• | Cavalry Group (50th and 53rd CDs) – no news received. |
• | 30th Army – attacked along the Novoe Morokhovo, Guliaevo, Beskhvostovo, and Sloboda front [45-50 kilometers north of Iartsevo] at 1300 hours after an hour-long artillery preparation and bomber strikes and, in the main attack sector along the Shelepy axis, penetrated [1-2 kilometers] to Pochinoi 2 and Shelepy. |
♦ | 251st and 162nd RDs – fighting fiercely to widen the penetration in the Pochinoi 2 and Shelepy sector [45-46 kilometers north of Iartsevo]. |
♦ | 244th RD and 45th CD – in their previous positions, preparing to exploit success along the main axis. |
• | 19th Army – attacking toward Dukhovshchina since 0900 hours on 20 August, but facing fierce counterattacks since the afternoon by at least one panzer division, supported by tanks and aircraft, which are being successfully repelled. The army’s units were fighting as follows by 1700 hours: |
♦ | 166th RD – fighting in its previous positions after the attack by its left wing toward Motevo [24 kilometers north of Iartsevo] failed. |
♦ | 91st RD – repeatedly failed to capture the center of resistance in the woods northeast of Potelitsa [23 kilometers north-northeast of Iartsevo]. |
♦ | 50th RD – repelled enemy counterattacks southward along the Loinia River and fighting along the line from the Loinia River to the western edge of the grove west of Makov’e and Bolotino to the woods south of Bolotino [17-19 kilometers north of Iartsevo]. |
♦ | 64th RD – repelled enemy counterattacks from the vicinity of Zaitsevo State Farm and Popova, forced the Loinia River, and fighting along the eastern outskirts of Muzhilovo, Zaitsevo State Farm, Popova, and Osipova front [10-16 kilometers north of Iartsevo]. |
♦ | 101st TD – fighting in the sector from brushy region 1 kilometer east of Osipova, to the church at Skachkova, and the southern outskirts of Chistaia front [4-10 kilometers north of Iartsevo]. |
♦ | 89th RD – concentrated in army reserves in the Staroe Korov’e, Kriukova, and Bulanina region. |
• | 16th Army – attacking with its right wing to reach the Samuilova and Kudinova line [5 kilometers northwest of Iartsevo] in support of 19th Army. |
♦ | 38th RD – fighting along the Novosel’e and Khatyni line [1-4 kilometers north-northwest of Iartsevo]. |
♦ | Other units – positions unchanged. |
• | 20th Army – fulfilling its previous missions. |
♦ | 144th RD – fighting for possession of Makeevo [2 kilometers southwest of Solov’evo] against SS “Empire” [Das Reich] Division, with remaining units in their previous positions. |
♦ | 153rd RD – fighting in its previous positions. |
♦ | 229th RD – fighting along the Golovino and Sarai [barn] line. |
♦ | 73rd RD – positions unchanged against stubborn enemy resistance, repelled an enemy “close order” attack from the forest east of Remenishche toward the bend in the Dnepr River, 2 kilometers southwest of the barn, and 392nd RR fighting to capture Sopshino [25 kilometers south-southwest of Solov’evo]. |
♦ | 161st RD – continuing its attacks, with 542nd RR capturing the grove northwest of Vishniaki [23 kilometers south of Solov’evo] and continuing its attack, but attacks toward Pogubilka failed. |
♦ | 129th RD – attacked toward Obzhorovka early on 20 August but forced to abandon Klemiatino [22 kilometers south-southeast of Solov’evo] at 0700 hours when counterattacked by an enemy battalion but still fighting in the outskirts of the town. |
♦ | Trophies captured – 2 mortars, 1 antitank gun, 1 sub-machine gun, 3 automatic weapons, 30 mines, and boxes with a great quantity of ammunition. |
• | Front Reserves – 1st TD – in the woods south of Vadino [42 kilometers northeast of Iartsevo], and 152nd RD in the Kakushkino region. |
