* “The necessary ingredient of a boosted fission bomb.” Hence this substance was manufactured at the Savannah River Plant in South Carolina for 35 years. Written T or 3H. A hydrogen isotope whose atomic weight is about 3 instead of 1, hence the name. “Easily permeates most kinds of materials including concrete and many grades of steel . . . Clinically shown to be more effective at damaging and destroying living cells even than gamma rays.” This last was disputed by pro-nuclear sources. For instance, a certain American nuclear scientist said: “The good news about tritium is that even if you inhale or ingest an awful lot, it is going to flush out of your body . . . Just have a few beers and you’re done.” Meanwhile, my old ecology textbook, copyright 1971, advised that given sufficient reliance on nuclear power, tritium “could contaminate the entire global hydrological cycle.” The half-life of 3H is 12.5 years.