Different locations on the earth have different combinations of energy. The entire energy field of any particular location is very complicated. It consists of the energies of local geological configurations, including the energies of the combinations of all the organic and inorganic substances that make up the composition of the earth, such as mineral deposits; the energies of all the flora and fauna that exist there now and have ever existed there; the energies of the various societies of human beings and their activities in that location from time immemorial; and the energies of the human beings and their activities that exist there now.
In addition, every location on earth is also influenced by the energies from the solar system, as well as interstellar and intergalactic energies. These energies penetrate into, go through, or accumulate differently in different earth locations. The magnetic field of the earth plays a partial role in this configuration, as it directs certain bands of cosmic energies into certain locations on the earth.
Heyoan says that in the future we will have maps of these energy fields and that people will choose the locations of their homes and towns by them, somewhat like the geomancers of China. Through their very complicated system of divination, geomancers choose the building site and the location and orientation of houses on the building site. They also choose the location of important holy cities, such as the Forbidden City. Geomancers design both the exterior and interior of houses, as well as furnishings to control energy flow through the house. Much of their knowledge comes from traditional beliefs as well as the knowledge of energy flow, so it doesn’t make much sense to westerners without a lot of study. Heyoan says in the future we will even choose the location to birth new nations according to the energy field maps of the earth as well as other planets. He suggests that there are places that are much more healthy for individuals to inhabit than others. Of course, there are general guidelines for this that we will put forth in this chapter, but he also reminds us that it varies with the individual.
For example, some people just naturally feel better near the ocean or another large body of water, while others feel better in the mountains or in a desert. These propensities are directly related to the combinations of energies that make up our human energy field. Each of us is different because the energies that make up each person’s auric field are different, plus each of us is being permeated by the deeper essence of the core star in a different way. Usually people know where they belong geographically and express it in statements like “I’m a mountain person” or “I just have to live by a large body of water.”
Some choose the area to live by climate or weather.
Our preference for certain types of weather is directly related to the types of energies making up our auric field. Our preferences vary according to what is compatible with the energies in our auric field and how we like our energies to flow. Some of us prefer a change of season. Some prefer constant warmth and clarity in the desert without rain. Some of us prefer wet weather.
Electrical storms, prerain ozone, and rain all charge and help clear the auric field. The increased negative ions in the air excite and charge the auric field, causing energy to flow faster through it. Some of us like this; some of us are afraid of the increase in flow through our field.
The sun charges the atmosphere with prana or orgone energy. To see this energy, defocus your eyes and gaze softly at the sky. Tiny dots of light appear and move in curved trajectories. If you observe the movement of the whole field of dots, you will see that the whole field of dots pulses together. These dots can be bright or dull. When it is sunny, they are bright and move briskly about. This high-energy orgone makes you feel very good. It charges your field and gives you lots of energy. When it is cloudy, the small dots of light are not as bright, nor do they move as fast. Sometimes, after long cloudy periods, they look as if part of them is very dark or black. The longer the weather has been cloudy, the darker and slower the orgone, the less it charges your field, and the grumpier you get.
In sunny mountainous regions, the orgone is very light, bright, and highly charged. The most strongly charged orgone I have personally seen is in the Swiss Alps in the wintertime. There is a lot of snow, lots of sunlight, and fresh air. The orgone there is not only the most highly charged, it was also the thickest I’ve ever seen, with more dots per cubic foot. No wonder people go there for vacation to get rejuvenated.
Part of the problem of depression caused by light deprivation in the winter in the regions of higher latitudes is due to the steadily decreasing charge of the orgone in the atmosphere. This is why many people in the northern part of the United States go skiing in the sunny mountains or south to the sea for a winter vacation to get recharged. Sometimes it may take a week or so to rebuild the charge.
It is important, of course, not to overexpose yourself to the sun. Always use sunscreen. Start with a very high sunblock, and then slowly work your way down as you get acclimated. Once you are recharged, all you really need is about twenty minutes or so of sunlight a day to maintain a good charge. How much longer anyone can stay in the sun without experiencing the negative effects of exhaustion, sunstroke, burn, and skin disease depends on the individual’s sensitivity. An overdose of sun strong enough to cause sunburn on our physical body burns the first level of the auric field as well. The sun’s rays penetrate through this energy field, causing it to break and splinter into small fragments like shattered glass. It is no wonder that repeated overdoses of the sun’s radiation causes cancer. Sunblock just screens out the harmful rays. It doesn’t stop the sun from charging your auric field.
The sea charges the energy in the air also. The damp salt air charges the auric field and helps clear it of vibratory frequencies that are too low to sustain life. Walking along an ocean beach causes the auric field to expand. Sometimes the field doubles in size and extends out over the water.
On southern beaches year-round and on northern beaches in the summer, swimmers and sunbathers get a triple charge. The sun charges the auric field directly, the salt air charges and clears it, and a twenty-minute swim in the salt water deeply clears old stagnated mucus that may have accumulated through the dark winter months. Several days of these activities are great for the health of your auric field.
It is impossible for us to even imagine what it must have been like for the Native Americans before Europeans disrupted the balance of nature in this country. People lived as integrated members of nature, a privilege we have deprived ourselves of. We have become more and more disconnected from the earth, and it shows everywhere on the planet as disease and natural disasters.
When nature is not disrupted, it stays in balance with the broad-scale whole earth energies. The energies of nature charge the auric field and put it into balance with its surroundings. In undisturbed, natural settings, we find our natural synchronicity with the planet’s energies. When we are in balance with our surroundings, which are, in turn, in balance with the whole earth, we are a natural part of everything. What we eat from our surroundings will be nurturing to us because our energy fields are balanced and poised for assimilation. Spending several hours every week in an unspoiled setting reestablishes a balance between your auric field and earth energies. This is necessary for full health.
Calm lakes have a great soothing effect on us by relaxing the tension or hyperincoherent pulsations in our field caused by the stress of modern living. The auric pulsations from fast-flowing streams enhance the auric field, causing it to pulse faster in a coherent, healthy way. The auric energy near the bottom of a waterfall is tremendous. Broken tree branches caught in the energy stay alive much longer than they would without such energy.
The trees in a pine forest pulsate at a rate very similar to a human’s auric field. Sitting in such a forest or simply leaning against the trunk of a pine tree in your back yard will recharge your field when you need it. Do this as long as you like. You might even get into contact with the consciousness of the tree while you are at it.
Mountains help us feel the power of the mineral kingdom of the earth and to ground into that power so that we can then stretch to great airy heights of our consciousness. The clear air of a bright desert invites us to expand our field out to great distances and feel larger and, for some, even more capable than we were before.
By spending time with wild animals in nature, we absorb their energies, which automatically brings us to a gut (not mental) understanding of our ability to synchronize with the natural world all around us. The ability to synchronize with natural and therefore planetary energy gives us access to great wisdom and teaches us to trust our basic human natures.
The energy of nature brings us to a greater understanding of life in all forms. Each species carries great wisdom, different from the wisdom of all other species. We can learn a great deal from the animals, not only from their behavior but also from the integrity with which they live. Healers commonly use healing tools they fashion from the bodies of animals found in the woods or “road kills.” Each of these bodies is considered to be a gift from the “Great Spirit.” Each is treated with honor and respect. The objects are made in ceremony in order to maintain the wisdom of the species from which they came. Such an object is used in the healing process to provide a direct holographic link to the wisdom of the species.
Our flower gardens and yards help us connect to the earth in ways that perhaps make up for our lost heritage of the wild. Here we have an interface between humans and nature, a blending of nature’s will and human will. All manner of wondrous plants fill our senses with the splendor that nature brings in our own back yard, greenhouse, or living room. Plants supply different varieties and frequencies of energies in the energy field all around us that nurtures our field. House plants, especially, keep the energy of a home charged, clear, and healthy. The more contact we have with these plants, the greater the energy exchange that nurtures both the plants and us.
Organic gardens help us connect to the earth energies and provide food that is energy balanced to our needs. The more we work in the earth, the more connected and nurtured by earth energies we are. And, of course, we also get the added benefit of the organic food that we produce.
In the late seventies and early eighties, over a period of about six years, I had the privilege of going to Holland once a year to help run intensive transformation groups. In the private sessions I gave during this time, I noticed a very curious thing. The clients (usually Dutch or from other European countries) would slide their chairs closer to mine as we sat facing each other to work. Without thinking about it, I would slide my chair back a little. During the session, clients would then slide up closer, and back I would go again. Usually by the end of the session, my chair would be squeezed up against the wall. I felt very uncomfortable about this. I had never experienced it in America.
Embarrassed about the whole thing, I began setting up the room ahead of time to try to give myself more space. But inevitably by the end of each session, I would be squeezed up against the wall. Under these conditions, I found it very hard to think and to separate myself from the client. I began thinking that something was really wrong with me. Perhaps I was just less friendly than these people. I tried to force myself to adjust to the new boundaries, but I could not. I began walking around the room to get some space. It only worked for a minute or two; then the client would follow me to get closer.
Finally I realized that the problem was that my aura extended out about one to two feet farther than theirs did. They were trying to make “normal” contact with me the same as they would with other Europeans. As I began observing the field interactions, I realized that these people (especially the Dutch, who had been squeezed up against the sea) had adjusted their auric dimensions to live with each other in smaller spaces than those I was used to.
Several years later, I noticed a large difference between the auras of Americans on the East Coast and those on the West. In general, people in the New York area have fields that do not extend out as far as those of the people who live in Southern California. I surmise that a person who lives in bigger spaces with fewer people will have an auric field that extends out from the body farther than someone who lives in smaller spaces with more people. In general, the auras of people in crowded cities are smaller than those of people in the country. The auras of people in highly populated countries are smaller than those of people in countries with sparser populations.
In addition to this, there is a difference in the boundaries that people create with each other with their auric fields. The people in the New York area who attend my training classes tend to have strong boundaries to keep separate from each other. It is almost as if their auras bounce off of each other at the seventh level, like two rubber balls bouncing off each other. In Southern California, I observed that people who attended my training classes like to let their auric fields simply diffuse through each other without interfering. They seemed to let levels four through seven interpenetrate in the same space, yet not really touch. Thus, people from California, even though they have larger auric fields, will want to stand closer together in order to communicate than will be comfortable to New Yorkers. The New Yorker may experience the communication as somewhat airy or not quite all there. The Californian, at the same time, may experience the East Coaster as harsh and rigid.
Of course there are other major factors in these differences. The main one is that we like to interact with people by intermingling the levels of our fields with which we are most comfortable. Each of us develops some levels of our auric field more than others, depending on our family and societal upbringing. Different societies focus on specific values. These values focus development on different aspects of human experience. For example, if truth is held as the highest value, than the third level of the field will get a lot of attention. If love is considered to be of highest value, then most likely the fourth level of the field will get developed more in that society.
Of course, the development depends on just how each society expresses its values. If spiritual values of divine love or divine will are considered of the highest, as they are in some religious societies, then the auric fields of the people in that society will reflect that value by being more highly developed. The sixth or fifth levels of the field will be most developed. People of that society would then tend to intermingle their auric fields on those levels when communicating.
Europeans tend to be highly sophisticated, with highly developed first and third levels, and they like to engage at the third level. New Yorkers like the second, third, and fourth levels, but they don’t like to intermingle and prefer to have their fields couple in ways that create tension. The tension serves to let the people distinguish differences. Californians like the second and fourth levels and like to intermingle diffuse energies without a lot of engagement or coupling. Perhaps these Californians are looking for sameness with no tension. All these conclusions are based on people who have attended my training classes. Perhaps they represent only a certain proportion of the above-mentioned populations.