• | VVS of the Front – supported the ground forces, reconnoitered, and struck approaching enemy reserves on the night of 19-20 and the morning of 20 August with 139 sorties dropping 58 FAB-100, 17 FAB-82, 142 FAB-50, 2 ZAB-50, 13 FAB-32, 110 AO-25, 347 AO-15 and AO-10, and 498 AO-2.5 bombs, 6,509 KS ampoules, and 118,000 leaflets. |
♦ | 23rd MAD – struck enemy troop concentrations and set fire to the forests in the region east, southeast, and southwest of Dukhovshchina and in the El’nia region on the night of 19-20 August with 22 sorties and observed a large number of fires and many explosions. |
♦ | 43rd MAD – supported 19th Army, destroyed enemy troop concentrations in the Klemiatino and Shishkino region, and conducted deep reconnaissance in the Iartsevo, Smolensk, Pochinok, and El’nia sector with 17 sorties. |
♦ | 47th MAD – raided an enemy troop concentration in the region 20 kilometers north of Dukhovshchina overnight on 19-20 August with 4 sorties, noting many fires, and reconnoitered approaching enemy reserves and protected 19th Army on 20 August. |
♦ | 46th MAD – bombed enemy troop concentrations in the Krivets and Gorodno region overnight on 19-20 August with 9 sorties, noting many fires and supported 20th Army and bombed the enemy’s forward edge in the region northwest of Gorodno, Churkino, Mashutkino, Fomenko, and Ploskoe during the first half of the day on 20 August with 40 sorties, noting effective strikes against enemy foxholes and artillery positions. |
♦ | 31st MAD – supported 29th Army, protected the unloading of forces at Velikopol’e Station, reconnoitered the Nevel’ and Usviat’e region, and attacked columns of tanks and artillery on the morning of 20 August with 26 sorties, noting direct hits that set fire to the columns. |
♦ | 38th RAS – conducted photo reconnaissance in the Iartsevo, Dukhovshchina, Arkhipovka, Smolensk, and Zadnia region with 7 sorties. |
♦ | Enemy losses – shot down five enemy aircraft, including two Me-109, 1 ME-110, and 2 Iu-88 aircraft, during the first half of the day on 20 August. |
♦ | Our losses – 1 TB-3 lost in a crash and 1 IL-2 aircraft failed to return to its airfield.4 |
The evening summary made it clear that neither 29th nor 30th Armies made significant gains on 20 August, although both sides were suffering heavy losses in the fierce fighting at the Germans’ strongpoint at Katkovo, a fortified town held by German VI Army Corps’ 26th Infantry Division 15 kilometers northeast of Il’ino and midway between the Western Dvina and Mezha Rivers. Katkovo had been under attack by Maslennikov’s 1st NKVD Motorized Regiment for several days. In the sector of Khomenko’s 30th Army, once again, the failure of 244th Rifle Division to reach its forward assembly areas confounded the army’s offensive plans. Thus, Timoshenko’s attentions remained riveted to 19th Army’s sector, where the fate of his offensive seemed in the balance.
Later in the day on 21 August, either just prior to or just after rendering its evening operational summary, but certainly because of growing concern over the situation in 19th Army’s sector, Timoshenko ordered reinforcements to Konev’s assistance. Addressed to “the commanders of 1st Tank Division and 509th Antitank Artillery Regiment” with copies to “the commander of 19th Army, in Vadino, and to Naidenov and Vorob’ev,” the commanders of the tank division and antitank regiment, the order directed both forces move to the Kapyrevshchina, Manchino, and Avdiukovo region [east of the Vop’ River to the rear of 19th Army’s bridgehead] on the night of 20-21 August. Once there, they were to remain under the Western Main Direction Command’s control but establish communications and liaison with Konev by sending “a responsible representative” to his CP. Most important, the forces were to be “constantly aware of the situation on 19th Army’s front and be prepared for operations to exploit the success of 19th Army.”5
See Volume 3 (Documents), Appendix O, 41.
