The Suit of Wands

Your growth, inspiration, and ambition.

The Wands suit represents inspiration, aspiration, and transformation. This suit reveals your ambition and motivates you toward achievements. When you look at the cards of this suit, you can see budding leaves sprouting from the staves. Wands represent growth. Each of the Court cards in the Wands suit reveals a charismatic figure. They each have a strong belief in their abilities.

Wands are potent symbols for the element of Fire. Fire transforms everything it touches. It burns away the old and can melt even the hardest metal into a new form. Without Fire, there would be no civilization or technological advances. Wands in a reading are immensely transformative. When Wands cluster around other cards in a reading, they reveal which area of your life is growing or transforming. The Wands suit can also light a proverbial fire under your behind to get you to grow!

When a multitude of Wand cards appears, expect events to speed up. Wands signify swift movement, energy, passion, and excitement. They can also reveal if there is more improvement to be done. This suit often represents youth and newness.

Wand cards can also signify talent. They reveal how to use your personal abilities to strive for a better life. Look at the other cards that appear around Wand cards to give you a clue as to where your greatest talents and potential can be expressed.

Finally, Wands are confident! They rekindle your courage and remind you to have faith in yourself.



Magical inspiration.


The Ace of Wands represents breakthroughs, inspiration, and new ideas. It heralds a brilliant epiphany that can transform your reality. Like the many leaves sprouting from the wand, you are experiencing an exciting period of mental growth. You are branching out into new realms of possibilities. The Ace of Wands motivates fresh concepts that can carry you over old obstacles.

Do you have a lot of great ideas but lack the confidence to act on them? Do you hesitate on acting toward your dreams because you fear failure? Have you hit the same old brick wall, feeling that it is preventing you from making a huge breakthrough?

A divine hand emerges from a cloud, offering you a magic wand. This wand can provide you with the ability to make all your dreams come true. If you were to fully grasp this wand, you would be flooded with bright ideas that bring solutions to old problems. Wands are symbols of brilliant inspiration seemingly channeled from above.

An old ruined castle sits aloft a hill in the distance. This symbolizes that old barriers of outdated thinking are now crumbling. Former creative blocks are being transcended. New ideas will carry you over previously impenetrable walls.

Wands have a long history of helping characters in the fairy tales overcome seemingly impossible odds. The Fairy Godmother used her magic wand to send Cinderella to the ball in a pumpkin after all hope seemed lost. But even magic seems to have a catch. The wand’s magical effects always seem to have a time limit. With Cinderella, it was the stroke of midnight. This symbolizes that you must act fast when divine inspiration strikes you. If you don’t take full advantage of your creative ideas, your carriage will revert to a pumpkin, and your beautiful horses will once again become mice. However, if you do act on the magic being offered (just as Cinderella did), you can go to the ball, make an impression, and transform a magical dream into a wonderful reality.

Cinderella didn’t think to herself, “Well, I am actually just a cleaning lady, so even with all these magical opportunities, I won’t allow the prince to see me. What would he even think of me? Magic doesn’t exist anyway, so why try?” No! Cinderella took that fairy’s magic and ran with it! Be confident in yourself ! You are also worthy of any success you can dream of.

Leaves fall from the Ace of Wands. This is a symbol for spring eventually turning to autumn. This reflects the truth that your opportunity won’t last forever. The magic of your mind is only as good as your ability to act without hesitation when struck by divine inspiration. Go for it!

Ace of Wands Reversed

If the Ace of Wands appears reversed, it reminds you to stop wishing and start doing. Today, don’t let your brilliant ideas slip away! Write them down and come up with a plan for practical manifestation. All solutions are available to you. Old barriers are crumbling, revealing glimpses of magical future possibilities. Why not take the action required to have your dream?! You can do it, but only if you are willing. Once your rough ideas are written down, refine them. Flesh out the details of how to make your goals realities. Seek out the correct information. Consult with those who are in the know. Research your goal on the internet. Take a risk! The Ace of Wands reversed can bring about the feeling of not knowing where to begin. Do not let this feeling paralyze you. Begin somewhere, wherever you are. Don’t worry about doing it correctly; just take the first step toward your goal. If you begin, momentum will kick in and take you to the next step.

You are being offered a magic wand to wave, and this can change everything! It comes in the form of inspired ideas that have already been churning around inside your head. Write these ideas down, and then act on them. Just like the wand’s magic, brilliant ideas are fleeting. They are just “fairy stories” you tell yourself, until you make them happen. There is magic working within your mind. Channel it!


“I’ll finally be happy when …”


The Two of Wands represents the sense that there is something missing, and that if you were to get that thing, then you would be happy. This restlessness can be useful to help you set goals and make improvements to your life. However, the Two of Wands warns that achievements and acquisitions will not be what finally makes you happy. Getting what you desire can feel good for a time, but if you gain an achievement without authentic awareness of your true value, the achievement will soon feel hollow. This restless search for happiness through achievements, money, relationships, or status symbols can get you nowhere fast!

Do you ever think, “I’ll be happy when I finally have X ?” Do you feel restless or anxious that you haven’t lived up to your true purpose yet? Do you somehow believe that the right salary, the right position, the right weight, or even the right person has the power to finally make you happy?

The lord of a manor looks out over the great expanse of his estate. He always felt restless as a child, feeling there was something missing. He believed that he could find joy if he just got to the right place in life. He was very poor growing up, and his family struggled for money. He saw how poverty made those around him suffer, so he thought, “If I made a lot of money one day, then I’d finally be happy.” He learned how to sail and traded goods from all over the world. Soon the young man became very wealthy.

But money didn’t quite satisfy this man or give him the joy he thought it would. He must be crazy! He always wanted wealth, and yet this didn’t seem to be enough. He looked at the nobility around him. They all acted happy with themselves. What did they all have that he didn’t? They lived in castles, of course! So, he thought, “I think I’ll finally be happy if I live in a fine castle, with battlements and a beautiful view of the sea.”

So, the man purchased the grandest estate in the land, with a beautiful view of the ocean. The castle is emblazoned with the same roses and lilies that appear on the Magician card. The lord’s focus manifested all his rich holdings. This made him feel good finally … for a couple days. Then that old restless feeling came back. We catch a glimpse of him now in the picture. You can see him holding a globe, looking out restlessly beyond the sea. He’s thinking, “I’d be happy if I finally owned the whole world with all its treasures.”

