium, hormones are released that move calcium away from bones and into soft tissue where the excess calcium ions destroy cells. For years I have observed this in the bodies of my clients. I was so pleased to see it verified scientifically that I wanted to mention it.
It is important to absorb nutrients over time in order for them to be effective. Therefore, do not take all of your vitamins at once; rather spread them out, so that your blood levels can be maintained at a healthy level throughout the day.
If you have a serious illness, an important part of your healing plan must include planning your diet. Which diet is right for you depends on what your problem is and what treatment modalities you have chosen. Some physicians and healers have not been thoroughly trained in dietary healing. If yours are not, get someone who specializes in diet to work on your healing team. Be sure that they know something about the energy in food and food balancing as well as its physical nutrition. Work openly with your physician, your healer, and your other health-care professionals. Some healthcare professionals may vary your diet week to week or month to month, depending upon your progress. The foods you eat must not only nourish you in specific ways according to your condition, they must also be easy for your system to digest. Most likely it will be important to regulate your protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake, as well as salt, sweets, and stimulants. You may have to have everything cooked to aid in your digestion. Remember, no matter what the diet is, you still should be able to find ways to choose the things you like to eat.
Macrobiotics is well known today. As I said earlier, I have found it very helpful for many of the people who follow it. Others were not helped. Some of the basic principles of food balancing in macrobiotics are very important. I have seen macrobiotic diets clear the energy field very nicely. If you are having any kind of radiation treatments, consider going macrobiotic. According to Michio and Aveline Kushi, macrobiotics is very effective in curing radiation sickness. In his book Macrobiotic Diet, Michio Kushi states:
At the time of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in 1945, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D., was director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis’ Hospital in Nagasaki. Most patients in the hospital, located one mile from the center of the blast, survived the initial effects of the bomb, but soon after came down with symptoms of radiation sickness from the radioactivity that had been released. Dr. Akizuki fed his staff and patients a strict macrobiotic diet of brown rice, miso and tamari soy sauce soup, wakame and other sea vegetables, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt and prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets. As a result, he saved everyone in his hospital, while many other survivors in the city perished from radiation sickness.
Other healing diets, such as the Pritikin diet and Dr. Ann Wigmore’s diets, have helped people who are ill. I have seen many people helped a great deal with a high protein diet set out for them by biochemists. The Fit for Life diet, which includes a lot of fruit in the morning, helped many people lose weight, feel lighter and healthier, and be more energized. But others, who had candida (yeast infections), got worse because of the high fructose in that diet. See the Bibliography for books about these diets. Be open to exploring, but pay attention to how the diet is working for you.
Some health-care professionals recommend special fasts, cleansing diets, or special purges like enemas, colonics, or liver flushes to clear the system. These are effective when used with care and consideration of your body and its tolerances. If you want to fast, get some guidance on what kind of fast is best for you. Don’t do it without learning how because you could hurt yourself.
While enemas and colonics provide fast clearing of the body’s toxins, they also wash away your natural digestive fluids, which you will need to replace. If you take too many of them, you can get weaker. Do not just get a few colonics on your own. If you do colonics, you need one health-care professional in charge of your overall program. It is best that the part of the colonic apparatus that is inserted into you has never been used before. If not, buy that part for yourself only to use. I have seen some patients greatly helped by colonics and others weakened from taking too many. If you are allergic to coffee, don’t take a coffee enema. Use pure water instead. Coffee could send your body into convulsions. If you’re not allergic to coffee, you may on the other hand feel very cleansed and get a high from it.
Once you have the specifics of what is best for you to eat, you can then utilize the General Guidelines for Good Food to Eat above to choose the foods that can make up that diet.
Studies show that if you exercise, you not only reduce your aging rate, you can reverse it. It is never too late to start. Recently in Time magazine there was a picture of an eighty-year-old grandmother who took up karate and became a black belt within two or so years.
