
Accenture, 18

adaptation, 113

advice, 37

affective trust, 8081

AIG, 116119, 122, 123

Air India, 101, 105, 107

alignment, 128129, 137139

allies, in shadow negotiation, 5254

Allred, Keith, 40

alternatives, yours vs. theirs, 31. See also BATNAs

Alvarez, Pedro, 78

American Arbitration Association, 122

American Seafoods, 153, 154155

Andersen Consulting, 18. See also Accenture

anger, 3334, 3942

anxiety, 35, 3639

crisis negotiation and, 8889

AOL Time Warner, 129, 132

appreciative moves, 48, 53, 5761

keeping the dialogue going, 5960

soliciting new perspectives, 6061

arbitration, 115123

Art and Science of Negotiation (Raiffa), 7

Arthur Andersen, 18

The Art of War (Sun Tzu), 32

AT&T, 125126, 134

Attica State Prison riot, 8788

AutoNation, 5

autonomy, 143

Aventis Pharma, 137

Bain & Company, 146

Baker, James, 109110, 110112

Barshefsky, Charlene, 108

Bartolome, Ricardo, 81

baseball arbitration, 118

Bassi, Benoit, 150151, 162, 163

BATNAs, 5, 1416

Bazerman, Max, 7, 115123

“benefit of hindsight” exercise, 133135

Bentall Capital, 158160

biases, 5

anger and, 40

being too invested, 153

fixed-pie, 1112, 40

in job negotiations, 6869

knowing your, 9192

partisanship, 5, 1819

positions vs. interests and, 1112

seeing beyond initial, 60

self-serving role, 1718

Blockbuster, 5

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, 142143

Boeing, 102, 105, 107

Bowles, Hannah Riley, 6869

breakthrough bargaining, 4762

Bridgepoint, 149151, 162, 163

Brooks, Alison Wood, 3346

BT (British Telecom), 125126, 134

Burd, Steve, 146

Bush, George H. W., 110112

Bush, George W., 104

Business Affairs engine, 129, 132

Campagna, Rachel, 41

capabilities, 134

taking stock of target company’s, 152153

Carr, Tim, 75

Centre Partners, 153, 154155

Challenger space shuttle, 45

Chan, Alfred, 106107

Chapin, Mark, 5657

Chua, Roy, 80

Cinven, 156157

Cisco Systems, 6

Clear Channel, 162163

Clinton, Bill, 109

cognitive trust, 80

Colburn, David, 129, 132

collaboration, 40, 133135, 142143

common ground, 1214

searching too hard for, 45


building trust in, 7981

cross-cultural, 7585

emotional expressiveness in, 7779

face-to-face vs. mediated, 96

implementation mind-set and, 136137

keeping the dialogue going, 5960

with the public, 103104

seeding ideas early, 55

sending one message in, 129, 139140

yes-or-no questions and, 8184

commutations negotiations, 136137

compensation systems, 162163

competition, checking out the, 151152

Concert, 125126, 134

“Confession of Faith” (Roosevelt), 1617


anxiety and, 37

arrogance vs., 6

confidentiality, 139


anger and, 3335

cultural differences in expressing, 7677, 83

encouraging reasonableness and, 115123

final-offer arbitration and, 115123

mergers and acquisitions and, 160161

normalization of process and, 2627

overreaction in, 2627

uniting the opposition in, 108

confrontational cultures, 7879

Conoco, 108

consensus, 54

building, 5657

constraints, in job offer negotiations, 67

contracts, 8485

the deal maker mind-set and, 126127

controlling the frame, 3032

cost economics, 152

Coutu, Diane L., 8798

credibility, 142143

crisis negotiation, 8798

bad negotiators and, 9394

communication in, 96

listening and empathy in, 9193

saving face in, 9798

skills for, 8889

with suicidal people, 9697

Cullinan, Geoffrey, 145163

cultural bridges, 8283

cultural differences, 7585

in building trust, 7981

contracts and, 8485

in emotional expression, 7779

in expressing disagreement, 7677

yes-or-no questions and, 8184


acquisitions and, 148151

getting to know, 151