Large cities are places of high energy with a great variety of energy types. Heyoan says that large cities and civilizations form over places on the earth where vast amounts of life energies from outer space accumulate. These energies are a source of knowledge. He says that we unconsciously gravitate to these areas. Here, each of us is inspired to create, resulting in the rise of a civilization that materializes the knowledge in the accumulated energies of the place. The birthplaces of mathematics and language were once centered on such vortices of energy. The people who gravitated there became channels through which these forms of knowledge were brought into the world.
Heyoan goes on to say,
Thus, as you might imagine, those vast centers of learning that now exist upon the earth are locations of such energy vortices of knowledge. One of the reasons that centers of civilizations move about upon the face of the earth is that each is sourcing a particular knowledge [held in the energy fields] that is prominent in a given period of history. This is one of the less-known and more important factors in the progress of civilization. The world tends to focus on the prominent civilization and thereby does not interfere with the place that will be the source of the next rising civilization.
As cities bring creativity, invention, and knowledge, they produce a lot of waste material on both the physical and the auric levels. In cities, we learn how to live with each other in high energy. This high energy tends to knock loose negative blocks of energy that need to be cleaned out. Unfortunately, one of the major results of this process is that large cities not only accumulate vast quantities of the energy of higher knowledge, they also accumulate vast quantities of negative or DOR energies.
DOR, a term coined by Wilhelm Reich, stands for dead orgone energy. DOR energy vibrates well below the frequency needed for life and can be detrimental to health and well-being. When densely accumulated, DOR can be dangerous, even life-threatening. It causes illness to erupt in the weakest part of the body and energy field. In many large cities, these DOR energies permeate everything and penetrate deep into the earth. They affect everyone who lives in such a place, and many need to leave regularly to maintain their health. For example, I had a healing and teaching practice in New York City for about fifteen years. In order to ground down into good earth energies and tap into them for healing, it was necessary to go down through about forty yards of accumulated negative energy that looked like dark grayish-black goo. This goo exists throughout the entire base soil and rock of New York. There are, of course, places where it is not so dark or thick. But in general, it underlies all activity in this great city. Beneath the dark goo are normal clear earth energies that have not yet been affected by the polluted energies. The mass and depth of DOR seems to increase every year. Ghostbusters II was not far off!
I also noticed that the environmental pollution in the air of New York City increased terribly each year. With each succeeding year, I could see the increase of negative effects in the patients who lived there. Every year I saw people’s immune systems wearing down more from the tremendous environmental pollution. The primary effect I saw was in the brain. According to my auric observations, the many different brain cells we have produce very minute quantities of various substances that are necessary for healthy brain and body function. These substances seem to act like triggers to control the functioning of the organ systems of the body. What I noticed over the years I practiced in New York City was a steadily increasing imbalance in the secretion of these substances. It seemed that a very small change in quantity and timing of the production of these substances made very large disruptions in the normal functioning of body processes. Even though I was able to rebalance the disturbed life energies in the brain, the patient would then return to a polluted environmental life energy field that would then again disturb healthy brain function. Everyone seemed to be completely oblivious to what was going on.
I then began noticing the general state of the elderly people who lived in New York City. Years of exposure to environmental pollution had taken its toll on them. They were much less energized and their fields much more unbalanced than the elderly people I saw who lived in the rural areas. I realized that the longer these people were exposed to DOR, the less sensitive they became. It’s kind of like putting a frog in water and slowly heating it up. He doesn’t notice the water getting hotter and eventually dies. On the other hand, he would jump out if you put him into hot water.
We all have a wish of where we would live “if only we could.” Many people wish they could live where they grew up because they fondly remember the landscapes of their youth. They long for the feelings, sights, sounds, textures, and fragrances of the flora and fauna in the areas of the earth where they grew up because they were more sensitive to their natural surroundings during childhood. These remembered experiences usually reproduce the mind-body connection we had in childhood and lost during the maturation process. This connection reestablishes a healthy, balanced auric field state of relaxation that brings about healing.
On the other hand, other people, with perhaps more disturbed, difficult childhoods, prefer to relocate in an entirely different climate and landscape. They find new horizons more conducive to healing than the old.
Our preference of where to live is directly related to our life energy field configuration that we call “normal.” We are comfortable with a particular set of different types of energy from our environment—the sea, the woods, or the mountains. And we choose the places we live accordingly. We are also used to a range of energy and power running through us. What is normal for one person can be very low or very high energy for another. We are used to a specific degree of “openness,” with a particular way we hold our boundaries.
We also choose our living places to help us feel normal. “Normal,” you’ll recall, is actually a particular habitual imbalance that we carry in our field. We tend to like environments that support the status quo. Usually we don’t like too much change in our lives. We don’t like anyone or anything to rock the boat on our normal energy levels. A lot of the time, we choose our living environments accordingly. It helps our holistic living if we make this choice conscious. If we really need to move on to a new environment to create the kind of change we would like in our lives, but are procrastinating, it may be a good idea to consider moving to a whole new area of the country. It sure worked for Karen, the woman, you’ll recall, who moved cross country after her surgery.
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of designing and creating a harmonious environment. Feng shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is based on the belief that energy patterns are generated and affected by everything we do, build, or create. It teaches that our destinies and our lives are interwoven with the workings between the universal energy field and our human energy field. Feng shui uses the placement of buildings and objects as a means of managing and harmonizing the energies in our environment with our personal energies. For example, where your front door is placed and what it faces are very important. If it faces a wall, the wall will block the natural flow of earth energies into your home. Always having to move around the wall to enter your house will take more of your energy and disturb your natural flow. Always facing a wall when you approach your home blocks the natural flow of energy that you connect to your home when you approach it. This will interfere with your relationship to your home and may make you feel weak, defeated, and blocked in your life because you must struggle to get to your place of comfort. This may then create more struggle in your life.
