‘The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.’

Plato, Greek philosopher and playwright

It was 10.30 a.m. on a cold winter’s day in 1976. I was 12 years old and walking up a small hill to a classroom at the school I attended in Bath, southwest UK. Tears flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably. I couldn’t stop them, but I sobbed silently. I didn’t want my school friends to see me — boys don’t cry. I walked alone. It was a horrible, horrible day. However, with hindsight, it was an important one. It was the day that I was to make one of the most fundamental decisions of my life, a decision that would shape me and take me on an incredible journey, which until that time I hadn’t foreseen in any way, a decision the importance of which I wouldn’t realize for another 28 years.

My father had woken me that morning as he did every day, but instead of popping his head around the door in his usual jovial manner, he walked silently into my room and I could feel that something was wrong, as he was so obviously different. He sat for a moment, looking at me and shaking his head slowly from side to side. I can still remember his saddened face. He looked away as he spoke, his words full of grief: ‘I don’t know how to tell you, you know your mum was very ill, and I’m so sorry, Richard, she died late last night.’

My parents had divorced six years earlier and my mother noticed lumps in her left breast a few years later. By that time she’d remarried and moved a ten-hour car journey away from where my father, my two brothers, and I lived. We saw her only occasionally, and it was an extremely traumatic time for my brothers and myself — we missed her terribly. Much later I understood that this separation and worry about her three boys would be the cause of her breast cancer, subsequent complications, and her death.

Wanting to find out why she died so tragically and so young started me on a journey that eventually led me to set up Advanced Clearing Energetics, and help thousands of people understand what to this day remains unknown to the medical profession — why we get sick.

The flaw in traditional medicine

Don’t get me wrong; medical doctors do a great job of diagnosing symptoms, whether it’s heart disease or eczema; and then treating the symptoms with an appropriate treatment. But they still can’t tell us what ‘causes’ disease to occur.

Medical science (and many alternative and complementary practices) theorizes that disease is an error of the body, and therefore therapy involves suppressing, killing, or shrinking the issue: e.g., radiation, surgery, or drug therapies. The diagnosis is simple — the body has done something wrong; it is weak or out of balance, and as a result of this, the disease has attacked in that place.

We’ve been taught to believe that, apart from adopting healthy lifestyle habits, disease is beyond our control; it is not our fault and therefore the issue/problem has nothing to do with us. What we think has nothing to do with disease. The mind and body are not connected. And with this belief most people turn to their medical practitioners and ask them to make them well again: ‘Cut it out, zap it, give me drugs to kill the germs, do whatever you want to do to me; just get rid of it and make me well again.’

This approach has worked for many years, and certainly traditional medical techniques have had a profound effect on the world’s general health and longevity over the last 100 years or so. It has driven the pharmaceutical industry relentlessly to develop newer, better, and more dynamic interventions — some of them brilliant. Plus, that’s what we want, isn’t it? A magic pill to pop and then be cured; what could be simpler? And, until recently, there has been a lack of proof of the body—mind connection, so who can blame the doctors or the pharmaceutical industry or society for this behavior?

However, why doesn’t this system of ‘curing’ people work all the time? Time and time again I come across people who are unhappy with the cripplingly expensive, chemical, pill-popping culture, as it usually only masks the symptoms; and the drugs often create more side effects than the original issue. It’s also strange that in the last 20 years, medical practitioners are no longer at the top of the social ladder. Honored in the past for their magical abilities to cure every ailment, they are now more likely to be sued for malpractice than hailed as healers.

There is also the fact that we have an enormous pharmaceutical industry, which plays a massive part in society by keeping government health policy focused on only one system of healing — using chemical resolutions to treat disease, when clearly there is a wealth of evidence proving that this chemical approach accounts for only a small part of the disease jigsaw puzzle.

What’s gone wrong?

I can only speculate on the answer to that question as the facts are still unavailable, but I have some thoughts on this matter, and when you’ve finished reading this book, I believe you may think the same way, too.

For example, are you aware that 60 years ago the medical intervention for cancer was chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery? But at the time it was still in its infancy and experimental. Today the same treatments, with the addition of a little hormone therapy, are still used with cancer patients; and survival rates, despite reported improvements and a huge amount of research worldwide, remain unchanged.

