Adam, Melchior, German Protestant divine, 498–499.

Adams, John, 277, 762.

Adams, John Quincy, 461.

Adams, Samuel, 277.

Adams, William, minister of Dedham, 9.

Addison, Joseph, 76; on poetry, 78, 668 and note.

Aesop, 697.

Agrarianism, defended in New England, 257.

Agriculture, in New England, 377, 444; possibilities of, described by Bradford, 382–383; by Smith, 398–399; by Lech-ford, 401–402; by Danckaerts, 411; produce and diet, 388, 437; domestic animals, 383, 401.

Allen, James, minister of Boston, 367.

Allerton, Isaac, Pilgrim, xix, 126.

Allin, John, minister of Dedham, 87; co-author of Defence, 118; preaches at Cambridge, 142.

Almanacs, 350, 733.

Alsted, Johann Heinrich, German Protestant theologian, 47 n.

Ames, William, English Puritan theologian, 291, 491, 552, 710, 769; importance in America, 47 n.; on prose style, 66–67.

Anabaptists, see Baptists.

Anaxagoras, 22 n.

Andrewes, Lancelot, Anglican bishop, 478, 480, 768; prose style of, 69–70, 666.

Andros, Sir Edmund, governor of New England, 243, 246; his taxes protested, 257; opposed by Moody, 367.

Anglicanism, xxiv, xxv, 208, 367; Puritan origin in, 5–6; tenets of, common to Puritanism, 7–11, 88; divergencies from Puritanism, 41–55, 86; opposed by Mayhew, 277.

Anglicans, xix, 165, 178, 184, 185, 394, 442, 695; objections to Quakers, 11; characteristics of prose style, 68–70; celebration of Christmas, 393.

Animals, in New England, wild, 383, 401; see Agriculture.

Antinomianism, 10, 14–15, 84, 156–157, 160, 185, 227, 460; objections to, by Willard, 36 n.; by Shepard, 118; by Winthrop, 126; Winthrop’s account of, 129–143.

Apprenticeship, 384, 387.

Aquinas, Saint Thomas, 26, 35 n., 235.

Arabella (Arbella), the, xxii, 126, 149, 471.

Architecture, 387–388, 394.

Aristides, 22.

Aristocracy, defined by Wise, 268.

Aristophanes, 22.

Aristotle, 31, 689, 706, 721, 729; scholastic discipline of, 28; grudge against, by Ramists, 33, 74; syllogisms, 33–34; quoted, 263, 267.

Arts and crafts, Puritan, bibliography, 831–833; see Architecture; Manners.

Ashurst, Henry, 743, 744, 774.

Assistants, court of, see Magistrates.

Augustine, Saint, 230.

Bacon, Francis, inductive method of, 28; influence on prose style, 666 n.

Balaam, Alexander, English merchant, 743, 774.

Ball, John, English prelate, 87; reply to, by Shepard and Allin, 118–122.

Banking, see Commerce.

Baptists, xxii, 15, 139–140, 160, 185, 225, 227, 335, 442.

Barlow, Joel, 552.

Barnard, John, minister of Marblehead, 193; biographical sketch, 270; Throne Established, 270–276; on poetry and style, 556.

Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste du, favorite of Puritans, 546, 548, 561.

Bathing, 388.

Baxter, Richard, English nonconformist divine, 178, 714, 773.

Bay Psalm Book, 77, 548, 666, 668, 669; bibliographical account of, 555–556; selections from, 556–561, 670–672.

Bede, surnamed “The Venerable,” 679.

Bedford, Arthur, English Protestant scholar, 686.

Bees, account of hiving, by Dudley, 748–750.

Behn, Aphra, 423.

Belcher, Jonathan, governor of Massachusetts, interest in literature, 76.

Belcher, Joseph, minister of Dedham, 425.

Belisarius, 354.

Bellomont, Earl of, see Coote.

Beverages, 2, 383, 420, 421, 442; drinking and drunkenness, xxii, 392–393; Danckaerts’ comments on, 410.

Bible, the, Puritan dependence on, 4, 10, 26, 41–57, 66, 79, 182, 187, 381; Geneva version of, 68; King James version of, 68.

Biographies and letters, Puritan, selections from, 465–544; discussion of, 459–465.

Blackmore, Sir Richard, favorite of Puritans, 668, 687, 772.

Black wall, Thomas, English scholar, 76 and note, 689, 772.

Blank verse, see Poetry.

Blaxton (or Blackstone), William, early settler, 149.

Blowers, Thomas, minister of Beverly, 448, 449, 768.

Bodin, Jean, French political economist, 211.

Bodley, Sir Thomas, English diplomat and scholar, 501.

Body of Liberties, 226; codification of, 385–386.

Boethius, 262.

Books and reading, see Libraries.

Bostin Latin School, 141, 334, 635, 696–697.

Boyle, Robert, 423, 733, 740; influence on prose style, 666 n.; letter to, from Leonard Hoar, 742–744.

Boylston, Zabdiel, physician of Boston, biographical sketch, 762; supports inoculation, 737; member of Royal Society, 762; selection, 763–764.

Bracton, Henry de, English jurist, 423.

Bradford, Andrew, American printer, 689.

Bradford, John, Protestant martyr, 119.

Bradford, William, governor of Plymouth, 485; biographical sketch, 90–91; History, 82–83, 87–89, 90, 91–117; on style, 74, 666–667; on farming in New England, 382–383.

Bradstreet, Anne, the “Tenth Muse,” 391–552; biographical sketch, 561–562; poetry selections, 562–579.

Bradstreet, Samuel, physician of Boston, 631; almanac poem, 632.

Bradstreet, Simon, governor of Massachusetts, 150, 512, 561, 765.

Brattle, Thomas, merchant of Boston, 24 n.; biographical sketch, 758; Delusion, 736, 758, 758–762; wills organ to church, 394 n., 758; interest in science, 734, 758.

Brattle, William, minister of Cambridge, 20; elected to Royal Society, 734.

Brewster, William, Plymouth founder, 83, 88, 90, 103; mourned by Bradford, 112–113; sketch of, by Bradford, 113–116.

Brigden, Zechariah, of Stonington, Connecticut, 732 n.

Brown, Thomas (“Tom”), English satirist, 687, 772.

Bucer, Martin, German theologian, 165.

Buckingham, Thomas, minister of Hartford, 425.

Bulkeley, Gershom, of Connecticut, 680.

Bulkeley, Peter, minister of Concord, 133; theories of government, 190.