According to feng shui, it is important to know the energetic influences of landscape, the position and flow of water with respect to your home, the stars, colors, the weather, animals, shapes, designs, and the like. Feng shui uses many different kinds of things to help set up a controlled energy flow in the places we Spend our time. For example, it uses mirrors to reflect energy—putting a mirror on the wall opposite your front door reflects any negative incoming energies. It uses sound to change the energy or to direct positive energy into your home for health, well-being, and prosperity.
Feng shui can help you pick the place to build your house or office. It tells you where to position it with respect to the landscape, roads, and neighbors. It tells you where to put your driveway.
Several books on feng shui are listed in the Bibliography. To a westerner, many of the specific rules and principles that it teaches may not make any sense. This is partly because of the cultural differences in world-view and partly because it is a very old tradition. In what has been handed down, superstition may be completely mixed in with what actually works. But if you are interested in getting very specific about how you are affected by your home or office environment, pick up a book on feng shui and check it out.
I suggest that you use all the information in this chapter to review where you live. This country offers a vast array of choices of types of places to live, and it is possible to move to a place of your choice and find work there if you wish to. If you do wish to live in a city to take part in the high energy available to you there, be sure to take trips into the country regularly. Plus, clean your energy field regularly with the techniques described in the section on grooming your energy field in Chapter 10.
Some good questions to ask yourself about where you live:
Which type of landscape do you choose?
If you do not live in the kind of landscape you wish, what can you do to get to spend some time there on occasion?
Which area of the country offers you the type of boundaries you prefer, with the population density you prefer?
Where do the kinds of people you like to interact with live?
Have you always wanted to move somewhere, and never have?
What unfulfilled need do you think this move would fill?
Can you fill this need where you live now?
Is the need really something else?
Is staying where you are now avoiding something you are afraid to face?
If so, find out what that is, so that you can consciously choose to stay or move on if you wish.
The energy of the space you live in has a big effect on your auric field. All spaces have energy. The energy of a space depends on its shape, its colors, the materials it is built out of, and the energy of the creators of the space. Spaces accumulate the energy of people who use the space, the energy of what they do in the space, and the energy with which they do it. All these energies build up in a room, whether they are healthy or unhealthy. The more a space is used with the same energy, by the same people for a particular purpose, the more that space gets charged with the energy of that purpose.
I’m sure you have noticed the energy difference between a bus or train station and a cathedral or temple. For example, if you’ve been in New York City, compare the energy in places like the Port Authority terminal and Grand Central Station to the energy in St. Patrick’s and St. John the Divine cathedrals and the Temple Emmanuel. The energies in the stations are harsh, chaotic, jagged, and usually full of dark polluted clouds. It is not pleasant to be there very long. It even feels dangerous, not just because of crime but because of the tremendous amount of accumulated negative energies there that it is possible to pick up in your auric field. The energies of the cathedrals and temples, on the other hand, are clear and of higher vibrations. The higher spiritual nature of the energy in these spaces positively affects anyone who enters.
Energies accumulated during religious services also contain the energies of the beliefs of the people who worship there. People who hold similar beliefs will feel supported when they are in such spaces because they are in an energy field of beliefs similar to their own. But the same energies may feel intimidating or stifling to someone who does not hold the same beliefs.
Spaces used for silent meditation or simple communion with God, such as Quaker meeting houses, have wonderful clear, clean energy of very high vibration. The clearest meditation space I have seen is the sanctuary in the spiritual community in Scotland called Findhorn. Findhorn is noted for its human-nature interface. Here the community comes to hold silent meditation several times per day. Over the years a wonderful clean and clear energy has built up, synchronic with the energies of nature.
The temperature and humidity regulation in a space also affect your energy. Forced-air heating systems lower the humidity in the space to that of desert air. It is difficult to humidify it in a healthy way. This dry air makes the auric field a bit brittle and vulnerable to invasion. Hot-water baseboard heat is the best because it doesn’t dry out the air so much. Gas furnaces sometimes leak and cause a lot of damage before the leak is detected. If you have a gas furnace or stove, have it checked regularly or get a gas detector installed.
Aluminum has a vibration rate way below that needed to support human life. I wouldn’t have it in my kitchen or my house. Aluminum siding on houses or trailers decreases the life energy vibration rate inside the house or trailer. It drains the energy of the people inside. Wood is very compatible with life energy vibrations and is healthy to live inside. Concrete has a neutral effect on the auric field. Some large apartment buildings have steel structures that interfere with the normal expansion of the auric field. If the rooms of an apartment are large with high ceilings, the steel probably won’t affect it much. Large windows bring lots of light that charges the air for better health.
Objects also carry energy. They contain the energy of the materials they are made of, the energy that was placed in them by their creator (consciously or unconsciously), and the energy all their owners have placed in them. If the objects are antiques, they carry the energy of all the places they have been kept. The objects that you place in a room bring all these energies to add to the energy symphony of the room.
Crystals placed in specific locations within a home for the purpose of holding the energy of the home are very useful and do a terrific job. A friend of mine has several large crystals in each room placed in ceremony for this purpose. Every time I’ve visited, the energy in this home feels wonderful.
Healers place natural crystals in their healing rooms to bring added healing energy to the room, to keep their rooms free from DOR, to help keep grounded to the earth, and to enhance the rooms’ beauty. They clean these crystals daily by placing them in direct sunlight and by soaking them in a bath of four tablespoons of sea salt to one quart of water for about twenty minutes.
Different types of crystals have different vibrations, and individual ones vibrate differently, even if they are composed of the same minerals. It is important to test each crystal to make sure it will do the job for which you have placed it. One simple test is to place the crystal where you would like it and leave it there for a few days. If you still like its energy, then leave it as long as you like it there. If you don’t like it, move it to another location, and leave it a few days again. If that is not the spot, repeat the procedure. You may end up putting it outside. What is important is what you like. You live with it.
