Of the Dignity of the Sacrament, and of the Ministerial Function

The voice of the Beloved.

IF THOU HADST angelical purity1 and the sanctity of St. John Baptist, thou wouldst not be worthy either to receive or to administer this sacrament.

For it is not within the compass of the merits of men, that man should consecrate and administer the sacrament of Christ, and receive for food the bread of angels.2

Grand is this mystery; and great is the dignity of the priests, to whom is granted that which is not permitted to angels.

For none but priests rightly ordained in the church, have power to celebrate this sacrament and to consecrate the body of Christ.

The priest is indeed the minister of God, using the word of God by God’s command and appointment: but God is there the principal Author, and invisible Worker; to whom is subject all that he shall please, and all that he commandeth doth obey.3

2. Thou oughtest therefore more to believe God Almighty in this most excellent sacrament, than thine own sense, or any visible sign.

And therefore thou art to approach this holy work with fear and reverence.

Consider attentively with thyself,4 and see what that is, whereof the ministry is delivered unto thee by the laying on of the bishop’s hand.

Behold, thou art made a priest, and consecrated to celebrate the Lord’s sacraments; take heed now that thou offer the Christian sacrifice to God faithfully and devoutly, and at fit opportunities, and conduct thyself so, as thou mayest be without reproof.

Thou hast not lightened thy burden, but art now bound with a straighter band of discipline, and art obliged to a more perfect degree of sanctity.

A priest ought to be adorned with all graces, and to give example of a good life to others.

His life and conversation5 should not be in the popular and common ways of men, but with the angels in heaven, or with perfect men on earth.

3. A priest clad in sacred garments is Christ’s deputy, that with all supplication and humility he may beseech God for himself and for the whole people.6

Neither ought he to cease from prayer and holy oblation, till he prevail to obtain grace and mercy.

When a priest doth celebrate the holy eucharist, he honoreth God, he rejoiceth the angels, he edifieth the church, he helpeth the living, and he commemorateth the departed, and maketh himself partaker of all good things.

1. Matt. 18:10

2. Psalm 78:25

3. Gen. 1; Psalm 49:7; Rom. 9:20

4. 1 Tim. 4:16

5. Phil. 3:20

6. Heb. 5:3