Bulkley, John, minister of Colchester, biographical sketch, 680; preface to Wol-cott’s Meditations, 681–684; on style, 669.

Bundling, 387.

Bunyan, John, 423, 461.

Burial customs, 391.

Burroughs, Jeremiah, English divine, xxiv, 178.

Butler, Samuel, English satirist, 687, 772.

Buxtorf, Johann, German Protestant theologian, 670, 772.

Byles, Mather, minister of Boston, 552; biographical sketch, 662; Hymn, 663; satire on style, 669, 689–694.

Calef, Robert, writer on witchcraft, 270, 736.

Calvin, John, metaphysics of, 32.

Calvinism, 30 n., 36 n.; modified in New England, 189–190.

Calvinists, 24, 88, 229; and Ramists, 32–33; distinguished from Puritans, 32.

Cambridge, Massachusetts, 118, 128, 133, 142; Danckaerts’ visit to, 408–409; Dunton’s “Ramble” to, 422–425.

Camden, William, 547. Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 99–100, 102, 397, 404, 409–410.

Cartwright, Thomas, Puritan theologian, 209, 491, 769.

Carver, John, governor of Plymouth, 91, 102–105.

Casaubon, Isaac, 168.

Catholicism, Puritan hatred of, 8, 9–10, 85.

Cato, 22.

Cattle raising, see Agriculture.

Catullus, 29.

Chadderton, Lawrence, 768.

Chandler, Samuel, minister of Gloucester, 78.

Charles I, king of England, 195, 203, 277, 398.

Charles II, king of England, poem on, by Wolcott, 659–662.

Charlestown, Massachusetts, 139, 142, 151, 398, 409, 414, 421; setded by Winthrop, 126, 150.

Chauncy, Charles, president of Harvard College, 699, 707, 708; biographical sketch, 704–705; theory of rhetoric, 666; Commencement Sermon, 705–707.

Chauncy, Charles, minister of Boston, 680.

Chauncy, Elnathan, physician of Boston, 23.

Chauncy, Nathaniel, minister of Hatfield, 37.

Cheever, Ezekiel, schoolmaster of Boston, 270, 635, 697, 721–722; elegy on, by Mather, 722–724.

Chelmsford, Massachusetts, verses on, by Tompson, 640.

Cheyne, George, English physician, 757.

Christmas, Puritan dislike of, 393.

Church membership, necessary for franchise, 381–382.

Church of England, see Anglicanism.

Cicero, 676–677, 698, 702, 723.

Clark, John, physician of Boston, 387 n.

Clark, William, of Boston, 394.

Clothing, 388.

Cobbet, Thomas, minister of Ipswich, 246.

Coddington, William, governor of Rhode Island, 133.

Coit, Joseph, deacon of New London, 448, 768.

Coke, Sir Edward, 214, 423.

Colet, John, 21.

Collier, Jeremy, 392 n.

Colman, Benjamin, minister of Boston, 270, 335, 758; on wit, 392 and note; on drunkenness, 393; Life, by Turell, 536–5415 visits London, 536–539; supports inoculation, 737.

Comets, description of, by Williams, 745–747.

Commencements, as holidays, 393.

Commerce and banking, 384–385, 396–400; described by Danckaerts, 411.

Congregationalism, 193, 291; Cotton on, 208; Wise’s Vindication, 257–269.

Congregationalism, 86, 87, 178, 192, 410.

Conscience, cause of, see Toleration.

Coote, Richard, Earl of Bellomont, 243.

Copemican theory, in New England, 732–733.

Corlet, Elijah, schoolmaster of Cambridge, 701, 722, 723, 773.

Combury, Lord, see Hyde.

Coryate, Thomas, English traveler, 174.

Cotton, John, minister of Boston, 21–22, 50, 79, 127, 160, 162, 204, 282, 289, 291, 334, 424, 459, 492, 510, 549–550, 553; biographical sketch, 207–209; selections, 209–214,314–334; economic theories of, 5 n., 183, 187, 209–210, 212–214; on reason and nature, 24–26, 53; follower of Ramus, 36; on the Puritan ideal, 61; prose style of, 70–71, 314; literary theories, 73–74, 666; on history, 82–83, 85; debate with Williams, 186, 479; Williams’ attack on, 216–224; on dancing, 411; supports Mrs. Hutchinson, 129–136; on science, 729–732.

Cotton, John, of Hampton, 414, 774; Dunton’s visit to, 422–425.

Cotton, Maria, daughter of the first John Cotton, 334.

Cotton, Seaborn, minister of Hampton, 424.

Courts, see Legal administration.

Covenant theology, defined, 57–59.

Cowley, Abraham, 77, 270, 423.

Cranfield, Edward, lieutenant-governor of New Hampshire, opposed by Moody, 367.

Crashaw, Richard, 546, 650.

Crime, see Punishments.

Cromwell, Oliver, 47, 394; toleration for zealots, 15–16; on predestination, 282–283.

Crops, see Agriculture.

Curwin, George, minister of Salem, 392 n.

Cutler, Timothy, president of Yale, 392 n.

Danckaerts, Jasper, Dutch traveler, 765; biographical sketch, 403–404; Journal, 404–411; visit to Eliot, 407–408; to Cambridge, 408–409.

Danforth, Samuel, minister of Roxbury, 710; biographical sketch, 738; poetry of, 550–551; interest in science, 732–733, 738–739.

Dante, 22.

Darley, Sir Richard, of Yorkshire, England, 118.

Darwin, Charles, 28.

Davenant, Sir William, 77.

Davenport, John, minister of New Haven, xxi, 87, 133, 135, 724, 774; theories of government, 190–191.

Decorations, in New England houses, 387, 388.

Deerfield, Massachusetts, “dignifying the seats,” 380–381.

Deism, tendency toward, in later Puritanism, 733.

Deists, as followers of Newton, 733.

Democracy, Hooker misquoted on, 291; Puritan opposition to, 209–212, 256–269, 384.

Demosthenes, 677.

Denison, Dorothy, 462; courted by Sew-all, 518–520.

Dennis, John, English critic, on style, 76 n.

Derham, William, 754, 774.

Descartes, Renó, philosophical system of, 28–29.

Diaries, see Biographies.

Digby, Sir Kenelm, 740.

Diodorus Siculus, 168, 174.

Dionysius Halicamassensis, 168.

Divorces, see Marriage customs.

Donne, John, 60, 546, 548; on true knowledge, 8, 25; on nature, 8–9; prose style of, 68–70, 666.