Artwork has an extraordinary effect on the auric field. This effect varies a great deal with each individual, but we can make some generalizations about its effect. Some pieces, such as Van Gogh’s Starry Night, open the field into deep personal contemplation about the journey of life, its agony and its ecstasy. Beautiful impressionistic scenes, such as Monet’s Water Lilies, charge the sixth level of our energy field and produce an experience of serenity. Rembrandt walks us into the longing for the light and enhances the core star light within. The excellence in any work of art inspires us to do our best by bringing our field into more coherency. An appropriate frame is one that vibrates on the same frequency as the painting. The painting on its own has a certain visual integrity. An inappropriate frame masks the visual potential of the artist’s intent. An appropriate frame is one that equals the intensity of the painting when it is frameless at a minimum and ideally adds to the painting’s essence. Thomas Cole, the famous nineteenth-century American painter, stated, “The frame is the soul of the painting.” Hang your art to create appropriate moods according to what you want to be doing in the space you will see it in.
Sound has been used for centuries for healing by healers and medicine people of all traditions and cultures. The ancient tradition of chanting, popular again in this country since the sixties, changes the auric field so that we are brought into altered states of consciousness. Many contemporary healers use toning to alter the auric field of their clients to improve their health.
I have seen that sound has a very strong and direct effect on the auric field. During my fifteen years of practice as a healer in New York City, I used it for many different purposes. Using my voice, I toned directly into the physical bodies and auric fields of my clients. I recorded these sounds for each client so that they could play the tape of healing sounds specific to their bodies and fields once or twice a day. The client would simply play the tape while lying comfortably on a bed, or meditate to the tape. As the client improved, I would update the toning tape with a new set of sounds. In this way, the client was able to improve much faster through self-healing at home. I used different tones and tone combinations for different purposes, such as: loosening energy blocks, charging areas of the body, clearing specific energy lines of the auric field, enhancing tissue growth, stopping bleeding, moving fluids, herding parasites out of the body, exploding the eggs of parasites with their resonant frequencies, exploding microorganisms with their resonant frequencies, and spinning and charging chakras.
By toning the correct sound into a deformed chakra, the chakra takes the shape it ought to have. Using HSP, I have done this regularly with clients in my practice. The effect is very powerful. Because my vision is so accurate, I am able to find the appropriate sound simply by watching the chakra respond to the variety of tones that I make. When I hit the right tone, the chakra simply stands up and spins correctly. It only takes a few seconds once it has taken the correct shape and spin on the first level of the field to become the correct color on the second level of the field. It is amazing how fast it works. When I continue to tone into the chakra for a few minutes, the chakra becomes stabilized.
Chakra | Color (Level 2) | Note |
7 | White | G |
6 | Indigo | D |
5 | Blue | A |
4 | Green | G |
3 | Yellow | F |
2 | Orange | D |
1 | Red | G (below middle “C”) |
The tones I use are a combination of many frequencies with overtones. We have not done a frequency analysis on these tones to find out just what frequencies are involved, as that would take sophisticated equipment that we do not have at this time. I have recorded these tones many times on different people. They are usually the same. The notes I have found in this way for each chakra are listed in Figure 9-1.
Another interesting thing about this type of toning is the immediate effect it has on a patient’s ability to picture a particular color in his or her mind. Most people can do this quite readily. But if the client has a chakra that is not functioning properly, it will not be able to take in the color associated with it. And the client will not be able to picture the color in his or her mind. For example, if the third chakra is not functioning and all the others are, the client will be able to picture all the colors associated with all the other chakras except for yellow, which is associated with the third chakra. Toning into the third chakra will put it back into shape. As soon as the chakra “stands up and spins right” and turns the correct color, the client is then able to picture the color.
Sound affects not only the first level of the auric field that shapes the chakra, but also the second level of the field where the chakras are the rainbow colors—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and white. I have affected on all levels of the field by toning techniques. The number of levels affected at once is dependent on the number of overtones the healer is able to produce at once. For myself, I noticed that as soon as I try to get in the overtones to affect the higher levels of the field for a particular chakra, I begin to lose the lower frequencies and have less effect on the lower levels of the field. To remedy this problem, I simply go through it twice. I do the higher levels of the field for each chakra with a higher set of toning pitches after I have gone through the chakras.
Two types of chakra toning tapes are available from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. The first is the chakra tones produced verbally, as described above. The second is chakra tones produced mechanically.
A growing field of inquiry shows that sound is directly related to the creation of forms in nature. This field is called cymatics. In his book Cymatics, the late Dr. Hans Jening, of Basel, Switzerland, showed through experimentation that sound is directly related to form. When he placed fine grains of sand or lycopodium powder upon a metal plate and then sent a steady unbroken sound frequency through the plate, the fine grains of sand or powder would form into specific patterns. When he changed the sound, he got a different pattern. Repeat the first sound, and he got the original pattern back again. As long as he continued the same sound, the same pattern would hold; as soon as the sound stopped, the pattern would stop holding and the grains would slowly redistribute themselves according to gravity.
Dr. Guy Manners, a doctor of osteopathy who has his own clinic in Bretforton, Worcestershire, England, continued this work with Jening to try to create three-dimensional forms from sound. To do this, they began to use more than one frequency at a time. Two, three, and four frequencies combined did not create a three-dimensional image. But as soon as they tried five sound frequencies simultaneously, the small particles on the metal plate took a three-dimensional form.
Dr. Manners spent twenty years researching this phenomenon and found the tone combinations that are appropriate for each organ. He then made a machine called the Cymatics Instrument to produce these sounds to be used in clinical practice. At this point, they are in use all over the world. I visited Dr. Manners at the Bretforton Hall Clinic and observed these machines at work. They clearly had a strong effect on restructuring the auric field into its correct, healthy form. This effect should in turn decrease the time required for healing.
