Chapter 8



How does homeopathy work?

What homeopathic medicines work best against viruses?

Who was Dr. Samuel Hahnemann?

What guidelines should one follow?

Of all the different types of natural medicines, homeopathy is unquestionably the most controversial. Homeopathy is a unique system of medicine that uses remedies made from vegetable, mineral, animal, and other sources to treat illness and prevent disease. Most of these remedies are so highly diluted that none of the original material is left in the medicine. The philosophy behind using ultra-diluted substances is to stimulate the immune response in the treatment and prevention of disease.

Many scientists now believe that each homeopathic remedy has its own “fingerprint” on the electromagnetic spectrum. In other words, homeopathic remedies work on a vibrational level. Like acupuncture in some ways, each remedy has a different frequency and thus action, as with the different actions of various acupuncture points.

Homeopathy is not a new system of medicine. In fact, Hindu literature describes the homeopathic effect in tenth-century B.C. In 400 B.C. Greece, Hippocrates wrote about the principles of homeopathy, stating, “Through the like, disease is produced and through the application of the like, it is cured.”

Homeopathy gained widespread acceptance in the early 1800s through the leadership of German medical doctor and chemist Samuel Hahnemann. Dr. Hahnemann was passionate about developing a safer, more effective system of medicine for his patients. He abandoned his conventional medical practice because he believed the medical therapies of his time were too barbaric. He did not believe in bloodletting or using high doses of mercury or arsenic on his patients, because of the dangerous consequences.

A scholar as well as a translator of books from different languages, Dr. Hahnemann came upon the writings of homeopathy, which piqued his curiosity. Historical references indicate that Dr. Hahnemann’s interest arose after reading a book that stated that cinchona bark would cure malaria because of its bitter taste. Not satisfied with this explanation, Dr. Hahnemann tried an experiment on himself. After taking successive doses of cinchona bark, he developed symptoms of sweating, chills, fatigue, and weakness. These are the same symptoms as malaria. This experiment led him to the realization that “like cures like.”

The word homeopathy comes from the Greek root words homoios, which means similar, and pathos, which means suffering or disease. This relates to the fundamental law of homeopathy—“like cures like.” This means a substance that can cause particular symptoms in healthy people can stimulate healing in those who are ill with similar symptoms. Let me illustrate using the herb belladonna (which is toxic and should not be ingested). When taken by a healthy person, belladonna causes symptoms of fever, flushed face, and dilated pupils. However, the homeopathic preparation of belladonna (ultra-diluted and specially shaken) is very helpful for a person who is ill and exhibits these same symptoms. The diluted belladonna helps stimulate the immune system to fight off the infections.

Not convinced? Okay, let’s take another example using the homeopathic apis, a preparation of bee venom. The common symptoms of a bee sting are stinging, burning, redness, and swelling. These are the same symptoms that can be relieved by the homeopathic apis. In fact, apis works on these symptoms when also caused by arthritis or a urinary tract infection. If the symptoms match those of the homeopathic, a cure can occur as the body’s healing mechanisms are activated by the law of similars.

Homeopathy is used as a primary form of medicine all over the world. In India, there are more than 120 homeopathic medical schools, thousands of homeopathic practitioners, and millions of people who use homeopathy every year. In Europe more than half of all doctors prescribe homeopathic medicines or refer to practitioners who use homeopathy. Even members of the royal family demand that their medical treatment include homeopathy! London is home to a prestigious homeopathic hospital and research institute.

As you can see, millions of people throughout the world have experienced the benefits of homeopathy. Its long history has actually led to the development of the pharmaceutical medications used today. In the past decade homeopathy has begun to gain acceptance in mainstream medicine. Physicians, and their patients who are tired and discouraged by prescriptions with toxic side effects, are turning to homeopathy.