In Questioning Chemotherapy, Ralph Moss PhD talks about how chemotherapy improves cancer patients’ survival by 30 percent. Sounds good, but what does that 30 percent mean? Do people live longer and without recurrence? How are these statistics compiled? Personal supervision? Or by carefully controlled clinical trials?

Ralph Moss explains that the 30 percent often quoted tells people how long they will live without signs of the disease, but doesn’t tell them if they will actually live any longer if they hadn’t had chemotherapy.

He illustrates this point by describing ten randomized controlled trials (RCTs are the gold standard of medical research) of chemotherapy for node-negative breast cancer, which did reduce the rate of recurrence by about one-third but had no visible effect on survival. (An example of the 30 percent improvement often quoted.)

This may surprise you, as the media frequently report dramatic improvements in cancer treatments. However, it seems that the truth isn’t as good as we’ve been led to believe. Yes, breast-cancer recurrence rates are down by 50 percent over the past 30 years, which implies that survival rates are up by 50 percent due to new treatments. Sadly, this is not the case, as most of these efforts are down to better screening, smoking cessation, and education, not new and improved treatments.

When one considers the trillions of dollars, often donated by charities, spent on the so-called war against cancer (not to mention heart disease, diabetes, and other common diseases), these improvements don’t add up. How many more people have to die before medical science starts to look elsewhere than in the bottom of a petri dish, to establish that disease is a sequence triggered by changes in environmental conditions in a ‘live’ human being and not something that a single isolated defective cell decides to do without cause, reason, or explanation? Even a person with a defective gene who suddenly develops a disease, after being healthy, must have had something happen to trigger that gene to change it.

Same disease, different philosophy

You probably think that the basic treatment and philosophies for most diseases are the same worldwide. However, every country has a different approach to treating disease. For example, did you know that there are four separate philosophies for the cause of diabetes and therefore the focus of research and treatment? Let’s look at them:

These are four completely different explanations as to the cause of diabetes, and the same is true in practically all diseases. Undoubtedly all of them could be right. However, the money goes into researching what is in vogue at the time in that particular country. What this means for the patient is that medical research is a lotto based on who has the cash, the research team that thinks they might be able to prove something is happening, and what drugs can be developed from this research. The sales of the drug pay for the investment in research, and what is left over is profit for the company. Let’s be clear, I don’t think anyone is conspiring to do anything wrong here, but the process of the development of a wonder cure is not as idealistic as we may think.

Over the last 100 years, we’ve put a man on the moon, built wonderful new buildings and other engineering masterpieces, and have done things with technology that were pure science fiction in the 1950s; just look at an iPad or smartphone and you can see how technology is changing everything in our world. Meanwhile, quantum physics tells us we are not who we think we are, and that matter is just pure energy, while quantum mechanics has been able to explain some of the world’s most incredible phenomena. We can blow up the world 1,000 times over with nuclear weapons, see things at a million times magnification through electron microscopes, and through genetics we can determine many of the imprints that make up the biological blueprint of our bodies.

Despite all these advances, the medical profession remains unquestioning about the cause of disease and seems content with the ‘not known’ conclusion.

State of health

Cancer affects six to seven million people worldwide and is on the increase, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).1 It is the third biggest killer after heart disease and death due to medical intervention. Yes, you did read it correctly. Medical intervention that goes wrong is either the first or second biggest killer. The figures are rarely mentioned and seem to be a closely guarded secret, but they are there.2

However, needless to say, without medical care many unnecessary deaths would also occur. It’s a catch-22. If modern medicine is introduced into a developing country, the survival rate increases dramatically. People’s lives get better; they don’t die of cholera, malaria, or other diseases such as smallpox. Cheap cataract operations, and modern surgical techniques applied in these countries, improve and save many more lives. Drugs have solved and do solve many problems, and some of the interventions are truly amazing and are definitely lifesavers.

The question I want to address, however, is that of stress and disease. There is a huge amount of research indicating that there is a link between chronic stress and most of the major diseases,3 but it is usually considered a discrete issue of the mind rather than a cause of more serious diseases and issues in the body.

So why, if stress is implicated as a factor in disease, do medical professionals continue to prescribe drugs that only mask the symptoms, rather than addressing the issue of stress itself?


