Chapter 8
Discovering the different kinds of carbohydrates
Understanding how your body uses carbohydrates
Choosing the foods with the best carbs
Deciphering dietary fiber
Carbohydrates are sugar compounds that plants make when they’re exposed to light. (The name means “carbon plus water.”) This process of making sugar compounds is called photosynthesis, from the Latin photo-, meaning “light,” and synthese, meaning “put together.”
This chapter shines a bright light on the different kinds of carbohydrates, illuminating all the nutritional nooks and crannies to explain how each contributes to your vim and vigor — not to mention a tasty daily menu.
Carbohydrates come in three varieties: simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. All are composed of units of sugar. What makes one carbohydrate different from another is the number of sugar units it contains and how the units are linked together.
What makes simple carbs simple is, well, simple. These relatively small molecules have only one or two units of sugar, which makes them easy to digest — which is why they provide a fast energy lifter.
Complex carbohydrates, which are also known as polysaccharides (poly = many), have more than two units of sugar linked together. Carbs with three to ten units of sugar are sometimes called oligosaccharides (oligo = few).
Because complex carbohydrates may have anywhere from three to several thousand units of sugars, your body takes longer to digest them than it takes to digest simple carbohydrates. As a result, digesting complex carbohydrates releases glucose into your bloodstream more slowly and evenly than digesting simple carbs. (For more about digesting carbs, see the section “Carbohydrates and Energy: A Biochemical Love Story,” later in this chapter.)
Dietary fiber is a term used to distinguish the fiber in food from the natural and synthetic fibers (silk, cotton, wool, and nylon) used in fabrics. Dietary fiber is a third kind of carbohydrate. Like the complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, beta-glucans, and gum) is a polysaccharide. Lignin, a different kind of chemical, is also called a dietary fiber.
Some kinds of dietary fiber also contain units of soluble or insoluble uronic acids, compounds derived from the sugars fructose, glucose, and galactose. For example, pectin — a soluble fiber in apples — contains soluble galacturonic acid.
Your body runs on glucose, the molecules your cells burn for energy. (For more information on how you get energy from food, check out Chapter 3.)
Proteins, fats, and alcohol (as in beer, wine, and spirits) also provide energy in the form of calories. And protein does give you glucose, but it takes a long time, relatively speaking, for your body to get it.
Eating simple carbohydrates such as sucrose (table sugar) provokes higher insulin secretion than eating complex carbohydrates such as starch. If you have a metabolic disorder such as diabetes that keeps you from producing enough insulin, you must be careful not to take in more carbs than you can digest. (See the section “Some people have problems with carbohydrates,” later in this chapter.)
Most healthy people can metabolize even very large amounts of carbohydrate foods easily. Their insulin secretion rises to meet the demand and then quickly settles back to normal. In other words, the fact remains that for most people, a carb is a carb is a carb, regardless of how quickly the sugar enters the bloodstream. You can find the complete story in Diabetes For Dummies, by Alan L. Rubin, MD (Wiley).
For info on why the difference between simple and complex carbs can matter for athletes, see the later section “Some people need extra carbohydrates.”
Inside your cells, glucose is burned to produce heat and adenosine triphosphate, a molecule that stores and releases energy as required by the cell. By the way, nutrition scientists, who have as much trouble pronouncing polysyllabic words as you probably do, usually refer to adenosine triphosphate by its initials: ATP.
The transformation of glucose into energy occurs in one of two ways: with oxygen or without it. Glucose is converted to energy with oxygen in the mitochondria — tiny bodies in the jellylike substance inside every cell. This conversion yields energy (ATP, heat) plus water and carbon dioxide, a waste product.
Red blood cells don’t have mitochondria, so they change glucose into energy without oxygen. This yields energy (ATP, heat) and lactic acid.
Glucose is also converted to energy in muscle cells. When it comes to producing energy from glucose, muscle cells are, well, double-jointed. They have mitochondria, so they can process glucose with oxygen. But if the level of oxygen in the muscle cell falls very low, the cells can just go ahead and change glucose into energy without it. This is most likely to happen when you’ve been exercising so strenuously that you (and your muscles) are, literally, out of breath.
