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ABC TV, 280–81

Abraham, 209

Abrams, Robert, 256

abundance, 250

Academy Awards, 120–21

accidental deaths, 168–77

acting together, 398–409, 417, 423, 436

actors, 193, 214, 232, 443

Adams, Scott, 90, 215, 414

adaptation, 25

adolescents, 164, 465n

helping family members, 481n

psychological reactance and, 259–61, 289

suicide and, 171–72, 171

advertising, xvii, 8. See also specific advertisers; and types of ads

authority and, 212–14, 213, 227

celebrities, 112

attractive models and, 109–10, 116

average-person testimonials and, 164, 192, 192

faked social proof and, 193

familiarity and, 96

liking and, 93

moon landing and, 111–12

music and, 403, 405

naturalness and, 111

Olympics and, 112

scarcity and, 278

social proof and, 130, 443

“the many” and, 157

trustworthiness and, 228, 469n

Advertising Age, 112

advice, 414–16, 487n

affinity schemes, 368–69

Afghanistan, 30, 393, 453n

age, consistency and, 358–59, 362, 477n

aggression, 84, 204, 216, 465n

Ahearn, Brian, 43

AIDS education, 315

“Ain’t No Sunshine” (song), 403

Airbnb, 13


aisle seat and, 30–31

crashes and, 10, 11, 168–70, 172–73, 175, 195, 451n, 467n

hijackings and, 174

overbooked, 20–21

social proof and, 195

Alawis, 26

alcohol and drug use, 131, 185, 187, 376, 465n, 466n

Algoe, Sara, 455n

Allen, Irwin, 280

All My Children (TV series), 212

altercasting, 93–94, 459n


online reviews, 13, 393, 464n, 483n

“Pay to Quit” program, 291–93, 473n

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 359

American Cancer Society, 304

American Life, An (Magruder), 60

American Revolution, 272

American Salesman, 310

Amway, 40–41, 319–20

Amway Career Manual, 40–41

amygdala, 162

Anabaptists, 135, 463n

analysis, 402, 405, 450n–51n

paralysis of, 442

Anderson, 454n

animals, 2–4, 438, 450n

Anthony, Albert, 328

anthropologists, 24, 45, 71, 453n

antibiotics, 349

antilittering signs, 185

antiphosphate ordinance, 262–63

antitheft signs, 184–86

antiwar marches, 84, 458n

Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare), 107

Apple iPhones, 193, 243–45, 243, 247

appliance stores, 250–51

Arab Americans, 367–68, 367

Argonauts of the Western Pacific (Malinowski), 453n

Ariely, D., 449n

Arizona State University, 118

Armstrong, J. Scott, 405

Armstrong, Thomas, 135–42

Aron, Arthur, 406, 422

Aron, Elaine, 406–7, 422, 486n

Aronson, Elliot, 97–98, 101, 333–34, 460n

art appreciation, 28–29, 452n

art auctions, 226

Asimov, Isaac, 372, 479n

Associated Press, 35, 358

association, 122, 125

bad odors and, 114

bad vs. good news and, 116–17

celebrities and, 112–13

fundraising meals and, 114–16

liking and, 107–17, 461n–62n

naturalness and, 111

negative, 107–9, 114

Olympics and, 112

Pavlov’s dogs and, 115–16, 115

positive, 109–11

reflected glory and, 119–21

space and, 111–12

sports and, 117–20

success and, 117–21

Astrogen, 217

athletes, 112

attentional focus, 247, 426–29, 436, 484n, 489n

attitudinal similarities, 385

Auden, W. H., 453n

Austin, Texas, schools, 97–98

Australia, 51, 379–80

Indigenous groups and, 424

Australia-France mutual aid, 453n

authority, xvii, 199–240, 467n–70n

automaticity and, 9, 439, 446

blind obedience and, 208–13, 467n–68n

credentials and, 232–33, 430

credibility and, 225–31, 239

defenses vs., 231–40

eboxes on, 218–19, 229–31, 253

expertise and, 226, 231–33, 238, 239

faking symbols of, 216, 231, 430

medicine and, 216–18

Milgram experiments and, 200–207, 202, 238–39

perceptions of size and, 215

protesters and, 207–8

Reader’s Reports on, 211, 222–25, 237–38

scarcity and, 267

sly sincerity and, 233–34

social proof and, 188

status and, 222–23

titles, clothing, and trappings of, 213–27, 239

trustworthiness and, 226–32, 237–39

Tupperware parties and, 75

uncertainty and, xviii, xix

underestimating influence of, 224, 231, 239

automaticity (automatic behavior; click, run responding), 3–5, 21. See also influence levers; and specific levers

