2.6    Data Model Simplification

In the traditional SAP Business Suite, inventory document data was stored in two main tables: table MKPF (Header Data) and table MSEG (line item). The link between these two tables was established by table MBLNR (Material Document Number) and table MJAHR (Fiscal Year).

Stock quantities are stored in 15 different tables. Out of the 15 tables, 3 were for master data tables with stock quantities. The remaining tables are pure aggregate tables, and each aggregate table is shadowed by a history table to store stock quantity of previous periods. Aggregate tables contain redundant information because stock quantities were calculated as the sum of material movement documents in table MKPF and table MSEG. However, these were necessary due to technology limitations.

With the new SAP S/4HANA in-memory technology, these limitations aren’t valid, and a single table, MATDOC, has replaced all of the traditional IM tables.

Table 2.4 provides details of tables replaced with SAP S/4HANA. The new table MATDOC contains header and item level data. With SAP S/4HANA, material document data will be stored only in table MATDOC.

Table Table Description
MSTQ Stock in Transit for Project
MSTE Stock in Transit to Sales and Distribution Document
MSTB Stock in Transit
MSSQ Project Stock Total
MSSA Total Customer Orders on Hand
MSPR Project Stock
MSLB Special Stocks with Supplier
MSKU Special Stocks with Customer
MSKA Sales Order Stock
MKOL Special Stocks from Supplier
MCHB Batch Stocks
MSSL Total Special Stocks with Supplier

Table 2.4    SAP Business Suite Tables That Have Been Replaced with Table MATDOC in SAP S/4HANA

Additionally, the aggregated actual stock quantities won’t be required anymore in the hybrid or replaced aggregation tables. Instead, actual stock quantity data will be calculated on the fly from the new material document table MATDOC.