The fresh 1st Tank Division, with a sizeable number of armored vehicles, was the descendent of the famous 1st Moscow Motorized Rifle Division, which had taken part in the July fighting for Smolensk and had been largely destroyed in the fighting. After being withdrawn from the front in early August, it was reorganized into a tank division around the town of Kokushkino, 15 kilometers north of Dorogobuzh. Its reorganization was essentially completed by 18 August, two days before receiving orders to return to the front. Although it arrived too late to assist 19th Army along the Vop’ River, by month’s end it would be assigned to Rokossovsky’s 16th Army, where it would play a more significant role in the Western Front’s expanded offensive in late August.
21 August
In the meantime, while the cat and mouse game continued playing out north of Smolensk, Konev continued to fight his own personal duel with counterattacking German 7th Panzer Division. Before the deadly duel resumed on 21 August, at 0240 hours in the morning Konev reiterated the situation to his subordinate units and adjusted his defenses to meet the new armored challenge:
See Volume 3 (Documents), Appendix O, 39.
• | Enemy Situation – the defeated units of enemy 5th and 161st IDs and 900th MotB are trying to dig in along the Loinia and Tsarevich Rivers, and reserves are approaching from the depths. |
• | 19th Army’s Mission – attack in the general direction of Dukhovshchina at 0800 hours on 21 August. |
• | Missions of Subordinates: |
♦ | 166th RD – firmly defend the army’s right wing, organize antitank defenses in the Lopatchinki and Gorbatovskaia sector [25-28 kilometers north of Iartsevo], prevent enemy tanks from penetrating that sector, and liquidate the enemy’s center of resistance at Zubova. |
♦ | 91st RD – organize firm antitank defenses in the Gorbatovskaia, Potelitsa, and Hill 217.0 (2 kilometer west of Zadnia) sector [23-25 kilometers north of Iartsevo] and attack toward Pochepova and Shchelkina [22-23 kilometers north of Iartsevo] with the left wing. |
♦ | 50th RD (with 202nd TR) – attack toward Kalugino to capture the Mashutino and Sushchevo sector [18-22 kilometers north of Iartsevo] by day’s end and seize crossings over the Tsarevich River in the Novo-Nikol’skoe (House of Invalids) sector with the forward units. |
♦ | 64th RD – attack toward Petrovo, Sel’tso, and Kulagino and reach the Sushchevo and Rafenino front [14-18 kilometers north of Iartsevo] by day’s end. |
♦ | 101st TD – attack toward Krovopuskovo and reach the Rafenino and Novosel’e front [4-14 kilometers north of Iartsevo] by day’s end, while protecting the army’s left flank. |
♦ | 89th RD – organize antitank defenses facing north, northwest, and west in the region you occupy and prepare to attack northward toward Makov’e, Kalugino, and Sushchevo. |
♦ | Artillery – be ready at 0500 hours. Missions: |
⋄ | Fire an artillery preparation from 0730 to 0800 hours. |
⋄ | Prevent enemy tanks from penetrating in the Losevo and Balashova region. |
⋄ | Suppress enemy artillery in the Moteva, Kastalanova, Balashova, and Hill 220.5 regions. |
⋄ | Prepare one battalion of 311th AR to fight with enemy tanks along the Gorbatovskaia and Potelitsa axis. |
♦ | VVS of 19th Army – Missions: |
⋄ | Support the ground forces and destroy the enemy in the Lozevo, Ivaniki, Bykovo, Sushchevo, and Makov’e region, with a first strike against the enemy tank group in the Moteva, Losevo, Semenkovo, and Balashova region and a second strike against the enemy along the Sirotinka, Afanas’evo, Shishkina, Muzhilova, and Sushchevo region at 0750 hours in coordination with 50th and 64th RDs. |
⋄ | Destroy the enemy motor-mechanized units approaching from the depths in the Losevo and Semenkovo region by successive strikes and the crossings over the Tsarevich River at Novo-Nikol’skoe and Sushchevo.6 |
The fighting in 19th Army’s bridgehead resumed with ferocity at about 0800 hours, when the 50th and 64th Rifle and 101st Tank Divisions of Konev’s main shock force continued their efforts to consolidate their hard-won footholds along the Tsarevich River and expand the offensive beyond the river’s western bank. Simultaneously, 91st and 166th Rifle Divisions reorganized their antitank defenses and, protected by artillery and mortar fire, engaged in close combat with 7th Panzer Division’s kampfgruppe, which itself struggled to extricate itself from the morass of Soviet antitank defensive positions. With 202nd Tank Regiment now reinforcing 50th Rifle Division’s thrust toward the west, Colonel Kolesnikov’s 89th Rifle Division formed an antitank barrier southeast of Makov’e and prepared to attack northward into the teeth of Funck’s now faltering panzers, whose tanks were being destroyed one by one in the maze of Soviet antitank defenses.