Dorchester, Massachusetts, 139, 162, 243, 334, 398, 491, 492, 493.

Douglass, William, physician of Boston, 387; opposes inoculation, 737.

Downame, George, English commentator, 30 n., 34.

Downing, Emmanuel, 468.

Drama, Puritan view of, 394 n.

Draud, Georg, 711, 773.

Drinking, see Beverages.

Dryden, John, 76, 423, 548, 668.

Dudley, Joseph, governor of Massachusetts, 243, 389, 747.

Dudley, Paul, chief justice of Massachusetts, biographical sketch, 747; selections, 747–750; interest in science, 734, 747.

Dudley, Thomas, governor of Massachusetts, 127, 128, 133, 150, 163, 561; opposes Mrs. Hutchinson, 129–133; biographical sketch, xix–xx.

Dummer, Richard, assistant, 133.

Dunster, Henry, president of Harvard, 23, 700, 701; revises Bay Psalm Book, 556.

Dunton, John, bookseller of Boston, 250; biographical sketch, 413; Letters, 414–425.

Duport, James, 704, 773.

Dutch Reformed Church, 403.

Dwight, Timothy, 552.

Easterbrooks (Estabrook), Joseph, minister of Concord, 17.

Economic theories, Puritan, see Commerce; Trades; Government.

Education, Puritan, selections illustrating, 700–727; discussion of, 695–700; teachers’ salaries, 697; curriculum, 697–699; Eliot’s method of, 500; the college established, 698; tuition, 699; see Learning.

Edwards, Jonathan, minister of Northampton, 78, 288, 453, 548; Calvinism of, 30 n., 550.

Elections sermons, artillery: Mitchell’s, 237–242; Oakes’, 350–367; Moody’s, 367–369; Massachusetts: Stoughton’s; 243–246; Hubbard’s, 247–250; Wil-lard’s, 250–256; Barnard’s, 270–276.

Eliot, John, minister of Roxbury, 291, 424, biographical sketch, 765; Danck-aerts’ visit to, 407–408; Mather’s Life of, 83, 497–51; early years, 497–500; family government, 500–501; way of preaching, 501–502; as evangelist, 502–508; death, 508–511; as author, 555; the Indian Bible, 765.

Elizabethan Settlement, the, 6.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 461, 733.

Endecott, John, governor of Massachusetts, 126, 739, 766, 774; at Merry Mount, 108–109; elected member of standing council, 133.

England, Church of, see Anglicanism.

Episcopalianism, see Anglicanism.

Erasmus, 21, 172, 665, 673, 697, 712.

Euripides, 699.

Eusebius, 172.

Euston, Edward, organist in Boston, teaches dancing, 411.

Evelyn, John, 733.

Eyre, John, of Boston, 347.

Fabius Maximus, 229.

Familists, 160, 227.

Farming, see Agriculture.

Famaby, Thomas, 665.

Federal theology, see Covenant theology.

Fénelon, 76.

Fiennes, William, first viscount Saye and Sele, 208; Cotton’s letter to, 209–212.

Fitch, Elizabeth, daughter of James Fitch, 390.

Fitch, James, minister of Norwich, follower of Ramus, 34–35; First Principles, 38 n.; objections to florid funeral sermons, 391.

Florio, John, 665.

Flynt, Josiah, minister of Dorchester, 707; scientific theories of, 38 n.; letter to, from Hoar, 708–714.

Food, see Agriculture.

Foxe, John, xxii, 164.

Franklin, Benjamin, 425, 689, 733.

Fraunce, Abraham, 30 n.

Frontier, effects of, 17.

Fuller, Samuel, Pilgrim deacon, 99.

Fuller, Thomas, Anglican historian, 172.

Funerals, Puritan practice regarding, 391.

Furniture, 383–384, 388.

Galen, 386.

Galileo, 681 and note, 733.

Games, see Sports and diversions.

Gardiner’s Island, 448, 768.

Gassendi, Pierre, French scientist, 721, 733, 773–774.

Geree, John, English author, on Puritan style, 65.

Gerrish, Samuel, of Boston, 449, 768.

Gesner, Conrad, Swiss scholar, 711, 773.

Gibbons, Edward, deputy, 149.

Goodwin, Thomas, independent divine, xxviii, 338.

Gookin, Daniel, major-general, on style, 75, 666.

Gosnold, Bartholomew, English voyager, 100.

Government, Puritan theories of, selections illustrating, 194–280; discussed, 181–194.

Great Awakening, the, 3, 17; opposed by Mayhew, 277.

Greek, study of, 696, 697, 701.

Green, Joseph, minister of Salem Village, biographical sketch, 447; Diary, 380, 448–450.

Gregory of Nazianzus, Saint, 494, 686.

Grew, Nehemiah, English botanist, 423.

Gridley, Joshua, American publisher, 689.

Guardian, The, 76.

Hakluyt, Richard, 395.

Hale, Sir Matthew, 423.

Half-way covenant, 237, 334, 769.

Halifax, George Savile, first marquis of, 76.

Hall, Joseph, English bishop, 714, 773.

Halley, Edmund, English astronomer, 733.

Harlackenden, Roger, assistant, epitaph on, 630–631.

Harvard, John, gift to Harvard College, 422.

Harvard College, 66, 162, 163, 698; early description of, 701–704; rules governing student conduct, 702–703; curriculum of, 698–700, 703–704, 729; commencement theses, 24 and note, 25, 699; science taught at, 27, 733–734; visited by Danckaerts, 408–409; scholastic method taught at, 28; mentioned in Mather’s sermon, 347–348.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 461, 722.

Haynes, John, governor of Massachusetts, xx, 128.

Hebrew, taught at Harvard, 704.

Heereboord, Adrian, 733.

Heinsius, Daniel, Dutch scholar, 263.

Helmont, Jan Baptista Van, 23.

Herbert, George, 650; quoted, 62.

Herodotus, 167, 168.

Herrick, Robert, 546; poetry read by Puritans, 699.

Hesiod, 21, 698, 699; quoted by Barnard, 272 n.

Heylin, Peter, 165, 170, 172, 768.

Hickes, George, dean of Worcester, 11.

Hicks, John, of Salem, 450.

Higginson, Francis, minister of Salem, biographical sketch, 122–123; New Englands Plantation, 86–87, 123–125.

Hildersham, Arthur, Puritan divine, 495, 769.

Hingham, Massachusetts, 139, 189.

History, Puritan theory of, selections illustrating, 90–179; discussion of, 81–90.