bad weather and, 107

Christmas cards and, 23

efficiency of, 7–9

exploiters of, 15–16, 22

humans and, 4, 21–22, 450n

modern, 439–40, 442–43, 446

personal stakes and, 9–10

primitive or animal, 438–39

recognizing, 11–12

small favors and, 32

automatic writing, 136, 140

automobile accidents

aid in towing and, 31–32

emergencies and, 151

fatalities and, 168–74, 175

hit-and-run violations, 131, 424

jump starting and, 48


attractive models in ads and, 109–10, 461n

electric cars and, 163

limited production and, 246

as status symbol, 223–24, 469n

automobile salesmen

“combat” vs. boss and, 104

commitment and, 341

contrast and, 19–20

deadline tactic, 254

liking and, 73, 81–82, 81, 85, 90–91, 104, 122–24, 478n

“low-ball” tactic and, 341–43

recruitment of, 133–34

Systems thinking and, 402

used, 285–87, 303–4

unity and, 365–68, 478n

autopilots, 190–91, 193, 195

average-person-on-the-street ads, 192–93, 192, 443

aviation-safety researchers, 195

Avis, 234, 470n

Awareness, 376

axe fights, 379

bacteria, 12

bad news, 107–8

Bahá’u’lláh, 488n

Baltimore white van panic, 159

“band of brothers” speech, 407–9

Bandura, Albert, 132, 463n

bank examiner scheme, 221–22

bank guard uniform, 221–22

banks, 369

charitable donations and, 24, 199–200

refer-a-friend program, 79

runs on, 194–95, 467n

security-system hackers and, 218–19

bargain-basement sales, 278–80, 279

Bargh, 450n

Bar-Ilan University, 56

Barnyard Bingo, 116

bartenders, 130

baseball teams, 250, 385

basking-in-reflected-glory effect, 119–21, 462n

Bassett, Rod, 343

beach-theft experiment, 294–95, 473n

“because” experiment, 5

behavioral science, 199

Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), 199, 467n

Beijing, China, 127, 144, 462n

Belgium, 119

Bell, Mr., 158–59

Bellow, Saul, 416

bereavement, 169–70

Bergman, Peter, 212

Berkshire Hathaway, 228–29, 382–84

Bernstein, Elizabeth, 459n

Best Buy, 445

Bezos, Jeff, 293

Bhanji, Vartan, 452n

Bhimbetka, India, 397

Bible, 477n

Bible sales, 166–68, 190

Bickman, Leonard, 220

bill paying, 131

birthdays, 23, 261, 471n

birthplace, 409

Bizzarocomics, 441

Black-White relations, 89, 97, 102, 272–74, 399, 423, 465n, 484n, 488n. See also cross-group interactions; race relations

