From Dr. Krista Varady:
I would like to thank my coauthor, Bill Gottlieb; literary agent, Chris Tomasino; and editor, Christine Pride, for all of their hard work, support, and encouragement throughout this process. I am also grateful to Peter Jones and Marc Hellerstein for their outstanding mentorship during my doctoral and postdoctoral degrees. Last, I would like to thank my doctoral students—Surabhi Bhutani, Monica Klempel, Cynthia Kroeger, John Trepanowski, and Kristin Hoddy—for their diligent work in coordinating all of the human trials discussed in this book.
From Bill Gottlieb:
A finished book is an occasion for expressing a lot of gratitude, because so many people (too many to thank here!) have contributed to its creation and completion. But special thanks must go to…
My co-author, Dr. Krista Varady, for her groundbreaking research, lively intelligence, and constant collegiality: Krista, you were the perfect collaborator! To Stephanie Karpinske, for her excellent (and fast!) work in producing the recipes for the book, and for providing an abundance of advice about frozen foods. To Christine Tomasino, my literary agent of 15 years, who has brought her creativity, energy, canny negotiating, and consistent care to each of the 15 books I’ve written: Chris, I can’t thank you enough. To our literary lawyer, Heather Florence, for all her careful, crucial, protective work on behalf of this project. To Matt Inman, our acquisition editor at Hyperion Books; and to Liz Gough, our acquisition editor at Hodder. To Christine Pride, our superb editor, who worked at super-speed, with super-skill, and improved the book immeasurably. To Gretchen Young at Hachette, for all her diligence and kindness; thank you for making sure the manuscript kept moving! And a final thank you to all the other members of the editorial team at Hachette who brought their unique skills to producing this book.