Hoar, Leonard, president of Harvard College, 699; biographical sketch, 707–708; selections, 708–714, 742–744.

Hobbes, Thomas, 667.

Holidays, 393, 769.

Holyoke, Edward, president of Harvard College, 270.

Homer, 497, 682, 685, 699; quoted by Barnard, 272 n.

Hooker, Richard, Anglican divine, 59, 60, 666; Ecclesiastical Polity discussed, 41–47, 478, 480; Puritan opinion of, 47.

Hooker, Thomas, minister of Hartford, 79, 118, 122, 127, 133, 208, 209, 494, 498; biographical sketch, 290–291; selections, 292–314, 672–673; eloquence of, 137, 282–283, 291; Mather’s account of, 336; theories of society, 188; of history, 85; of spiritual warfare, 283, 287, 292–301; of education, 12 and note, 13; of grace, 39–40; 54–56; of nature and reason, 50–53; of rapture, 60–62; of prose style, 65, 67, 68, 666; death recorded by Winthrop, 142; by Mather, 493–494.

Hopkins, Edward, governor of Connecticut, 140.

Hopkins, John, English writer, 453, 555.

Horace, 21, 546, 682, 698; quoted by Bulkley, 683.

Horses, see Agriculture.

Houses and housing, see Architecture.

Howe, John, English Puritan, 334.

Howell, James, English pamphleteer, 167, 176.

Howland, John, Pilgrim, 99.

Hubbard, William, minister of Ipswich, 81, 82, 192, 246; biographical sketch, 246; Happiness of a People, 247–250; theories of beauty, 64, 247–250; of magistrates’ duties, 18; of reason, 24.

Hull, Hannah, wife of Sewall, 376.

Hull, John, mint-master, 376, 384, 462; Willard’s funeral sermon on, 369–371.

Humanism, Puritan, 19–41.

Humfry, John, assistant, 210.

Hutchinson, Anne, Antinomian leader, xx, xxvii, 10, 15, 16, 22, 194, 291, 459, 732 n.; Winthrop’s account of, 129–143; supported by Cotton, 129–136, 208; banished from Massachusetts, xxi–xxii, 136; Johnson’s account of, 156–157.

Hutchinson, Benjamin, of Salem Village, 449–450.

Hyde, Edward, Lord Combury, governor of New York, 442, 767.

Independents, see Congregationalism.

Indians, 437; Johnson’s account of, 154–156; Williams’s, 530–536; language, manners and customs of, 504–506; land payments to, discussed by Stoddard, 457.

Inns, see Taverns.

Isocrates, 698.

James I, king of England, 102, 476.

James, William, 59.

Jefferson, Thomas, 183, 193, 733; contrasted with Roger Williams, 186–187.

Jerome, Saint, 673, 680, 688.

Johnson, Lady Arabella., 149.

Johnson, Edward, deputy, 15, 16, 86; biographical sketch, 143; Wonder-working Providence, 87, 89–90, 143–162, 550; epitaph on Harlackenden, 630–631; verses “To the New Churches,” 631.

Johnson, Isaac, militia captain, epitaph on, 150.

Johnson, Samuel, president of King’s (Columbia) College, 30 n.; Technologia, 36 n., 38 n.; follower of Ramus, 38 n.

Jones, John, minister of Concord, epitaph on, 153.

Josephus, Flavius, 171.

Josselyn, John, naturalist and traveler, Voyages quoted, 379, 381, 388.

Journals, see Biographies.

Judges, see Legal administration.

Junius, Franz, French Huguenot divine, 339.

Justice, civil, see Election sermons; Legal administration.

Justin, Roman historian, 706.

Justin, Saint, the martyr, 74.

Justinian, 267.

Juvenal, 698.

Keayne, Robert, militia captain, fined for usury, 5 n.

Keckermann, Bartolomeus, Protestant author, 665.

Kepler, Johann, German astronomer, 733. Knight, Sarah Kemble, biographical sketch, 425; Journal, 394, 425–447.

Labadists, 403.

Larkin, George, English printer, Dun-ton’s Letter to, 414–425.

Latin, study of, 696, 697, 699, 701.

Laud, William, archbishop of Canterbury, 117, 290, 477, 480; on the authority of the Bible, 41–42.

Laws, see Legal administration.

Lawyers, Puritan distrust of, 380, 385 and note.

Learning, Puritan advancement of, 4, 10, 19–41; see Education.

Lechford, Thomas, 765; first Massachusetts lawyer, biographical sketch, 401; Plain Dealing, 401–403; his objections to Puritans, 402–403.

Lee, Samuel, minister of Bristol, 78, 460; on science and religion, 286.

Legal administration, 381–382, 385–386, 388, 389; see Election sermons.

Letters, see Biographies.

Leverett, John, president of Harvard College, 734, 771.

Leyboum, William, English mathematician, 423.

Liberty, civil, Puritan theories of, 274–276; see Government.

Libraries, Puritan, 270; Dun ton’s discourse on, 422–425.

Lightfoot, John, Anglican rabbinical scholar, 241.

Lillo, George, English dramatist, 394.

Lily, William, English grammarian, 723, 774.

Literary theory, Puritan, selections illustrating, 670–694; discussion of, 665–669.

Locke, John, English philosopher, 30 and note.

Longinus, 689.

Lucian, 170, 414.

Lucius Florus, 168.

Luist, Robert, 425.

Luther, Martin, 85, 492–493.

Lutherans, 229.

Lyon, Richard, of Cambridge, 556.

Magistrates, duty and power of, 381, 382, 385–386, 390; Cotton’s theory of, 212–214, Josselyn’s opinion of, 379; and Hubbard’s, 18; see Election sermons.

Malabar (Cape Cod), 100.

Maiden, Massachusetts, 386, 630, 631.

Manners, customs, and behavior, Puritan, selections illustrating, 395–457; discussion of, 379–395; at Harvard, 699.

Manufactures, see Trades and trading.

Maple sugar, produced in New England, 383, 747–748.

Marblehead, Massachusetts, 270, 385.

Marprelates, 67.

Marriage customs, in New England, 389–390; divorces, 390, 437.

Marshall, Stephen, English Presbyterian minister, 178, 770.

Martyr, Peter, 119.

Marvell, Andrew, 482, 768.

Mason, John, captain in the Pequod war, 473.

Mason, John, Connecticut magistrate, letter from Williams, 484–488.

Massachusetts, General Court of, 20.

Massachusetts Bay, 123.