Homeopathy offers non-toxic, effective medicine that has the backing of modern scientific research to prove its clinical benefits. As a physician trained in both conventional and natural medicine, I rate homeopathy as one of my most trusted forms of treatment for all types of health conditions. Specifically for viral infections, homeopathy seems almost miraculous at times, as you will notice in some of my case studies provided later in this chapter.


Dr. Hahnemann and other medical practitioners have found that homeopathy becomes more effective and powerful when prepared by a special process of dilution and sucussion (shaking or pounding of the medicines). This process is referred to as potentization and indicates the strength of a homeopathic. Special laboratory equipment is used in homeopathic pharmacies and research centers to produce homeopathic remedies with this special technique.


Homeopathy is unique in that it works with the healing systems of the body. For viral infections, the correct homeopathic remedy stimulates the immune system to overcome the invading pathogen. This is a better remedy than antibiotics, which directly kill bacteria (but are powerless against viruses) but do nothing to harness the power of the immune system.

As we go into depth later in this chapter, you will learn that homeopathic medicines are prescribed not only for a disease itself (such as the flu or measles) but also for symptoms that are expressed by the person. As I stated in my book, The Natural Physician, there are four reasons why I believe homeopathy is gaining popularity:

Homeopathy is highly effective for chronic and acute diseases, including epidemics. It works to strengthen the immune system and can treat viruses and other conditions for which conventional medicine has no effective treatment.

It is cost effective. Compared to pharmaceutical medications, homeopathic remedies are quite inexpensive.

It is a preventative medicine. One does not have to have a disease to be treated with homeopathy. It can be used to optimize health.

It can be used to treat the whole person. Homeopathy takes into account all the factors of a person’s health—the mental, emotional, and physical.1


There are two basic ways I recommend my patients or the public use homeopathy:

Combination remedies. This refers to homeopathic formulas that contain two or more homeopathic remedies. If the one a person needs is in the formula, then it will be helpful. If the homeopathic remedy a person needs is not one of the ingredients, then usually nothing will happen. Combination remedies are available in most health food stores or pharmacies. They are prepared for certain conditions, including colds, flu, premenstrual syndrome, menopause, headaches, and others.

Single remedies. This is the system used by most homeopathic practitioners—the one remedy that matches up best to the patient’s symptoms is prescribed. In general, this system is more effective than combination remedies, but requires a knowledgeable practitioner to pick the correct homeopathic.


Homeopathic remedies are generally available in pellet, tablet, liquid, or cream form. They are best taken at least ten minutes after eating or drinking—not before or after. They are also best taken when away from strong smelling odors such as eucalyptus.

For acute conditions, homeopathic remedies are often taken every fifteen minutes or two hours, depending on the severity of the condition. For chronic conditions, homeopathics are usually taken one to two times daily, or less frequently, depending on the strength of the remedy prescribed.


Potency refers to the strength of the remedy. The number behind the name of the homeopathic indicates the dilution and strength of the medicine. The higher the number, the stronger the action of the remedy. For example, 30C is stronger than 15C.

The two common scales of homeopathy available to the public are

“X,” indicates the lowest potencies used. X stands for a 1 in 9 dilution. 1X is equal to 1 part of the original substance diluted in 9 parts solvent.

“C,” is more dilute and stronger than the X potencies. The first dilution, that is, 1C, is equal to 1 part of the original substance in 99 parts of solvent.

Common homeopathic remedies used for
acute viral diseases

Let’s say you’re trying to shake a bad cold or sore throat, or you can’t seem to clear a nagging ear or kidney infection. Newcomers should certainly consult a natural health-care practitioner first, but what follows are eight homeopathic remedies that are commonly used to treat various viral infections. Symptoms and conditions treated are listed for each.

Aconite (Aconitum napellus)–monkshood

Symptoms come on very quickly and intensely, and almost always at the beginning of an infection.

Person exhibits panic, restlessness, and fear of death with the infection or illness.

One cheek may be red and the other cheek pale.

Great thirst for cold drinks.