On a flight to Australia I happened to be sitting next to Jessica, who asked my advice about a skin problem, which had appeared all over her neck and chest/belly area in the last four weeks. Skin problems such as this are often due to separation issues, and she told me that her fiancé had decided to go to Australia to set up a business. As she spoke, she went red and her eyes became watery, so I asked her, ‘Why don’t you pack in your job and move over to Australia with him?’ She went bright red again and tears welled up in her eyes. Clearly she was under a lot of stress. She told me that she could cope with him being away but couldn’t bear being away from her family.

Her doctor had no idea what caused the skin problem or why it started. But it was obvious when I pointed it out to her. The skin issue prevented her from feeling the separation (you literally don’t feel the separation on your skin because it goes numb; this is what I call the ‘Stress Stage’ of the disease, which I’ll discuss in more detail in Chapter 5. However, rather than seeing that her issue was due to the stress of separation, her doctor prescribed a steroid cream, which has the long-term effects of thinning the skin and, most likely, exacerbating the condition.

This is just the first of many case studies that you’ll read about in this book, but Jessica’s story goes some way to explaining why medical doctors have such a difficult time diagnosing an issue; it is due to the fact that they are guessing all the time as to what is causing the problem. Faced with a medical issue, their only options are drug therapies or surgery. There is often no link made between the mind and the body to reveal why a disease is there and what might be the next set of symptoms. The drugs they prescribe have one side effect followed by another, the explanation of which is based on old science, but this is not how the body behaves.

Those doctors who are dissatisfied with simply being drug pushers have to reinvent themselves and pursue a career in a different way. Three people who come to mind who have successfully achieved this are Dr. Deepak Chopra, author of Quantum Healing; Dr. Christiane Northrup, who has written many books including Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom; and Dr. Carl Simonton, one of the forefathers in this modern approach where the mind and body are totally linked. He wrote an amazing book called Getting Well Again.

Doctors, stuck in their traditional practices, are not encouraged to look at other possible causes of a problem. This means that even in a modern hospital, the consultant deals only with his or her specialty, with little regard for other specialists. Psychologists rarely mix with medical doctors, as the mind has no perceived connection with disease even in the one place it should — your hospital.

So why is this not happening?

Medicine means business

We all assume that every doctor is as good as the next, but we never think that of a business owner or designer. Each doctor has a different character and, since conventional medicine is based on hypothesis with no real science to back up why something works or not, doctors can be easily led. This is where business does come into the equation — in the form of drug companies.

Call me cynical, but the fact remains that money, not cures, is the driving force in the pharmaceutical industry. And if I were in the pharmaceutical industry, I would be rubbing my hands together because I’d know my job would have been done; billions of dollars of taxpayers’ and medical insurance money going right into my pockets. Medicine is driven by money, and if you know how to play the game, you can win the jackpot regularly.

This issue with the pharmaceutical industry, the medical profession, and the political situation is unlikely to change. The only thing that will affect change will be public awareness. I believe that if people start asking the really challenging questions when diagnosed with a disease, then the medical profession will be forced to review their outdated hypotheses about disease. People haven’t started asking these questions yet. But they will, and when they do, the Berlin Wall of the medical profession will come tumbling down. I predict that the doctors who have been keeping this status quo will be left standing with nothing on except their white coats, saying ‘Oops! We made a mistake.’ The information in this book is too challenging for them to admit they have made a mistake, but ultimately, they will. In the meantime, start thinking about the questions that your medical practitioner can’t answer, simple questions such as:

Change will happen, but not because the medical profession realizes that the body has made a mistake or that the mind and body are interlinked. The change will happen through political and economic forces and due to millions of people asking the questions, only to be given answers that consistently don’t add up.

The mind—body connection

If it sounds as if I’m criticizing the medical profession. I’m not. Doctors do incredible work and save millions of lives, but I do challenge their outdated belief system. What I believe, and found to be true in my work with Advanced Clearing Energetics, is that there is a factor that runs through all diseases; there is a specific ‘cause,’ which is based on the latest research and understanding about disease.

We know that disease is the result of a trigger; we know that, and wonderful things are happening in science, as it evolves and challenges our current paradigms of thinking. But when it comes to medicine, these changes have gone unacknowledged or even unconsidered. Take, for example, the implications of epigenetics, the new science born out of genetic research, which is challenging the very philosophies of modern medicine regarding how diseases are created.

