5.8    SAP Ariba

SAP Ariba is a commerce cloud platform that enables an enterprise to carry out the entire source to pay process and helps organizations control costs, minimize risks, and improve profits. SAP S/4HANA is the source system for providing master data (suppliers, SAP General Ledger [G/L] account, and cost center) to SAP Ariba. Transactional documents such as purchase orders, goods receipts, and contracts get replicated in real time from SAP Ariba to SAP S/4HANA. SAP Ariba includes the following solution components:

5.8.1    Ariba Network

The cloud-based Ariba Network enables buyers and suppliers to collaborate efficiently to manage business processes. Buyers can exchange purchase orders electronically with Ariba Network, and suppliers use Ariba Network to exchange order confirmations and advance shipping notifications (ASNs), and to send invoices effectively.

Ariba Network provides the following benefits:

Ariba Network delivers benefits and value to companies of all sizes, industries, and regions. Figure 5.23 shows Ariba Network value propositions for suppliers and buyers.

SAP Ariba Network Value Proposition

Figure 5.23    SAP Ariba Network Value Proposition

Following are the Ariba Network key capabilities:

5.8.2    SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing (Upstream)

SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing covers sourcing, contract management, and spend analysis, and it has the following solution components:

SAP Ariba Sourcing Tools and Services

Figure 5.24    SAP Ariba Sourcing Tools and Services

5.8.3    SAP Ariba Procurement Content (Downstream)

SAP Ariba Procurement Content covers operational procurement activities. SAP Ariba Procurement Content contains the following solution components:

SAP Ariba Procure-to-Pay Integration with SAP S/4HANA and Ariba Network

Figure 5.25    SAP Ariba Procure-to-Pay Integration with SAP S/4HANA and Ariba Network

5.8.4    SAP S/4HANA Native Integration with Ariba Network

Prior to SAP S/4HANA, collaboration between suppliers and buyers was limited because many manual interfaces have to be built to support collaboration, and the wait time after each transaction caused a longer procurement cycle.

SAP S/4HANA provides native (built-in) integration to Ariba Network for buyers and suppliers to effectively collaborate and exchange purchase orders, confirmations, ASNs, goods receipts, and invoices. No separate add-on is required. Document exchange between SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba occurs through commerce Extensible Markup Language (cXML). Figure 5.26 shows the standard integration between SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba.

SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba Standard Integration

Figure 5.26    SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba Standard Integration

Purchase Order Collaboration

Let's explore purchase order collaboration's four main functions:

Invoice Collaboration

The three main statuses in the invoice collaboration process include receive, send and validate. Let's explore these further:

Following are the key benefits of SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba Native integration: