ima CONTENTS ima

Foreword by Dean Ornish, M.D.


Embarking on the Journey

LESSON 1: Tear Down the Wall

LESSON 2: Thin You, Meet Not-Thin You

LESSON 3: Build Your Altar

LESSON 4: Invoke the Real You

LESSON 5: Start a Love Affair with Food

LESSON 6: Build a Relationship with Good Food

LESSON 7: Love Your Body

LESSON 8: Surrender to the Divine

LESSON 9: Inhabit Your Body

LESSON 10: Consecrate Your Body

LESSON 11: Ritualize the Change in You

LESSON 12: Commit to Yourself

LESSON 13: Feel Your Feelings

LESSON 14: Allow the Pain

LESSON 15: Exit the Alone Zone

LESSON 16: Discipline and Discipleship

LESSON 17: Forgive Yourself and Others

LESSON 18: Honor the Process

LESSON 19: Birthing Who You Really Are

LESSON 20: Soul Surgery

LESSON 21: The Body Brilliant

Journal Pages for A Course in Weight Loss


About the Author