Being able to turn glucose into energy without oxygen is a handy trick, but here’s the downside: One byproduct is lactic acid. Why is that a big deal? Because too much lactic acid makes your muscles ache.
Your cells budget energy very carefully. They don’t store more than they need right now. Any glucose the cell doesn’t need for its daily work is converted to glycogen (animal starch) and tucked away as stored energy in your liver and muscles.
Your body can pack about 400 grams (14 ounces) of glycogen into liver and muscle cells. A gram of carbohydrates — including glucose — has 4 calories. If you add up all the glucose stored in glycogen to the small amount of glucose in your cells and blood, it equals about 1,800 calories of energy.
If your diet provides more carbohydrates than you need to produce this amount of stored calories in the form of glucose and glycogen in your cells, blood, muscles, and liver, the excess will be converted to fat. And that’s how your pasta ends up on your hips.
Providing energy is an important job, but it isn’t the only thing carbohydrates do for you. Carbohydrates also protect your muscles. When you need energy, your body looks for glucose from carbohydrates first. If none is available, because you’re on a carbohydrate-restricted diet or have a medical condition that prevents you from using the carbohydrate foods you consume, your body begins to pull energy out of fatty tissue and then moves on to burning its own protein tissue (muscles). If this use of proteins for energy continues long enough, you run out of fuel and die.
Carbohydrates also
The most important sources of carbohydrates are plant foods — fruits, vegetables, and grains. Milk and milk products contain the carbohydrate lactose (milk sugar), but meat, fish, and poultry have no carbohydrates at all.
The National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends that 45 to 65 percent of your daily calories come from carbohydrate foods, such as grains (bread, cereals, pasta, and rice), fruit, and vegetables, foods that provide simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, and the natural bonus of dietary fiber. Table sugar, honey, and sweets — which provide simple carbohydrates — are recommended only on a once-in-a-while basis.
Some people have a hard time handling carbohydrates. For example, people with Type 1 (“insulin dependent”) diabetes don’t produce sufficient amounts of insulin, the hormones needed to carry all the glucose produced from carbohydrates into body cells. As a result, the glucose continues to circulate in the blood until it’s excreted through the kidneys. That’s why one way to tell whether someone has diabetes is to test the level of sugar in that person’s urine.
Other people can’t digest carbohydrates because their bodies lack the specific enzymes needed to break the bonds that hold a carbohydrate’s sugar units together. For example, many (some say most) Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners, South Americans, and Eastern, Central, or Southern Europeans are deficient in lactase, the enzyme that splits lactose (milk sugar) into glucose and galactose. If these people drink milk or eat milk products, they end up with a lot of undigested lactose in their intestinal tracts. This undigested lactose makes the bacteria living there happy as clams — but not the person who owns the intestines: As bacteria feast on the undigested sugar, they excrete waste products that give their host gas and cramps.
To avoid this anomaly, many national cuisines purposely avoid milk as an ingredient. (Quick! Name one native Asian dish that’s made with milk. No, coconut milk doesn’t count.) To get the calcium their bodies need, these people simply substitute high-calcium foods such as greens or calcium-enriched soy products for milk.
The small amount of glucose in your blood and cells provides the energy you need for your body’s daily activities. The 400 grams of glycogen stored in your liver and muscles provides enough energy for ordinary bursts of extra activity.
But what happens when you have to work harder or longer than that? For example, what if you’re a long-distance athlete, which means that you use up your available supply of glucose before you finish your competition? (That’s why marathoners often run out of gas — a phenomenon called hitting the wall — at 20 miles, 6 miles short of the finish line.)
If you were stuck on an ice floe or lost in the woods for a month or so, after your body exhausts its supply of glucose, including the glucose stored in glycogen, it would start pulling energy first out of stored fat and then out of muscle. But extracting energy from body fat requires large amounts of oxygen — which is likely to be in short supply when your body has run, swum, or cycled 20 miles. So athletes have found another way to leap the wall: They load up on carbohydrates in advance.
