6.6    Output Management

In SAP ERP, outputs required throughout the order lifecycle are configured in the system and are generated based on condition records. Standard output documents are provided as Smart Forms, which can be used directly or can be leveraged as a basis for custom output forms.

With SAP S/4HANA, output management is configured based on Business Rules Framework plus (BRFplus) rules, and the standard output documents are offered through Adobe Document Server (ADS) and Adobe forms. The new Output Management functionality contains cloud-like qualities that support flexibility in output management, easy extensibility, and user-friendly maintenance. For example, using the rules-based setup, an invoice can be printed for a bill-to role, emailed to a payer role, and sent through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to the sold-to role.

To set up Output Management rules, a number of technical steps must be completed before. The BRFplus application for Output Management must be uploaded to the SAP S/4HANA system, ADS must be defined as a Remote Function Call (RFC) destination, and the content server must be maintained. After the technical steps are completed, the output forms must be configured. The configuration for Output Management has moved from the Sales and Distribution area of the IMG to the Cross Application Components section of the IMG, as all types of output are managed through the BRFplus rules. The output types must be defined and then assigned to the required output channels. The SAP-provided Adobe Forms can be used as master templates for defining the output and will define attributes such as page size, layout, and sender and receiver information. Table 6.5 compares the configuration steps required for output management in SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA.

Configuration Step SAP ERP SAP S/4HANA
Application Application object:
  • V1 – Sales
  • V2 – Billing
Application object:
Define and assign output procedure Output procedures configured with rules to determine which output is created and in what order BRFplus rules used to determine which output is created
Output type Multiple output types defined such as:
  • RD00
  • RD04
A single output type defined and assigned to documents based on BRFplus rules
Access sequence Table configured to define output rules Any combination of fields in the BRFplus rules used for output determination
Access table Combination of fields used for output condition record setup Any combination of fields in the BRFplus rules used for output determination
Output requirement Routine requirements defined and assigned to documents BRFplus rules used to determine output relevance

Table 6.5    Configurations Steps Required for Output Management in SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA

After the output types have been configured, the BRFplus rules are used to set up the business rules for outputs. The following list outlines the various determination rules and examples of what can be set up in the system:

Figure 6.11 shows an example of BRFplus rules set up for invoice output.

Output Management Maintenance Completed via BRFplus Rules

Figure 6.11    Output Management Maintenance Completed via BRFplus Rules

SAP S/4HANA provides a number of SAP Fiori apps for Output Management. Users can maintain email and form templates, easily changing existing templates or creating new templates. They can also schedule billing outputs and review email and print transmissions, thereby identifying errors in transmission sooner and reducing impact to outstanding items due from customers.

6.6.1    SAP ERP System Upgrade to SAP S/4HANA

The Output Management function in SAP S/4HANA supports traditional channels of communication to the customer, which are print, email, and IDoc functionality. In SAP ERP systems, table NAST output functionality is also used to support postprocessing output types. When upgrading to SAP S/4HANA, if there is an output using transition mediums Special Function (8), Events (9), Distribution (A), or Tasks (T), which will be converted to the new system, the Application Object Type needs to be deactivated through Customizing. Then these output types will be managed through traditional table NAST processing.