By now, you can see that whatever the sound around us, it directly affects our auric field, whether it is music, traffic noise, factory noise, or the unspoiled sounds of nature. We are only beginning to understand the broad-scale effects of sound on our health and well-being. Even though we don’t understand it all, it is important to acknowledge this very strong effect and to regulate our sound environment accordingly.
If you live in a large city, take all the precautions you can to control the sound pollution coming at you. You may be able to sleep through city noise, but it is still affecting your field. I suggest that, if possible, you put in triple-pane windows and thick, sound-dampening drapes on your windows. Try to control the noise in your office as much as you can. If you have a private office, soundproof it so that noise from the rest of the office or outside does not enter. If you work in a large room with a lot of noise, soundproof your immediate area to dampen the sound there. And shield your ears if possible.
Music plays a very important role in health and healing. Many healers use music to help calm the auric field or bring it to high vibrational heights to help the client go into a healing state. The wide variety of music offers us a wide variety of effects. Some music is very soothing; some charges the field. Some music directly enhances altered states, and other music awakens the rational mind. There is a lot of New Age music out now that charges and opens each chakra in sequence as it is played. Some is wonderful for meditation. In the trainings given by the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, we use music all the time to bring students to different states of consciousness for healing. For example, drum music is very good for grounding down to connect with earth energies and to open the first and second chakras. Popular rock music opens our sexuality and gets the body and the auric field moving in a lively fast pace that increases the energy flowing through the field. Love songs open the fourth chakra to help us connect with each other. The many types of meditation music done on synthesizers are great to lift our spirituality. Any instrument can take us through all the levels of human experience if the musician knows how to do it. At the Brennan school we regularly use harp music to take us into the experience of the essence of the core.
A regular diet of music helps us remain healthy. The type of music you choose will be directly related to the types of energies that compose your energy field and what type of personal learning you are doing at any particular moment. Give yourself free range to choose which music you like, and to use it any way you want. This is a whole world of nourishment that is open to you. Don’t deprive yourself of it. If you find you have old judgments about a certain kind of music, perhaps you ought to try it sometime and experience what it does to your field. You may be avoiding something. Or you may be finished with the phase of personal development that that particular music represents.
If your spouse loves music you hate, confine the music to one particular room, so that you have the choice to listen or not. Perhaps you need two different listening areas, so that each of you can play what you want. Perhaps one of you loves silence. Find which time of day you want it, and make some agreements in your household that can help everyone get their needs met. If you need to, put doors between more of the rooms in your house. Or ask your spouse to wear headphones.
If you have teenagers who play loud music, try to confine that music to their room with soundproofing materials, or ask them to use headphones also. It is better to protect yourself from this music/noise rather than try to get them to change. They may need the music for their transition into adulthood.
In the process of human development, when we enter into puberty, energies we have not experienced before, at least not in this lifetime, begin to unfold within our auric fields. New intellectual and spiritual energies of higher frequencies begin to flow through the entire field. There are new energies both in the heart chakra and in the sexual chakras. Integrating these new energies into our field is a real struggle. We are not only separating ourselves more from our parents, we are also learning to connect to others in ways we never have before. We find ourselves rather vulnerable to this auric unfoldment, as we move from being children wanting our parents to take care of us one day to rejecting our parents and being in puppy love with someone we hardly know the next. As teenagers, we used rock music to help us through the transition. It helped us separate from our parents by building a wall of sound between us and them. Rock music stirs up the energies in the auric field that are being released and developed during puberty. It charges our will to live, the first chakra, and our sexuality, our second chakra. It helps us begin to disconnect our dependency from our parents and connect to our peers (the third chakra). And of course, the romantic music opens the heart chakra. It connects us with love to those going through the same experiences. It frees us from parental dominance, while reorienting our dependency toward our peer group. In order to fill the many needs we will have as adults, we must cultivate the essential skills of connection to and cooperation with peers. If these skills have not been established before puberty, we are now given a final push before adulthood to do so. No matter how much we as parents can’t stand the noise now, at one time it was also the symbol of our movement into the outer world.
Everything we just said about sound, we can also say about color. Both are created through a vibrational wave, and thus both have a wave structure and a frequency of vibration. Sound and colored light are very different. Sound is a longitudinal compression wave that travels through a material substance like the air or the wall of your house. Longitudinal means that it travels along the same path as its wave motion. The sounds that we hear do not exist in outer space or in a vacuum. They must have that material substance to be transmitted. Colored light, on the other hand, is an electromagnetic wave that vibrates perpendicular to its path of movement. It can travel through outer space or a vacuum. Both are ultimately manifestations of higher frequencies that exist beyond the physical world. Both are manifestations of the divine.
Color is essential to health. We need all the colors in our auric fields. If we are clear, we are attracted to the colors we need. Figure 9-2 lists different colors and the general effect they have on you. For example, red colors stir up our emotions, while blue cools and calms our emotions. This chart can be used when you are choosing colors to decorate your home, office, or healing room. Once you clearly determine the purpose for each living space, you can choose a color that supports that purpose.
Since every disease is associated with the dysfunction of certain chakras, and the dysfunctioning chakra needs to be nourished with the color it is lacking, color can be used for the treatment of different diseases. For example, a person who has an underactive thyroid needs the color blue. If the thyroid is overactive, they have too much blue and probably need green, which is a color that does general balancing of the field. Multiple sclerosis patients need red and orange because the first and second chakras are most affected. All cancer patients need gold, since all cancer has a torn-open aura on the seventh level, which is gold. Cancer patients also need the color of the chakra in the area that the cancer is located in the body. For example, liver or pancreatic cancer patients need yellow and peach, the colors of the third chakra on the second and fourth levels of the field respectively.