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 88–89, 395, 767; described by Lechford, 401–403; boundaries of patent, 402.

Massachusetts Bay Company, 86; engages Higginson, 123; Winthrop signatory to charter of, 126; Ward a founder of, 226.

Massasoit, Wampanoag sachem, 104.

Mather, Cotton, minister of Boston, 2, 22 n., 86, 270, 289, 291, 335, 386, 392 n., 424, 512, 548–549, 553, 758; biographical sketch, 162–163; Magnolia, 82, 87, 90, 163–179; Accomplished Singer, 451–453; Life of Eliot, 83, 464, 497–511; preface to Psalterium Ameri-canum, 668, 678–680; Manuductio, 684–689; Elegy on Cheever, 722–724; Special Points, 724–727; Christian Philosopher, 733, 750–758; sermon on Morgan, 415–417; interest in education, 695, 697, 722–727; in science, 733–734, 737–738, 750–758, 762; in style, 73–74, 76, 77; in poetry, 556, 668, 669, 685–689; member of Royal Society, 734; part in witchcraft delusion, 735–737; supporter of inoculation, 737; tendency toward Deistic rationalism, 733; pedantry of, 49, 90.

Mather, Eleazer, minister of Northampton, 494.

Maiher, Increase, minister of Boston and president of Harvard College, 79, 90, 162, 163, 237, 250, 270, 289, 376, 386, 424, 510, 758; biographical sketch, 334–335; Awakening Truths, 335–340; A Discourse (1697), 340–348; Practical Truths, 348–350; An Arrow, 411–413; Life of Richard Mather, 489–496; Presidential Address, 721; sermon on Morgan, 419–420; attitude toward drinking, 2; frontier, 17 n.; education, 20–21, 700, 721; classical moralists, 22; Ramus, 32; literary style, 73, 335; toleration, 185; predestination, 282; divine providence, 285, 347; witchcraft, 736; inoculation, 737.

Mather, Nathaniel, minister of Barnstable, England, 494.

Mather, Richard, minister of Dorchester, 90, 162, 334, 769; Life, by Increase Mather, 489–496; prose style of, 494; author of Bay Psalm Book, 555, 669.

Mather, Samuel, minister of Dublin, Ireland, 494; on nature and reason, 52.

Maverick, Samuel, petitioner, 149.

Maxwell, William, Harvard student, drowned, 347.

Mayhew, Experience, missionary to the Indians, 277.

Mayhew, Jonathan, minister of Boston, biographical sketch, 277; A Discourse, 193–194, 277–280.

Medford, Massachusetts, 139; Dunton’s “Ramble” through, 421–422.

Medicine, in New England, practicing physicians, 246, 386–387; ministers as physicians, 386; see Smallpox inoculation.

Meditation, importance of, to Puritans, Hooker’s account of, 301–306.

Merry Mount, formerly Mount Wollas-ton, see Thomas Morton.

Methodism, 4.

Midwives, 386.

Mildmay, Sir Humphrey, of Essex, England, 399, 765.

Militia, training days, 767; Winthrop’s account of, 137–138; as holidays, 393, 436–437; Oakes’ sermon on, 363.

Miller, John, minister of Yarmouth, 739, 774

Milton, John, 20, 67, 77, 547, 548, 668; Artis Logicae, 30 n., 36 n.; follower of Ramus, 36 n.; friend of Roger Williams, 215; favorite of Puritans, 546; divorce tracts, 481–482.

Ministers, in New England, Josselyn’s opinion of, 379; land privileges of, 382; functions of, divided, 386.

Mitchell, Jonathan, minister of Cambridge, 192, 334, 710, 773; biographical sketch, 237; Nehemiah, 237–242; quotes Vergil, 23; theory of style, 71, 667; on free will, 287.

Mix, Stephen, minister of Wethersfield, 390.

Mohegans (Mohegins), 486.

Monarchy, defined by Wise, 268.

Monk, George, duke of Albemarle, 478.

Moody, Joshua, minister of Portsmouth, biographical sketch, 367; Souldiery Spiritualized, 367–369; sermon on Morgan, 417–419; prose style of, 367.

Moore, Sir Jonas, English mathematician, 423.

Morgan, James, condemned murderer, 413; execution described, 414–420.

Morison, Robert, English physician, 743, 774.

Morton, Charles, vice president of Harvard College, physics text used, 733.

Morton, Nathaniel, secretary of the Plymouth Colony, on style, 75; his Plymouth history, 81, 82.

Morton, Thomas, of Merry Mount, 108–110; with Wollaston, 107; sent back to England, 111.

Morton, William, English minister, on books, 72.

Music, in New England, 270, 394, 412; in Puritan churches, 394, 450; Cotton Mather on, 450–453.

Naraganset (Narragansett) Indians, 103, 473.

Nature, law of, Puritan view of, 47–57, 285–286, 730–733; discussed by Mitchell, 237–242; by Willard, 250–251; by Wise, 258–269; by Barnard, 270–276.

Naumkeag (Naumkeak), 126, 398.

Newbury, Massachusetts, 290; violent wind at, 138–139; described by Sewall, 377.

New England, account of settlement by Higginson, 122–125; by Winthrop, 137–143; by Johnson, 143–162; by Smith, 377; epidemic in, 142; slavery in, 376; attitude toward, by settlers, 369–374; moral declensions bewailed, 375–376, 379; customs in, described, 379–395; class of immigrants to, 381; exports and imports, 383; diseases common to, 386; Danckaerts’ description of, 409–411.

New England Company, 383.

New Englands First Fruits, bibliographical account of, 700; text of, 701–704.

New Haven, Connecticut, 139, 141, 367, 425, 434, 435, 439 afflicted by disaster, 141–142.

Newman, Henry, agent, 762; letter to, from Boylston, 763–764.

Newman, Samuel, minister of Rehoboth, 639, 739, 771, 774.

Newport, Rhode Island, 484; trade and commerce, 383, 385.

Newton, Sir Isaac, 181, 286, 733, 740.

New York City, Madam Knight’s visit to, 441–443.

Nonconformists, see Presbyterians; Puritans; Quakers, etc.

Nonnus, 704, 773.

Nonresistance, doctrine of, opposed by Mayhew, 277–280.

North, Sir Thomas, 22 n.

North, John, minister of Ipswich and Boston, 334; biographical sketch, xxii; on Quakers, 11; on grace, 39; on nature and reason, 52, 54; account of, by Johnson, 151.