How much are you willing to bet that even the whole world wouldn’t make him happy?

The lesson of the Two of Wands is that the acquisition of things and the achievement of goals is not enough to bring happiness to an already unfulfilled heart. Money can make it easier to enjoy your life, but it will not actually provide joy. Your bliss must come from deep within.

The truth is that accomplishments, other people, how you look, and money can’t make you happy if you aren’t already happy with yourself as you are now. If you can find self-love and joy at this moment, without achieving another goal in life, then you have freed yourself from the restless search.

Today, stop thinking, “If I lose five pounds, I’ll finally be happy … If I find the right person, I’ll be happy … If I get the right job, I’ll be happy … If I become a doctor, I’ll be happy … If enough people like my post, I’ll be happy … If I just looked a certain way, I’d be happy …” It’s not true! Wherever you go, there you are. The Two of Wands asks you to stop searching and reconnect with your inner bliss right now. You don’t have to wait. It’s here today, but only if you stop looking in all the places where it isn’t.

Two of Wands Reversed

If the Two of Wands appears reversed, it represents obsessive planning and thinking about future events that you don’t have control over. This card tells you that you may be getting ahead of yourself. Are you lost in a trance of a future, full of grandiosity or calamities, that hasn’t manifested yet? The man on the card is lost in his machinations for the future as well. The lord of the manor on the card is not present. When reversed, this card indicates that you may have to stop hoping, planning, wishing, dreading, or obsessing about a future that is not here yet. Worrying about events that have not yet transpired can rob you of peace in the moment.

Give worrying about the future a rest. In truth, the future that you are spending so much energy on planning to the minutest detail will probably not entirely resemble your plan anyway. Like the lord of the manor on the card, you are surrounded by life’s blessings right now; you just might be forgetting to experience them. Planning for the future is healthy, but obsessing about it is not. Nothing seems to ever go exactly as planned in life. Nature has a way of breaking the obsessive constrictions we try to impose. Sometimes the Two of Wands reversed represents perfectionism at its worst. Stop improving and start being.


Life is still wide open and waiting.


The Three of Wands reveals that your life is like a large blank canvas. It is waiting for you to create a masterpiece that depicts your heart’s desire. Despite your fears, nothing has been irreparably screwed up yet. There is still time! This card heralds the opportunity to take the courageous journey toward your bliss. The only caveat is that you must stop to identify what bliss means for you. This must occur before you can move on to new horizons. If you can name your bliss, you are on your way to claiming it!

Are you clear about what you truly want out of life? If someone were to ask you what you want from life, would you respond, “To be happy,” without even knowing what that looks like for you? Do you believe you’ve messed up your life, thinking you can’t get it back on track?

Let me tell you something. That’s just another lie from fear. It’s not true.

The man on the Three of Wands is considering his future. He’s richly dressed, implying that he’s an important person in his small corner of the world. Yet he feels unfulfilled. The man is not looking at you; he’s thinking about life. His life.

At first glance, it appears that he is overlooking a vast desert. A sandy wasteland with little promise. What kind of future is that?! But always with the tarot, you must look a little closer. You will see that these are not barren sands, but the orange, glowing waters of sunrise or sunset. Ships are crossing to and from their ports of safety. Sunrise and sunset are the magical times of in-between. Magical transformations always happen at these times (see the TWO OF SWORDS). The man’s heart is yearning to embark, to leave his small island home. Somehow, unconsciously, this has always been his dream. He wasn’t sure what he was missing, but now he knows. He took the time to stop, think, and get clear about what he really wants out of life. Now that he is clear on his objective, he can open himself to the wonders of the world. He’s going to go for it!

The Three of Wands asks you to stop, review, and think about where you want to go. Is there something you still want to have, achieve, or be? Well, you can still have it! The world is wide open and waiting. You may just have to leave your own “small island,” which is a symbol for your comfort zone. If you act on what you truly want for yourself, you won’t ever regret it. Taking the initiative in the face of fear enhances your courage, which in turn becomes self-esteem. Who doesn’t want to feel more confident about themself?

You can still have your goal, but you must be clear on what your goal is. When it becomes fixed in your mind, it will serve as your treasure map, guiding you to unbelievable riches.

With your bliss in mind, ask yourself, “Am I doing at least one thing today that contributes to achieving this life for myself ?” If the answer is no, don’t beat yourself up. Get up and change it. Make it priority number one tomorrow. Wanting to “be happy” isn’t clear enough. What does “happy” really mean for you? Above the temple leading to the Oracle of Delphi were the words “Know thyself.” 25 If you really do take the time to know yourself, then all you desire can finally manifest. Knowing yourself includes knowing your bliss. The Three of Wands also depicts ships in the waters, symbolizing trade and communication. Reach out to others to create new pathways toward mutual success. Cooperation, learning, and leaving your small pond will help you achieve your goal.

Three of Wands Reversed

If the Three of Wands appears reversed, it advises you that “new” does not necessarily translate to “better.” Both the Two and Three of Wands are cards of yearning for new successes, new places, and new opportunities. The Three of Wands reversed represents finding happiness in your own backyard. Beware of mentally existing too far ahead, scheming, pining, or striving. Your attention is needed right here, right now. Surrounding cards may reveal what needs more of your focus presently. What do you love about your life currently? Breathe in the truth of your unlimited potential at this moment. Lovingly bless yourself with the unconditional acceptance that glows from your heart’s center.

Sometimes the Three of Wands reversed symbolizes feeling lost. There are so many future options or opportunities that you may feel overwhelmed. This is a good problem to have! Seek out a trusted advisor to help you weigh the pros and cons of each potential future. Maybe you will find that you already have what you want. Return your attention to the real world in front of you. You must ground and center before proceeding.




The imagery of the Four of Wands is straightforward. It shows a party or celebration happening. The figures on the card are dancing, full of mirth. The Four of Wands is all about connecting with others for no other reason than to have laughter, humor, and fun. The Four of Wands also reminds you to celebrate your rites of passage. It’s important to mark even small achievements and accomplishments with a special occasion. This will ensure that you experience the joy of what you are manifesting.

When is the last time you let your hair down and had some fun? Have you been too serious lately? Do you think you can’t enjoy yourself because there are twenty million unfinished things to do?