Carbohydrate-loading is a dietary regimen designed to increase temporarily the amount of glycogen stored in your muscles in anticipation of an upcoming event. You start about a week before the event, says the University of Maine’s Alfred A. Bushway, PhD, exercising to exhaustion so your body pulls as much glycogen as possible out of your muscles. Then, for three days, you eat foods high in fat and protein and low in carbohydrates to keep your glycogen level from rising again.
Three days before the big day, reverse the pattern. Now you want to build and conserve glycogen stores. What you need is a diet that’s about 70 percent carbohydrates, providing 6 to 10 grams of carbohydrates for every kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight for men and women alike. And not just any carbohydrates, mind you. What you want are the complex carbohydrates in starchy foods like pasta and potatoes, rather than the simple ones more prominent in sugary foods like fruit. And of course, candy.
What about while you’re running, swimming, or cycling? Will consuming simple sugars during the race give you extra short-term bursts of energy? Yes. Sugar is rapidly converted to glycogen and carried to the muscles. But you don’t want plain table sugar (candy, honey) because it’s hydrophilic (hydro = water; philic = loving), which means that it pulls water from body tissues into your intestinal tract. This can increase dehydration and trigger nausea. Getting the sugar you want from sweetened athletic drinks, which provide fluids along with the energy, is safer, especially since the athletic drink also contains salt (sodium chloride) to replace the salt that you lose when perspiring heavily. Turn to Chapter 13 to find out why this is important.
Dietary fiber is a group of complex carbohydrates that aren’t a source of energy for human beings. Because human digestive enzymes can’t break the bonds that hold fiber’s sugar units together, fiber adds no calories to your diet and can’t be converted to glucose.
Ruminants (animals, such as cows, that chew the cud) have a combination of digestive enzymes and digestive microbes that enable them to extract the nutrients from insoluble dietary fiber (cellulose and some hemicelluloses). But not even these creatures can pull nutrients out of lignin, an insoluble fiber in plant stems and leaves and the predominant fiber in wood. As a result, the U.S. Department of Agriculture specifically prohibits the use of wood or sawdust in animal feed.
But just because you can’t digest dietary fiber doesn’t mean it isn’t a valuable part of your diet. The opposite is true. Dietary fiber is valuable because you can’t digest it!
Nutritionists classify dietary fiber as either insoluble fiber or soluble fiber, depending on whether it dissolves in water.
Insoluble dietary fiber includes cellulose, some hemicelluloses, and lignin found in whole grains and other plants. This kind of dietary fiber is a natural laxative. It absorbs water, helps you feel full after eating, and stimulates your intestinal walls to contract and relax. These natural contractions, called peristalsis, move solid materials through your digestive tract.
By moving food quickly through your intestines, insoluble fiber may help relieve or prevent digestive disorders such as constipation or diverticulitis (infection that occurs when food gets stuck in small pouches in the wall of the colon). Insoluble fiber also bulks up stool and makes it softer, reducing your risk of developing hemorrhoids and lessening the discomfort if you already have them.
You’ll find absolutely no fiber in foods from animals: meat, fish, poultry, milk, milk products, and eggs. But you will find lots of dietary fiber in all plant foods — fruits, vegetables, and grains.
A balanced diet with plenty of foods from plants gives you both insoluble and soluble fiber. Most foods that contain fiber have both kinds, although the balance usually tilts toward one or the other. For example, the predominant fiber in an apple is pectin (a soluble fiber), but an apple peel also has some cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.
Table 8-1 shows you which foods are particularly good sources of specific kinds of fiber. A diet rich in plant foods (fruits, vegetables, and grains) gives you adequate amounts of dietary fiber.