Professor Wolf Reik at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, UK, has spent years studying this hidden ghost world of DNA and epigenetics. He has found that merely manipulating the embryos of mice, without changing their DNA in any way, is enough to trigger ‘switches’ that turn a gene’s expression on or off.4 His work5 has shown that these switches can be inherited, which means that a shocking ‘memory’ of an event could be passed down through generations. In other words, a simple environmental effect can switch a gene’s expression on or off, and this change can be inherited.

For example, a great-grandparent who went through a famine passes on an expression of a gene that tells the body to gorge when it can, and store excess food so it won’t starve to death in the future. Parents who limit a grandchild’s intake of food, for health reasons, could be causing the child’s body to trigger this inherited gene’s expression and the child to become clinically obese.

This means that a shocking experience suffered by a great-grandparent is remembered and passed down intelligently through the gene pool to a grandchild. If that grandchild experiences something environmentally similar to that experienced by the great-grandparent, that event then triggers the same learned pattern; it causes that key specific gene, with the memory stored in it, to alter its expression (not create a new gene or change its coding, but to switch on how that gene expresses itself in the body).

This goes a long way to prove that genes and the environment are not mutually exclusive, but inextricably intertwined; the environment affects the gene. The environment is linked to why we get sick.

The research into epigenetics is also backed up by discoveries showing that it is the cell membrane and not the DNA that is responsible for determining how the DNA switches itself on and off. Cells change their structure and function based on their environment.6

Our thoughts also affect our body. It has now been proven through neuropeptide research that the mind and body are connected as one. This means that as you think, you affect the whole of your neurology, and this forms the basis of applied kinesiology (which uses muscle testing to find the cause of disease and can be used in Advanced Clearing Energetics). We now know so much more about the body and what it is doing than we did in the 1950s, when medicine promised us a pill or drug that could cure everything.

So why hasn’t the medical fraternity learned from these breakthroughs? It’s as if these doctors are burying their heads in the sand and ignoring what has happened around them in the last 50 to 60 years. A simple example of this is if you give someone a drug that is supposed to solve a complex issue, which has been tested using Newtonian physics, developed by Sir Isaac Newton (1643–1727), but we now know the body works in a quantum mechanical way, as discovered in the 1920s.

A drug affects every part of the body, not just the organ it is designed to treat. Consequently, you get side effects. In this instance, the medical fraternity is using science based on a system that is more than 350 years old (Newtonian physics). The literature explaining quantum biology is available, but it seems as if the medical fraternity refuses to listen. Bruce Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief covers this whole premise of quantum science applied to medicine very well.

There are many more examples of this ostrich head-burying phenomenon, some of which I will mention later, but one of the craziest is that the cause of practically every illness, disease, pain, or disorder is not known. It is true, your doctor and all the medical scientists out in the world don’t know what causes 99 percent or most of the diseases. Look in any medical dictionary or on the internet and you’ll find ‘the cause of this disease is not known.’ There are hypotheses as to what may cause a disease, but they remain categorically unproven.

What seems to be happening in medicine is all based on old science and a lot of guesswork as to what is going on inside people when they have a disease. The science is there and has been for many years, but the medical industry refuses to accept or implement any of this new science. Meanwhile, the $50 billion-a-year cancer treatment business7 is increasing by 15 percent every year8 and, according to an article in the New York Times written by Andrew Pollack in September 2009:

‘Virtually every large pharmaceutical company seems to have discovered cancer, and a substantial portion of the smaller biotechnology companies are focused on it as well. Together, the companies are pouring billions of dollars into developing cancer drugs.’

It seems the medical fraternity isn’t really interested in the cause of a disease: why a lump appears in a breast, why someone gets eczema, why a person suffers horrendously with IBS, why a cyst appears, why a person gets chronic backaches. What causes any of these issues cannot be explained, so the cause is ignored, as is the patient who asks why their disease is there, and why at this moment in his or her life? The doctor can’t tell these patients because they simply don’t know.

It poses a real question that no one has asked the medical fraternity: ‘How can you claim to cure a disease (and medical practitioners are the only people who can claim to cure someone) if you don’t know what caused it to occur in the first place?’

Please understand me, I believe the medical fraternity and doctors do a magnificent job; they are fantastic diagnosticians. When it comes to breaking a limb or an emergency situation, for example, the ER is the place to go. Plastic surgery is incredible, and many drugs are lifesavers. It is just the flawed way of approaching the cause of disease that I believe must change.

