Absolute Gδ, 207

accumulation point, 41

from the right, 59

ω ..., 137

adjoint of a normed linear space, 241

Alexander subbase theorem, 139

almost periodic function, 247

amalgamation axiom, 261

anti-symmetric relation, 9

Ascoli theorems, 233, 236

asymmetric relation, 263

Baire, category theorem, 200

condition of … (= almost open), 210

Banach algebra, 243

base, for the neighborhood system of a point, 50

for the neighborhood system of a set, 112

for a topology, 46

for a uniformity, 177

bicompact (= compact), 135

Boolean, ring, 81, 168

σ-ring, 215

boundary of a set, 45

bounded set, 144

Brouwer reduction theorem, 61

Cantor discontinuum (= middle third set), 165

cardinal numbers, 27, 274 ff

cartesian product, of two sets, 7, 261

of a family of sets, 30

category, 201

(first category = meager)

(second category = non-meager)

Cauchy, filter, 193

net, 190

chain, 15, 32

characteristic function, 26

choice, axiom, 33, 273

function, 31

class, 1, 251

classification axiom scheme, 253

classifier, 251

closed, family, 155

graph theorem, 213

interval, 40

map, 94

set, 40

sphere, 119

closure, and complement problem, 57

axioms, 43

of a set, 42

operator, 43

cluster point, of a net, 71

of a set, 41

coarser (= smaller) topology, 38

cofinal, 66, 77

compact, 135

countably, 162

locally, 146

sequentially, 162, 238

… open topology, 221

compactification, 149 ff

one-point, 150

Stone-Čech, 152

Wallman, 167

… of groups, 247

complement, 3, 254

complete, accumulation point, 163

(= full) class, 267

uniform space, 192

topologically …, 207, 208

completely regular, 117

completion, 196

of topological groups, 211

component, 54

composition of relations, 7, 260

connected, 53

locally, 61

connects, 263

contains, 2, 256

continuous, at a point, 87, 100

convergence, 241

evenly, 235, 241

evenly on a set, 237

function, 85

in one of two variables, 103

jointly, 223

continuum hypothesis, 280

contravari ant correspondence, 246

convex, 103

coordinate set, 31

convergence, classes, 73

continuous, 241

Moore-Smith, 62 ff

pointwise( = coordinate wise = simple), 92

sequential, 62

correspondence (= function), 10

countability, first axiom, 50

second axiom, 48

countable, 25

chain condition, 60

countably compact, 162

counter-image (= inverse image), 11

covariant correspondence, 246

cover, 49

even, 155

open, 49

point finite, 171

uniform, 199

cube, 114

decimal expansion, 25

decomposition, 96

upper semi-continuous, 98

DeMorgan formulae, 3, 254

dense, 49

nowhere, 145

denumerable (= countably infinite), 25

derived set, 42

diagonal, 7

process, 238

diameter, 121

dictionary (= lexicographic) order, 23

difference of sets, 3, 255

Dini’s theorem, 239

directed set, 65

directs, 65

discrete, topological space, 37

family, 127

σ-discrete family, 127

disjoint, 3

distance, 119

between sets, 123

Hausdorff, 131

distinguishes, functions, 220

points, 116

points and closed sets, 116

divisible properties, 133

domain, 7, 260

door space, 76

dyadic, expansion, 25

rational, 23

écart, 119, 206

embedding, in cubes, 114 ff

theorems, 118, 188

equicontinuous, 232

on a set, 234

uniformly, 239

equipollent, 28

equivalence, class, 9

relation, 9

Euclidean, plane, 60

n-space, 31, 89

evaluation, 31, 116, 218

continuity of …, 240

even, continuity, 235, 241

continuity on a set, 237

cover, 155

eventually, 65

extension, of a function, 11

Tietze theorem, 242

extent axiom, 252

extrem ally disconnected, 216

field, 18

ordered, 19

filter, 83

finer (= larger) topology, 38

finite, 277

character, 32

intersection property, 135

frequently, 65

full, 267

function, 10, 260