The Four of Wands reminds us that having occasional fun isn’t something to feel guilty about. It’s vital to remain a balanced human being! Sometimes there is just no substitute for laughing and dining outdoors on a balmy June evening with someone whose company you enjoy. Nothing beats a hot cup of cocoa, a snuggly chair, and a good book when it’s cold outside. There will always be a long list of unfinished things to do. Whether you take a break or not, they’ll still be waiting for you. So why not return to your tasks in a good mood? Celebrate an accomplishment you’ve made or a goal you’ve reached. Treat yourself. Celebrate that you went to the gym today. Give yourself an elegant dinner for making it through a difficult workday. You could even just celebrate because you’re alive! Life isn’t just about flitting from one busy task to another. It’s also about occasionally stopping yourself and finding charm in the moment. Just look outside and see how prettily the light dances off the leaves.

The Four of Wands doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go out and party. It’s a little less intense than that. Sometimes it just reminds us to connect with people who matter to us. Send some lighthearted messages. Write a sweet card. Remind yourself of the exceptional people in your life and show them how grateful you are that they exist. Brighten their day if things have been getting too heavy for them. Tell a funny story. The best people in our lives make our journey through the hills and valleys so much more pleasant. This card also advises you to have more fun socially.

The figures on the Four of Wands are all holding bouquets, a symbol for beautiful gifts received. The message of this card is clear: “Have some fun and enjoy life’s gifts!”

Four of Wands Reversed

If the Four of Wands appears reversed, it represents changing social structures. You may have outgrown old friendships, relationships, or social scenes. You may also begin to attract new individuals. Outgrowing relationships is part of life. Sometimes you may find yourself progressing while someone you care about becomes stuck. None of us grow at the exact same rate. Finding that your social needs have evolved is nothing to feel guilty about. Some friendships last a lifetime, while others fade.

The Four of Wands reversed could also be warning you of the company you are currently keeping. Are your acquaintances making you feel energized or drained after your encounters? This card highlights the social groups or organizations that affect your energy level. Surround yourself with people who make you feel positive, lively, and empowered. You don’t have to feel obligated toward energy vampires! Know where others end and where you begin. You may need some time away from social circles to recharge.

When the Four of Wands appears reversed, the turret on the castle forms an arrow that is pointing downward. It is time to get back in touch with the earth and with a sense of reestablished stability. It may also be time to build a new foundation, especially concerning the company you keep. Try to detach from drama.


The immaturity of the comparison game.


The Five of Wands traditionally represents competition, ambition, and struggle. It symbolizes the inner tension we feel when we are caught up in our egos, constantly comparing our “status” in relation to others. Early on, kids are taught, “You must be the winner!” Life is a series of competitions: best at music, best at Monopoly, best at softball, best at spelling. You must win at each thing you try, otherwise you must be a loser, a nothing, or a failure at life. This sort of all-or-nothing thinking sets up impossible standards that can never be attained. As kids grow into adulthood, they carry this toxic baggage, feeling that there is something wrong with them. No wonder so many adults struggle with self-esteem!

Do you constantly compare your status with that of others? Do you feel that you must be perfect at everything? Have you ever stopped to think how adolescent that is?

The adolescents on the card are competing.26 Each is trying to prove that he has the biggest stick. Each of the competitors thinks there can only be one winner. The central figure is wearing a hat, symbolizing his belief in his superiority. The competitors think to themselves, “Either I win this, or I am humiliated.” The teenagers on the card do not have the wisdom that age engenders. They do not see that each of them is an important individual with their own combination of unique skills. This is represented by their distinctive colored costumes and designs. Each figure in the card has condensed his whole concept of self-worth into a game of sticks! This is all-or-nothing thinking, and it is very damaging to self-esteem.

Think about it: Could you ever attain being the richest, most beautiful, eternally young, perfect-bodied, artistic genius? Oh, and the smartest person in the world—the best at every sport, every subject, every language, every artistic medium, and every skill set known to humans? Nobody can do that! The truth is, we each have a unique combination of gifts. You might not be the best at each skill and talent you possess; however, there is no person on the planet with your unique combination of talents, skills, and abilities.

When the Five of Wands appears, catch yourself if you are playing the game of big sticks! It’s ridiculous! You don’t have to win at everything to be worthy. You are special and unique, and you radiate a beauty that is all your own. Nobody does you like you. My favorite entertainer, Judy Garland, used to say, “Always try to be a first-rate version of yourself, as opposed to a second-rate version of somebody else.” 27

Five of Wands Reversed

If the Five of Wands appears reversed, it alerts you to people who may be targeting you with negativity because of their perception that somehow you are better than them. People with wounded egos often look at others who project self-confidence or kindness as threats. For them, being kind implies that you aren’t enduring your own struggles. This isn’t always the case, but insecure people often assume it’s so. When confronting people with low self-esteem, it’s important that you don’t let your ego get triggered when they treat you in a less-than-kind manner. Immature behavior like this says more about them than it does about you. Keep being excellent for yourself. You will attract those of like mind and will repel those you don’t really want around anyway.

At its most basic level, the Five of Wands reversed could represent immature adolescents or adults who are acting in an immature manner. Try to not engage in tit-for-tat behavior. If you are dealing with an immature individual, try not to personalize it. They will most likely enjoy the conflict they pulled you into. Recognize that this unfortunate individual has a lot of growing to do. Try to remember a time when you were still learning or growing to facilitate a sense of compassion.

Don’t participate in ego struggles brought on by the comparison game. There is no need to struggle or prove something to others who are obviously wounded. It’s time to keep your eyes on your own paper. Be at peace within yourself.




The Six of Wands represents gaining attention through excellence. This card reminds you that nobody does you like you! Everybody has a gift, talent, or personal strength that they really excel at. This card advises you not only to embrace your talents, but to display them unapologetically. Only you have your unique recipe of abilities. The best way to improve your life is to love yourself fully, and this includes loving the gifts that you bring.

Were you taught that it’s immodest and rude to call attention to your gifts? (A huge epidemic where I’m from in the Midwest!) Do you diminish your abilities and belittle your talents so others don’t think you are “better” than them? Are you speaking up and getting compensated appropriately for the work that you do?

