abomination that causes desolation, 777–79
accountability, 633–36, 820–21
acts of righteousness/spiritual disciplines, 270–71, 285–90
angels, 75–76, 96, 615–16, 937–38
antitheses, the, 240
authority of Jesus, 357–58, 950–51; over nature, 351–52; over the spirit world, 352–54, over sin, 354–56
balance in a Christian’s life, 317–19, 428, 494–95, 583–84, 815
baptism, Jesus’ form of, 954–56
barriers broken down by Jesus, 340–45, 358, 920–22, 952
Beatitudes, the, 204–5, 216–26, 257–58
Bethlehem, 92, 93, 98, 99, 112–13
betrothal, 73–74
blasphemy, 865–66
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, 449
Branch of David, 117–18, 119, 124
Caesar Augustus, 54, 92, 97, 114
capital punishment, 260
chief priests, 98, 570, 694, 826–27, 944–45
Christian era, 123–24
Christian, the name, 124–26
community of faith, the church, 30, 33, 564–66, 578–79, 621, 626–29, 655, 672, 817, 946
Community Prescription, 33, 200, 492, 611, 626, 630, 634, 652–53, 654, 971–72
covenants, covenantal promises, 56, 58, 63, 70
cross, the, 896, 916, 917–20, 923–26, 929–31
crowds, the, 30–31, 182–83, 185, 192–93, 197–98, 328–29, 346, 356, 422, 448, 454, 477–78, 484–85, 492–93, 515, 731–32, 875–77
devil, Satan, 154, 155, 156, 162, 280
Dionysius Exiguus, 123–24
disciples, discipleship, 21, 30, 32–34, 35, 84, 87, 179–80, 192, 193, 197, 199–202, 214–16, 225–26, 237, 256–57, 315, 329, 364, 395–402, 424–25, 427–28, 456, 459, 490, 581–87, 613–15, 882, 889–90, 930–31, 941, 952–54, 956–59, 963–64, 971–72
disciples, false, 324–26, 334–35
discipleship and religious traditions, 368–69
discipline, church, 617–21, 628, 635–36
divorce, 75, 246–47, 262, 642–45, 654, 656–58
elitism, 287
end of the age, 771–77
Eschatological Forecast, 200
eternal life, 648
faith, 104, 517, 522, 527, 540, 546, 551, 596–98, 605–7
faithfulness of God, 66–67, 68
fasting, 154, 280–82, 289–90, 368
Father in heaven, 215–16, 275–76
fire of hell, 243
forgiveness, 279, 280, 622–25, 628–29, 636–39
fulfillment formula, 78, 120–21
fulfillment: of all righteousness, 139–40, 905; of the law, 227–29, 233, 241, 592; of Old Testament Scripture, 55, 56–57, 66, 110–12, 113–14, 120–22, 228–30, 346, 458, 915
Galilee, 172, 180, 184, 186, 940, 942, 947
Gentile ancestors of Jesus, 67–68
Gentiles, 172, 342–43, 540, 541, 706, 920–21
giving sacrificially, 105, 107–8
giving to the needy, 271–73, 288–89
gold, 101
Golden Rule, the, 313–14, 315–16, 725–26
Golgotha, 897–98
gospel of the kingdom, 146, 180–81, 776
gratitude, 284, 306, 666, 672–73, 674–75
Great Commission, 29, 32, 950–59, 963–64
great tribulation, the, 777–82
greatness in the kingdom of heaven, 612–13, 626–27, 673
heart, centrality of, 544–45, 549–50, 754
heart, hardness of, 478, 479–80, 493–94, 495–97, 510, 519, 549–50, 653–54
Herod, 93, 96–99, 101–2, 103, 104, 110, 112, 114, 123
Herod Antipas, 114–15, 171–72, 511–12, 519–20, 719–20
Herod Philip, 114
Holy Spirit, 77, 89–90, 149, 150, 154, 164–65, 222–23, 882
humility, 151–52, 614, 626, 632–33
hypocrites, hypocrisy, 272, 273, 288, 309–10, 674, 746, 751, 754
incense, 101
inspiration of Scripture, 229–30
Israel, 577, 579, 693–94, 698–99, 704–6, 716, 718, 757–58, 877, 888, 906, 953
Jerusalem, 97–98
Jesus and his Father, 421–22, 426, 559, 841–42, 903
Jesus as prophet, priest, and king, 701–4
Jesus, the name, 25, 56, 77, 81
Jesus, titles of: Immanuel, 35, 80, 81, 83, 84, 141; King of the Jews, 60, 94, 96, 98, 106, 810, 845; Lord, 28, 324–25, 686, 845; Messiah/Christ, 20–21, 25–26, 56, 69, 98, 558, 560, 864; the Nazarene, 118–19, 124; Prince of Peace, 853; Servant/Suffering Servant, 28, 143, 345–46, 444–45, 834, 845; son of Abraham, 29, 55, 56, 63, 66; son of David, 26–27, 29, 55, 56, 63, 66, 372–73, 446, 864; Son of God, 26–27, 143, 146–47, 157, 353, 518, 529, 559–60, 864; Son of Man, 27–28, 347–49, 356, 557–58, 865