I have heard that painting the rooms of hyperactive children blue helps calm them down. Some mental hospitals paint their walls blue to help calm their patients. I would guess that someday hospitals will be painted the color that will help patients stay in a healing state of mind. Grass-green and rose will help any patient to charge and balance the heart chakra at the second and fourth levels of the auric field. The heart chakra is central to all healing because all healing energy must pass through the center of the heart chakra on its way to the body of the receiver. We might also make large panels of colored glass backed by full-spectrum halogen lighting that could be moved around from room to room as needed for healing. Each large panel could be made of the color of each chakra, so that the auric field could simply drink in the color. The chakra tones could be played so that any disfunctioning chakra could take its healthy cone-shaped form that stands up and spins clockwise to receive the color.
Red | Increases your connection to the earth and gives strength to basic life-force urges such as the will to live in the physical world. Charges, protects, shields. Good for all organs in the first chakra area. |
Maroon | Brings passion and will together. |
Rose | Brings strong active love for others, helps you love. Very healing for heart and lung problems. |
Pink | Brings soft, yielding love for others. |
Peach | Brings a soft, yielding, expanding light spirit. |
Orange | Charges your sexual energy and enhances the immune system. Good for all organs in the second chakra region. Increases your ambition. |
Yellow | Gives more mental clarity, a sense of appropriateness. Good for all organs in the third chakra region. Clears the mind. |
Green | Brings balance and a feeling of fullness: I’m OK, you’re OK, and the world is OK. Good for all organs connected to the fourth chakra, like the heart and lungs. |
Blue | Brings peace, truth, and quiet order. Helps you speak the truth, increases sensitivity, strengthens the inner teacher. Good for all organs in the fifth chakra area, like the thyroid. Used to cauterize wounds in spiritual surgery. |
Dark Blue | Brings a strong sense of purpose. |
Indigo | Opens spiritual perception, brings the feeling of ecstasy. Helps you connect to the deeper mystery of spiritual life. Good for any organ near the sixth chakra. |
Purple | Helps you integrate and move into spirituality, brings a sense of royalty. Helps increase a sense of leadership and respect. |
Lavender | Brings a lighthearted attitude toward life. Clears and purges invading microorganisms, brings a feeling of lightness. |
White | Helps you connect to your purity and expands your field. Brings spiritual expansion and connection to others on the spiritual level; gives outward flow of energy. Reduces pain. Good for the brain. |
Gold | Enhances the higher mind, understanding the perfect pattern, brings a sense of great power. Helps you connect to God and to the spiritual strength in you. Strengthens any part of the body. |
Silver | Very strong purging of microorganisms, used directly after lavender in cleaning out debris. Helps you move faster and communicate better. Used to cauterize wounds in spiritual surgery. |
Platinum | Clears and purges invading microorganisms, even stronger than silver light. |
Brown | Enhances a rich connection to the earth and grounding. |
Black | Helps you draw within and stay centered. Brings complete peace. If you use it well, it will help you enter into deep internal creative forces. Brings you into the void, the source of teaming unmanifest life, waiting to be born into manifestation. Brings you into Grace. Good to help deal with death. Good to heal bones. |
Of course, there are exceptions to the list of colors given in Figure 9-2. You could very well associate any color with a painful personal experience. In this case, the color would be associated with the experience and have a different effect on you. We love certain colors and hate others. Our relationship to color is also an expression of what is happening in our energy fields. If our first and second chakras, red and orange, are undercharged, meaning that we have dampened our physical will-to-live energy and our sensuality, we may want to keep it that way. In this case, we may need red in our field for our emotional and physical health. But at the same time, we may avoid increasing those colors because of our personal experience of them. We will refuse to wear reds and oranges because they increase those energies. When those energies are increased in our fields, they also bring forth any emotional issues we may have with those aspects of our lives with which they are associated.
We seldom perceive things in a neutral fashion. Various sights and sounds make us happy, sad, or angry. Certain odors can make some individuals positively ecstatic. There is also a two-way connection between these emotional aspects of perception on the one hand and thoughts and memories on the other: Appropriate aromas can conjure up images of meals and wines consumed in the past, and the odor of various incenses can return us to the high spiritual experience we once had in a spiritual ceremony in which they were used. The fragrance of perfumes can carry us into pleasant memories of being with someone we loved who wore that perfume. Natural body fragrances can bring us into the erotic memory of lovemaking. When we enter into these positive emotional states, our auric field takes on the configuration of that positive state, and healing takes place. Such is the power of aromatic healing.
Our sense of smell was one of the first senses to develop as we evolved. Our sense of smell is registered by the olfactory system, which feeds into the midbrain area near the limbic system. As a result, the olfactory system has always been related to the limbic system. The limbic system is directly connected to our emotion-laden responses, what we might call animal instincts. These drive-related activities—feeding, defense, and sexual behaviors—are central to the preservation of individuals and the species of all human beings and all the animal kingdom.
For example, dogs use the smell of fear to help them survive. Do you know the smell of fear? Some human beings do. When a dog smells fear, he responds in several different ways, depending on who is afraid. If it is his pack, he will become alert and cautious, searching for the source of the danger. If it is an enemy that he is concentrating on, he will take advantage of his adversary’s fear and probably attack. Do you react to the smell of fear? How?
The aromas that surround us make a great deal of difference in our lives. I’ll bet you know the fragrance of your loved one. I’ll bet that fragrance immediately affects your mood. The use of fragrance is as old as we are. Incense is burned in sanctuaries to help the congregation to enter into a holy state of mind. Men and women use fragrant perfumes to attract and turn on the person they desire to meet. Flowers attract the birds and bees with fragrance. If you wish to set a particular ambiance in your home, use fragrance in addition to lighting and other effects. Which scents do you like? What different moods do they put you in? Do you use different scents for different things? If not, try it—you will be surprised by the power of the sense of smell.