The man on the Six of Wands is the center of a triumphant procession. He is elevated by his peers because of his gifts. His regal bearing shows that he is completely comfortable with his self-confidence. He isn’t being arrogant; he is simply owning what makes him, him. The others in the procession all wear the same style of hat and carry their own wands. Only the rider’s wand is wreathed with glory. He is standing out, and he isn’t afraid of it. His horse is richly dressed; this guy is not afraid to put on a show. Most people love it! It appears that he saved the town or is a marvelous celebrity. However, if you look closely behind the man riding the horse, there is another face in the crowd. This face holds an expression of jealousy and envy.

It’s a sad fact that the people who shine brightest will often be the targets of others who are insecure with their own abilities. Sometimes this fear of being targeted causes talented people with extraordinary gifts to hide their gifts. And yet, your light really isn’t about others. If you are following your passion and loving every moment of it, then it won’t matter at all what others think. If you truly believe in your value, then there should be no question that you should embody your best self. If you are afraid to be yourself because of backlash from others, then you probably have some serious self-loving to get to! In the end, it’s not about what others think about you, but what you truly believe about yourself. Do you feel worthy enough to reveal the real you?

The Six of Wands encourages you to fully embrace your talents, abilities, and worth. It’s time to stop throwing yourself under the bus to appease the wounded egos of the weak. Supportive people will love when you are confident. You will attract other individuals who are comfortable in their own skin. The people who are repelled by your light will go away. And good riddance! Follow your inner compass and stop conforming to what the herd wants you to be.

So, raise your standards! Stop apologizing for yourself to make others feel better. Increase your prices if they are way too low. Let your thoughts be known (respectfully). Call attention to your talents and promote yourself. Go for that promotion. Stop being a follower and lead your own life!

Time to get back out there and be your own best cheerleader! The cream always rises to the top.

Six of Wands Reversed

If the Six of Wands appears reversed, you are put on notice to identify any erosion to your self-confidence that you might be experiencing. Like the reversed picture, don’t let the opinions of others (the crowd on top) take precedence over the belief you have in your own gifts and abilities (the wreathed wand at the bottom). What others think or say about you does not matter as much as what you think and believe about yourself.

It can be encouraging to receive the validation of others, but never place yourself in a position of dependency on it. An authentic feeling of validation can only come from within. Anything else is a fleeting imitation. It doesn’t matter what others think about your talents if you are happy with what you are creating. Create the life you want. The only validation you truly need is your own. The Six of Wands reversed could also be advising you that it is time to proceed with your goals even if you don’t feel completely sure of future success. You can’t win the race without having a horse in it.




The Seven of Wands signifies standing up for your integrity and individuality. When you let your personal honor code inform your decisions, you will find yourself on the high road. Taking this road isn’t always the easiest path, but it is the one that will make you shine. The Seven of Wands encourages you to think as an individual and avoid devolving into groupthink. This could mean not engaging in gossip to appease a wounded ego. It could also mean not going along with something that violates your sense of right and wrong just to gain the acceptance of others.

Do you stand up for what is right, good, and just? Are you able to take the high road and not engage in slander and gossip? Can you rise above the lower human impulses for bickering, pettiness, and the ego’s need to be always right?

The man on the card is defending his position on the high road. He is on the hilltop, above all the rest. His face exudes grim determination to stand up for what is right. You can’t see the other individuals attacking him on the card. You don’t need to. They are all the same. They are more interested in banding together to fit in while targeting those who stand out. The man at the top of the hill is in the best position. He is “King of the Mountain,” and no one will dislodge him. If you look closely, the man is wearing two different kinds of shoes. This shows that he is a nonconformist. Wearing two different shoes has made him a target by those who choose uniformity. This mob doesn’t know who this guy thinks he is! How dare he stand apart from them, thumbing his nose at their conformity. The group below feels good sharing a brain, but the man on the hilltop is true to his own unique path. This distinguishes him as an individual with personal strength and honor.

We might like to think that only teenagers self-consciously care about what others think. However, every human feels a desire to be accepted and belong. Unfortunately, many adults engage in way too much negativity to gain the acceptance of their “tribe.” This manifests as gossip, groupthink, throwing others under the bus, racist or homophobic jokes, and rejection of people who appear different. We all like to believe we are good people, but chronically engaging in these sorts of behaviors can rob “good people” of their integrity and individualism.

Every now and then, you hear someone who shines with integrity say, “I’m not going to engage in this conversation.” Or, “I actually really like her; she is quite nice if you get to know her.” It isn’t because people with integrity believe they are better. It is because they embrace compassion and know the sting of unfair rejection firsthand. We admire these people because they have courage and take a stand. The most admirable people do not engage in what is beneath their dignity. Take a stand for what’s right. The Seven of Wands encourages you to embrace your unique vision and individuality.

Seven of Wands Reversed

If the Seven of Wands appears reversed, it advises you to let go of the false belief that it’s you against the world. This card also asks if you are injecting an attitude of struggle and exasperation into your tasks. The Seven of Wands reversed can indicate that there are many demands being made upon you mentally, physically, and emotionally at this time. This card often appears when there is the anticipation of conflict, which is making you tense. How can you proactively release some of the stress you are experiencing?

Sometimes the basic meaning of this card is to stop pushing so hard to make life do what you want. Call your attention to your neck and shoulders. Are they tense, raised, or tight? It’s time to breathe deep relaxation into these muscles and let them drop. Bracing for life situations before they’ve happened will often ensure that they are more difficult to experience. Instead, accept life as it reveals itself to you. Even the difficult moments need to be accepted. Say yes to what is happening. Accept it. It will change your posture from tension to transcendence. The more you resist life as it is, the more unnecessary suffering you will subject yourself to.

Another meaning for the Seven of Wands reversed is that you aren’t allowing yourself to be open or vulnerable with others. No one is an island. Perhaps you need to accept help from others when it’s offered or even ask for it. You may need to remember that you are connected and not alone.

If you have no evidence for a possible threat from others, try not to approach your interactions with an unnecessary guard up. The keyword for this card is acceptance. Acceptance of yourself, acceptance of others, and acceptance of what is changing.




The Eight of Wands represents movement, progress, and momentum. Events begin to move faster when this card appears. The Eight of Wands also rules information and communication. Answers to questions become available. Once-stuck issues become unstuck, whether about a personal goal, an awaited answer, or your state of mind.