blood donations, 63

Bloomberg, 224

bluethroat, 4, 450n

Bobbs, Pat, xiii

Bock, Hartnut, xiii

body posture, 87

boiler-room operations, 255–56, 249

Bookman’s resale shop, 249–50

boot camp, 334–35

Bose, 227

Boston, 455n, 480n

Boston Marathon bombings, 409, 486n

Boyle, James, xi, 449n

Boy Scouts, 52, 54, 59

brain activation, 247, 398, 458n, 464n, 478n, 488n

brands, 475n

co-creation and, 415

geography and, 183, 466n

initial letters and, 85

liking and, 461n

referrals, 476n, 487n

“the many” and, 157

breast cancer self-exams, 248

Brehm, Jack, 257, 471n

Breitling watches, 113

Brendl, C., 458n

Bronner, Frederick, 330

Buffett, Warren, 228–30, 234, 382–85, 395, 481n–82n

BUGs, 40–41

bull markets, 188

Burkin, Alice, 75, 456n

business suits, 220–21, 232

Butler, Samuel, 340

“but you are free” technique, 268

bystanders, emergencies and, 145–53, 152, 197, 464n

Cabbage Patch Kids, 302–3

Caciopo, John, 343

calcium-channel blockers, 35

calories, estimating, 16, 452n

Cambridge University, 215

camps, summer, 99–101

Canada, 62, 83


Boy Scouts sales of, 52, 54

food server tips and, 32, 49

Mars landing and, 112

store offering free, 38, 454n

Captainitis, 10, 11, 451n

Carmon, 449n

Caro, Robert, 34

Carter, S., 462n

Carter, Jimmy, 34

Carto, Annie, xiii

Castro, Fidel, 316–17

Catron, Mandy Len, 405–6, 486n

cave painting, 397

CBS TV, 280, 284

celebrities, 112–14, 113, 199–200, 456n–57n

cell phones, 440

censorship, 263–68, 290

Chalcolithic era, 396, 484n

chants, 396

charitable donations, xvi, xvii, 24

bankers and, 199–200

before-the-act, 454n

commitment and, 304–5, 309–10

clothing and, 223

credit cards and, 110

dinners and, 114

“freedom to say no” and, 268

liking and, 93, 200

loss aversion and, 248

opinions of others and, 317

peer-suasion and, 164–65

personalization and, 200

petition signatures and, 312

reciprocity and, 200, 248

social proof and, 197, 465n

unsolicited gifts and, 44–46

Charles, Prince of Wales, 158

cheating, 247

Chernev, Alexander, 452n

Chesterton, G. K., 241

Chevrolets, 81

Chicago Art Institute, 146


authority and, 469n

because response and, 450n

Catholic priests and, 431

collaborative effort and, 415

cross-group unity and, 419–20

inner choice and, 337–40

loss of freedoms and, 275, 471n

music and, 401, 485n

obligation and, 453n

peer-suasion and, 165

portrait photography and, 254

psychological reactance and, 258–59

social proof and, 197, 463n


auditors and, 369

Cultural Revolution, 484n

Jews escape Holocaust to, 387–90, 393

Korean War POWs and, 307–9, 314–19, 321–22, 335–36

trash separation in, 328

Chivas Regal Scotch Whiskey, 450n

Choctaw Nation, Irish and, 410, 486n


poor, and low-ball tactic, 344

too many, 440

Christian-Jewish reciprocity, 26, 453n

Christmas cards, 23

Christmas toy sales, 299–303

church collection baskets, 130

CIA, 30

Cialdini, Richard, 285–86

civil-rights movement, 273

Civil War, 272, 393

Clark, Laura, xiii

Clinton, Bill, 34

Clooney, George, 74–75, 456n, 457n


authority and, 213–14, 219–20, 222–23, 239, 469n

liking and, 84, 458n

clothing stores, 18–19, 84, 452n

CNBC, 224

CO2 emissions, 165

Coca-Cola, 269–71, 351, 472n

co-creation, 412–15, 414, 436

Code of Conduct, 429, 431, 435, 489n–90n

coercive approach, 374

cognitive overload, 446

Cohen, Michael, 210

Cohen, Ronald, 363, 391, 408–9, 482n

Cold War, 36

collaborative tasks, 420

collectors, 246

college students. See also fraternities

Black-White relations and, 89, 465n

cafeteria evaluations, 242

coed dorms and, 264

grades and contrast principle, 17–18

grades and loss aversion, 247

Colombia, 117

color, as trigger, 4

command-and-control leadership, 225

commitment, xvii, 291–362, 446, 473n–77n. See also consistency

active, 315–17, 361

age and, 358–59

automaticity and, 439

defenses vs., 350–60

effort and, 327–35, 361

escalating, 309–13, 309

financial advice and, 225

growing legs and, 340–44, 361

hearts and minds and, 313–49

individualism and, 360

inner change and, 340–44

inner choice and, 335–40, 361

job interviews and, 307

as key to consistency, 303–13

Korean War POWs and, 307–9, 316–19

“low-ball” tactics and, 341–47

public, 322–27, 361

public good and, 344–47

Reader’s Reports on, 306–7, 321–22, 326, 333–34

reminders and, 347–49, 361

self-image and, 317–18, 323, 361

self-imposed imprisonments and, 307–8

small, 313–15, 323

special vulnerabilities and, 357–61

TM course and, 296–99

toy sales and, 299–303

Tupperware parties and, 76

used car sales and, 303–4

written declarations and, 316–22, 320

Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), 58

commonalities, contrived, 87–88

common enemies, 424–26

common goals, 100–101

communities, unity and, 417

community service, 340


scarcity and, 277–78, 277, 285–87, 290

school integration and, 98–99, 103–4, 460n

summer camps and, 99–100

compliance devices. See also specific levers of influence

categories of, xvii

human triggers and, 22

momentum of, 309–10

psychology of, xv-xvi

profiteers and, 16

rejection-then-retreat technique, 53–66

compliance practitioners, xvi. See also con artists; and specific levers of influence

as allies, vs. falsifiers, 442–44

associations and, 109–10, 116

authority and, 214–15

blind obedience exploited by, 212

commitment and, 303, 341

liking and, 104, 121–24

observing techniques of, xvi-xvii

perceptual contrast and, 22

scarcity and, 257

self-interest rule and, 449n

use of influence levers by, 13–15

compliance process, defined, 22

compliments, 89–95, 90, 123, 125, 458n–59n

altercasting and, 93–95

behind person’s back, 92–93

counterfeit, 91–92

job interviewees and, 90

public, 92

sincere, 91–92

to live up to, 93–95

con artists (swindlers)