Since aromas act directly and very rapidly to affect physiological responses, when used properly they can help us create very fast healing responses. Aromatherapy has been used for healing for centuries. It was developed by the ancient Egyptians and used extensively in India and China. Our Native American medicine people have used it since their ancient past. It is becoming more popular now in America. You can purchase aromatic essential oils and aromatic plant essences for about any purpose you can think of. There are aromatics to calm you down and to perk you up; to relax muscles or energize you; to turn you on, or to turn you off. There are aromatics to take you into different states of being. There are different aromatics to energize and balance each chakra. And if they are made properly, they all work.
It has been known for centuries that oil placed upon the skin helps the healing energy enter. But according to my HSP vision, more than that is going on—and more than the limbic system response mentioned above. It appears to me that some of the aromatics used in healing are actual auric essences that go directly into the auric field, providing it with the energy it needs, much as homeopathic remedies do. Muscles relax at the mere touch of a “calming nutrient” laid upon them. There certainly wasn’t time for the oil to be absorbed into the skin or muscle. I can see the colored energies of the aromatic entering the field. In fact, a corridor for energy flow begins to open at the moment one reaches for the bottle containing the essence.
So I suggest that you explore this area on your own: not only for healing, but also for setting the appropriate ambiance in your home, office, or healing room. Be sure to use natural fragrances that are derived from natural substances. Don’t use synthetics—they do not work.
There are several things you can do to keep the energy in your living space clean. Make sure it gets plenty of sunlight. It will charge the life energy in the room and not allow dead orgone energy to accumulate. If low vibratory energy does start accumulating in the space, you can remove it by smudging the room by burning sweetgrass or sage. Or burn a combination of one capful of pure grain alcohol to one-fourth cup Epsom salts. I recommend that you keep plenty of plants in the room so that a fresh exchange of energy between plants and people is constant. Open the windows whenever possible for fresh air.
Cleanliness and order in the space will keep the energy clear as well. Order is very important to maintain good positive energy in a space. Find a place for everything, so that order is easy to keep. Disorder creates a psychic drag on your system and sucks your energy. Disorder is an expression of inner chaos. It speaks to you about your unfinished inner business. If you tend to collect things that you won’t use or don’t really like much, you had better check out why, because it is sure to be affecting many other areas of your life. Order is a divine principle. Order functions to hold a space for us in which to do our life’s work. Order creates a safe space in which the creative force within us can come forth.
One patient who came to me because of a pain in her hip was not able to clean her apartment of all her old things, many of which had been left to her by her late mother. I gave as much healing as I could, but I continually received guidance that she needed to clean up her apartment to cure her hip. The hip pain was related to her not being able to let go of old leftover problems she had with her mother. She carried unrealistic guilt about this. When she finally let go of the unreal guilt and cleaned her apartment, her hip started to get better. It was amazing to watch. Every time she threw out another box of stuff, her hip got better.
Many building materials used in houses are toxic to us. Fluorescent lights beat against your auric field, causing it to become incoherent. They produce dead orgone energy that can make you sick. Just turn them off, put a piece of tape over the switch, and get some incandescent floor or table lamps. We are constantly adding pollutants to the air from our furnaces and gas appliances. Whenever people have their apartments exterminated, they breathe in some of the poison. Even the chemicals used to sterilize public places, like the toilets on a bus, are unhealthy to breathe. Even when toxins in the air are easy to detect, we still expect our bodies not to react when we breathe them. We slough it off, as if it were somebody else’s problem.
There is not only a great deal of air pollution in all our cities now but a great deal of electromagnetic energy permeating everyone’s living space. It is something that is very hard to detect naturally. Dr. Robert Becker’s book, The Body Electric, describes his studies showing the effects of these radiations on the body. Dr. Becker presents studies that show there is a higher incidence of autoimmune diseases like leukemia and other forms of cancer in people whose homes are near high-tension power lines.
We are waking up to the fact that we must do a lot to stop waste and pollution in our lives. The best place to start is at home. Recycle everything you can. It really isn’t that hard. It is getting more organized every year. In fact, there is a great job market now in the new recycling industry.
Here are some things you can do about pollution in your personal spaces:
It is very important to take care of your immediate environmental needs during an illness. Remember, you will be in a healing room, not a sick room. The more you surround yourself with the things that remind you of who you truly are, the more pleasant will be your time of illness. Make sure the room you are in is full of life, pleasure, and joy. Cover every detail of your physical needs, not only in the physical setting but in terms of light in the room, music, food, and favorite objects around you. Here is a list of things to have in your healing room:
Be sure the energy of your living space expresses who you are. The energy composite of your living space is very important to your health and well-being. When choosing your furnishings and your living space, remember, they all contribute to its energy makeup. The size of a shape is important to your auric field. I don’t like low ceilings because I can feel my auric field running through them. They make me feel squeezed in. I also like large rooms for the same reason. Use all the information in the preceding sections to help you answer the questions below about your living space.
Some good questions to ask yourself about your living space are:
Is it comfortable and cozy for you?
Do you like the amount of light it has?
Are the colors right for you?
Do you need plants?
Does your space express all aspects of yourself? What do you need to add to include all of them?
How does your space express your health?
How does it express your illness?
What do your closets say about your inner psyche?
Does it clearly say who you are, or is it representing the part of you that needs attention, care, and love?
Is it arranged the way you like it, or has something bothered you for years that you have not fixed or changed?
Do you have things that you don’t need or want and won’t let go of?
What other areas of your life does this affect?
What else won’t you let go of?
What fear underlies this hanging on?
How does your living space affect your relationships?
Does the energy of your space express who you are?
The same holds true for your working space, whether or not you own your business.
Some good questions to ask yourself about your work space are:
What is the energy of your work space like?
How do your desk/tools/equipment feel and look?
How does your work area feel and look?
Is it in order?
How does it express who you are? Does it serve you well?
What else do you need to help you do your work?
Does the energy of your work space express who you are?