

1. Elisabeth Elliot, Let Me Be a Woman (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House, 1976), 54.

2. Theopedia, s.v., “Complementarianism,”

3 “Core Beliefs: The Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood,” The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood,

4. A. Roberts and A. Donaldson, eds, The Ante-Nicene Fathers, v. 4 (4), trans. S. Thelwall (Ages Software), 1997.


1. Warren St. John, Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer: A Journey into the Heart of Fan Mania (New York: Crown, 2004), 1.

2. From the New American Standard Bible; emphasis is added.

3. Tina Fey, Bossypants (New York: Reagan Arthur, 2011), 39.


1. Martha Stewart, with Sarah Carey, Martha Stewart’s Cooking School: Lessons and Recipes for the Home Cook (New York: Clarkson Potter, 2008), vi.

2. Martha Stewart, Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide to Caring for Everything in Your Home (New York: Clarkson Potter, 2006), 9.

3. Using Paul’s instructions in Titus 2 to argue that a woman’s work is restricted to the domestic sphere is quite a stretch. By the same logic, his instructions in 1 Timothy 3:4–5 that a male leader in the church should “manage his own household” (NASB) would have to mean that a man also cannot work outside of the home.

4. John Piper and Wayne Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, 2nd ed. (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1991), 366, 375.

5. Debi Pearl, Created to Be His Help Meet (Pleasantville, TN: No Greater Joy Ministries, 2004), 210.

6. Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald, Passionate Housewives Desperate for God (San Antonio: Vision Forum, 2007), 145.

7. Martha Stewart, Martha Stewart’s Cooking School: Lessons and Recipes for the Home Cook, 38.

8. Martha Stewart, Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide to Caring for Everything in Your Home (New York: Clarkson Potter, 2006), 31.

9. Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God, and The Spiritual Maxims (New York: Cosimo, 2006), 16.

10. Ibid., 61.

11. Martha Stewart, Martha Stewart’s Cooking School: Lessons and Recipes for the Home Cook, 149.

12. Ibid., 437-445. All pie-related quotes in this chapter are from this selection.


1. Sad to say, virginity tests are still a reality for women in many parts of the world today. See



4. To learn more about the biblical patriarchy movement, see Kathryn Joyce, Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement (Boston: Beacon Press, 2009).

5. Names have been changed to protect privacy.

6. Nicola Slee, Praying Like a Woman (Oxford: SPCK2006), 36–37.

7. Madeleine L’Engle, Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art (New York: North Point Press, 1995), 18.

8. Ibid., 22–23.


1. Bruce Waltke, The Book of Proverbs: Chapters 15–31(Grand Rapids:Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005), 517. The quote from Erika Moore comes from an unpublished paper titled “The Domestic Warrior” submitted for OT 813, Proverbs, to Brucke Waltke, Westminister Theological Seminary, 1994 (p. 18).

2. Ellen F. Davis, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2000), 154.

3. Jan Saunders, Sewing for Dummies (Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide, 1999), 14.

4. According to Wikipedia, schmaltz is “rendered chicken, goose, or pork fat used for frying or as a spread on bread, especially in German and Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine” ( This sounds like something Southerners should never be informed about.


1. Collin Hanson, “Pastor Provocateur,” Christianity Today 51, no. 9, September 30, 2007, 4,

2. Piper and Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, 369.

3. Martha Peace, The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing, 1995), 121.

4. Lawrence K. Altman, “Study Finds That Teenage Virginity Pledges Are Rarely Kept,” New York Times, March 10, 2004,

5. Pearl, Created to Be His Help Meet, 165.

6. Editor, “Mark Driscoll, The Biblical Admonition to Women to Perform Oral Sex,” Christian Research Network, July 2, 2009,

7. Pearl, Created to Be His Help Meet, 171

8. William Ramsay, Westminster Guide to the Books of the Bible. (Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 177.

9. Mark Driscoll, Confessions of a Reformission Rev: Hard Lessons from An Emerging Missional Church, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006), 95–96.

10. If you aren’t familiar with “Ars Poetica” by Archibald MacLeish, dig out your Introduction to Literature textbook from freshman year and check the first few pages.


1. Orthodox Jews typically cite Numbers 5:18 as Torah-based support for the requirement that married women cover their hair. In this passage, a woman suspected of adultery is subjected to the “loosening” of her hair, an act of humiliation. According to Philo of Alexandria, “this is the origin of the daughters of Israel not going out in public with uncovered hair.”


3. Sarah’s name has been changed to protect her privacy.


1. Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Living Judaism: The Complete Guide to Jewish Belief, Tradition, and Practice (New York: Harper One, 1995), 269.

2. In deference to Deuteronomy 12:3, many observant Jews use “G-d” to avoid writing out God’s name, lest it be erased or defaced at a later time.

3. Lynne Meredith Schreiber, “Why Orthodox Jews May Have the Hottest Sex Lives, February 2, 2006,


1. “What AP is: 7 Baby B’s,” the Ask Dr. Sears website,

2. Piper and Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, 343.

3. Walter J. Chantry, “Tract: The High Calling of Motherhood,” Sermons by Walter J. Chantry website,

4. Carolyn Custis James, Half the Church: Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010), 103.

5. For more of Hillary’s story, see Hillary McFarland, Quivering Daughters (Dallas: Darklight Press, 2010).

6. “Michelle Duggar Receives ‘Mother of the Year Award’ at Historic Baby Conference,” Doug’s Blog: A Daily Log & Online Journal from Doug Phillips, Vision Forum, July 12, 2010,

7. Kathleen Norris, The Cloister Walk, 24.


1. The website of the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, “Core Beliefs,”; see the box titled “Key Texts” in the margin at the right of the Danvers Statement.