The American Heart Association recommends at least a good twenty minutes of aerobic-type exercise a minimum of three times a week. You can work up to five times per week if you like. By aerobic, they mean any activity that works large muscle groups to continuously maintain an elevated heart rate of 60 to 65 percent maximum heart rate for fifteen minutes or longer. Your maximum heart rate is the absolute capability of your heart to beat. Of course, you don’t want to exercise at that rate since it would severely strain your heart—perhaps to the point of death. You can determine your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. This includes aerobic workout or dancing, walking, biking, swimming, rowing, jumping rope, and cross-country skiing. Aerobic exercise keeps your circulatory system strong and usually does not build muscles or help you lose much weight. You start to lose weight only after the twenty-minute period is up. Therefore, you have to keep going longer. To build muscle you need to exercise in other ways. Find out how from your local health club.
The best way to lose weight is to exercise and to eat well, as described in the section on food. Studies have shown that it is much better to exercise and eat than to severely limit your food intake to lose weight.
Yoga is very good for the body, as well as for all the levels of the auric field, when done with a good instructor.
It helps establish a strong body-mind connection and brings large amounts of smooth-flowing energy to your system. Some of the postures are designed to balance and charge acupuncture meridians. You will need to supplement it with the aerobic workout for your heart.
Regular swimming, dance, and aerobic exercises charge the first level of the field quite well, provided that all parts of the body are given attention. Exercise machines, such as the Nautilus, will increase the strength of the muscles of the first level of the field, and somewhat that of the organs, but not as well as faster movement exercises.
For levels one through three of your auric field, the energy bodies associated with the material world, tai chi and chi gong, give balance and charge and strength to the field on the first through the third levels. If done correctly according to individual needs, they can strengthen all parts of the body and bring about health. Tai chi and chi gong are wonderful for increasing your energy, your body-mind connection, and your grounding. I think such soft martial arts are the best types of body-mind trainings there are, provided the instructors are well trained. Tai chi and chi gong can strengthen more levels, depending how well the mind-body interface is focused. They can strengthen the higher levels if practiced with meditation. All of these exercises are done with specific breathing techniques that charge and balance the auric field.
The following energy exchange exercise does great things for the fourth level of the field. These exercises are done with a partner. Put on some music you like, and stand face to face with a partner. Begin by putting your palms up together with your partner’s palms, close but not touching. Now move to the music, keeping your palms synchronized. Notice how easy it becomes after some practice. When it becomes easy, try closing your eyes. Continue moving to the music. You may be surprised at how easy it is to synchronize with another’s energy. Once you are synchronized, open your eyes again.
Now bring some of your focus to yourself. How are you doing this? What are you doing with your energy field to make this possible? Search for particular feelings in your field so that you will know how to re-create this state of communion again. Enjoy this exercise with another partner. How is it different? How is it the same? Continue as long as you like. Try the same exercise without music. How do you like it this way? Once you have become used to the state of communion, you can apply it in other situations. If someone calls for help, try it. If you are about to get into an argument with someone, try it.
Through breath control we can regulate and direct the flow of energy through our body and auric field. Any good exercise includes breath regulation.
Healers breathe strongly and deeply to increase their energy and power for healing.
Many people in our culture do not breathe deeply and use only the upper-chest breathing. This keeps the energy field weaker than it could be. Deep diaphragmatic breathing is automatic in children, but we begin to cut our breath down as we block our feelings. Holding our breath or dampening our breathing is the best way to stop feelings and anesthetize ourselves. The lungs are associated with freedom. If we dampen our breathing or let the chest collapse, we feel sadness. Our shallow breathing in this culture is related to our feelings of being trapped in a world we cannot control and feel very unsafe and unfulfilled in.
Breathing fully and deeply with our diaphragms helps us feel the power to regain our freedom and works to release the spirit of fear in which we are all held in this nuclear age.
Here is a simple breathing exercise: Stand with your knees bent, legs at shoulder width, so that your knees come over your feet; or sit upright in a chair with only the lower part of your back supported. Relax. With your right index finger, hold your left nostril closed. Take a deep breath in through your right nostril. Hold it, close your right nostril with your right thumb. Now breathe out the left nostril. Then breathe in the left nostril. Hold your breath. Close your left nostril with your right index finger. Release your right nostril and breathe out. Repeat this breathing while pulling your diaphragm down so that your lower abdomen thrusts out on your breast. Fill your whole chest with air. Now you can add a simple mantra if you choose for each in-and-out breath—freedom, power, health. When you get used to the feeling of deep breathing, you can do it through both nostrils anytime. Hopefully, it will become a healthy habit.