age of victims and, 359–50

authority and, 213–22

lifts in shoes of, 216

petitions and, 312

urgency and, 255–56


e-commerce and, 253

escalating commitment and, 316

initial, 53–56, 72

reciprocity and, 52–53

rejection-then-retreat technique and, 53–64

rejecting, 72

conditioning, 107–20

conformity, 143–44

Conroy, J. Oliver, 466n

Conroy, Michael, xiii

consistency, xvii, 473n–77n

See also commitment

attraction of, 295–96

avoiding foolish, 350–57

commitment as key to, 303–13, 318

commitments that grow own legs and, 341

defenses vs., and heart-of-heart signs, 355–57, 362

defenses vs., and stomach signs, 352–55, 362

exploitation of, 299–303, 352–57

job interviews and, 307

motivating action and, xviii, xix

principle, 294–95

Reader’s Report on, 351

reminders and, 347–49

social value of, 295

special vulnerabilities and, 357–61

troubling realizations and, 296–99

consumer demand, 133–34

consumer-protection agencies, xvi

Consumer Reports, 80

contact approach, 98–100, 460n

contagion effects, 158, 184

contagious yawning, 377–78, 378, 480n

contrast, perceptual, 16–22, 20, 57–61, 61, 106, 452n

Conyers, Georgia, school shootings, 176

cookies, 268–69, 271, 275–77, 284–85, 289, 305, 472n

“cooling off” laws, 319–20

Cooper, William, xiii

cooperation, 123, 125, 460n

compliance professionals and, 104

Good Cop/Bad Cop and, 106

intergroup hostility reduced by, 100–104

leadership and, 225–26

negotiators’ handshakes and, 103

suffering and, 408

unitizing experiences and, 417

cooperative learning, 99–104, 102, 415, 460n, 487n

Core Motives Model of Social Influence, xvii–xviii

co-residence, by nonrelatives, 418

Cornell University, 13–14, 451n


authority and, 231

campaign contributions, 36

price negotiations and, 38

Costco, 39, 454n

Costello, Elvis, 402–3, 485n

Costner, Kevin, 120–21

Coué, Émile, 437

counterfeit social evidence, 191, 198, 216

courtship or mating rituals, 3, 12, 451n. See also romance

COVID-19, 131–32, 379–80, 410, 422, 473n

Cox Communications, 80

creative accounting, 414

credentials, 232–33


expertise and, 226

online reviews and, 230

outsourced, 227

scarcity and, 268

credit cards, 110–11, 461n

crime, 105–6, 131, 174–75, 462n, 479n

cross-group interactions, 419–29, 460n

attentional focus and, 426–29

diverse neighborhoods and, 420–21, 425–26, 487n–88n

family-like experiences and, 419–20, 426, 487n

friendships and, 421–22, 425–26

mutual enemy and, 424–25

reciprocal exchanges and, 422

Cruise, Tom, 384

Cuban missile crisis, 36–37, 37, 454n


doomsday, 134–43, 463n

mass suicide and, 178–82

social acceptance and, 162–63

social proof and, 134–36, 463n

culture, reciprocity and, 45

customers, unity and, 416–17

Czechoslovakia, 389

Dade County, Florida, 262–63

damned if you do, damned if you don’t, 61–62

dances, 396–97, 397, 484n

Dances with Wolves, 120–21

Dansk, 8

Darwin, 73, 425, 426. See also evolutionary theory

Davenport, Iowa, 121

Davies, James C., 271–73

Davis, Neil, 210

deadline tactic, 254, 289

dealer, liking deal vs., 124

Dean, John, 59

Dearborn, Michigan, 367–68

DeLuca, Fred, 321–22

Democratic Party, 58–59, 423

dental anxieties, 165, 465n

detail, online reviews and, 14, 191

Deutsch, Morton, 324

Deutschberger, Paul, 459n

Dexter Shoe, 229

Dilbert, 90, 215, 414

Diller, Barry, 280–81

Disabled American Veterans, 44

discount coupons, 276

disease, common fear of, 423

distinctiveness, 281–83

divorce, 241–45

dogs, fear of, 132–33, 463n

Domino’s pizza, 228

Doonesbury, 235

Dorr’s Rebellion, 272

Drubeck, Sid and Harry, 452n

Druz, 26

Dylan, Bob, 85

eating habits, 131, 163, 188, 464n–65n, 466n, 467n

eBay, 250

eboxes, xiii, 13–14, 33, 40, 87–88, 128–29, 159, 191, 218–19, 229–30, 253–54, 323, 326–27, 375–76, 411