higher prices and, 3031

negotiation campaigns and, 110111

outsourced service providers and, 132133

Daley, Bill, 109

Davis, Bob, 1

deal maker mind-set, 126133

building alignment and, 138139

compared with implementation mind-set, 130131

contracts and, 126127

de Callières, François, 20

decision making, 5960, 95, 136137

Dell, 102

differences inventories, 14

disagreement, expressing, 7677

disappointment, 4244

dominance vs. equality, 3132

Dominick’s, 145146

downgraders, 77

due diligence, 145163

nice surprises in, 153, 154155

questions in, 147

research on, 146147

synergies and skeletons in, 149, 157161

walk-away price and, 149, 161163

what are we really buying, 148153

what is the target’s stand-alone value, 148149, 153157

Eban, Abba, 51

emotions, 3346

anger, 3334, 3942

anxiety, 35, 3639

controlling, 9495

controlling your experience of, 35

cultural differences in expressing, 7779

disappointment and regret, 4244

empathy and, 45, 9293

happiness and excitement, 4445

influencing others’, 39

knowing your hot buttons and, 9192

managing your counterpart’s, 3839

preparing your strategy around, 43

trust and, 8081

venting, 9395

empathy, 45

in crisis negotiation, 9293

Epley, Nicholas, 3839

equality vs. dominance, 3132

Equitas, 136

errors of omission vs. commission, 4344

Ertel, Danny, 125144

ethics, 1617

excitement, 4445

expectations, 136137

expense sharing, 135

exploding offers, 64

Facebook, 68, 69

failure, costs of, 87

fairness, determining, 119120

FBI, 88

Fenn, Steve, 140

final-offer arbitration challenge, 116123

building your reputation and, 120121

getting started in, 121123

primer on, 118

when to use, 119120

Finn, Tom, 135

Firnhaber, Dirk, 79

Fisher, Roger, 7, 14

fixed-pie bias, 1112, 40

forecasts, 1314


controlling the, 3032

reframing the process, 5556

fundraising efforts, 113

Galinsky, Adam, 38

game theory, 7

gender bias, 6869

getting to yes, 7585

Getting to Yes (Fisher, Ury, and Patton), 7, 14

Gino, Francesca, 37

Glaxo, 910

goodwill, 133135

government, 103, 133

Gulf War, 110112

Gutierrez, Carlos, 161162

Hancock, Peter, 116119, 121, 123

hand-off meetings, 140

Hanjin, 101

happiness, 4445

Hartig, Karen, 5152

Harvard Negotiation Project, 126

health care, 142143

Hewlett-Packard, 87

Hitchcock, Donna, 61

Holtzman, Steve, 45

Home Depot, 102

Hong Kong & China Gas Company, 106107

“Honoring the Contract” exercise, 3334

hostage negotiation, 8798

HP Services, 142143

Huhn, Steve, 142143

Huizenga, Wayne, 5

Hussein, Saddam, 109

IBM Global Services, 140

ideas, seeding early, 55

image, 5859

implementation, 125144

managing negotiation like a business process, 141143

negotiating for, 133143

implementation mind-set, 127, 130131

alignment as a shared responsibility, 137139

helping your counterpart prepare, 136137

sending one message, 139140

starting with the end in mind, 133135

incentives, 4951

interdependencies, 107108, 112


of all players, 910

defined, 11

letting positions drive out, 4, 1112

mapping out the negotiation space and, 2730

price vs. other, 4, 610

International Longshore and Warehouse Union, 100104

International Mass Retail Association, 103

Iraq, invasion of, 109110

Jewel, 146

job offers, negotiating, 6373

gender bias in, 6869

likability and, 6465

making it clear they can get you, 66

perspective in, 73

questioner’s intent vs. questions in, 67, 70

the rules in, 6473

showing them why you deserve your request, 6566

staying at the table in, 7273

timing and, 71

tough questions in, 66, 67

ultimatums in, 7172

understanding the constraints in, 67