See Maps 90 and 91. 7th Panzer Division’s assault, 21 August 1941 and Army Group Center’s situation late on 21 August 1941.
As this fight increased in intensity throughout the day, Timoshenko decided, since it appeared as if 30th Army’s attacks were going nowhere, it would be more useful to transfer its fresh forces into 19th Army’s sector, where they could both help defeat the German panzer counterstroke and also guarantee a more significant penetration and exploitation. Accordingly, at midday the front commander and his chief of staff, Sokolovsky, directed Khomenko to release 45th Cavalry and the fresh 244th Rifle Division, neither of which had seen much combat, from his army and transfer them southward to reinforce Konev’s 19th Army:
See Volume 3 (Documents), Appendix O, 45.
To the commanders of 19th and 30th Armies
I order:
1) 45th CD, while remaining at my disposal, will be transferred to the Klinets, Starosel’e, and Kobelevo region [15-20 kilometers northeast of 19th Army’s bridgehead] on the night of 21-22 August. Place the division’s antitank weapons in the region indicated during the day on 21 August and prepare an antitank defense along the Kislaevo and Shershiki and Konishchevo and Pechenicheno axes [east of the Vop’ River behind 19th Army’s bridgehead].
Prepare the cavalry division for commitment into the penetration sector of 19th Army on the morning of 22 August, while ensuring it establishes direct communications with 19th Army and sends a responsible representative to 19th Army’s CP.
2) Transfer 244th RD to 19th Army to relieve 166th RD in the Markovo, Zanino, and Hill 213.9 sector [28-40 kilometers north of Iartsevo] during the day on 21 August, and complete the relief, rifle and artillery battalion by battalion, by the morning of 22 August.
166th RD, after its relief by 244th RD, will occupy the Hill 213.9 and Gorbatovskaia sector [25-28 kilometers north of Iartsevo] by first light on 22 August and be prepared to attack on 22 August.
Lieutenant Colonel Baderko, 30th Army’s chief of staff, is personally responsible for the timely dispatch of 244th RD to relieve 166th RD and for 244th and 166th RDs’ timely occupation of their designated sectors, and 19th Army’s chief of staff is responsible for them to be ready to attack on 22 August.
3) 152nd RD will move into the front’s reserve and concentrate in the Afanas’kovo, Neslovo State Farm, Logunovo, and Rozhnovo State Farm region by first light on 23 August. It is responsible for defending the Neslovo State Farm and Nikola Kremianyi State Farm line with its forward units and creating antitank defenses along the Obukhovo, Egor’evskoe, and Nikola Kremianyi axes.
4) The Assistant Commander of Forces for Auto-Armored Units will concentrate 18th TD in the forest south of Vadino for further reorganization.
Confirm receipt of this order and the course of its fulfillment.7