Acceleration, results, 123-124
Accidental life, 219-223
Accountability, 65, 104, 120, 164
Achievement, 100
Acronyms, 147
Addressing the issues, 142-143
Adversity, 198
Advice, feedback vs., 203-204
Agreed-upon standards, 136
Agreement, confirming, 143
Appreciation, 173-174
Aspirations, 27, 30, 36, 50, 55, 78, 101, 177
Assurance, 58
Attention, 88
Barrier elimination, 121-123
Behavior, purpose and, 69-72
Behaviors, 128-131
Beliefs, 42, 127, 128, 152, 232-233
Benefits of praise, the, 171-179
Bias for action, 234
Blane, Christobel Rice, 12, 13
Blane, David, 12-13
Boss, promises to your, 74
Bottom line, 102-105
Brand impact, 47-51
Brands, 46
Burnout, 21
Business objectives, driving, 148
Calendar grooming, 187-190
Candor, 79
Certainty, 152
Chester, Dr. Timothy, 144, 148-149
Clarifying decision-making, 141-142
Clarifying roles, 140-141
Clarity, 31, 47, 71, 75, 84, 138
Collaboration, 79-80
Commitment, 57, 76-77, 116, 120
Communication, 71-72
Competencies, 38
Competing priorities, 150-158
Complaints, 114
Compliance, 120
Concerns, 114
Confidence, 66, 77-78, 152, 172
Confirming understanding, 143
Conflict management, 143
Conflicting expectations, 138
Conscious, Examination of, 241-244
Consistency, 76
Continual learning, 178
Control, 75-76
Core values, 40
Courage, 33, 47, 80, 169-171, 193
Creation, value, 250
Credibility gap, 137
Credibility, 58, 60, 62, 69, 72, 77
Critic, 161-163
Curiosity, 33, 169-171, 180, 182-183
Customers, 18-19
Customers, promises to your, 73
Defining success, 139-140
Development, employee, 168
Dialogue, internal, 93
Discernment, 55, 184-186, 239, 251
Discipline, 184
Distinction, 39-45
Distress, 21-22
Dreams, 27, 30, 36, 50, 55, 101, 177, 230-231
Driving business objectives, 148
Dyson, Eric, 191-192
Elimination, barrier, 121-123
Employee development, 168
Employees, promises to, 73
Encouragement, 174
Energy, investing, 88
Enthusiasm, 32-33
Evaluating promises, 61-62
Examination of Conscious, 241-244
Expectations, 71, 119, 138-143, 167
Experimentation, 104
Failing to prepare, 235-239
Faith tradition, 41
Family, promises to your, 74
Fear, 14, 43, 63-69, 80, 114, 163-164, 192
Feelings, 127-128
Flourishing customer mindset, 107-108
Flourishing employee mindset, 108-109
Flourishing leadership mindset, 110
Flourishing Performance Formula, 103-105
Focusing on inputs, 95-98
Force-field analysis, 86-88
Forces, promoting, 122-123
Foresight, 84-86
Friends, promises to your, 74
Friendship, respect vs., 203
Future state, 70-71
Future, reclaiming your, 55
Growth, 17-19, 46-47, 78, 104, 116, 178
Holding onto the past, 160-161
Honesty, 116
Hopes, 27, 30, 36, 50, 55, 101, 114, 172, 177
If/then strategy, 153-154
Ignatian Spirituality, 241-244
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 239-244
Imposter syndrome, 66
Improvisation, 205-206
Impurities, leadership, 180
Indifference, 212-214
Individual transformation, 118-119
Influence, positive, 126
Inputs, focusing on, 95-98
Insight, 184-186
Internal dialogue, 93
Investing in oneself, fear of, 68-69
Issues, addressing the, 142-143
Issues, unresolved, 142-143
James, Billie, 113-116
Judgment, 169-171, 180, 182-183
Just doing the minimum, 15
Leadership brand impact, 46-57
Leadership development, 74
Leadership impurities, 180