Norton, John, nephew of the Boston minister, 580; elegy on Mrs. Bradstreet, 582–585.

Nowell, Samuel, assistant, on drunkenness, 393; interest in science, 732.

Noyes, Nicholas, minister of Salem, 377, 449, 450, 768; on literary style, 64–65; part played in witchcraft delusion, 759–762.

Oakes, Urian, president of Harvard College, 90, 766; biographical sketch, 350; The Soveraign Efficacy, 350–367; Elegy on Shepard, 551, 641–650; prose style of, 70–71, 350; on scripture interpretation, 25; on science, 27, 730; on divine providence, 285, 287, 350–367; on men’s apparel, 388.

Origen, 680, 724.

Otis, James, 277.

Ovid, 682, 697, 698, 723.

Owen, John, English theologian, xxiii, 165.

Paine, Thomas, 733.

Palmer, Geoffrey, English judge, 423.

Paper money, 257, 384.

Papists, 229.

Paracelsus, xxv, 386.

Parker, Thomas, minister of Newbury, 377.

Paul, Saint, 22 n.

Peacham, Henry, English critic, 665.

Pemberton, Ebenezer, minister of Boston, on duty of citizens, 18–19.

Pepys, Samuel, 733.

Pequod (Pequot) Indians, 472–473, 486.

Pericles, 22 n.

Perkins, William, English Puritan, 209, 771; importance of, in America, 47 n.; on prose style, 65, 666.

Persius, 698.

Peter, Hugh, minister of Salem, 127, 483; opposes Mrs. Hutchinson, 129; sketch of, xix.

Philips, Katherine Fowler, “the matchless

Orinda,” 423.

Philips, Edward, English critic, 561.

Philomela, see Elizabeth Rowe.

Philosophical Society of Boston, 734.

Phips, Sir William, governor of Massachusetts, 462, 735, 736.

Physicians, see Medicine. Pierpont, James, minister of New Haven, 446, 768.

Pigon, John, 406.

Pike, John, minister of Dover, 380.

Pilgrims, the, 88, 387.

Pirates, 386.

Plato, 21, 685, 706, 721; quoted by Wise, 266–267.

Platonism, 38 n.

Plautus, 21.

Pliny, 753.

Plum Island, Massachusetts, 290, 376–377.

Plutarch, 22 and note, 50, 169, 490, 706.

Plymouth Colony, 88–89, 91? Bradford’s History of, 91–117; plantation described by Smith, 396–397.

Poetry, Puritan, selections illustrating, 552–663; discussion of, 77–78, 545–552, 667, 684, 685–689; Jane Turell’s interest in, 542–543; blank verse, 452–453, 668 and note, 678–680.

Point Care (Cape Cod), 100.

Polybius, 168, 169, 171.

Pope, Alexander, 552, 663, 668.

Port Royal, Nova Scotia, 270, 448, 449.

Predestination, 56–57, 358–361; differs from fatalism, 282–283; Mather’s Predestination, 335–340.

Presbyterianism, 208.

Presbyterians, 86, 87, 178.

Preston, John, English Puritan, xxvii, 366; on grace, 39; defines beauty, 62.

Prince, Thomas, minister of Boston, 556.

Printing press, 376; description of, 409.

Privateering, 385.

Prodigies, recorded in New England, 137–140, 740–742; Puritan view of, 731–732.

Proprietors, 382.

Prose style, Puritan, 64–76, 665, 673; differences from Anglican, 68–72.

Protestantism, 16, 17.

Providence, Rhode Island, 448; founded by Williams, 215, 485; Williams’ letter to, 224–225; ferry at, 428; Tompson’s verses on, 638–639.

Prynne, William, 67, 491, 769.

Psalms, metrical version of, 450.

Pufendorf, Samuel, xxvi, 258.

Punishments, 386, 392; Morgan’s execution described, 413–420; Indian, 437–438.

Puritanism, defined, 1–63; as a religious creed, 4; a philosophy, 4; a meta-physic, 4; misconceptions of, 4, 5; origin of, 5–6; divergences from Anglicanism, 6–7, 12–15, 41–55; tenets common to Anglicanism, 7–11; intellectual quality of, 14; rationalism in, 21; Platonic elements of, 38–39 and note; intensity of, 59, 89; individuality of creed, 182–183; theological terms defined, xx–xxi.

Puritans, misconceptions about 2–5, 282–283; heirs of Middle Ages, 10, 695; intellectualism of, 4;opposersof sects and toleration, 3–5, 10, 25; of democracy, 5, 17, 381; on drinking, 2, 392–393; 420, 421; economic philosophy of, 5, 19, 384–385; autocratic temper of, 19, 379–380; humanism of, 19–41, 695, 697; heirs of Renaissance, 546, 665; knowledge of classics, 20, 21–23, 681–683, 695–700; of Hebrew, 21, 91, 698; use of scholasticism, 26–27; revolt against scholasticism, 27–41; as Calvinists, 32–33, 56–58; followers of Ramus, 34–41; theory of grace, 53–54; aesthetic theories of, 61–62, 64–66, 247–250, 394; as literary artists, 64–79, 281–282, 314, 335, 367–369, 390, 425, 465, 494, 665–669; on writing of history, 81–90; departure from England, 147–149; self-analysis of, 282–286; struggle for perfection, 284–285, 288, 306–309; sermon types, 288–289; interest in meditation, 301–309; hatred of hypocrisy, 314–318; on grace, 318, 327–334, 369–371; on faith, 319–327 on death, 340–348, 391; on behavior in church, 348–350; on moral declension, 347–348, 375–376, 379; on slavery, 376; factiousness among, 379–381; on idleness, 384 n.; professions among, 385–387; close family ties, 391; see Government; Legal administration; Music, etc.

Quakers, 184, 185, 380, 442, 445, 483; Puritan objection to, 11.

Quarles, Francis, 555, 650.

Quebec, 257; John Williams at, 534–536.

Ramus, Petrus, French logician, 166; teaching method of, 28–29, 32; works, 28; logic of, 29–41; on science, 29; Dialectics, 30 n.; Platonism of, 31 and note; Puritan dependence on, 32–41, 73–74, 709, 710; doctrine of contraries, 32–41; humanism of, 36; reform of logic, 74 n.

Rapin de Thoyras, Paul, 76, 665.

Ray (Wray), John, 752, 774.

Reason, Puritan view of, 47–57, 285–286; discussed by Mitchell, 237–242; by Wise, 258–269; by Barnard, 270–276.

Reformation, 16, 19, 85–86, 181.