In martial arts, the direction of strength and power is always the direction of the energy flow. A sharp outburst of energy directed at an opponent is always accompanied by a large forced-out breath and a loud cry.
Martial arts, in which two people interact with each other’s energy fields, will charge and strengthen the fourth level of the auric field, the level of relationship. However, the best physical exercise I can think of to enhance the fourth level of your auric field is to dance. Dance is always done in relationship—if not to another person, then to the music itself!
The fifth, sixth, and seventh levels of the field are the energy bodies associated with the spiritual world. These levels of the field are charged, balanced, and strengthened by doing special exercises such as kundalini yoga and kriya yoga that combine yoga positions with the “breath of fire.” It is best to learn these from a good instructor.
Breath of fire is a type of fast pant breath that uses the diaphragm as a pump. It gives a very powerful charge to the aura, very quickly. The last breath is taken deeply and held, then slowly let go. By doing this in different yoga positions, the exerciser first charges the field, then directs the energy to exactly where it is needed.
We all need exercise, even when ill. One patient of mine who was mostly bed-ridden for years from a spinal injury could walk only short distances with a walker or with help. She got tired of that and hired a person who walked dogs to walk her. At first it was a very short distance. Now it is several times around the block. This improved her health so much that she no longer needs a wheelchair.
Whatever your condition is, be sure to get whatever kind of exercise you can do. It is very important. If you are too ill to do much, do a little. O. Carl Simonton, M.D., in his book The Healing Journey, recommends a range of motion exercises in bed. I highly recommend these. Choose your type of exercise; if possible find someone who knows about exercise and get them to design some just for you in your condition. There are forms of tai chi and chi gong that are designed specifically for healing. They are designed to open each acupuncture meridian. If possible, have a good tai chi instructor come to your house to work specifically with you. A little walk will do you a world of good. If it’s warm, get outside into the sunlight and get a breath of fresh air. As you recover, you will be able to walk farther. Eventually you can work up to a good one-half to one hour brisk walk.
When you are tired, your auric field shrinks and is dull. Its colors are washed out. Its otherwise normally beautiful, bright sixth level rays of light stream out in all directions, sag, and droop. The longer you go without rest, the more dilapidated your field looks. The sooner you get rest when you are tired, the quicker the aura regains its normal fullness, brilliance, luster, and shape.
Some people need a good nine to ten hours’ rest; some need eight; some less. Generally, we need less rest as we get older. Some people need the rest all in one shot; others need it more often in smaller amounts. Some people are night owls; some are morning people.
When and how much rest you need is highly individual. It’s a good idea to listen to what your body wants and to try to follow it. During the fifteen or so years I had a healing practice, I struggled with this problem. I found that I became extremely tired between 1:30 and 2:45 P.M. It was very difficult to give healings during that time. I realized that it simply wasn’t working for me—so I changed my schedule. Since I am a morning person, I began early. I gave four healings between 8:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. Then I ate from 1:00 to 1:30, slept from 1:30 to 2:45, and gave healings between 3:00 and 5:00 or 6:00 P.M. It took me only a couple of minutes to fall asleep at 1:30. Each time I would see myself going into a white light. Like clockwork I would wake up at 2:45 and be ready for a new day! It was like having two days in one and really worked for me.
There are no rules for how you ought to sleep—other than rest when you are tired and according to your body rhythms. Experiment with what works for you, and try it for a while. You will be surprised at how much more energy you have. Don’t keep your rest schedule rigid over a long period of time, because it will change. Just go with your flow that keeps your aura bright and charged.
