Calm rocks to sleep in your usual place.

Sooner or later

you will have to believe in the reality

of tales about the Leviathan.

How caressing is the music of inertia. We swim on,

swim on, blessing the darkness …

Further. Only occasionally

alongside us it suddenly becomes empty—

that’s some submarine creature

disappearing too early: the outer casing

could not stand the friction. The tension

becomes ash

in the materialized length of the womb.

Well? For those left behind

the loss is not noticeable.

But sensing the inevitable,

the adrenaline starts to scream, although

nothing is happening yet. What can happen

in an identical situation? If you do not know

the beginning and end;

for a stream, the middle is everywhere.

When you are alone you get out of the habit of fearing.

The place is the source of gravity. Fate—

and it is the same for all of us—

of the centrifuge, a somersault which is not noticed.

If you are not ill with schizophrenia, you begin to feel

gravity—the balance

between the poles: to know that the womb is shaken

in the surf by the arrhythmic waves. In it

the specks of submarines

spark with the potential of another’s energies.

The switch of tension is switched on,

interfering with the reading of the monster’s pulse.

Translated by Richard McKane