
Ahamkara: The Egoic-self, or “I-maker.” We identify this as who we are, yet this is misguided because it leads to a feeling of separation. The yogic path inspires a sense of non-separation from all that exists.

Ahimsa: A yogic principle referring to the value of non-violence in both thought and behavior.

Anandamaya kosa: The fifth layer of your Being, your “Bliss body.” This is the level of universal consciousness, of non-separation with all that is. Reaching this level of awareness is the ultimate goal of yoga.

Annamaya kosa: Your physical body, inside and out. According to yoga philosophy, it is the first layer of your Being, which consists of five layered bodies moving from gross (material) to subtle.

Buddhi: The part of you that learns to act on your own behalf and that has the capacity for insight and self-reflection.

Chitta: The part of your mind related to memory and will. Chitta allows you to make decisions.

Karma: In Classical Yoga philosophy, karma refers to the hold that past actions, even from past lives, have on us. It is undesirable and the goal of yoga is to free ourselves by nullifying desire. In this book, the term is used in a more casual way to refer to the power of cause and effect.

Kleshas: Obstacles to clear seeing. These refer to the five common pitfalls that lead to unclear seeing and unskillful living. Unclear seeing, attraction, aversion, ego, and fear are the five kleshas.

Manomaya kosa: The third layer of your Being, referring to your everyday mind. This is the “clever” part of you that problem solves and is oriented toward short-term gratifications.

Mitri: A practice from Buddhist psychology that cultivates loving kindness toward the self and all Beings.

Namaste: A salutation meaning “the light in me sees the light in you.” Traditionally said at the end of a yoga class.

Pranamaya kosa: The second layer of your Being, referring to your energetic body. The branch of yoga devoted to breath (pranayama) works with this level of your body. According to yogic philosophy, your energetic body is every bit as real as your physical body.

Samskaras: A yogic term referring to the power that our habitual patterns have in creating and maintaining our material, energetic, and spiritual qualities.

Savasana: Also known as corpse pose, this is the final rest at the end of a yoga class where you let go of all effort and absorb the benefits of your practice.

Tapas: A yogic practice of applying heat, or gentle discipline, to ourselves in order to create positive change.

Ujaiyi breath: A form of yogic breathing that helps cultivate regulation of the breath. It is nasal breathing coupled with a mild constriction in the throat that creates a subtle oceanic sound.

Vijnanamaya kosa: The fourth layer of your Being, referring to your Wisdom body. This is the part of you that is connected to universal intelligence and can help free you from identification with your ego.

Witness: The aspect of your consciousness that is able to observe yourself with some objectivity. In Western psychology this is called the observing ego.
