for a centenary
you’d been kept under a bushel
under my heart
like a child invisible
a relic in a chest
for a centenary
I’d been holding a thread from the
bird in the bush
in my hand thinking
it’d been the kite flying high
it was some funny kiddy amulet
a periapt
I’m apt to be thrown ashore
and I climb up the precipice
marring the layers of marl clay and grass
the gritty mix
of the homeland
the pastry of earth tasting like love
and strawberries
the pastry
pasted into my texts
my caress at halves with the blues
clenches up and
scatters like fledglings
the thread
jerks in my hand
I’ve been keeping you in the chest like my dowry
with braids
and an ancient baldric, with worn traces
I need to tell so much
the palate
of the sky won’t fit so many words
filled with letters to the brim
and weave the future
with a fine thread from that bird in the bush
I’m the bird in my hand
I’d lived overseas and came back
and I burnt those seas to ashes
Translated by Max Nemtsov