

abuse of process, 159160

ACA. See Affordable Care Act (ACA) acceptance, 59, 6162, 289

accommodation, reasonable, 44

accountant, 263, 289

action, defined, 289

ADA. See Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

addendum, defined, 289

ADEA. See Age Discrimination in

Employment Act (ADEA)


copyright and, 34

geographic locations in, 5

Internet, 201203

locations for, 67

media for, 67

names in, 5

for newly created positions, 56

online, 7

people in, 5

privacy and, 2

regulation of, 12

for replacement of existing employees, 6

trademarks in, 3

Affordable Care Act (ACA), 138139, 257258, 267

age, 14

age discrimination, 228

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), 12, 40, 43, 46, 48, 52, 58, 144, 148, 172, 225, 237, 267

agency, 289

agreement, defined, 289290

alcohol use, 45

amendment, 290

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 1213, 27, 40, 4346, 52, 107, 144, 148149, 170173, 206, 228, 268, 290

antidilution, 185, 190191, 290

apparent authority, 290

applications, employment, 1017

arbitration, 237, 247

articles of incorporation, 290

articles of organization, 290291

attestation, 16

at-will employment, 238240, 272274

at-will statement, 17

authority apparent, 290

defined, 290

availability, 16


background checks, 2831

bankruptcy, defined, 291

blacklisting, 160

board of directors, 291

bona fide occupational qualification, 53

bonds, 301

Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, 145146

boycotts, 71, 102

business necessity, 52

business plan, 291

buy-sell agreement, 291292

bylaws, 292


captive audience speeches, 79

certified public accountant (CPA), 292

charges, filing of, with EEOC, 4752

child labor, 136137

citizenship, 14, 119120

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 226. See also Title VII of Civil Rights Act

Civil Rights Act of 1991 (CRA), 13, 4546, 58

Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA), 39, 47

Clayton Act, 71

closely held business, 110, 292

COBRA. See Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

agreements, 83104

appropriate bargaining units in, 8687

employee representation and, 8689

employee rights and, 88

employer restraint and coercion in, 99100

exclusions from bargaining units in, 8788

and refusal to bargain in good faith, 9798

representative selection, 88

strikes and, 8993

unfair labor practices and, 9398

unionization and, 7074, 7778

union-security agreements and, 8889

common law, 153160, 292

common stock, 293

communication devices, 213214

conduct, 112

confidentiality, 2728, 171, 195

confirming memorandum, 6667, 293

consideration, 59, 6162, 298293

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), 258, 268

Constitution, 151152, 209

constructive discharge, 240241

Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA), 141142, 268

consumer information protection, 198


additional terms in, 68

basics, 5960

defined, 293

employee handbook as not, 108109

employment, 160161

essentials, 6465

express, 60

implied, 6061, 274, 295

no-cost, 6566

online, 6869

principles, 6162

professional drafting of, 6566

proving agreement, 6263

types of, 60

written, necessity of, 6364

copyright, 34, 181182, 293

corporate shield, 294

corporate trustee, 294

corporate veil, 294

corporation S, 300

covenant of good faith exception, 274

covered employees, 131132

COVID-19 pandemic, 13, 163175, 215219

CPA. See certified public accountant (CPA)

credit reports, 2831

criminal convictions, 1516

CSRA. See Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA)

culture, 108



defined, 294

liable for, 4

defamation of character, 154157

defenses, employer, 5253

defined benefit plan, 251, 301

defined contribution plan, 252254, 294

disabilities discrimination, 148149, 228

disability status, 15. See also Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