gage of a uniformity, 189

group, 17

abelian (= commutative), 17

normal (= distinguished = invariant), 18

quotient (= factor), 18

topological, 105 ff, 210

half-open, interval, 40

interval space, 59, 133

rectangle space, 59, 133

Hausdorff, maximal principle, 31, 274

metric, 131

topological space, 67

uniform space, 180

hereditary properties, 133

homeomorphism, 87

homogeneous space, 107

homomorphism, 18, 107

hypothesis of the continuum, 280

ideal, 18

dual, 80

lattice, 80

identity relation, 7

image, 11, 261

indiscrete (= trivial) topological space, 37

induced function, 19, 239

induction, definition by, 21

mathematical, 20, 272

proof by, 20, 264

transfinite, 270

inductive, property (= satisfying premise of 0.25 a), 33

set of integers, 20

infimum, 13

infinite cardinals, 280

infinity axiom, 271

integers, 20, 271

integration, 77 ff

interior, of a set, 44

map, 90

intersection, 3, 254

inverse, of a relation, 7

image, 11

irreducible property, 61

isolated point x (= {x} is open), 102

isometry, 122

of compact metric space, 162

isotone function, 15

iterated, limit, 69

sum, 77

join, of sets ( = union), 3

of members of a lattice, 80

joint continuity, 221

k-extension of a topology, 241

k-space, 230, 240

Kuratowski, closure axioms, 43

closure and complement problem, 57

lemma, 33

largest, 31

lattice, 80

lexicographic (= dictionary) order, 23

limit, iterated, 69

of a net, 68

point of a set, 41

Lindelöf, theorem, 49

space, 50, 59

linear, function, 18

order (= simple order), 14

space, 18, 241

topological space, 109

locally, compact, 146

connected, 61

finite, 126

lower bound, 13

map (= function), 10

maximal, member of a family, 32

principle, 33, 274

meager (= first category), 201

meet, of sets, 3

of members of a lattice, 80

metacompact, 171

metric, 118

invariant, 123

topology, 119

uniformity, 184

Hausdorff …, 131

invariant …, 209, 210

metrization, of topological spaces, 124 ff

of uniform spaces, 184 ff

minimal member of a family, 32

principle, 33

monotone function, 15

Moore-Smith convergence, 62 ff

neighborhood, 38

system of a point, 39

system of a set, 112

topologies from … systems, 56

nest, 32

net, 65

universal, 81

normal, topological space, 112

perfectly, 134

fully, 170

nowhere dense, 145

normed linear space, 241

null space of a linear function, 19

numbers, cardinal, 27, 274

ordinal, 29, 266

real, 19

one-to-one function, 11

open, interval, 38

map, 90

set, 37

sphere, 119

almost …, 210

operator (= function), 10

order, Archimedean, 22

bounded, 15

complete, 14

dictionary (= lexicographic), 23

linear (= simple = total), 14

preserving, 15, 264

product, 68

topology, 57, 162

ordered pair, 259

ordering, partial, 13

quasi (= partial), 13

well, 29, 262

ordinal numbers, 29, 266

paracompact, 156, 172

partition, of a set, 96

of unity, 171

perfectly normal, 134

point finite cover, 171

pointwise convergence, 92

on a set, 220

on a dense set, 238

uniformity of …, 220

power of a set, 275

precompact (= totally bounded), 198

product, cartesian, 7, 30

directed set, 68

logical, 3

of compact spaces, 143

of connected spaces, 104

of pseudo-metric spaces, 122

of spaces with countable bases, 103

order, 68

topology, 90

uniformity, 182

productive properties, 133

projection, onto a coordinate set, 31

onto a quotient space, 96

pseudo-metric, 119

topology, 119

uniformity, 184

pseudo-metrizable, topological space, 124

uniform space, 184

quotient, group, 18

map, 96

topology, 94

space, 97, 147

range, 7, 260

real numbers, 19

topological properties, 58, 59

refinement, 128

regular topological space, 113

regularity axiom, 266