Is it time for you to confront something in your life that feels stuck and get it moving again? Is it time to act on your personal goals? Are you procrastinating about something instead of just getting the job done?

The imagery of the Eight of Wands in the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot is the only card without a human (or human part) illustrated on it. There is an impersonal quality to this card. Eight sticks are hurtling through the air; what is that supposed to tell you?! The lack of people symbolizes that progressing events should not be taken personally. It also advises you to move forward on what makes rational sense instead of letting anxiety stall you. Although all the wands are moving swiftly, they are not disorganized. There is a clear sense of direction.

A river appears on the bottom of the card, symbolizing that you need to move with life’s currents instead of fighting against them. The small house on the hill signifies looking at things from a higher perspective. Take the rational view when confronting this issue. Make the logical choice.

This card can also appear to tell you to just get the job done! Write the emails, finish the task, stop procrastinating, do a Hail Mary, and take that personal risk! Ask yourself, “Am I letting anxiety about something impede my progress on this issue? Do I need to speak up and confront something so that I can overcome it?”

Don’t be surprised if once-stuck parts of your life begin to pick up speed. Summon your motivation and get it done. No excuses, no whining, and no more letting anxiety run the show. Avoidance results in depletion of personal power. Today, strength comes from confronting and acting.

Let this fresh breeze at your back propel you forward. This is a very favorable card for getting events to finally move toward your target. Ride this momentum toward success.

Eight of Wands Reversed

The Eight of Wands reversed represents a flurry of activity. There are deadlines to meet, tasks to complete, bills to pay, events to be present for. All the while, life is still going on in the background. Family needs attention, mini crises need to be averted, unexpected events require immediate flexibility. All this activity can cause breathing to become shallower and anxiety levels to become elevated.

The eight staves on this card are all racing through the air. They will meet their mark more effectively if the skies are clear. The element of Air is a symbol for the mind. This card is a reminder to connect with the element of Air through deep breathing. Deep breathing has the positive effect of immediately creating calm. This will help you regain clarity. Often, we don’t stop to alleviate our anxiety by partaking in this one simple act.

When the Eight of Wands appears reversed, it asks you to take a time-out. Slow down. Take a break from the frantic dash and relax. Calm down; all will get done on the list, but you need to address your center right now. Check in with your center and ask how it’s feeling. Do you need to let go of something that unrelentingly races around in your head or heart? Can you be kind to yourself today and not cruel? It’s time to take several deep, nourishing breaths and exhale all that stress away.

There! Doesn’t that feel better?

Being productive doesn’t mean being tense, irritable, and stressed out. In fact, this makes you far less effective. Today, lower your stress level by treating yourself to a break. Even a little one. You can give yourself fifteen little minutes, right? Do this, and you will accomplish all your tasks with grace and ease.




The Nine of Wands illustrates that you win at the game of life each time you stand up for yourself. This can mean creating boundaries with others who want to control you or take you down a peg. It can also mean confronting your own self-limiting attitudes and expectations. The Nine of Wands symbolizes that a personal victory is achieved each time you stand up for your dignity, worthiness, and self-respect.

Do you have trouble standing up for yourself because you fear creating conflict? Is it difficult for you to feel proud of your strengths and accomplishments? Is your greatest adversary the sabotaging voice in your own head?

The man on the Nine of Wands has defended himself against all comers for twelve rounds. He is bandaged, showing that it wasn’t easy and he endured a few blows. He has created a fence with the eight wands standing behind him. He has established a boundary. The mountains in the distance form yet another boundary. Boundaries are the theme of this card. Each wand the victor has acquired was hard-won and is a trophy of his accomplishment. He is bumped and bruised, but he is still standing. He is standing up for his honor. He is standing up for his achievements and his worth. Much like the Hermit, he leans on a staff, which represents wisdom through experience. Even unpleasant experiences offer a gift. Nothing is going to take this man down. He has too much dignity to allow that to happen. He has proven his worth to himself.

The Nine of Wands represents pride, but not the sort that lashes out to defend a wounded ego. This sort of pride is the dignity one feels in building their own world with blood, sweat, and tears. Be proud of the scars that life sent you in the past. They made you a survivor.

Even though things may not have always come easy up until now, the school of hard knocks has made you formidable. The only possible opponent left to defeat may be coming from within. Stand up to the shadow that tells you you aren’t smart enough, talented enough, good enough, successful enough, thin enough, or strong enough.

This card appears when it is time to place boundaries up for the protection of all you’ve worked for. Perhaps it’s time to stop meekly saying “yes” when your heart is screaming “NO!” It is okay to go against the expectations of others by being honest. It’s time to stand up to bullies and manipulators with clear boundaries. Embrace the part of you that is strong and stand up for what you know is right.

Be honest and clear with yourself and others. If you take a stand, you will win.

Nine of Wands Reversed

If the Nine of Wands appears reversed, it indicates that you may need to release a chip on your shoulder. The Nine of Wands always indicates hard-fought victories, but when it appears reversed, it can also indicate hard feelings as well. Feeling angry that your life is not easy is a self-limiting belief. If we stayed comfortable and conflict-free throughout our lives, we would never grow or improve. In fact, we would deteriorate. This card calls your attention to any resentments you may harbor, including those born out of a sense of the unfairness of life. Identifying with your setbacks and grievances rather than aligning with your empowerment can be psychically crippling.

At the heart of this card is a valuable lesson: Nobody gets a free pass in this life. Everyone has work to do on themself. Everyone will experience, grief, pain, sadness, and loss at some point. Everyone has their own struggles to overcome, and that includes people with advantages you feel you don’t have. You may look at others and think they have it easier, but do you really know all their personal struggles and losses or the ones they have yet to experience? This card asks you to stop comparing the challenges you’ve experienced in life with the perceived advantages of others. Be proud of your personal struggles and the personal victories you’ve achieved as a result. Honor them as invaluable teachers.

There is no need to resent the scars you’ve acquired. They are beautiful reminders of how you became powerful. No more whining, making excuses, or blaming others for the place you find yourself on your path. Accept your challenges and turn them into opportunities. This will transform your perspective from perpetual victimhood to personal empowerment.




The Ten of Wands represents being of service to others for the success of “the whole.” This includes the whole family, whole organization, or whole community. The Ten of Wands reminds you that it is never a waste of time to make your best effort, especially if it is improving the lives of others. Although your burdens may feel heavy at times, take heart. The efforts you are exerting now will ensure a brighter future. What goes around comes around!