discharge, 234244, 294

discipline, 112, 117, 162, 234244

discrimination, 1213, 3946, 9597, 100101, 143145, 148149, 217, 225226, 228

discrimination policies, 113

disparate impact, 144

dispute resolution, 245249

domain names, 198199

drug testing, 1012, 1824, 113114

drug use, 45

duties, in job description, 37

duty to bargain, 175178


education, 16

EEO-1 Report, 206, 268

EEOC, 13

EEO statement, 17

Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign), 6869, 294295

email, 204

emergency policies, 114

emotional distress, intentional infliction of, 159

employee handbook conduct in, 112

culture and, 108

defined, 106

discipline in, 112

drug testing in, 113114

in family businesses, 110

items excluded from, 116117

items included in, 111116

for lawsuit protection, 107

mission statement in, 112

as not employment contract, 108109

payroll in, 114

policies in, 112

preliminary considerations for drafting, 106109

preparation of effective, 110111

purpose of, 111

reasons for, 109

separation policy in, 114115

at start-ups, 109110

tasks after drafting, 117118

timekeeping in, 114

vacation policies in, 114

values and, 108

vision statement in, 112

Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA), 3135, 269

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 269

employee status, 222230

employee stock option plan (ESOP), 254, 295

employer defenses, 5253

employer-furnished facilities, 133134

employment agencies, 79

environmentalism, 212

EPA. See Equal Pay Act (EPA)

EPPA. See Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA)

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 13, 15, 25, 2831, 4752, 144, 169175, 225

Equal Pay Act (EPA), 12, 43, 46, 48, 58, 144, 146, 206, 226, 269

Erdman Act, 72

ERISA. See Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

ESOP. See employee stock option plan (ESOP)

exempt employees, 134135

experience, 37

express contract, 60


facilities, employer-furnished, 133134

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 2831, 269

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 55, 130138, 140, 169, 206, 226, 237, 269

false imprisonment, 158159

Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), 163, 177178

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 25, 27, 42, 150151, 169, 229, 259, 269

family business, 110

farm jobs, 137

FCRA. See Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

featherbedding, 103

federal contractors, 139140

federal employment law, 267271

federal hiring, discrimination in, 3940

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 91

Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, 25

federal sector, 233

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 12, 2831, 295

Federal Unemployment Compensation Act (FUCA), 244

FFCRA. See Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

Fifth Amendment, 152

firefighters, 136

FLSA. See Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

FMLA. See Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

forms, employment, 123

Fourteenth Amendment, 152

Fourth Amendment, 152

franchising, 295

fraudulent misrepresentation, 159

free speech, 209

fringe benefits, 250259

FTC. See Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

FUCA. See Federal Unemployment Compensation Act (FUCA)


garnishment, wage, 141142

gender, 14

genetic information, 2527

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), 13, 2428, 40, 46, 58, 269

gig economy, 5456

GINA. See Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

good faith, 86, 9798

“green card,” 119120

grievance procedures, 237


handbook. See employee handbook

harassment, 42, 113, 121122, 146148, 226227

hazards, workplace, 224225

headhunters, 79

health-care plans, 257258

health-care reimbursement arrangement (HRA), 258

health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 257

health policies, 114

health savings account (HSA), 258

hospitals, 136

hot cargo agreement, 103

HRA. See health-care reimbursement arrangement (HRA)

HSA. See health savings account (HSA)


ideal candidate, 37

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), 42, 206, 270

implied contract, 6061, 274, 295

independent contractors defined, 220, 295296

gig economy and, 5456

liability and, 221

nondelegable duties and, 221

individual retirement account (IRA), 254, 296


key-person, 202, 296

liability, 202

unemployment, 223

intellectual property, 3839, 296


advertising, 201203

business property protection and, 197

consumer information protection and, 198

domain names and, 198199

liability insurance and, 202

linking and, 201

server protection, 203204

trademarks and, 200

websites and, 199201

interviews, 1017

IRA. See individual retirement account (IRA)