understanding the person across the table, 66

joint gains, 1314

Kahneman, Daniel, 115123

Katz, John, 7980

Keebler, 160162

keeping the dialogue going, 5960

Kellogg, 160162

Kimeldorf, Howard, 102

KLA-Tencor, 141

Kolb, Deborah M., 4762

labor negotiations, 100104, 105106

Lanier, Robin, 103

Lax, David, 7, 99114

Lazard Frères, 6

leadership, 122123, 133

legal system stability/instability, 8485

Le Roux, Jean-Marc, 145163

likability, 6465

listening, 55

in crisis negotiation, 91, 9293

longshoremen, 100104, 105106

Lopez, Joe, 55

Lufthansa Flight 592, 88, 90

Maersk, 101

Malhotra, Deepak, 2332, 6373

management, 133

The Manager as Negotiator (Lax and Sebenius), 7

manipulation, 2, 36

mapping backward from your target deal, 105, 106107

mapping out the negotiation space, 2730

Mays, Randall, 162163

McGinn, Kathleen, 100

media, 103104, 126

mental models, 148150

mergers and acquisitions, 125126

final-offer arbitration and, 122

synergies and skeletons in, 149, 157161

walking away from the deal, 145163

what are we really buying in, 148153

what is the target’s stand-alone value, 148149, 153157

Meyer, Erin, 7585

Millennium Pharmaceuticals, 45


deal maker, 126133, 130131

fixed-sum pie, 1112

implementation, 127, 130131

Miniace, Joseph, 100104

Misino, Dominick J., 8798

Mittal, Aditya, 99

Mittal, Lakshmi, 99

Mittal Steel, 99

Moffett Studios, 1617

multifront campaigns, 99114

assessing interdependencies among fronts in, 107108

choosing parties and grouping them into fronts, 105107

designing and executing, 105113

how much information to share and when, 113

illustration of, 100104

internal elements in, 102103

learning and adapting in, 113

samples of, 110111

sequencing, 109112

when and why to choose, 104105

whether and when to combine fronts in, 108109

Munich Olympics, 88

Murdoch, Rupert, 6

mutuality, 58

National Football League, 44

Neale, Margaret, 7

negative synergies, 160161

Negotiating Rationally (Bazerman and Neale), 7


academic research on, 7

as binary, 42

common problems in, 219

complex, 99114

controlling before it begins, 2332

as core competency, 1

cross-cultural, 7585

emotions in, 3346

habits for effective, 121

implementation and, 125144

of job offers, 6373

limitations of direct, 100104

managing like a business process, 129, 141143

reasonableness in, 115123

shadow, 4762

walking away from, 145163

Newton, Sam, 5859

New York Police Department, 8788

Nissan, 102

nonverbal communication, 8283

normalization of process, 2627

North American Free Trade Agreement, 109

objectivity, 79, 9192

observation, of others’ emotions, 3839

Odeon Cinemas, 156157

O’Neill, Tip, 9


alignment and, 138

negotiation, 3839

negotiations with providers, 132

overconfidence, 45

Ovitz, Michael, 126

O&Y Properties, 158160

Pacific Maritime Association, 100104, 105106, 109

package deals, 108109

partisan perceptions, 5, 1819

Patton, Bruce, 7, 14

Perkins, George, 1617

Perlman, Steve, 112

Pernod Ricard, 149151


on BATNAs, 1415

in crisis negotiation, 93

ignoring the other side’s problem and, 26

inability to see others’, 45

in job offer negotiations, 66, 73

mapping out the negotiation space and, 29

partisanship and, 5, 1819

seeing beyond initial ideas and, 60

skewed vision and, 1619

soliciting new, 6061

Philbin, Marcia, 5556


defined, 11

interests vs., 4, 1112

postnegotiation reviews, 141

post-settlement settlement, 44

power, shadow negotiation and, 4748

power moves, 4854

enlisting support, 5254

offering incentives, 4951

putting a price on the status quo, 5152


focusing on, 4, 610