How you spend your time on a daily and weekly basis is very important to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Remember, each level of your auric field corresponds to specific aspects of your life. The only way to keep your field healthy and charged is by giving time and focus to each aspect. You probably won’t be able to give equal time to all aspects of your life. But be sure to give at least several hours a week to all aspects. Things included in your time-activities budget are time for yourself alone, your mate, your family and friends, your work and social life, and your relaxation. If you tend to spend more time in one of these to the detriment of the others, schedule the forgotten activities on your calendar. If you are a workaholic type, be sure to schedule alone times and times with your spouse as thoroughly as you schedule your work time. Give adequate time to developing each aspect of your life in order to develop each aspect of your auric field. Let’s go over them again. To keep your physical body and first level of the field in good condition, spend time doing physical activities and exercises and eat well. To keep your second level healthy is to love yourself.
Spend time giving yourself loving caring and doing whatever you feel like doing. You need time for yourself, at least one hour a day or one day a week that is devoted to you and whatever you want to do. That means that you are taking care of yourself that day, not other people. Play your favorite games or music. Be with your favorite people or be alone, your choice. Do things that you haven’t given yourself time to do.
To keep your third level healthy, spend time using your mind. Read books, problem-solve, create new ideas. Your fourth level can be kept healthy by maintaining a good working intimate relationship and supportive friendships. The higher three levels of your field can be kept healthy by following spiritual practices that are right for you, such as meditation, prayer, working with divine will, and deep contemplation.
When you are ill, you can still maintain activities in all seven aspects of your life. Of course, they will be different from what you may consider to be normal. In fact, you are more likely to have more time to devote to the spiritual aspects of your life. This helps a great deal in your healing. In illness, some of the biggest changes in your time-activity budget will be in your work and your relationships. The time you once spent at your work or taking care of your family is now spent taking care of yourself. This may seem very strange at first if you aren’t used to it. It may be especially hard if you have spent a great deal of your life doing your work and if work is one of the major ways you have felt good about yourself.
You may have used your work to define who you are. Suddenly, you no longer have that part of your life in an active way. This will be very threatening at first. Be sure to give these threatening feelings time and space. Meditate on it yourself, and discuss it with friends. Tell them exactly how you are threatened, and they will be able to help you. Remember, no matter how important your work, it is not more important than you are. As you learn to let go of that self-definition for the time your illness requires, you will find deeper areas of yourself that were pushed away in your busy life, and that you may have not met for a long time. Your first order of business is to take care of yourself. Try it for a while—you might just find out that you like it! Whatever your work skills are, they will also come in handy now, because you can take what you have learned in the work area of your life and apply it to your new project—healing yourself. For example, if you have been a manager, you will be able to use your organizational skills to organize your healing team and your healing plan. On the other hand, it may be good for you to just let go and let someone else do it.
You will find your life rhythms changing during an illness. When you are healthy, your life rhythms will flow in ways you consider to be natural for you. For example, you probably wake up at a regular time most days and get sleepy at another—say, in the middle of the day. You may go to bed early, or maybe you are a night owl. You probably get hungry at regular times during the day and eat certain sized meals that you drink are natural and healthy. You probably prefer to do exercises at a certain time of day and not at another time.
Don’t get alarmed when all this changes. Don’t try to force yourself to keep the old rhythm or to go back to it. That is not healthy. You are moving into different healthy rhythm cycles. Your appetite will change, your sleeping hours will change. You may even get to sleep when you always wanted to but had to work. You may have more energy when other people are dozing off, or vice versa. The healthy rhythm for you now is the one your body chooses. Now is the time to simply go with your body’s new healing rhythms. Eventually they will settle into what you label as normal. You just need a little adjustment. Your rhythms may not ever revert back to what you called healthy and normal before you got ill. That’s okay. You will probably like the new ones better.
Some Good Questions to Ask Yourself about Taking Care of Your Physical Body and Your Auric Field Are:
Do I need to improve any of my personal hygiene habits?
What is the best kind of exercise for me now?
What is the best diet for me now?
What clothing and jewelry best suit me now?
What colors do I need to wear now, considering my moods and my state of health?
Is my diet right for me?
Do I consider the life energy in the foods I choose?