reflexive relation, 9

related (R-related), 7, 263

relation, 6, 259

relative, topology, 51

uniformity, 182

relativization, 50

residual (= co-meager), 201

restriction of a relation, 10, 11

ring, 18

Boolean, 81, 168, 215

scalar field, 18

Schroeder-Bernstein theorem, 28, 276

section, 263

semi-metric (= pseudo-metric), 119

separable, 48, 49

perfectly, 48

separated, sets, 52

topological space (= Hausdorff), 67

uniform space ( = Hausdorff), 180

separation properties, with compactness, 140 ff

sequence, 62, 72

sequentially compact, 162, 238

set, 1, 252

theory, 250 ff

simple topology (= topology of point-wise convergence), 90, 92, 217

singleton, 3, 258

small sets, 192

smallest member of a family, 32

space, completely regular, 117

Hausdorff, 67

Lindelöf, 50

linear, 18

k-space, 230

linear topological, 109

metric, 119

normal, 112

regular, 113

T0-space, 56

T1-space, 56

T2-space (= Hausdorff), 67

T3-space (= regular + T1), 113

T4-space (= normal + T1), 112

topological, 37

Tychonoff (= completely regular + T1), 117

uniform, 176

Stone-Weierstrass theorem, 244

stronger topology, 38

subadditive function, 131

subbase, for a topology, 48

for a uniformity, 177

for the neighborhood system of a point, 50

local, 50

subclass, 256

subcover, 49

subsequence, 63

subset, 2

proper, 2

axiom, 256

subnet, 70

subspace, 51

substitution axiom, 261

sum, logical, 3

summability, 78, 214

supremum, 13

symmetric relation, 9

σ-compact, 172

σ-discrete, 127

σ-locally finite, 127

σ-ring, 215

T-space : see space

Tietze extension theorem, 242

topological groups, 105

closed graph theorem, 213

completion, 211

uniformities and metrization, 210

topological, invariant, 88

map, 87

space (see also space), 37

topologically equivalent, 87

topology, 37

coarser (= smaller), 38

discrete, 37

indiscrete (= trivial), 37

finer (= larger), 38

from interior operators, 56

from neighborhood systems, 56

metric or pseudo-metric, 119

of compact convergence (=* uniform convergence on compacta), 229

order, 57

pointwise (= product), 90

quotient, 94

relative, 50

stronger, 38

uniform, 178

u.c. = of uniform convergence, 226

usual, for the real numbers, 37

w* (= weak*), 108, 241

weaker, 38

totally bounded, 198

tower (= nest), 32

transitive relation, 9

transfinite induction, 270

transformation (= function), 10

triadic expansion, 25

triangle inequality, 119

trivial (= indiscrete) topology, 37

two point property, 244

two set property, 243

Tukey’s lemma, 33

Tychonoff, plank, 132

product theorem, 143

space, 117

ultrafilter, 83

uniform, boundedness, 215

continuity, 180

continuity on a set, 194

convergence, 226

convergence on compacta, 229

cover, 199

covering system, 207

equicontinuity, 229

equivalence, 181

invariant, 181

isomorphism, 181

neighborhood system, 205

space, 174 ff

topology, 178

uniformity, generated by pseudo-metrics, 184, 187

of pointwise convergence, 220

of uniform convergence, 226

product, 182

relative, 182

u.c. (= of uniform convergence), 226

usual, for real numbers, 177

(= of uniform convergence on members of ), 228

uniformly, locally compact, 214

open map, 202

union, 3, 254

axiom of …, 258

universal net, 81

universe, 255

unordered pair, 258

upper bound, 13

upper semi-continuous, decomposition, 99

function, 101

Urysohn lemma, 115

metrization theorem, 125

usual, metric for real numbers, 119

topology for real numbers, 37

uniformity for real numbers, 177

value of a function, 261

vector (= linear) space, 18

void, 255

w* (= weak*) topology, 108

well ordering, 29, 262 ff

principle, 32

Zermelo postulate, 33

zero, 255

Zorn’s lemma, 33