At times, do you feel like the man on the card, struggling and straining with the tasks on your shoulders? Do you express your love for others by your actions more than your words? Are your efforts being pooled to benefit not only you, but others as well?

The man on the Ten of Wands is hard at work. He is returning from the fields with a great harvest, but the work is not easy. He is almost at the finish line. The task is almost done. At first glance, this card might elicit feelings of stress and exhaustion. But if you look closer, you see why the man is struggling. His huge house looms in the background. Its size suggests that he doesn’t live alone, but rather has a large family living there, depending on him. Although we can’t see the man’s face, I’d like to think he wears a determined smile. He puts his head down and pushes forward. He knows that his work matters and is valued by the whole. Without him, everything would fall. There would be no house, no money, no food, no loving and safe environment for his children to grow in. His service is his greatest expression of love. Although his present moment feels tough, he is ensuring a greater future for everyone. This is the dream of every family, to leave the next generation more stable than the one before.

Some burdens in life can feel hard to carry. Unexpected events happen. Things just get dropped in your path. Someone you love might need help. This is just part of life. There is nobility in serving the whole, but only if everyone in the whole is also doing their part. Serving shouldn’t be confused with codependency. The people you are helping need to be able to demonstrate that they are also helping themselves. Even people you care about need to demonstrate (if they are able to) that they are willing to carry their own bundle of sticks!

This card also has a harvest theme to it. This indicates that the toil, work, and service you put into your long-term goals will provide a bountiful harvest. The Ten of Wands has a Saturnine quality. It indicates that if you do the hard work and endure the discomfort, you will eventually enjoy the reward.

Ten of Wands Reversed

If the Ten of Wands appears reversed, it asks you to take a break from your burdens and enjoy the harvest. Recognize how your efforts have helped the whole. Then find some time just for you! If you’ve been working hard for a better tomorrow, you’ve already proven your service. Working toward a more stable future isn’t worth it if you are too exhausted to appreciate it. Look around and fully enjoy your comfortable home and the delicious foods you eat. Share these moments with people you care about. Taking a break will ensure that you have the energy to be there for others in the future.

Lay down your burdens and lighten up. Life is not all work and drudgery. Look around you. Be present and aware of all the wonderful things that you can see in front of you. You manifested those! Be proud of the work you do and treat yourself well today. After all, even the titan Atlas got a break from carrying the burdens of the world on his back. This card also advises you to take care of your body and release any tension that has been building up. It’s time for a hot bath, massage, or relaxing nap. Take care of your health. Give your body what it needs.

Finally, the Ten of Wands reversed can represent that you crossed the finish line. Good for you! Something that you have been struggling to carry can now be put aside. It may be difficult at first, but you must learn to lighten up again.




The Page of Wands symbolizes aspiration. Although he has not yet reached the heights of his older family members—the Knight, Queen, and King of Wands—he still possesses their same magnetic qualities within himself. The Page of Wands represents that you too embody the same strengths you admire in the people you look up to.

Who are your role models? What qualities do they possess that you wish you embodied more? How would your life be different if you could tap into more of that kind of energy?

The Page of Wands is richly dressed for his adventure in Egypt. He was inspired by his older brother, the Knight of Wands, to overcome his insecurity and bravely explore the world. He wears a vibrant yellow tunic, the most optimistic color. The Page of Wands wears the same red plume in his cap as the Fool, linking him with optimism, unlimited potential, and new beginnings.

The Page of Wands holds a staff that is much taller than him. It almost looks like a measuring rod. It’s from his father, the King of Wands, and he hasn’t quite grown up to it yet. His height in relation to the staff symbolizes that he is in a state of growing. The wand the Page holds also reminds him of his role models: the Knight, Queen, and King of Wands. He is mesmerized by the Knight’s courage for adventure, the Queen’s charisma, and the King’s wisdom. He doesn’t feel bad about himself by comparing their talents to his own. This is because he recognizes the force behind their talents is also found within himself.

The very fact that you admire certain qualities in others is because you have those qualities in common. Much like the Page, you may still be finding out how to make these qualities your own. Don’t try to compare yourself to the abilities, talents, and achievements of others. Instead, look at the force behind those talents, and you will see that you are strengthening those same attributes within yourself.

For example, anyone who really knows me knows that I absolutely adore Judy Garland. I marvel at her talent, but more importantly, I love her fearless authenticity on stage. She took risks and performed concerts until shortly before she died, all the while struggling with deep personal insecurities and a cruel tabloid press that wanted to rip her apart every day to sell magazines. This would hurt her deeply, but she would overcome it with a joke and get others to laugh with her. She would get on stage knowing that people were judging her for her personal struggles. However, she still had the courage to sing straight into the hearts of her audience. By vulnerably sharing her shadows in the open, she helped her audiences (whom she adored) heal their own troubles with a song.

Now, I’ll never be a singer. However, I find myself working on being more vulnerable and fearless every day. I also learned from Judy to trust and believe in my talents. Being sensitive and helping others is a privilege. I can’t let the fear of being ridiculed for being gay, being a tarot reader, or being different keep me from opening my heart. Some days I’m more courageous than others, but I still aspire to transcend my own shadows with kindness.

Acknowledge the qualities you admire most in your heroes and recognize that you share this magic in common. You are kindred souls. The Page of Wands always encourages you to grow. You may not feel like you are filling your shoes in your current phase, but you are progressing.

The Page of Wands can also represent an exciting, passionate, and dynamic young person who is just beginning to realize their full potential. They exhibit true talent and brilliance in the area of their focus. The Page can also represent a skilled artist in the performing arts. Pages can represent the young-at-heart of any gender.

Page of Wands Reversed

If the Page of Wands appears reversed, he signifies that you must be patient while cultivating your talents. The Page of Wands is crackling with creativity. He is a fiery character whose mind can often be found thirty steps ahead of his present location. When the Page of Wands appears reversed, he reminds you to slow down and enjoy being present with what you are learning. He might also indicate that you need to take a more methodical approach to achieving your goals. Don’t let your mind race and wander without discipline. You have tremendous talent and creative energy available, but they need to be refined and focused.