Ecclesiasticus, 23

e-commerce sites, xiii, 87–88, 253–54. See also eboxes

Ecuador, 156

effort, 327–36, 361, 475n

Egyptian Revolution, 272

elections. See political campaigns

electronics sales

scarcity and, 444–45

service contracts and, 65–66

similarity and, 87

Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 158

email, 88

emergency aid, 147–56, 148, 152, 194, 197

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 350, 477n


joint experience of, 436

music and, 402–4

scarcity and, 288, 290

employees. See also job candidates

ethics and, 429, 431, 435

loyalty and, 27

peer-suasion and, 163

employers, authority of, 209

endless chain method, 78–79

energy conservation

commitment and, 293–94, 328

feasibility and, 160–61

loss aversion and, 247

low-ball tactic and, 345–47, 346

peer-suasion and, 165

social proof and, 132, 465n

energy-drink prices, 1, 7, 449n, 450n

Ent, Uzal Girard, 451n

entertainment club membership, 352–55

environmental action. See also energy conservation; water conservation

effort and, 328

Leopold and red birches and, 412

littering and, 185

peer-suasion and, 163–64, 465n

reminders and, 349

social proof and, 132, 185, 463n

trash separation and disposal, 328

Epps, Jake, xiii

Escobar, Andres, 117

Essex, England, 156–57

Etches, Melanie, 291, 293

ethics, 429–33, 490n

Ethiopia-Mexico aid reciprocity, 25–26, 453n

ethnicity. See also cross-group interactions

affinity groups and, 368–70

diverse neighborhoods and, 420–21

liking and, 89

schools and, 101–3, 102

suffering and, 410

unity and, 418, 435

ethology, 2–4, 12, 21

Evangelical preachers, 130

evolutionary theory, 73–75, 245, 425–26, 435, 456n–57n, 481n, 484n

Exodus, 42

expensive items

contrast and, 18–19

as “good,” 2–3, 5–9, 8, 15, 450n–52n

experts, 226–27, 231, 469n

authority and, 231, 239, 469n

credible, 225–27, 239

distinguishing true, 232–33, 239, 470n

evaluating relevance of, 232–33

impartiality of, 234

trustworthiness of, 225–26, 234, 239–40

as witnesses, 432–34


authority and, 212

characteristics of, 71–72

consistency and, 299–303

heart-of-hearts signals and, 355–57

reciprocity rule and, 67–72

social proof and, 191–96

stomach signals and, 352–55

unity and, 430

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (MacKay), 158, 464n

face, mirror image of, 96, 459n

Facebook, 159, 376, 480n

false information, 442–46. See also lies

familiarity and, 96–97, 459n

social proof and, 191–94, 192, 198

familiarity, 122, 125

cooperation and, 104

liking and, 96–98, 459n

school integration and, 97–98

uncertainty and, 144–45, 196

family, 395

aid to, 379, 481n–82n

fictive, 382

unity and, 435

family-like relationships, 425

Faraday, Michael, 295

FBI, 174–75

feasibility, 160–61, 197

Federal Aviation Administration, 10

Federal Trade Commission, 191, 451n

feeding frenzy, 278–79

Feinberg, Richard, 110–11

Festinger, Leon, 135, 138, 473n

filling station, 356–57

financial investments

authorities and, 224–25, 452n

boiler-room sales operations, 255–56

experts and, 224–25

family and, 382–83, 384

trustworthiness and, 229

“we” group unity and, 368–70, 478n–79n

fingerprint-pattern partner, 85, 458n

finger tapping, 398, 400, 484n, 485n


inspectors and, 219

rescues from, 379

safety proposal, 69

fireflies, 12

First Amendment, 264

first-person pronouns, 14, 191

fishermen, 278–79

fixed-action patterns, 3–5, 7, 21

flattery, 91, 318, 459n. See also compliments

Fleming, Thomas, 272

Florida, transgender individuals and, 424

Florida State University, 242

flowers, gift of, at school open house, 67–68

focusing illusion, 426–27, 489n

food, 123

free gifts of, 43

free samples and, 39

Pavlov’s dogs and, 115–16, 115

political campaigns and, 114

food court posters, 156–57, 160

food servers, 369

candy with bill and, 32, 454n

compliments and, 90, 95

rejection-then-retreat technique, 456n

similarity and, 87, 458n

tricks by, to increase tips, 235–38

foot-in-the-door technique, 310–13, 359, 360, 433–34

fossil theft, 184–86, 186

Foundation Fighting Blindness, 248

Fox, M. W., 450n

Fox, Robin, 24–25

Fox Television Network, 280

Foxtrot, 302

France, 392, 404, 404, 456n, 485n

France-Australia mutual aid, 453n

Frank, Robert, 163–64, 465n

Franklin, Ben, 414

Frantz, Sue, 312

Fraser, Scott, 310–13


hazing and, 329–36, 476n

similar looks and, 385

Freedman, Jonathan, 310–13, 337–39

freedom-establishing wording, 268

freedom of speech, 264

freedoms, loss of, 273–76, 289

scarcity and, 257–60, 262–63, 267, 471n

freedom to say no, 268, 472n

free-information-and-inspection gambit, 69–70

freeloaders, 28

free samples, 38–42, 39, 49

French Revolution, 272