Rehoboth, Massachusetts, 485; verses on, by Tompson, 639–640.

Revolution, right of, preached by May-hew, 277.

Revolution of 1688, the, 163, 243, 334.

Reyner, Edward, 289.

Richards, John, captain, of Boston, 446.

Richardson, Alexander, English logician, 30 n., 710.

Richardson, John, minister of Newbury, 24 n.; interest in science, 732.

Robinson, John, Pilgrim pastor, xxv, 88, 90, 211.

Rogers, John, president of Harvard College, 580; elegy on Mrs. Bradstreet, 581–583.

Rogers, John, minister of Ipswich, 768. Rogers, Nathaniel, minister of Ipswich, 449.

Rogers, Richard, English Puritan, 552.

Rogers, Samuel, of New London, 446.

Rowe, Elizabeth (Singer), “the incomparable Philomela,” 423.

Roxbury, Massachusetts, 203; Mrs. Hutchinson at, 135; Danckaerts’ visit to, 407–408.

Royal Society of London, 163, 667; New Englanders members of, 734, and note.

Russell, Daniel, of Gharlestown, 631; almanac poem, 633–635.

Russell, Noadiah, minister of Middle-town, biographical sketch, 744; essay on lightning, 744–750.

Russell, Samuel, minister of Branford, 24 n.

Sadlier, Anne, correspondence with Williams, 464, 476–482.

Salem, Massachusetts, 243, 335, 376, 385; settled by Higginson, 123; Winthrop’s account of, 126–127; Johnson’s 149; Smith’s, 398.

Sal tons tall, Gurdon, minister of New London, 434, 446, 767.

Saltonstall, Richard, assistant, 133, 758.

Sanders, Robert, of Albany, 406.

Sandys, George, 548.

Sargent, Peter, of Boston, 394, 512.

Saye and Sele, see Fiennes.

Science, Puritan interest in, xxvii, 4, 8–9, 26–27, 286, 699–700, 708, 721; selections illustrating, 738–764; discussion of, 729–738; Hubbard on, 248–249.

Seekers, 160; Williams as seeker, 215.

Seneca, 22 and note, 706.

Separatism, 88, 90.

Servants, 381, 384, 385.

Settle, Elkanah, 423.

Sewall, Samuel, chief justice of Massachusetts, 59, 369, 376, 736; biographical sketch, 376; Phaenomena, 290, 376–377; Diary, 376, 462–463, 511–530; biblical prophecy, 290, 376–377; objection to wigs, 389; on death, 391; on music, 394; courtship, 518–528; distrust of science, 733 n.

Shadwell, Thomas, 423.

Shepard, Thomas, minister of Cambridge, 59, 133, 259, 237, 424, 630, 765; biographical sketch, 117–118; Defence, 84, 87, 118–122; Autobiography, 463, 471–475; on heathen authors, 23; on knowledge, 50; on reason, 53, 730; prose style of, 70–71; account of, by Johnson, 151–152.

Shepard, Thomas, Jr., minister of Charlestown, 640–641; biographical sketch, 714; almanac poetry, 550; elegy on, by Oakes, 641–650; letter to his son, 715–720.

Shepard, Thomas, son of the preceding, 714; letter to, from his father, 715–720.

Ships and shipping, 385, 401.

Sibbes, Richard, English Puritan, on style, 66.

Sidney, Sir Philip, follower of Ramus, 29; admired by Puritans, 546, 561, 698.

Skelton, Samuel, minister of Salem, xix, 126.

Slavery, 384; Sewall’s pamphlet against, 376.

Sluyter, Peter, Dutch traveler, see Danck-aerts.

Smallpox inoculation, 163, 257, 270, 335, 737–738; account of, by Boylston, 763–764.

Smith, John, explorer, 100, 376; biographical sketch, 395; Advertisement, 395–400.

Smuggling, 385.

Social life, see Manners, customs, and behavior.

Socrates, 50, 721.

Sophocles, 699.

Spectator, The, 76.

Speed, John, English antiquary, 547.

Spenser, Edmund, favorite poet of Puritans, 546, 561, 699.

Sports and diversions, 391–394; described by Danckaerts, 410; dancing, 411–413.

Sprat, Thomas, bishop of Rochester, 734; on style, 75; critical theories of, 667.

Stamp Act, opposed by Mayhew, 277.

Standish, Miles, Pilgrim captain, 103; sent after Morton, 110.

Steere, Richard, colonial poet, 667–668, 669 n.

Stephen, Saint, 177.

Sternhold, Thomas, English writer, 453, 555.

Stiles, Ezra, president of Yale College, 651.

Stirk, George, London physician, 740.

Stoddard, Mary, 390.

Stoddard, Solomon, minister of Northampton, xxiv, 335, 389; biographical sketch, 453–454; An Answer, 454–457; on grace, 40.

Stone, Samuel, minister of Hartford, 291, 739, 774.

Stoughton, Israel, assistant, 133.

Stoughton, William, lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, 192, 463, 713; biographical sketch, 243; New England True Interest, 243–246.

Suetonius, 169.

Swift, Jonathan, 722.

Sylvester, Joshua, 546, 770.

Tacitus, 169, 170, 706.

Talon (Talaeus), Omer, rhetorician, 74 n.

Tate, Nahum, English laureate poet, 423, 756, 774.

Tatier The, 689.

Taverns, poor accommodations in, 393–394; described by Danckaerts, 410; by Dunton, 421–422; by Madam Knight, 425–447.

Taylor, Edward, minister of Westfield, 529–530, 667; biographical sketch, 650–651; poetry of, 651–657; discussed, 552; love letter quoted, 390.

Taylor, Jeremy, 59, 60, 481; Ductor, 47–49; Puritan opinion of, 54; on nature and reason, 55; prose style of, 69–70.

Temple, Sir William, 30 n.

Terence, 712.

Tertullian, 170.

Textbooks, 695–700, 733.

Thanksgiving, 393.

Theocracy, 17; Cotton on, 210.

Theocritus, 699.

Theology, Puritan, selections illustrating 290–377; discussed, 281–290.

Thomson, James, British poet, 552, 663, 668.

Thoreau, Henry, 461, 733.

Thou, Jacques Auguste de, 172.

Thucydides, 23, 168.

Tillotson, John, archbishop of Canterbury, 276, 772.

Tindai, Sir John, 142.

Toleration, 381; Cotton-Williams debate on, 216–224; Ward on, 226–236.

