Against Vain and Secular Knowledge

MY SON, let not the sayings of men move thee, however beautiful and subtle they may be. “For the kingdom of God consisteth not in word, but in power.”1

Attend well to my words, for they inflame the heart, and enlighten the mind; they cause compunction, and they supply abundant variety of consolation.

Never read the Word in order to appear more learned or more wise.

Be studious for the mortification of thy sins; for this will profit thee more than the knowledge of many difficult questions.

2. When thou shalt have read and known many things, thou oughtest ever to return to one Beginning and Principle.

I am he that teacheth man knowledge; and I give unto little children a clearer understanding than can be taught by man.

He, therefore, to whom I speak, shall quickly be wise, and shall profit much in the spirit.

Woe to them that inquire many curious things of men, and little care about the way of serving me!

The time will come, when the Master of masters shall appear, Christ the Lord of angels, to hear the lessons of all, that is, to examine the consciences of every one.

And then will he search Jerusalem with lamps, and the hidden things of darkness shall be brought to light,2 and the arguings of men’s tongues shall be silent.

3. I am he who in one instant do raise up the humble mind, to understand more of eternal truth, than if one had studied ten years in the schools.

I teach without noise of words, without confusion of opinions, without ambition of honor, without the scuffling of arguments.

I am he who instruct men to despise earthly things, to loathe things present, to seek things eternal, to relish things eternal; to flee honors, to suffer injuries, to place all hope in me, to desire nothing from me, and above all things ardently to love me.

4. For a certain person, by loving me fully, learned divine things, and spake that which was admirable.

He profited more by forsaking all things, than by studying subtilties.

But to some men I speak common things, to others things more particular; to some I appear sweetly by signs and figures, but to some I reveal mysteries with much light.

The voice of books is indeed one, but it instructs not all alike: for I am the teacher of the truth within, I am the searcher of the heart, the discerner of the thoughts, the mover of good actions, distributing to every man as I judge best.

1. 1 Cor. 4:20

2. Zeph. 1:12; 1 Cor. 4:5