Common infectious conditions: cold, flu, sore throat, ear infection, bladder infection, measles.

Apis (Apis mellifica)–honey bee

Stinging, burning, redness, and swelling are the key physical symptoms.

Feels better with cool applications and worse with warm applications.


Common infectious conditions: sore throat, bladder infection, kidney infection, shingles, herpes, pneumonia, chicken pox.

Arsenicum (Arsenicum album)–arsenic trioxide

Tremendous anxiety, with restlessness.

Chilly and burning pains that are better with warmth.

Fever from midnight to early in the morning.

Common infectious conditions: bronchitis, bladder infection, hepatitis, herpes, cold, flu, kidney infection, pneumonia, shingles, and upper respiratory infection.


High fever, flushed face, dilated pupils, and throbbing pain.

Low thirst.

Cold hands and feet but hot face.

Common infectious conditions: fever, bladder infections, kidney infections, ear infections, tonsillitis, sore throats.

Ferrum phos (Ferrum phophoricum)–phosphate of iron

Fever, flushed face, and fatigue.

Person may have a fever but not act sick.

Common infectious conditions: cold, flu, ear infection.

Gelsemium (Gelsemium sempervirens)–yellow jasmine

Weakness, fatigue, and aching of the muscles.



Common infectious conditions: chronic fatigue, mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr virus, flu.

Mercury (Mercurius vivus)–quicksilver

Heavy perspiration, alternating with chills.

Intolerant to hot and cold temperatures.

Foul breath and metallic taste in mouth.

Increased salivation and dirty coating on tongue.

Common infectious conditions: flu, ear infection, cold, upper respiratory infection, bladder infection.

Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla pratensis)–windflower

Fever with low thirst.

Feels better with company and comfort.

Yellow/green mucous discharge.

Common infectious conditions: ear infection, sore throat, bronchitis.2

Obviously, in all these cases listed, the exact choice of the homeopathic remedy depends on the individual person and the specific symptoms that he or she exhibits.

Now let me share with you some success stories involving my patients who used homeopathy.


Melissa, fourteen, was struck by a flu-like illness that was compounded by weeks of excruciating headaches. Conventional doctors performed comprehensive exams, including an MRI that ruled out a brain infection or brain hemorrhage. Blood work showed signs of a viral infection. Unable to go to school for two months because of debilitating headaches, Melissa came to see me with her mother. They were frustrated. Antibiotics, migraine prescriptions, and other therapies weren’t working.

It was evident to me that a viral infection had penetrated Melissa’s immune system and was causing the headaches. My recommendation was the homeopathic medicine Scutellaria 30C, to be taken twice daily for one week. The indications for Scutellaria include weakness, headaches, or never getting well since the onset of the flu or viral illness. Melissa’s mother called back in one week to joyously explain that Melissa’s headaches were gone after five days of taking Scutellaria. The Scutellaria invoked an immune response against the viral infection. Melissa went on to recover nicely after the remedy.


A retired judge sought my help with what was diagnosed by his medical doctor as a viral intestinal infection. After vacationing in Mexico, he suffered from severe fatigue, nausea, abdominal cramps, chills, and irritability. Antibiotics didn’t work. I prescribed the homeopathic Nux Vomica. This medicine is indicated for intestinal cramps that accompany a flu or viral infection. Two days later, his fatigue, chills, and digestive symptoms were gone.


When I first met Tyler, this three-year-old was crying from the pain of a severe ear infection. He had a high fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit. His face was flushed; he tugged at his right ear; and his pupils were slightly dilated. Based on Tyler’s symptoms, I immediately prescribed the homeopathic Belladonna. Within ten minutes, Tyler fell asleep. In twenty minutes, his temperature dropped to 100 degrees. By the next morning, Tyler was up and playing as if nothing had happened. Belladonna is one of the excellent homeopathic medicines for acute infections (viral or bacterial) where there is fever, flushed face, and an intensity of symptoms.