
Also by Tim Harford

Title Page



1. The Plow


I. Winners and Losers

2. The Gramophone

3. Barbed Wire

4. Seller Feedback

5. Google Search

6. Passports

7. Robots

8. The Welfare State

II. Reinventing How We Live

9. Infant Formula

10. TV Dinners

11. The Pill

12. Video Games

13. Market Research

14. Air-Conditioning

15. Department Stores

III. Inventing New Systems

16. The Dynamo

17. The Shipping Container

18. The Bar Code

19. The Cold Chain

20. Tradable Debt and the Tally Stick

21. The Billy Bookcase

22. The Elevator

IV. Ideas About Ideas

23. Cuneiform

24. Public-Key Cryptography

25. Double-Entry Bookkeeping

26. Limited Liability Companies

27. Management Consulting

28. Intellectual Property

29. The Compiler

V. Where Do Inventions Come From?

30. The iPhone

31. Diesel Engines

32. Clocks

33. Chemical Fertilizer

34. Radar

35. Batteries

36. Plastic

VI. The Visible Hand

37. The Bank

38. Razors and Blades

39. Tax Havens

40. Leaded Gasoline

41. Antibiotics in Farming

42. M-Pesa

43. Property Registers

VII. Inventing the Wheel

44. Paper

45. Index Funds

46. The S-Bend

47. Paper Money

48. Concrete

49. Insurance

Conclusion: Looking Forward

50. Epilogue: The Lightbulb




About the Author