As a youngster, I would listen with bated breath as the next cure for cancer was announced. Many decades on, I am still waiting. In fact, I’ve given up. Finding a pill, drug, serum, or treatment is unlikely to happen. We have thrown all the money we can at cancer, but where’s the cure? When are all the people who dig their hands in their pockets to support the various cancer charities going to realize that no magic drug will ever be developed to ‘cure’ this disease? This way of looking at the body has not worked so far, and I’m prepared to say that this approach will not bring results in the future.

As I mentioned earlier, over the last 50 years many therapeutic interventions have remained the same. Those cancer-research scientists are still looking inside the body for the wonder drug instead of looking outside at the bigger picture, and at what has been going on in their own backyard. The attitude of the medical profession has not changed: the mind—body link has not been acknowledged; DNA is still regarded as the culprit for all diseases; and the medical profession has ignored many of the biological breakthroughs since the 1980s, some of which prove that it is the cell membrane that controls how DNA expresses itself. This means that the environment, everything that is going on outside the cell, has a massive impact on how the cell reacts inside.

DNA is dumb. It can be compared to the hard drive of a computer; it does nothing until it is told what to do. That message comes from the CPU (central processing unit — the main processing chip of a computer), which controls how the files are accessed and used. Why in modern medicine does consciousness, which is like the CPU, still play no part in telling the body what to do and what not to do, regardless of the undeniable evidence that proves that our thoughts affect our body? When it comes to so-called modern medicine, unfortunately I believe we are living in a bygone age. Advanced Clearing Energetics challenges that outdated perspective and is able to offer the answers.

How Advanced Clearing Energetics treats disease

Advanced Clearing Energetics uses a doctor’s diagnosis and works backward from it to find the original cause of the disease, condition, or issue — the event that triggered the disease.

The trigger is usually a dramatic change in the environment — an event that is full of a lot of energy and which the body has no strategy for dealing with. It’s something so stressful that it causes the DNA to change and create disease. Events such as being ripped away from someone we love, or a sudden change of behavior as with addictions, for example. The feelings shock the body because they are so unfamiliar and the person doesn’t know how to deal with them.

Medical practitioners treat the symptom with the aim of getting rid of the disease by using drugs, surgery, heating, freezing, or other therapies to make the symptoms disappear. In Advanced Clearing Energetics, treatment means helping the person learn from and clear the trapped energy of the stressful event that produced the disease, pain, or psychological issue; the body then repairs itself, something it does naturally.

We’ll be looking at the evidence in more detail in Chapter 3, but for now let’s say that disease is due to stress, which we can say with certainty was passed down to us through past events, often before our birth and very commonly from our parents. Most people completely agree with this and say, ‘I always knew stress caused disease,’ and it was this understanding together with an unusual set of circumstances that caused me to set up Advanced Clearing Energetics.

The beginnings of Advanced Clearing Energetics

In 1992, while studying NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), I came across the brilliant work of Dr. Tad James, called Time-Line Therapy®. He said that the cause of cancer was a decision we make 12 to 36 months prior to the cancer showing up in the body. He mentioned some literature from a maverick German doctor, Dr. Geerd Hamer, and it was looking through this information that made me realize that there seemed to be an energetic component to disease — that a shock shows up in the brain and in an organ of a person, based on embryology (see p.167). Here was part of my answer to my mother’s death, and it was the first thing that I had heard, in more than 20 years of searching for the cause of my mother’s death, that actually made sense.

I continued researching this element of disease by training to become a master trainer in META-Medicine®, a diagnostic tool based on Hamer’s work, which assists a trained practitioner in understanding the emotional event that causes a disease to occur. It was created to share Hamer’s information with a wider international audience.

I was around at the start of META-Medicine, and over the following years I developed the material extensively. In the beginning it was all theory and, to be honest, didn’t work very well, as it was very complicated and required medical training to understand how to make it work. However, by applying my extensive NLP knowledge, I changed META-Medicine considerably so practitioners could easily find the stressful event and apply their therapeutic intervention.

During this time, I also learned how to interpret the trapped energetic imprints that can be read in brain CT scans (computerized tomography, also known as CAT scans). From a brain CT scan, someone trained in this field can read the information and tell the subject their complete disease history.