The Page of Wands reversed also warns against the feeling of not quite measuring up. Beware of comparing yourself with the achievements and accomplishments of others. You are on your own track and have a lifetime of lessons specifically meant for you. Comparing yourself to others is futile. Look to qualities you admire in others to inspire your passion, not undermine it.

If the Page of Wands reversed represents another person, he could be an individual who has tons of raw energy that needs an outlet. The Page of Wands reversed can also represent a well-meaning individual with a short attention span. This person may go along with the crowd if there are stronger personalities around. Also, they may need to be wary of trying to pose as someone else. Encourage this individual to not obsess about what others are achieving or doing.




The Knight of Wands symbolizes the urge for freedom, exploration, and adventure. He is the traveler of the tarot. He is pictured here visiting Egypt. He understands that by removing himself from the humdrum routines of day-to-day life, he can gain a wider perspective of who he really is. A passionate, confident, and adventurous spirit.

When is the last time you halted routine and explored outside your home or work? Do you need a spontaneous vacation or a small getaway to regain perspective? Do you go to the same old restaurants and walk the same old streets every day in your community?

The Knight of Wands is a bold figure. His little brother, the Page of Wands, has a small red plume in his cap, representing the spark of adventure that accompanies new beginnings. The Knight’s blazing red plume is full. His horse rears up with uncontained energy and excitement. His passions spur him onward toward new lands. The Knight of Wands doesn’t sit around and think. He acts! He urges you to get out of your routines and expose yourself to something new. The world is wide, open, and waiting for you to experience it.

The Knight of Wands has long been associated with travel. Travel broadens the mind. It frees us from monotony and allows us to explore environments where people don’t know our personal history. By exploring new places, you are on a journey of discovering yourself. When you return from a trip, your mind looks at the life you left behind with renewed clarity. It’s called “leaving the bubble.”

Not everyone can take big trips to exotic locations, but you can still go to places that allow you to connect with new people. Once there, you will realize that you aren’t so different after all. By seeing yourself as others see you, you might find that you are more interesting than you thought.

Reclaim your spontaneity. Go on an outing beyond your normal perimeters. Visit a restaurant with foods you haven’t tried. Talk to people who don’t look like you. Get excited and plan a large trip if you need a vacation. There is no excuse for being bored or boring when this Knight appears.

The Knight of Wands can symbolize the feeling that you have been traversing through a metaphorical desert. This has been testing your endurance and willpower. The only way to arrive at the oasis is to keep going. Don’t stop.

The Knight of Wands can also represent an adventurous person who loves travel, movement, and freedom. He is hard to pin down, but he is the most marvelous company. Never try to trap the Knight of Wands through guilt, obligation, or pressure, or he will bolt. Knights can represent youngish adults of any gender. Knights are usually people who are phasing out of one way of life and into another.

Knight of Wands Reversed

If the Knight of Wands appears reversed, he often represents scattered energy. He is truly the jack-of-all-trades and wants to do a little bit of everything. The problem with this is that very little gets done. When the Knight of Wands reversed appears, he may symbolize a need to limit your major goals down to one or two things. This will ensure that they have a better chance of being completed. This card often represents unfinished business.

The Knight of Wands reversed can also represent a period when it is hard to control fiery passions. He can be hotheaded and may not always think about what needs to be done before diving right in. Although this is great during an emergency, it causes quite a bit of turbulence during everyday life.

Stop, breathe, and think before proceeding when this card appears.

When the Knight of Wands reversed represents another person, he may be flighty or noncommittal. He is not very good with deadlines or pressure from others. He acts now and thinks later. Upright or reversed, the Knight of Wands is rarely cruel. However, he does need to direct his boundless energy toward something constructive.


Shine brightly without apology.


The Queen of Wands is the archetype of what we all want to be. Strong, self-confident, charismatic, and self-assured of our worth. Wands in the tarot symbolize growth. This shows us that the Queen of Wands was not always so self-confident. She had to overcome a fear of what others would think of her if she were to truly be herself. This is a hard lesson in courage. Rejection from others can hurt.

Are you truly confident in who you are? Do you hide your enthusiasm to avoid the embarrassment you might feel if someone were to ridicule you? Do you have issues concerning shame or self-consciousness?

Front and center, seated before the Queen’s throne, is her black cat. For centuries, black cats were considered evil and unlucky by the masses. People who owned black cats were also persecuted as witches. The Queen of Wands loves black cats. She loves them so much that she put her favorite black cat in the spotlight on her card. It’s as if she’s saying to the world, “I don’t care what the peasants with pitchforks think of me; I love black cats.”

The Queen of Wands encourages you to stop fearing what other people will say or think about you. Stop hiding your light! Have courage and be who you are! The lions on the Queen’s throne symbolize courage and majesty. The Queen’s crown is adorned with leaves, reminding us of the World card. She has fully graduated into her regal authority. The Queen of Wands holds a sunflower, which also appears on the Sun card (the best card in the deck). Sunflowers always face the sun. They open their petals in the direction of the sun’s radiant light and represent our need to turn toward the light within ourselves. What are you struggling to like about yourself ? Think of how invincible your self-esteem would become if you embraced it.

The Queen of Wands exemplifies the positive characteristics of the astrological sign of Leo. Many Leos are famous for their ability to put on a show and to shine with star quality. By embracing your Authentic Self, you will emit a light that others will notice immediately.

The Queen of Wands had to learn to be comfortable with herself. By learning to love and accept herself, she became open to the possibility of being loved by others for her truth. She takes the risk to smile and reach out to others before they greet her. She shows her subjects that she can see their light clearly, because she went through the process of discovering her own. The Queen of Wands never brags about her accomplishments. She allows her results to speak for themselves. She shines brightly, even if some of her cousins in the Pentacles suit think she’s impractical, eccentric, or even crazy.

Many people adore the Queen of Wands. However, some people are a little threatened by her realness. There are even a few people who hate her for her best qualities. The Queen of Wands doesn’t worry about any of that. Being targeted simply means she’s relevant.

When the Queen of Wands represents a person, she is charismatic, outgoing, and gregarious. She is also a trustworthy friend, counselor, or confidant. The Queen of Wands is often exuberant and entertaining and raises the energy of any room she walks into. Queens can be mature individuals of any gender who wield strong feminine power.