Friedman, Alicia, xiii


advice and, 416

best, 376

close, 375–76, 480n

cross-group or diverse, 421–22, 425–26, 436

endless chain of, 78–79

f-commerce and, 376

home party sales and, 73–78, 457n

referrals by, 79–80, 457n

similar-looking and, 385

strategic, 80–81

fruit consumption, 131, 462n

fruit flies, 157, 464n

fundraising. See charitable donations

funerals, hiring criers for, 156

furniture, online store, 427–28

gambling, 188

betting the odds and, 7–8, 10

racetrack commitment and, 293

racetrack odds and, 195–96

Garcia, David, 411

Garfinkle, Yosef, 397

General Foods, 321

General Hospital (TV drama), 212

genetic relatedness, 385, 480n–82n, 488n–89n

Genovese, Kitty, 145–46, 464n

geography, 183

Gerard, Harold, 324

Gerber baby foods, 174

Gertsacov, Daniel, 454n, 462n

Gestapo, 407

Ghana, 369

Gift, The (Mauss), 455n

gifts. See also small favors

charitable donations and, 24, 200

employee loyalty and, 27

free samples and, 38–42, 39, 49

future span and, 25

memorable, 25

obligation and, 25, 45–46

personalized, 42

personalized service and, 44

refusing, 41–42, 50

social pressures and, 45

small, 24–25

Tupperware parties and, 75

uninvited, 45–46

women’s obligation to men giving, 50

Girard, Joe, 73, 81, 90–91, 123, 366–68, 478n

Goebbels, Joseph, 97

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 170

GoFundMe, 410

Goldberg, L., 452n

Goldman, Sylvan, 144

Goldstein, Noah, 27, 47

golfers, 188, 244

Gollwitzer, 475n

Gomez, Juan, xiii

Good Cop/Bad Cop, 105–6

“goosing ’em off the fence” tactic, 278

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 274, 275

Gordon’s restaurant, 326

Gouldner, Alvin, 24, 452n

government leaders, 209

government safety monitors, 219

Grammer, Karl, 451n

Grand Canyon, 184

grandparental favoritism, 381–82

Grant, Adam, 348–49

gratitude, 455n

Graziano, William, xiii

Greece, 456n

Green, Donna, 262

Green Bay Packers, 373

Greer, Robert, 85

greeting cards, 23, 452n

car salesmen and, 91

fundraisers and gift of, 46

Griskevicius, Vladas, 473n

group-bonding, 397. See also cross-group interactions

group dynamics, 162

group video games, 398

Guardians, 136–43, 463n

Guéguen, Nicolas, 472n

guilt by association, 109

Guinness Book of World Records, 73, 82, 366

guitar, attractiveness and, 404–5, 404, 485n

Gulban, Daniel, 255, 256

guns, 261–62

Haim, Rabbi, of Romshishok, 103, 460n

hair stylists, 90

halo effects, 82, 108, 124, 226, 457n, 469n

Hamermesh, Daniel, 83

Hamilton, W. D., 481n

handicapped zones, 131

hand sanitizer, 379–80

Hangzhou, China, 328

Harries, Jonathan, xiii

Harris, James, 316–17

Hasting, Mark, xiii

Hastings, Reed, 129

health-care management, 348

health-care staffs, 210. See also nurses; physicians

health club memberships, 254

heart disease, 35

heart-of-heart signs, 355–57, 362

height, 215–16, 215, 468n

help, calling for, 149–50

Help a Capital Child, 199

Hemingway, Ernest, 481n

Henry V (Shakespeare), 407, 409

Hess, Ernst, 407–8, 486n

Hidden Persuaders, The (Packard), 39

high school students, college and, 323

Himmler, Heinrich, 407–8, 486n

Hippocratic oath, 348

Hitler, Adolf, 387–88, 393–94, 408–9

Hobbes, Thomas, 208

Hoffer, Eric, 127

Hofmann, David, 348–49, 461n

Holland, 135, 462n, 481n

Holocaust, 386–95, 389, 395, 407, 423, 482n–84n, 486n


unity and, 386–87, 390, 435

unifying practices and, 418–19, 426, 436, 482n, 487n

waste separation and, 328

Home Fire Safety Association, 69


billboard experiment and, 310–13, 433–34

charity solicitors and, 223

hometown teams, 372–73

Hong Kong, 369

horns effect, 108

hostage negotiations, 86

hotels, 454n

bookings and, 249

fake reviews and, 14

personalized service and, 43–44, 455n

Howard, Daniel, 305, 474n

human family, getting together, as species, 417–29, 436, 482n–83n

Hyer, Michelle, 283

IBM, 111, 451n

ice-cream toppings, 128

ice water, putting hand in, 409, 486n


blurring of, 365, 478n

shared, xiii, 426, 488n

“if expert said so” rule, 9–10

IKEA effect, 412, 487n

Inclusion of Other in the Self Scale, 365

inclusive fitness, 481n

indebtedness, 455n

free gifts and, 44–47

free samples and, 38

people who gain from, 28

power of, 29

reciprocation and, 24

unequal exchanges and, 47–48

web of, 24

independence, pain of, 162

India, 369, 452n, 463n, 479n

individualism, 360, 362, 477n

individuality, 282, 289, 473n

Indonesia, 463n

“inexpensive = bad” rule, 6

influence levers. See also authority; commitment and consistency; liking; reciprocation; scarcity; social proof; unity

defined, 1–22

instant, 437–46

power of, 52–53

triggers for, 13

use of, 13–15, 22 (see also compliance practitioners; con artists; profiteers)