Leadership persuasion process, 132-135
Leadership purpose, 27-56
Leadership, uninspiring, 166
Level of respect, 137-138
Level of trust, 136-137
Leveraging success, 94
Litton, David, 112-116
Living in fear, 163-164
Maximization, talent, 121
Measuring progress, 100
Metrics, performance, 120
Mindset, 11-16, 17-19, 23, 29, 32, 39, 43, 82, 92-93, 106-107, 109, 120, 196-197
Mindset, flourishing customer, 107-108
Mindset, flourishing employee, 108-109
Mindset, flourishing leadership, 110
Mindset, negative, 159-164
Miscommunication, 20-21
Muscle memory, 207-208
Narrowing your focus, 187
Negative mindset, 159-164
Negative thinking, 164
Neuroscience, 14
Objectives, 87, 99, 132, 134, 148
One-percent rule, 180, 186-188
Opposing barriers, 87
Opposing forces, 86
Past, holding onto the, 160-161
Past, reframing your, 54-55
Patterns, 185-186
Payoff, 165-166
Performance metrics, 120
Perseverance Principle, 93, 191-218
Persuasion Principle, 125-158
Persuasion process, leadership, 132-135
Positivity, 17-19
Poverty mindset, 27-28
Powerful language strategy, 155-158
Praise, 170-179
Praising Principle, 159-190
Preparation Principle, 219-246, 251
Preparing to fail, 235-239
Present, recalibrating your, 55-56
Priorities, 81-86, 132, 134, 153, 189, 202
Priorities, competing, 150-158
Priorities, purpose and, 74-80
Priority-setting, 22-23, 83, 88
Process, leadership persuasion, 132-135
Progress, measuring, 100
Projects Principle, 89-124, 134, 147
Promise evaluation, 61-62
Promises Principle, 57-88, 187
Promises, 57, 58-61, 85, 112, 123, 189, 202
Promoting forces, 86, 87-88, 122-123
Purification, 168-169, 171, 177-188
Purpose of promises, 59-61
Purpose Principle, 27-56, 81, 195, 235
Purpose statement, 38-39
Purpose, 61, 62, 75, 85, 112, 174, 189, 192, 202, 204-205, 208
Purpose, behavior and, 69-72
Purpose, priorities without, 74-80
Purpose, reaffirming the, 139
Purposeful life, 219-223
Questions, value-based, 96
Reaffirming the purpose, 139
Recalibrating your present, 55-56
Reclaiming your future, 55
Reframing your past, 54-55
Respect, 69, 72, 119, 132, 133, 136, 137-138, 167-168
Respect, friendship vs., 203
Responsibilities, clarifying, 140-141
Results acceleration, 123-124
Role modeling, 226-228
Roles, clarifying, 140-141
Saint Ignatius of Loyola, 239-244
Scheduling status updates, 142
Screening process, 125-126
Service, 150-151
Shared aspirations, 78
Show-me-the-money strategy, 156-158
Sincerity, 173-175
Specific praise, 170-171
Specificity, 177-179
Speed, 217-218
Standards, agreed-upon, 136
Starbucks, 232-233
State, future, 70-71
Strategy, 214-218
Stress, 21-22
Success, 66-68, 94, 100, 164, 189, 197, 223-228
Talent maximization, 121
Talent, 31, 33, 35-36, 191-194
Talent, war for, 193-194
Technology, 148-149
Three yeses strategy, 154-155
Time frames, clarifying, 140-141
Time management, 22-23
Time, investing, 88
Timeliness, 175-177
Timely praise, 170
Transformation, individual, 118-119
Transformational Leadership Assessment, 16-17
Trust, 58, 60, 61, 62, 69, 72, 119, 132, 133, 136-137, 167-168
Truth, 115-116
Unclear expectations, 167
Understanding, confirming, 143
Uninspiring leadership, 166
Unresolved issues, 142-143
Value, 31, 33, 34, 36-38, 46, 100
War for talent, 193-194
White space, 94-95
Why, 117-118
Yourself, promises to, 73