Queen of Wands Reversed

If the Queen of Wands appears reversed, she usually accompanies a lack of self-confidence. Upright or reversed, the Queen of Wands is the guardian of where your self-esteem can be found. The Queen of Wands reversed can indicate a need to come out of hiding. Take a risk and allow others to see you. Like the black cat on the card, you might not always be liked by everyone. Follow the black cat’s example and treat this fact with nonchalance. You don’t want people like that around you anyway! Stop hiding what makes you special.

The Queen of Wands is the actress of the tarot. She teaches that sometimes you must “fake it till you make it!” Take a chance on believing in yourself, and you will probably exceed your expectations. Even if you don’t feel 100 percent sure about your abilities, do the thing you are afraid to do anyway. You will rarely look back with regret when you approach life with courage, no matter the result. Give it your all, even if there are no guarantees.

When the Queen of Wands reversed represents another person, she can symbolize someone who is struggling to regain her self-esteem. Try to be supportive. The Queen of Wands reversed knows what it is like to endure the pain of rejection. She may struggle with her body image or a belief in her talents. To overcome this, she should avoid seeking external validation as a replacement for self-acceptance. Counseling, yoga, exercise, or any other form of self-improvement could greatly increase her self-confidence.


Trust in your own competency.


The King of Wands is the wise counselor of the tarot. He came up the hard way and has survived many trials by fire. Because of his experiences, he speaks with gravity and wisdom. The King of Wands represents the part of you that is wise and competent. He teaches you to trust in yourself. You haven’t let everything fall apart up until this point, so why panic and assume that suddenly you’ll drop the ball now? The King reminds you that if you don’t trust in your own competency and abilities, you are betraying the very part of yourself that helped you survive. This part of you deserves some respect!

Do you have trouble trusting yourself, no matter how well you do your job or run your affairs? Are you someone who came up the hard way and has some uneasiness about not having some of the perceived advantages of others? Have you proven to yourself time after time that you are competent and still don’t believe it?

The King of Wands doesn’t command people to respect him. Others need only look at him to realize his quality. The King is a tall figure in the Wands suit. If the King were to stand, he would appear much taller than the wand he wields. Although he carries himself with dignity and regal bearing, this king was not born royal. He was a soldier and came up through the ranks the hard way. He earned the respect of his men by winning battles and saving the kingdom on more than one occasion. His competent leadership naturally caused others to follow. When the former King died without an heir, the people named this proven warrior “the King of Wands.”

As a King, the throne he is seated on is naturally emblazoned with lions. However, the King carries another powerful emblem that speaks to his familial roots: the “lowly” lizard, seated right next to him.

Lizards are survivors. They can live in the hottest climates by moderating their body temperature. They can literally “take the heat.” This symbol reminded this King’s “lowborn” ancestors for generations to not allow emotions to get too hot or too cold. This quality always helped the King while assessing himself and others.

The “noble” soldiers in the army used to laugh at the lizard on this Soldier-King’s banner. To the upper echelons, lizards were dirty or, even worse, evil. Lizards were definitely not royal. For many years as a young man, the King felt shame about the lizard being on his family’s crest. Like the lizard, it meant that he too was lowborn. However, now the King proudly places the lizard alongside the royal lion emblem. The King has gained maturity and wisdom. He now understands that coming up as a lizard gave him valuable gifts that he wouldn’t have gained had he been born into the “lion’s club.”

Today, it’s time to acknowledge that like the King, you are competent. You belong and deserve a seat at the table in front of you. You’ve worked hard to get here. Don’t look at others and assume they are better because they have more money, a greater position, better schooling, more this, or more that. You don’t know their real-life or private struggles! Everyone has difficult things they are working on, even the most well-to-do. Like the King, you will also have to battle the inner shadow that causes you to doubt yourself and your place in this world. This inner saboteur will tell you to retreat because you aren’t as good as someone else. Tell that malicious voice to take a hike! It’s disrespecting your inner lizard.

In truth, there is no practical way to compare lizards to lions. This is a false equivalency. Each animal brings its own gifts. However, just because the lizard’s gifts are not as immediately apparent, that does not mean it should be underestimated or dismissed.

Respect your inner lizard today. It may not be as glamorous as the lions you see on the shields of others, but it is the reason you’ve survived, and it deserves to be honored.

If the King of Wands represents a person, he is a survivor from humble beginnings whose advice you can trust. The King of Wands could be an entrepreneur or a person whose power was earned. He is passionate and outgoing but is not ruled by passion alone. He is deliberative and thinks through problems in order to arrive at the best solution. Always trust the advice of a person represented as the King of Wands. Kings can be mature people of any gender who are leaders or figures of authority.

King of Wands Reversed

If the King of Wands appears reversed, he arrives at a time when you may be starting to doubt your competency, gifts, and abilities. This usually occurs when your focus is directed outwardly and the connection with your authentic Inner Self feels diminished. Sometimes this card appears as a reminder to stop comparing yourself to the achievements of others. Remember the false equivalency of comparing lions to lizards?

New opportunities are arriving that require you to tap into your deepest strength. This can be scary. Fear of new experiences can lead to doubt in your ability to succeed. If you are beginning to doubt your talents, abilities, or strengths, remind yourself of your power. Remember all the times you pushed past former barriers and succeeded. Reacquaint yourself with the strongest version of yourself that you can remember from the past. That person is still you, no matter how far your experiences have taken you from that time in your life. The King of Wands reversed asks you to truly remember who you are.

In truth, you do have the ability to respond wisely to whatever situation is presenting itself. Do not let your fears undermine your sense of self-confidence. The King of Wands is a tough character, upright or reversed. He is a survivor who always finds a way to succeed. In truth, he is a symbol for the same qualities that reside within you. The King of Wands encourages you to be more assertive and less passive.

The King of Wands reversed may also describe an individual who has survived against great odds but has somehow forgotten their strength. Sometimes this occurs because of a perceived setback or disappointment. This individual needs to be reminded that just because something failed before, that does not mean it won’t succeed in the future. The message from the King of Wands reversed is to keep trying and never give up!


25. Pausanias, Description of Greece, 4:507.

26. Fiebig and Burger, The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot, 86. The authors of this book were the first to make me realize that these were adolescents competing in a struggle.

27. Petersen, “Liza Minelli on the Phil Donahue Show 1991,” On a television interview with Phil Donahue, Liza Minnelli recounts this lesson her mother, Judy Garland, taught her growing up.