I also worked with Karl Dawson, who introduced me to Matrix Reimprinting, and we had amazing success with one lady called Cathy when we cleared her bipolar disorder in 50 minutes (you can watch this by visiting And I was spurred on in my work by the amazing Karin Davidson, creator of Soul Reconnecting (; and Peter Fraser of NES Health who made some groundbreaking discoveries about how the mind and body hold trapped energy in its system. NES Health uses an advanced combination of acupuncture and homeopathy to measure the human body field, giving an energetic understanding of what is happening in the body (

Over the next few years I developed my theories into the Meta Healing Process. I delivered training courses worldwide and on the internet. My students started to see similar results, and I knew I was on to something very special.


One of my students consulted me because she had stopped menstruating. She was 44 and wanted to know why it had started so early. Menopause can happen earlier than normal due to a shock, so I asked her if she’d lost a child. She hadn’t, but told me that she’d always wanted children, but her husband had made it clear that he didn’t want them.

From my knowledge of reading CT scans, I knew that energy becomes trapped in the brain and the body in specific locations in line with embryology (see also Thinking, emotions, and disease). And from my knowledge of NLP, I also knew that this energy corresponded to a shock, meaning it had to have a visual element, auditory sound, a feeling, a taste, or smell to it. I also knew from being a trainer in hypnotherapy that you could talk to any organ in the body. So I asked my student to talk to her ovaries. What happened next was amazing. They spoke back.

Her ovaries were angry with her because she always put work before family. I then asked her to go to the brain location that represented her ovaries. Again, more information started to flow about how lost she felt in not having children. Then I asked her to go to the heart, and the shock that started the whole issue came up. It was an event that happened when she was looking at a new apartment with her husband. She mentioned something about the apartment not being big enough if they were ever to have children. It was her husband’s reaction that completely shocked her. He became extremely angry and dismissed her, saying she would make a useless mother.

We worked on the shock and cleared out all the energy around these events and left it at that. I met her three months later, and she was delighted to tell me that her periods had returned. Many other changes had occurred as well. She spoke to her husband about the event that shocked her. Thankfully, he was amazingly supportive and they started to try for children, but also talked about adopting a child. She told me everything changed in a really amazing way that day.

In June 2011, I traveled again to see Peter Fraser in Spain. Over the previous few years I’d been integral in developing techniques that accelerated finding the shocks using NES brain infoceuticals: special bottles of water imprinted with specific energy, which communicate with the different embryonic layers; and a separate infoceutical called Liberator, which can be used to release trapped energy.

Peter had been working to integrate his energetic principles of the human body field into the Global Scaling work of Hartmut Müller. Global Scaling mathematically explains the scale and vibration of everything, such as how atoms come together to form compounds, and why our organs are the perfect size for our bodies, right up to why planets are the size they are. Together we were able to finally piece together what was really happening inside the body as a disease happened. It was not how either of us originally thought; in fact, it was far more beautiful than that. Neither of us really understood fully what we had discovered that day, but we both knew it was profound, because it was mathematical in nature; and meant we could piece together why, how, and what the body would do next in a disease.

While in Australia in August 2012, along with Rose Hayman and Cyril Bourke of the ZapHouse, I understood what Peter and I had put together. It is still incredible work, and I will share more of that in my next book, How Can I Heal?

The final piece of the puzzle came from Charles Matthew, who trained with Dr. Tad James, and showed me some very interesting techniques for clearing energy at a deep level. I deciphered his techniques and integrated them into all my previous work, combining them into one simple yet profound teaching — Advanced Clearing Energetics, which literally transforms pain into learning.

How Advanced Clearing Energetics works

In my research with Peter Fraser of NES Health, we established that during the original shocking event, the heart communicates with the brain and the guts, which in turn decide on the organ best suited to deal with the event. Which organ is picked is based on embryology (how we develop from an egg into a fetus; see Embryology) — basically how we are made. The organ then goes to work, altering itself as part of the whole process. Some simple examples of this would be:

After this an amazing chain of events occurs; the chosen organ changes itself to support the person through the situation, perhaps by growing or shrinking, adding or taking away cells, depending on the job with which it has been tasked. It is during these different stages that we experience symptoms, the very same symptoms that a medical practitioner labels ‘disease.’

In Advanced Clearing Energetics we use this model of the heart, brain, organs, and guts, and then go back to the original imprint of the problem and clear the reason that caused the energy to become trapped. The result? The body returns to normality and health, repairing itself naturally. Digestive health returns, the skin heals, the muscles rebuild, and the urge to drink or take drugs stops.