avalanche of, 440–42, 446, 490n

exclusive, 290, 472n

information-systems salespersons, 228

in-group, 477n–79n, 482n. See also family; kinship; “we”-groups

acting in unison and, 398–99

favoritism and, 364, 369

Japanese and Jews and, 394–95

lies by, vs. out-group, 370

politics and, 370–71

similar looks and, 385

sports and, 371–73

initiation ceremonies, 328–34, 475n–76n

inner choice, 335–40, 361, 476n

Institute of Medicine, 210

insurance agents, 93, 306–7

intelligence, attractiveness and, 84

international relations, 36, 317–18, 417–18, 453n

internet, xiii. See also eboxes

bots and, 96

refer-a-friend promotions, 80

social proof-fueled panics, 159

intimate partner violence, 131

invoices, gifts sent with, 42

Iowa, 121, 345–46, 346

Ireland–Native American reciprocity, 410, 486n

ISIS, 26

Islamic terrorism, 423

Israeli-Palestinian relations, 423–24, 480n

Italian canned tomatoes, 211


Cuban missile crisis and, 36–37

Ethiopia and, 26

recycling and, 465n

Izmir, 135

Janis, Irving, 162

Japan, 379, 455n

COVID-19 and, 132, 463n

Holocaust and, 387–95, 395, 483n

obligation and, 24

pets and, 377

proverbs and, 49

jaywalking, 221, 232, 469n

Jerry Maguire (film), 384

jewelry-store customers, 2–3, 5–7, 15


Arabs and, 423

Christian reciprocity and, 26

Holocaust and, 26, 386–95, 389, 395, 407–9, 423, 482n–83n

Madoff and, 368–69

jigsaw classroom, 101–3, 102, 487n

job candidates

attractiveness and, 83

clothing and, 223

compliments and, 90

recommendations, 235

salary offer and, 223

weaknesses and, 228

Johnson, Lyndon, 34

Johnston, Cynthia, 85

Johnston, Phillip, xiii

Jones, Edward, 316–17

Jones, Rev. Jim, 42, 178–84, 198

Jones, Steve, 417–18

Jonesboro, Arkansas, school shootings, 178

Jonestown, Guyana, massacre, 42, 178–84, 182, 198, 454n, 466n

Joyce, James, 291

judges, authority of, 209, 231

judgmental heuristics, 9

Jupiter missiles, 36

Jütte, Astrid, 451n

juvenile delinquents, 55, 456n

Kahan, Dan, 456n

Kahneman, Daniel, 244, 402, 426, 485n, 489n

Kalisch, Rabbi Shimon, 394–95, 423

Kalogris, Michael, 330

Kampen, Jakob van, 463n

Kappa Sigma fraternity, 330

Keech, Marian, 135–43

Kendie, Endayehu, xiii

Kennedy, John F., 36–37, 37

Kennesaw, Georgia, 262

Kenrick, 452n, 456n

Keough, Donald, 269

Kerr, Peter, 255

key rings, gift of, 46, 455n

KGB, 274

Khmer Rouge, 484n

Khrushchev, Nikita, 36, 37

kidney disease, 371, 379

Kindertransport, 26

kinship, 378–85, 381, 435, 481n, 487n, 490n

acting together and, 398

co-residence and, 418

honorary, 487n

similarity and, 385

Kirkman & Scott, 277

Kissinger, Henry, 318

Klawer, Karen, xiii

Kluckhohn, Richard, 328

Knishinsky, Amram, 472n

knowledge, 71, 440–42

Kobe, Japan, Jews in, 387, 393

Koch, Thomas, 472n

Korean War POWs, 307–9, 314–22, 335–36, 474n

Kunz, Jenifer, 452n

Kunz, Phillip, 452n

labor negotiators, 55

labor unions, 430

La Ganga, Maria, 466n

Lakota Sioux, 120

Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di, 449n

Langer, Ellen, 4–5

language styles, 86

Lansky, Doug, 158, 464n

LaPorte, Nicole, 128–29

larger-then-smaller requests, 57–58

LaRue, Frederick, 58, 60

laugh-trackers, 156, 191, 443

laundry detergents, 262–63, 471n

Leakey, Richard, 24, 453n

Le Chambon, France, 392, 483n

Leopold, Aldo, 412–13, 486n–87n

Levi’s, 376

Lewin, R., 453n

Lewis, C. S., 313

Liddy, G. Gordon, 58–60, 61

lies. See also false information

political in-groups and, 370–71

repeated, 97

liking, xvii, xviii, 73–125, 456n–62n

acting in unison and, 398–401

association and, 107–20

attractiveness and, 82–84

automaticity and, 439, 446

bearers of bad news and, 107–8, 117

beliefs and, 73–75

charitable donations and, 200

compliance and, 29–30

compliments and, 89–95

contact and cooperation and, 96–106

defense vs., 121–24

ebox on, 253

malpractice suits and, 75

online persuaders and, 87–88

profit and, 75–80

Reader’s Report on, 211

reciprocity and, 29–32, 44

scarcity and, 267

sensitivity to undue, 125

similarity and, 84–89

social proof and, 188

strategic friendship and, 80–81

Tupperware parties and, 75–78, 78

Lil Wayne, 373

limited-number tactic, 249–50, 253, 254, 289, 472n, 473n

limited-time tactic, 252–56, 472n

line-length estimates, 324–25

Lithuania, 387–89

Littleton, Colorado, school shootings, 176, 178

local-field-office strategy, 392

locality, 183, 386–87, 390–93, 435

logical/factual approach, 374


brewery pub, 128, 462n

earthquakes of 1761, 158, 464n

L’Oréal, 234

loss aversion, 244–48, 247–48, 289, 470n

Louie, Diane, 42, 454n

Louis-Dreyfus, Julia, 381

Louisville, Kentucky, 131, 462n

love bombing, 163, 465n

low-balling tactic, 341–47, 346, 359, 361, 476n

Lubnicka, Danuta, xiii

luncheon technique, 114–16, 461n

lynching, 273

MacKay, Charles, 158–59, 464n

MacKenzie, Bob, 281

macular degeneration, 248

Macy’s, 376

Madoff, Bernard, 368

magazine sales, 254

Magna Carta (1215), 24

Magruder, Jeb Stuart, 58–60

mail and mail appeals

investment bankers and, 199

liking and response rate, 85

lost letters experiment, 369–70, 479n

unsolicited gifts with, 32, 44, 46

mail-order catalogues, 110

Major League Baseball, 372

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 453n

managers, 215, 413–14

Mankin, Helen, 32, 454n, 462n

“many, the,” 143, 156–63, 197

marching in step, 396, 400–401, 485n

Mars candy bars, 112, 461n

Mars landing, 112

Martin, Steve J., 27, 32, 454n, 462n

mask wearing, 131–32, 463n

mass shootings, 176–77, 466n

mass suicide, 177–84

MasterCard, 110

Mauss, Marcel, 45, 455n

Mauss, Susanne, 486n

McConaughey, Matthew, 112

McDonald’s, 32, 128, 454n, 462n, 463n–64n

McGovern, George, 58

MCI Friends and Family Calling Circle, 79–80

McLuhan, Marshall, 384–85

McNeill, William H., 484n

medical errors, 468n

medical tests, 248. See also physicians

Medication Errors (Cohen and Davis), 210

Meisinger, Josef, 394

Meningitis Research UK, 199

Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare), 490n

Mesa, Arizona, 252–53

Mexico-Ethiopia mutual aid, 25–26, 453n

Michaels, James, xiii

Mihaly, Orestes J., 256

Milgram, Stanley, 200–209, 202, 224, 238, 467n–68n

military, 207–8, 334–35, 400, 417, 485n

Mill, John Stuart, 439

Miller, John, 343

Millerites, 135

Mills, Judson, 333–34

mimics, 12–15


Big, 188, 198

precious, 246

Mitchell, John, 58–60

Mitnick, Keven, 469n

mononucleosis, 12

Montanists, 135

moon landing, 111–12

morality, 462n

Morga, Alicia, 323

Mormon temple, 252–53

Morrow, Lance, 274, 472n