2. Piper and Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, 72.

3. Ibid., 6, 47.

4. Ibid., 51.


6. Piper and Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, 52.

7. My friend Sarah wrote a beautiful essay about egalitarian marriage as a slow dance: Sarah Bessey, “In which [love looks like] a real marriage,” January 4, 2012,

8. Pearl, Created to Be His Help Meet, 151

9. Ibid., 96–97.

10. Ibid., 133.

11. Ibid., 133

12. Created to Be His Help Meet, 155.

13. For a study on the origins of this list, see the Snopes article about it: “How to Be a Good Wife,”

14. Ibid., #2.

15. Ibid., #3.

16. Ibid., #1.

17. Ibid., #5.

18. Ibid., #6, #7.

19. Ibid., #7.

20. Ibid., #9.

21. See W. R. F. BROWNING, A Dictionary of the Bible (1997) at, s.v., “household codes,” Accessed March 1, 2012.

22. Carol A. Newsom and Sharon H. Ringe, Women’s Bible Commentary: Expanded Edition (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1998) 463.

23. Peter H. Davids, “A Silent Witness in Marriage” in Discovering Biblical Equality, eds. Ronald W. Pierce and Rebecca Merrill Groothuis (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2005), 238.

24. Ronald Sider, Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving from Affluence to Generosity (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2005) 56.

25. Diana Severance, Feminine Threads: Women in the Tapestry of Christian History, 50.

26. Tabitha’s Greek name was Dorcas, so she is often recognized by that name.


1. For a comprehensive, readable, and challenging look at what the Bible says about justice, see Ronald Sider, Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving From Affluence to Generosity (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2005).

2. Aaron B. Franzen, “Survey: Frequent Bible Reading Can Turn You Liberal,” Christianity Today, October 12, 2011,

3. For activities during this month of justice, I relied heavily on Julie Clawson’s excellent book, Everyday Justice: The Global Impact of Our Daily Choices (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2009).

4. Starbucks Campaign Background Info, Tamara Straus, “Fair Trade Coffee: An Overview of the Issue,” November 30, 2000, Organic Consumer Association website,

5. C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce, 139.

6. You can find all kinds of delicious fair trade coffees at,, and even your local grocery store. You can also purchase fair trade tea, sugar, spices, vanilla, rice, fruit, and nuts. To learn more about buying more justly, see Clawson, Everyday Justice.

7. Humphrey Hawksley, “Mali’s children in chocolate slavery,” BBC News, April 12, 2001, stm. See also “Tracing the bitter truth of chocolate and child labour,” March 24, 2010,

8. Learn more about chocolate and child slavery at or the website of the International Justice Mission:

9. Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide (Toronto: Vintage 2010), xvii.

10. Ibid., xviii.

11. Ibid., xx.

12. Ibid., 192, 194.

13. Ibid., 198.

14. Ibid., 209.

15. Ibid., 160.

16. Ibid., xx.

17. For the full story, see Eldon J. Epp, Junia: The First Woman Apostle (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005).



2. Wayne Grudem, “Which Church Roles Should Be Open to Women,”

3. Denny Burk, “First Female Preacher at Irving Bible Church,” Denny Burk: A Commentary on Politics, Theology, and Culture, August 25, 2008,

4. Jeff Robinson and Brent Nelson, “Irving Bible Church Puts First Woman in the Pulpit,” The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood (blog), August 28, 2008,

5. The Barna Group, “Number of Female Senior Pastors in Protestant Churches Doubles in Past Decade,” 2009,

6. Neela Banerjee, “Clergywomen Find Hard Path to Bigger Pulpit,” New York Times, August 26, 2006,

7. Bob Allen, “Pastor says Jesus wouldn’t remove church with woman pastor,” Associated Baptist Press, December 7, 2011,

8. Scot McKnight, The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008), 207.

9. Titus 1:5-9, 1 Timothy 5:3-16, 1 Peter 2:18-25, Romans 2:25-28Galatians 5:2-7, I Corinthians 10, 1 Peter 3:8-22,1 Peter 4:1-19.

10. Scot McKnight, The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008), 202.

11. Barna Group, “Number of Female Senior Pastors in Protestant Churches Doubles in Past Decade.”


13. Scot Mcknight, The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008), 205.

14. Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love, transl. Grace Warrack (Grand Rapids: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, 1901), 11,

15. Thomas Keating, Invitation to Love: The Way of Christian Contemplation (1992; New York: Continuum, 2006), 90.

16. John Greenleaf Whittier, “The Brewing of Soma,”

17. Scot McKnight, The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008), 174.


19. Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide (Toronto: Vintage, 2010), 98.

20. Ibid., 61.


1. Ruth Graham, “A Year of Biblical Womanhood: An evangelical blogger is spending 12 months following the Bible’s instructions for women—and she’s doing it for egalitarian reasons,” Slate, September 1, 2011,

2. Peter Rollins, How (Not) to Speak of God (London: Paraclete Press, 2006) 60.

3. Peter Rollins, How (Not) to Speak of God, 60.


5. Rabbi Wayne D. Dosick, Living Judaism: The Complete Guide to Jewish Belief, Tradition, and Practice (New York: Harper One, 1995), 133.

6. From Anne of Green Gables.