

1.1. CELF mother after work

2.1. Weekday time at home

2.2. Parents’ activities with children at home

2.3. Mothers’ and fathers’ time with children, alone, or with spouse and children on weekdays

2.4. Mothers’ and fathers’ activities with children at home

3.1. Kitchen refrigerator with freezer

3.2. Individual-sized packaged cookies

3.3. Meal preparation time

4.1. Typical densely packed garage

4.2. High-density home office space

4.3. Two-child bedroom displaying clutter

4.4. Prototypical “refrigerator display”

4.5. Living room wall featuring family photos

5.1. Time spent on household maintenance, household chores, and childcare

8.1. Making waffles cooperatively

8.2. Pouring waffle batter

8.3. Mom congratulating child on making waffles

8.4. Helping baby to get from bed to bathroom

8.5. Apprenticeship by nesting baby's body

A.1. CELF parents’ self-identified ethnicity

A.2. CELF household income

A.3. Video recording family life

A.4. Scan sampling

A.5. Architectural floor plan of home

A.6. vPrism synchronization of video and transcript

A.7. Digital image database


A.1. Distribution of CELF families in the Los Angeles area


2.1. Parents’ average daily work and commuting time

2.2. Classifying activities