value vs., 3031

process, 9

disappointment related to, 42

managing negotiations like a business process, 129, 141143

negotiating before substance, 2325

negotiation as an interpersonal, 3839

normalizing, 2627

process moves, 48, 5253, 5457

building consensus, 5657

reframing the process, 5556

seeding ideas early, 55

Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, 135

profit splits, 135

Psycho (film), 36

public perceptions, 113

putting a price on the status quo, 5152


questioner’s intent in, 67, 70

tough, in job negotiations, 67, 70

yes-or-no, 8184

Raiffa, Howard, 7

rapport, 41

reasonableness, 115123

receptivity, 55

reframing anger, 42

regret, 4244

rejection, 9394


anger and, 41

building alignment and, 138139

credibility and, 142143

in crisis negotiation, 9091

focus on price vs., 8

job negotiations and, 6869

reputation, building, 120121

respect, 8990

reverse Midas negotiators, 610, 12

Riley, Dan, 54

Rohatyn, Felix, 6

role bias, 5

Roosevelt, Theodore, 1617

Rossi, Francesca, 5960

Sachlichkeit, 79

Safeway, 145146

Sandberg, Sheryl, 68, 69

Sarbanes-Oxley, 133

saving face, 5859, 9798

Schweinsberg, Martin, 41

Schweitzer, Maurice, 37

Sebenius, James K., 121, 99114

secrecy, 137

self-serving role bias, 1718

sequence, 99100, 109112

shadow negotiation, 4762

appreciative moves in, 5761

defined, 47

power inequality and, 4748

power moves in, 4854

process moves in, 5457

research on, 50

Shark Tank (TV show), 37

silencing, 54

Singapore Management University, 80

Six Sigma, 133

SmithKline Beecham, 910

social contract, 89

social mapping, 106107

soliciting new perspectives, 6061

Southern Pacific Railroad, 161


identifying all, 129

involving, 139

mapping out the negotiation space and, 2730

stalls in negotiation

keeping the dialogue going vs., 5960

power moves and, 4850

status quo, putting a price on the, 5152

step-down royalties, 135

Stevens, Carl, 118

Stevens, Sarah, 8283

Stone Container, 113

strategic challenges, 100

strategic levers, 48

substance, negotiating process before, 2325

suicides, 9697

Summit Partners, 157

Sun Tzu, 32

support, enlisting as a power move, 5254

Sweeney, Fiona, 5051, 5253

synergies, 149, 157161

mapping, 158, 159

negative, 160161

tactical challenges, 100

tactics, 1516

Taft-Hartley Act, 104

target deals, mapping backward from, 105, 106107

teams, 95, 129, 132

Terra Lycos, 1

TGG, 116119

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 116

think personally, act communally strategy, 68

timing, 71

in multifront campaigns, 108109

translators, 82

transparency, 108, 113, 137

Trump, Donald, 126


anger and, 41

appreciative moves and, 5761

cognitive vs. affective, 8081

credibility and, 142143

in crisis negotiation, 9091

cultural differences and building, 7981

Trustey, Joe, 157

ultimatums, 7172

Union Pacific Railroad, 161

upgraders, 77

Ury, Bill, 6, 7, 14


forecasts and, 1314

trickery around, 154156


creating and showing in shadow negotiation, 5051

price vs., 30–31

as product of negotiation, 144

what is the target’s stand-alone, 148149, 153157

value creation, 128

van Kleef, Gerben, 4041

Vare, Daniele, 219

venting, 9395

verbal cues of disagreement, 77

vision, skewed, 1619

Volpi, Mike, 6

Wagner, John, 85

walk-away price, 149, 161163

Walmart, 102, 103

Wasserstein, Bruce, 126

Waste Management, 5

WebTV, 112

Weddigen, Rolf-Magnus, 145163

Whitelaw, Gary, 159160

Williams, Judith, 4762

win-lose bargaining, 7, 41

win-win bargaining, 7

Witter, Dina, 100

Wolf, Elizabeth Baily, 39

yes-or-no questions, 8184

Yip, Jeremy, 41