Table 8-1 Food Sources of Different Kinds of Fiber
Fiber |
Where the Fiber’s Found |
Soluble fiber |
Pectin |
Fruits (apples, strawberries, citrus fruits) |
Beta-glucans |
Oats, barley |
Gums |
Beans, cereals (oats, rice, barley), seeds, seaweed |
Insoluble fiber |
Cellulose |
Leaves (cabbage), roots (carrots, beets), bran, whole wheat, beans |
Hemicellulose |
Seed coverings (bran, whole grains) |
Lignin |
Plant stems, leaves, and skin |
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average American woman gets about 12 grams of fiber a day from food; the average American man gets about 17 grams. Those figures are well below the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendations that I conveniently list here:
The amounts of dietary fiber recommended by IOM are believed to give you the benefits you want without causing fiber-related unpleasantries. Unpleasantries? Like what? And how will you know if you’ve got them? Trust me: If you eat more than enough fiber, your body will tell you right away. All that roughage may irritate your intestinal tract, which will issue an unmistakable protest in the form of intestinal gas or diarrhea. In extreme cases, if you don’t drink enough liquids to moisten and soften the fiber you eat so it easily slides through your digestive tract, the dietary fiber may form a mass that can end up as an intestinal obstruction. (For more about water, see Chapter 12.)
Table 8-2 shows the amounts of all types of dietary fiber — insoluble plus soluble — in a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) serving of specific foods. By the way, nutritionists like to measure things in terms of 100-gram portions because that makes comparing foods at a glance possible.
Table 8-2 Dietary Fiber Content in Common Foods
Food |
Grams of Fiber in a 100-Gram (3.5-Ounce) Serving |
Bread |
Bagel |
2.1 |
Bran bread |
8.5 |
Pita bread (white) |
1.6 |
Pita bread (whole wheat) |
7.4 |
White bread |
1.9 |
Cereals |
Bran cereal |
35.3 |
Bran flakes |
18.8 |
Cornflakes |
2.0 |
Oatmeal |
10.6 |
Wheat flakes |
9.0 |
Grains |
Barley, pearled (minus its outer covering), raw |
15.6 |
Cornmeal, whole grain |
11.0 |
Degermed |
5.2 |
Oat bran, raw |
6.6 |
Rice, raw (brown) |
3.5 |
Rice, raw (white) |
1.0–2.8 |
Rice, raw (wild) |
5.2 |
Wheat bran |
15.0 |
Fruits |
Apple, with skin |
2.8 |
Apricots, dried |
7.8 |
Figs, dried |
9.3 |
Kiwi fruit |
3.4 |
Pear, raw |
2.6 |
Prunes, dried |
7.2 |
Prunes, stewed |
6.6 |
Raisins |
5.3 |
Vegetables |
Baked beans (vegetarian) |
7.7 |
Chickpeas (canned) |
5.4 |
Lima beans, cooked |
7.2 |
Broccoli, raw |
2.8 |
Brussels sprouts, cooked |
2.6 |
Cabbage, white, raw |
2.4 |
Cauliflower, raw |
2.4 |
Corn, sweet, cooked |
3.7 |
Peas with edible pods, raw |
2.6 |
Potatoes, white, baked, with skin |
5.5 |
Sweet potato, cooked |
3.0 |
Tomatoes, raw |
1.3 |
Nuts |
Almonds, oil-roasted |
11.2 |
Coconut, raw |
9.0 |
Hazelnuts, oil-roasted |
6.4 |
Peanuts, dry-roasted |
8.0 |
Pistachios |
10.8 |
Other |
Corn chips, toasted |
4.4 |
Tahini (sesame seed paste) |
9.3 |
Tofu |
1.2 |
Provisional Table on the Dietary Fiber Content of Selected Foods (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1988)
To find the amount of dietary fiber in your own serving, divide the gram total for the food shown in Table 8-2 by 3.5 to get the grams per ounce, and then multiply the result by the number of ounces in your portion. For example, if you’re having 1 ounce of cereal, the customary serving of ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, divide the gram total of dietary fiber by 3.5; then multiply by 1. If your slice of bread weighs 1/2 ounce, divide the gram total by 3.5; then multiply the result by 0.5 (1/2).
Or you can just look at the nutrition label on the side of the package because it lists the amounts of the nutrients per serving.
Finally, the amounts in Table 8-2 are averages. Different brands of processed products (breads, some cereals, cooked fruits, and vegetables) may have more (or less) fiber per serving.