When it is time to give your dog a bath, clip his nails, or simply brush his coat, it helps to
know that his personal effects are all in one convenient place. Here is a list of items that are important to keep in your dog’s grooming kit.

01. Shampoo (dry shampoo is a great choice for traveling)

02. Tonic (see recipes on pages 19 and 24)

03. Tweezers (for removing ticks, splinters, etc.)

04. Small scissors (for clipping hair from between foot pads)

05. Vitamin E oil and cotton balls (for cleaning ears)

06. Moist wipes (to help remove dirt that gets stuck to the coat)

07. Towels (to wipe feet after a walk or to dry off after a bath)

08. Hairbrush, flea comb, brush mitts

09. Eye wipes (to help reduce tearing stains under the eyes)

10. Dog-specific toothpaste and dog toothbrush

These items can be easily stored in a washable canvas bag; follow the instructions on the next page to make your own, or pick up a ready-made one at a health-food store or boutique.