IRCA. See Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)


job descriptions, 3539

job history, 16

job title, 36

Jury Systems Improvements Act, 270

just cause, 234236


key-person insurance, 296


Landrum-Griffin Act, 70, 74


federal employment, 267271


discrimination, 51

employee handbook as protection against, 107

lawyer, 260263

letters patent, 313


COVID-19 and, 215216

employees and, 222223

independent contractors and, 221

insurance, 202

product, 299

tax, 56

tort, 153160

liable for damages, 4

license, 296

limited liability company (LLC), 296297

limited liability partnership (LLP), 297

limited partner, 297

limited partnership, 297

liquidation, 297

litigation, 247249, 297

LLC. See limited liability company (LLC)

LLP. See limited liability partnership (LLP)

local enforcement, 49


Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 297

malicious prosecution, 159

marijuana, 2324

mediation, 72, 9192, 106107, 245246

mediation and arbitration clause, 275288

medical marijuana, 2324

merger and acquisition, 297298

minimum wage, 134135, 139150

minutes, 298

mission statement, 112

money-purchase plans, 254

multilevel marketing (MLM), 298


National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 7374, 7879, 8385, 104, 175, 233, 237

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 73, 7778, 85, 91, 249

National War Labor Board, 72

Ninth Amendment, 152

NLRA. See National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

NLRB. See National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 73

non-compete agreements, 38

laws by state, 264266

nondelegable duties, 221

nonprofit organizations, 207208

Norman-Bloodsaw v. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 2425

Norris-LaGuardia Act, 72

notices, for polygraph testing, 3334


Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act), 25, 149150, 163169, 206, 224, 237, 249, 270

offer, 59, 6162, 298

offer of employment, 123

office, virtual, 211219

Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 3940

Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, 225


announcement, 125

citizenship and, 119120

defined, 119

first day/week agendas in, 126127

importance of, 120121

items in, before first day, 122127

kit, 126

orientation in, 127129

paperwork before, 122123

sexual harassment materials in, 121122

technological equipment in, 125126

on-the-job rights and responsibilities abuse of process and, 159160

blacklisting and, 160

Constitution and, 151152

COVID-19 pandemic and, 163175

defamation of character and, 154157

disabilities discrimination and, 148149

discrimination and, 143145

duty to bargain and, 175178

emotional distress and, infliction of, 159

employment contracts and, 160161

Equal Pay Act and, 146

false imprisonment and, 158159

malicious prosecution and, 159

physical safety and, 149150

privacy and, 154, 157158

progressive discipline and, 162

reference checks and, 155157

sexual harassment and, 146148

Title VII and, 145146

tort liability and, 153160

wrongful termination and, 161162

zero-tolerance policies and, 149

operating agreement, 298

OPM. See Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

orientation, 127129. See also onboarding

OSH. See Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act)

overtime, 135136

ownership of work

copyright and, 181182

intangible items and, 180196

patents and, 180181

tangible items and, 179180

trademarks and, 182192

trade secrets and, 192196


partnership agreement, 299

patent, 180181, 193, 299

payroll, in handbook, 114

PDA. See Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA)

pension plan, 253254, 299

personal protective equipment (PPE), 128, 168169

personal representative, 313

per stirpes, 299

physical safety, 149150

police, 136

policies, in handbook, 112

polygraph testing, 3135

Portal-to-Portal Act, 140141

posters, 3233

PPE. See personal protective equipment (PPE)

PPO. See preferred provider organization (PPO)

preferred provider organization (PPO), 257

pregnancy based discrimination, 42

Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), 172173, 270

principal, defined, 299

prior employers, 3839

privacy, 2, 154, 157158, 217

private-sector employment

defined, 234

discharge in, 234244

discipline in, 234244

in large business, 205209

legal aspects of, 206

nonprofit, 207208

public vs., 205210

in small business, 208209

privilege, 293

probationary periods, 5354, 231232

productivity, 211212

product liability, 299

professional designations, 16

profit-sharing plans, 252, 299

progressive discipline, 162


intellectual, 3839, 296

unionization and, 7475

proving agreements, 6263

publicity, 2

public policy exception, 274

public-sector employment. See also entries at federal

constitutional rights and, 209

defined, 233

free speech and, 209

private vs., 205210


quasi-judicial, 84

questions, allowed and not allowed, 1012

quid pro quo, 147, 226


RBD. See required beginning date (RBD)