Tompson, Benjamin, teacher and physician of Roxbury, biographical sketch, 635–636; New Englands Crisis, 636–640; poetry of, 551.

Tompson, David, 149.

Tools and utensils, 388.

Towns and villages, commons, 380, 422; squabbles in, 380–381; grantees and proprietors of, 382; land values in, 384; local government in, 386.

Trades and trading, 383–385, 387–388, 396–400.

Training days, see Militia.

Travel, 394; see Madam Knight’s Journal.

Trost, Martin, 704, 773.

Trowbridge, Thomas, of New Haven, 439, 442.

Trumbull, John, American poet, 552.

Turell, Ebenezer, minister of Medford, biographical sketch, 536; Life of Col-man, 464–465, 536–541; Memoirs of Jane Turell, 464–465, 541–544; theories of. style, 74.

Turell, Jane, 465; Memoirs of, 541–544; her interest in poetry, 542–543.

Turner, Robert, 676, 772.

Ulpian, 263.

Underhill, John, captain against the Pequods, 215, 459.

Unitarianism, 3, 4, 277. Ussher, James, primate of Ireland, xxv, 47, 178, 241.

Vane, Lady Frances, the younger, 73.

Vane, Sir Henry, 127, 128, 133, 194, 477; supports Mrs. Hutchinson, 129–133; biographical sketch, xix.

Vergil, 22, 23, 29, 546, 682, 685, 698; quoted, 689.

Vida, Marco Girolamo, 686.

Virginia Company, the, 102.

Wadsworth, Benjamin, president of Harvard College, 449, 768.

Waldensis (Waldensians), xxv, 197, 348.

Walley, John, 18.

Walter, Nehemiah, minister of Roxbury, 508, 510.

Walter, Thomas, minister of Roxbury, on poetry, 78.

Ward, Edward (“Ned”), English satirist, 687, 772.

Ward, Nathaniel, minister of Ipswich, 23, 59) 183; biographical sketch, 225–226, 580; The Simple Cobler, 226–236; prose style of, 73; preaches before the General Court, 204–205; on women’s apparel, 232–235; on law and liberty, 235–236; verses on Mrs. Bradstreet, 580–581.

Watts, Isaac, English hymn writer, 552, 663.

Webb, Joseph, minister of Fairfield, 767.

Weld, Thomas, minister of Roxbury, author of Bay Psalm Book, 555.

West Indies, trade with New England, 383, 385.

Wheeler, Joshua, 434–435.

Wheelwright, John, minister of Wollaston, 766; Antinomian leader, 129–136, 202.

Whiston, William, English divine and mathematician, 538, 770.

White, Ebenezer, minister of Sag Harbor, 448, 768.

Whiting, John, minister of Concord, 37 n.

Whiting, Joseph, minister of Southampton, 448, 768.

Whiting, Joseph, graduate of Harvard College, 24 n.

Wigglesworth, Michael, poet, and minister of Maiden, biographical sketch, 548–549, 585–586; Day of Doom, bibliographical account of, 585–586; selections from, 586–611; God’s Controversy, 611–616; Meat out of the Eater, 616–630; Prayse of Eloquence, 674–678; as physician, 386; on poetry, 77, 667; poetry of, discussed, 548–549, 552.

Willard, Samuel, minister of Boston, 18, 284, 335, 419, 460, 512, 513, 758, 767; biographical sketch, 250; Character of a Good Ruler, 193, 250–256; The Childs Portion, 369–371; The High Esteem, 371–374; Perils of the Times, 374–375; follower of Ramus, 36 n.; prose style of, 70–72; on reason, 288; on toleration, 185.

Willard, Simon, major, 153.

Williams, John, minister of Deerfield, biographical sketch, 530; Redeemed Captive, 463, 530–536; at Quebec, 534–536.

Williams, Roger, founder of Providence Plantation, 202; biographical sketch, 214–215; Bloudy Tenent, 216–224; Letter to Providence, 224–225; Letters, 464, 475–488; on prose style, 73, 666; described by Bradford, 111; opposed by Win-throp, 126; debate with Cotton, 186, 216–224, 479; contrasted with Jefferson, 186–187; banishment, 215; on civil magistrates, 220–222, 223; on persecution, 219, 224.

Williams, William, minister of Hatfield, biographical sketch, 744; essay on comets, 745–747.

Wilson, John, minister of Boston, 127, 499; biographical sketch, 552–553; London Plague, 553–555; opposes Mrs. Hutchinson, 130–131, 552; poetry of, discussed, 547, 549, 667.

Wilson, Thomas, English writer, 498, 769.

Wing, Vincent, English astronomer, 732 n., 733.

Winslow, Edward, governor of Plymouth, 769.

Winslow, Josiah, governor of Plymouth, 104; friend of Williams, 485.

Winthrop, Adam, 125.

Winthrop, Fitz-John, governor of Connecticut, 767.

Winthrop, John, governor of Massachusetts, 10, 133, 150, 215, 285, 289, 379, 388, 400, 482–483, 552; biographical sketch, 125–126; Journal, 82, 83–84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 126–143, 202–207, 246, 459; Modell, 195–199; Defence, 199–202; Speech, 205–207; Letters, 463–464, 465–471; on heathen authors, 23; on government, 181, 189, 192, 194–207; on liberty, 205–207; friend of Williams, 484–485.

Winthrop, John, Jr., governor of Connecticut, 137, 439, 446; biographical sketch, 739–740, 768–769, 772; letter to the Royal Society, 740–742; letter from Williams, 482–483; poem on, by Wolcott, 659–662.

Winthrop, Katherine, courted by Sewall, 59, 290, 462.

Winthrop, Margaret, wife of John, 464.

Wise, John, minister of Ipswich, 22 n., 79, 246; biographical sketch, 256–257; Vindication, 193, 257–269; economic theories, 257–269, 384; on prose style, 72.

Witchcraft, the delusion of 1692, 257, 335, 367, 386, 447, 462–463, 734–737; Sewall’s part in, 376.

Wolcott, Roger, governor of Connecticut, 551, 669, 680–684; biographical sketch, 657–658; Poetical Meditations, 658–659; Account of Winthrop, 659–662.

Wollaston, Captain, early settler at Merry Mount, 107.

Woodbridge, Benjamin, minister in England, 377.

Woodbridge, Ephraim, minister of New London, 24 n.

Woodward, John, English writer, 751, 774.

Wren, Sir Christopher, 740. Wycliffe, John, xxii, 165.

Xenophon, 168.

Yale College, 66.

Zeno, 721.