Rethink the 5 Forms of Indoctrination
That Lead to Unconsciousness:
The Waking UP Sessions will help you unlearn five forms of indoctrination that lead to unconscious behavior. You will pivot to become more expansive in your thinking, stay woke, and learn how to develop five thinking practices to find and strengthen your reflective lens. The sessions will help you stay alert, not lulled to sleep by the lies of our culture. They help combat inauthenticity, insecurity, unhealthy behaviors, avoidance, and wrong conclusions. This is our new psychology of thinking: becoming an agile twenty-first-century citizen. Sounds good right about now, doesn’t it?
1. The power of moving quickly and easily; nimbleness.
2. The ability to think and adapt; intellectual acuity.
Hayden works hard to be the embodiment of agility—always on toes and ready to make needed shifts to avoid being rigid or being subject to society’s many forms of indoctrination.
1. The process of teaching (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and not consider those of other persuasions.
2. To imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle.
Camelia works hard to make sure students don’t accept an entire set of beliefs uncritically, without a second blink.