My eyes are

always directed

somewhat through

whatever I’m trying to examine.

most probably

the basic reason for that

is that my boyfriend is a photographer.

we’ve known eighteen months now

I look good in photographs


in telephone conversations,

he refers to me as

“one of my models.”

I think

in each of us, in our eyes,

there is set up a tiny

photographic device,

from time to time

it makes a clicking sound;

though we might not

be aware of this

I’ve started being wary of hidden cameras.


I don’t feel at ease with myself:

not even in the bathroom.

Especially if there’s

good paper,

a good catch on the door,

a wire brush

and a big oval mirror.

I start to think about

how beautifully I’m sitting,

my back, so to speak, straightens up of its own accord.

I know

that it’s stupid

and I smile.

The left corner is 2–3 mm

higher than the right.

Somewhere, I’m 98% sure of this,

there are people

spilling their seed over my photos.

It seems to me

I know many of them personally.

Translated by Chris Jones