reasonable accommodation, 44

recordkeeping, 138, 242243

references, 16, 155157


of advertising, 12

of wages and hours, 130142

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 13, 46, 58

remedial education, 136

remedies, for discrimination, 5152

reorganization, 300

reporting structure, 37

residential care facilities, 136

retention rates, 212

retirement plans, 250257

“right to control” test, 5556

RMD. See required minimum distribution (RMD)


Safety Data Sheets (SDS), 224

safety policies, 114, 149150, 163169, 218219

salary history, 1415

salary range, 36

salary savings/reduction plans, 252253

schedule, 37

S-corporation, 300


COVID-19, 216217

drug, 1012, 1824, 113114

SDS. See Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

seniority systems, 53

separation policy, 114115

SEPP. See simplified employee pension plan (SEPP)

server protection, 203204

settlement conference, 246

sexual harassment, 42, 113, 121122, 146148, 226

Sherman Act, 71

signature, electronic, 6869, 303

simplified employee pension plan (SEPP), 253254, 300

skills, 37

small business, 208209

Social Security, 223, 256257

Social Security number, 16

sole proprietorship, 300

speech, free, 209

start-ups, 109110

state enforcement, 49

Statute of Frauds, 6364, 66, 300


common, 293

defined, 300

stock certificate, 301

stock option, 301

strikes, 8993, 102

subminimum wage, 134

substance abuse, 113114


Taft-Hartley Act, 70, 74


defined, 301

liability, 56

withholding, 223

telecommuting, 211219

temp agencies, 5657

termination, wrongful, 161162


COVID-19, 216217

drug, 1012, 1824, 113114

third-party contractual relations, interference with, 159

timekeeping, 114

time off, 114, 258259

tipped employees, 133

Title VII of Civil Rights Act, 12, 4042, 48, 52, 144146, 172173, 206, 237238, 270

TLRA. See Trademark Law Revision Act (TLRA)

tort liability, 153160

trade dress, 301

trademark, 3, 182192, 200, 301

Trademark Law Revision Act (TLRA), 185

trade secrets, 192196


undue hardship, 45

unemployment compensation, 244

unemployment insurance, 223

unfair labor practices, 9091, 93104

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), 6667, 301

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 271


captive audience speeches and, 79

property and, 7475

solicitation and, 7579

union pins/buttons, 77


discrimination and, 9596

domination and, 9495

featherbedding and, 103

historical background of, 7074

membership fees, 102103

retirement plans and, 256

unfair labor practices and, 9091, 98104

union-security agreements, 8889

USERRA. See Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)


vacation, 114

values, 108

vesting, 255256, 302

virtual office, 211219

vision statement, 112

voluntary quit, 240241


wages and hours regulation

Affordable Care Act in, 138139

child labor in, 136137

COVID-19 testing and, 217

employer-furnished facilities in, 133134

exempt employees in, 134135

Fair Labor Standards Act and, 130138

farm jobs in, 137

federal contractors and, 139140

garnishment in, 141142

hospitals in, 136

overtime in, 135136

Portal-to-Portal Act and, 140141

recordkeeping in, 138

residential care facilities in, 136

subminimum wage in, 134

tipped employees in, 133

Wagner Act, 70, 73

WARN. See Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act

website, 7, 199201

whistleblowers, 206

winding up, 302

withholding taxes, 223

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, 206, 241242, 271

workers’ compensation, 223

work-from-home, 211219

work location, 37

work ownership. See ownership of work

workplace hazards, 224225

wrongful termination, 161162


youth minimum wage, 134


zero-tolerance policies, 149, 229