Jewish religious leaders, 30, 34, 97–98, 104, 106, 135–36, 138–39, 150–51, 192, 198, 327, 328, 488, 569–70, 694–97, 700, 751, 944–46
John the Baptist, 104, 115, 116, 130–35, 171–72, 412–19, 425–26, 510–12, 695–96; and Elijah, 417, 593–94
Joseph, 74–77, 81–82, 87–89, 110, 119, 126–28
Joseph of Arimathea, 911–13, 922
Judas, 879–80
judging others, 308–10
judgment, 148–49, 489, 699–700, 794–95, 812–13, 816
Kingdom-Life Proclamation/Discourse, 32, 200
kingdom of God, 33, 34, 132, 447, 578–79, 721
kingdom of heaven, 25, 33, 77, 132–33, 135–36, 148–50, 174–75, 191, 206, 216, 217–18, 223, 276–77, 299, 482–84, 485–89, 498–99, 501–5, 578–79, 721
kingship, 60
Law and the Prophets, 228, 235–36, 313
law of retaliation (lex talionis), 248–51, 263–64
leaders and leadership, 759–60, 762–67
legalism, 88, 241, 286, 422, 545
leprosy, 340
light of the world, 214–16, 224
love, law of love, 236, 265–67, 463, 726, 739
marriage: faithfulness in, 261–62; sanctity of, 655–58
mercy, merciful, 208–9, 636–39
mission of disciples, 395–402, 403–405
Mission Mandate, 32, 200, 491, 971
motives, 270–74, 283–85, 288–90, 659, 666, 672, 674
mourning, 206–7
murder, 241–42
myrrh, 101
Nazareth Decree, 20
oaths, 247–48, 262–63, 752–53, 760
obedience, 81–82, 88, 187, 234, 258, 456, 460–61, 548, 605, 848
Old Testament Scripture and the Christian, 235–36, 256
Olivet Discourse, 33–34, 200, 492, 770–72, 788–91, 972
parables, 473–74, 476–79, 499–501
Parabolic Disclosure/Discourse, 32–33, 200, 472–74, 492, 971
persecution and suffering, 210–11, 401–2, 406–8, 461–62, 774–75, 917
Peter, 516–17, 521, 525–27, 560–68, 570–71, 579–80, 581, 585, 591–92, 839–40, 842, 848, 866–68, 880–82, 889–91
Pharisees and teachers of the law, 98, 135–36, 138, 150–51, 198, 208, 218, 219, 231, 241, 270, 346–47, 355–56, 367–68, 374, 377, 422, 443, 450, 457–60, 490, 534–36, 537, 556–57, 570, 726–28, 732–33, 744–45, 752–57, 758–60; disciples of, 719, 729–30
prophets, true and false, 322–26, 334
pure in heart, 209
reconciliation, 243, 260, 628, 658
repentance, 131, 133, 134, 136–37, 138, 232
rewards, 270–71, 283, 284–85, 651–52, 659, 672, 675
righteousness, 75, 77, 88, 140, 207–8, 219, 230–33, 234–35
Sabbath, the, 438–43
Sadducees, 135–36, 138, 150–51, 556–57, 722–24, 730–31, 733, 734–35
Satan, see devil
salt of the earth, 212–14, 224
salvation, 28–29, 67, 68, 70, 77, 85, 661, 894
second coming of Jesus, 799–800, 801–3, 814–17
Sermon on the Mount, 32, 190–202, 491, 971
servanthood, 669–70, 672, 673, 678–80, 750, 821–22
sign, 554–55
Simon of Cyrene, 896–97
sovereignty, divine, 103, 104, 846–47, 860; and human responsibility, 477–78, 834–35, 847–48, 860
Spirit-led life, 164–65
spiritual warfare, 377, 385, 459
Star of Bethlehem, 94, 95–96, 99, 102, 103
substitutionary atonement, 670, 903, 918
table fellowship, 366
tax collectors, 364–67
teachers of the law, see Pharisees and teachers of the law
temple tax, 598–600
temptation, tempt, 155–56, 158, 161–62, 165–69, 279
temptation of Jesus, 157–62, 848
tradition of the elders, 534–36, 542–44, 732, 740
Transfiguration, the, 589–93, 601–3
Trinity, the, 955–56
Twelve, the, 193, 384–89, 402, 405–6, 579–80, 651–52, 667, 706, 830, 947–48
unpardonable sin, 449–50
virgin birth, 63–64, 77, 79–80, 82–83, 85–86
wealth and materialism, 292–93, 296, 301–2, 303–4, 481, 649–51, 658–59
wine and gall, 898
wisdom, 419
women, 60, 67, 456, 911, 921–22, 939–40, 941–42, 962