The beginnings of an answer…

Advanced Clearing Energetics is not a cure; I’ve never cured anyone of a disease. Advanced Clearing Energetics is about transforming pain created by specific stressful events that cause certain diseases, into learning. By working back from symptoms labeled disease, psychological issues, or pain and through simple questioning, it is possible to release the underlying imprint that caused the epigenetic switches to be changed in our bodies, therefore allowing the body to complete its own healing and return to wellness.

It is important for me to say that Advanced Clearing Energetics doesn’t supersede a conventional medical diagnosis. We also consider complementary, alternative, or energetic viewpoints; all of these disciplines have merit at some level. Advanced Clearing Energetics can work before, during, and after any therapeutic intervention except in the case of emergency life-threatening issues (which require immediate medical attention), and much rehabilitation work is as a result of accidents. However, in this instance, knowledge of Advanced Clearing Energetics can assist any medical practitioner in how to plan an intervention.

Advanced Clearing Energetics can also identify what caused the disease in the first place. It can explain the reasons why the body is showing symptoms (e.g., the size of a tumor), the length of a disease, why a disease becomes chronic. Also, important questions such as why a disease appears hereditary, what the next symptoms will be, where the person is within the disease process, how long a disease will take to complete its cycle, what will be the next stage and, therefore, what symptoms to expect.

Allergies, chronic or recurring diseases, water retention, epileptic seizures, migraines, and cardiac arrests can be explained. Plus, why we change our personality, our spiritual nature, our reaction to certain stimuli in the environment, and why we change socially.

With many new techniques that have come from Advanced Clearing Energetics, we are also seeing clients healing themselves with very few of the painful symptoms often associated with returning to wellness. We are also seeing magical changes in people’s personalities, such as clinical depression lifting within hours, sprained or physically damaged ankles healing within a day, and swelling reducing right in front of a client’s eyes. All of these seemingly miraculous changes can be explained scientifically as well.

In addition, metastasis (the development of secondary cancers) can finally be correctly explained, as can the role of microbes, bacteria, viruses, and fungi and why they are not the evil, nasty villains of nature that should be eliminated at all costs in order for a person to survive (see also Chapter 9). Additionally, psychological issues such as depression, bulimia, bipolar disorder, acute anxiety, and other forms of neurosis and psychosis also have an answer and energetic solutions.

Advanced Clearing Energetics is really a way of clearing the energetic imprint that caused a disease to occur in the first place, and therefore allows the body to complete its healing naturally. It literally transforms pain into learning because it recognizes that the body creates a disease due to trapped energy in the mind, body, guts, and heart. Once you release the trapped energy by finding the reason for it and learning from that, then the body goes back into a natural flow. The disease corrects itself.

I meet many people who just want an answer to the question of their own disease. They want to know, ‘Why am I sick?’ and in my quest to understand my mother’s death, I can now say that I know what caused her breast cancer. I know what caused it to spread to her lymph glands, her liver, and her bones. I know why she died and why chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery didn’t work.


My mother developed cancer three years after leaving her sons; the emotional wrench she experienced when she realized her boys wouldn’t be living with her was too much for her. She rationalized her decision; she chose love over her children. But being unable to nurture, and being separated from my brothers and me, are what caused the breast cancer to occur.

Women’s breasts are the point of nurture, and after the worry of separation from the three boys began to subside, the left breast developed a tumor called a ‘ductal carcinoma in situ’ (a type of breast cancer that can develop as the milk ducts begin to repair). She battled with further shocks due to medical diagnosis and a mastectomy, which meant she no longer felt like a woman. Complications brought on by the surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy depleted her very life-source energy (the mitochondria).

My mother left my father to be with another man, who couldn’t afford to feed and house her three boys; and she was only able to see us occasionally because she lived an eight- to ten-hour drive away. Understanding that her breast cancer was caused by the separation from her children, and that she could have prevented it, was a huge revelation to me; and has given me a massive mental release and closure on her tragic death.

In the next chapter, we’ll explore why diseases happen. Is it because we caught a virus, our DNA is defective, or because we ate something that was contaminated through bacteria, or could it be more obvious than that? Or could it be due to something we all know about, but the medical profession and even complementary and alternative practitioners choose to ignore?