Moysey, Steven, xiii

Mud Run race, 408

Mueller, Katie, xiii

Mullins, Gay, 269

Multiple Sclerosis Association, 317

Munger, Charlie, 228, 382, 383

music, 401–5, 404, 436, 462n, 484n, 485n

Muskie, Edmund, 58

mutual aid, 26, 410

mutual concession, 53

mutual enemy, 423, 436

mutual identity, 423

MyFitness Pal, 323

Nail, Paul, xiii

name-droppers, 120

name resemblance, 85, 458n

National Auto Dealers Association, 303–4

National Basketball Association, 372

National Football League, 373, 461n

national identity, 435–36, 488n

Native Americans, 1–2, 5–7, 120–21, 410, 486n

natural-gas users, 345–46, 346

naturalness, 461n

Navajo-Ireland mutual aid, 410

Naval Weapons Station (Concord, California), 207

Nazi Germany, 97, 363, 387–95, 389, 395, 407–8, 468n, 482n–84n, 486n

NBC TV, 280


deadlock near end of, 241–45

handshakes and, 103, 460n

rejection-then-retreat technique, 64–66

similarity and, 86–88, 458n, 479n

unsolicited favors, 455n

Neidert, Gregory, xvii

neighborhood diversity, 420–21, 425–26, 436, 487n–88n

Neolithic era, 396, 397, 484n

Netflix, 128–29, 171

news, 466n

delivering bad, 116–17, 459n, 460n–61n

fake, 459n

suicide stories and, 171

newspaper ads, 285–86

newspaper carrier 94–95

New Yorker, 20

New York Times, 145, 255–56, 323, 405, 464n, 486n

Nicaragua, 207

Nickerson, David, 483n

Nicklaus, Jack, 358–60

Nielsen Company, 79, 457n

nightclubs, 130, 443–44

9/11/2001 attacks, 427–28

Nissan “Rogue” SUV, 112, 461n

Nixon, Richard, 58

Norris, Dan, xiii

North Carolina, 91

Northern Illinois University shooting, 176

Northern Ireland, 486n

Northwestern University, 229–30

no-tolerance clause, 435, 490n

nuclear missiles, 36–37, 37

nurses, 216–18, 222, 224, 468n–69n

Nuwer, Hank, 476n

Obama, Barack, 34, 392, 483n

obedience, blind, 208–13, 467n–468n

obligation, 453n, 455n

exploitation through, 45

human network of, 24

liking and, 29–30

limited span of, 25

reciprocity and, 24–26

refusing gifts to avoid, 41–42

unequal exchanges and, 47

uninvited debts and, 44–47

O’Brien, Lawrence, 59–60

Ohio State University, 330

Old Cola Drinker of America, 269

Old Testament, 208–9

Olympics, 112, 461n

Omar, Sam, xiii

Omega Gamma Delta fraternity, 330

Omega watches, 111

online dating, 84, 458n

online marketing

customer ratings and, 131, 462n

fake or paid reviews, 13–14, 130, 191, 192, 444, 451n

familiarity and, 96

f-commerce and, 376

negative reviews, 230

similarity and, 87–88

social proof and, 157

trustworthiness and, 229–31

verified buyers and, 230

visitor registration forms and, 315, 474n

Op-Eds, 226, 469n

Operation Safe Haven, 26

opinion statements, 96

Opower, 165, 465n–66n

Oregon, 27

out-group threat, 489n

Packard, Vance, 39

Paese, 455n

Pakistan, 452n

Pallak, Michael, 345

Papa John’s Pizza, 461n

Paramount Pictures, 280


adolescent rebellion vs., 259–60, 275

authority of, 209

bad kids in neighborhood and, 108–9

caring for unrelated individual and, 418–19

survey participation by, and student grades, 380–81, 417, 481n

unitizing experiences provided by, 417

parking-meter experiment, 220

parking tickets, 131, 462n–63n

partnership-raising approach, 374–75

party invitations, 23

Pathfinder rocket, 112

Patriot, The (film), 192

Patton (film), 280

Pavlov, Ivan, 115–16, 115, 461n

Paws, 309

Pearl Harbor attacks, 393

peer-suasion, 163–68, 465n

public commitment and, 323–24

suicide and, 174, 177, 197–98

People’s Temple, 178–84

Perry, Gina, 468n

Persian messengers, 107–8, 116

personalization, 42–44, 200

perspective taking, 426, 436, 488n

Persuasive Advertising (Armstrong), 405

pest-control experts, 219

Peters, Greg, 129

petitions, 261, 310–13, 312, 471n

Petrified Forest National Park, 184–87, 186, 466n

pets, unity and, 377–78, 378, 480n

pet-supply warehouse, 38, 456n

PGA tour, 244

pharmaceutical companies, 35, 454n

Phillips, David, 170, 172–77, 197, 466n

phobias, 132–33, 197


addiction to, 441

fraud by callers, 359–60

friends’ accounts and, 79–80

in-person conversation vs., 246–47

physical attractiveness

contrast and, 16, 452n

copulins and, 451n

halo effect and, 108, 457n

liking and, 82–84, 122, 124


appointments and, 327

authority and, 210–12, 216–18, 231

blind obedience to, 210–11, 216–18, 468n–69n

claimed title of, 217–18

clothes and trappings of, 214

drug companies and, 454n

errors of, 210

hand washing and, 348, 477n

overprescribing and, 163, 349, 465n

reminders and, 348–49

TV ads and, 212–13, 213, 233

white coat and, 222–23

physiological arousal, 247, 284

Picasso, Pablo, 473n

Player, Gary, 358

“please no theft” sign, 184–85

pluralistic ignorance, 145–46, 151, 182, 194, 464n

Poland, 193, 369–70, 396, 467n, 479n

polecat, turkey and, 2–3, 5

police, xvi, 104–6, 480n

political attitudes, 385, 435

in-group unity, 370–71, 480n

political campaigns (elections)

attractiveness and, 83

celebrities and, 113–14

contributions and, 34–35

exchange of favors and, 33, 454n

familiarity and, 96–97

field-office volunteers and, 392, 483n

food and, 114

height of candidates and, 215, 468n

lawn signs and, 119

odors and, 114

reciprocity and, 33–38

similarity and, 86, 385

trustworthiness and, 228, 469n

unity and, 417, 479n

voting commitment and, 304

political revolutions, 271–75, 472n

polluting firms, 132

Ponzi, Charles, 368–69

popularity. See also social proof

brewery pub beer choices, 128, 462n

McDonald’s McFlurry and, 128, 462n, 463n

menu choices and, 127–28, 144

music downloads, 462n

Netflix and, 128–29

trends and, 190

Portuguese language, 24

Poseidon Adventure, The (film), 280–81, 284

post office shootings, 176–77

Poza, Diego, 315

Pratkanis, Anthony, 359, 459n

prayer, 306, 396

prehistoric art, 397

prejudice. See also cross-group relations; ethnic groups; race

school desegregation and, 97–99

unifying practices to combat, 419–29, 486n, 487n–488n

prescriptions, 210–11, 217, 349

presidential elections, 381–82, 392

presidents, legislators and, 34

Pre-Suasion (Cialdini), 477n


contrast and, 18–20

controls petition, 261

value and, 1–2, 5–6, 450n, 452n

prison sentences, 212

Procter & Gamble, 276, 321

product tampering, 174, 466n

professor, title of, 214

profiteers. See also con artists

influence levers and, 15–16

reciprocal rule and, 68–71

social proof and, 193, 196

triggers and, 12–13, 15–16, 22

unity and, 430, 435

prospect theory, 244

psychological reactance theory, 257–68, 289, 475n

Psychology for Marketers, 87

psychopaths, 423, 488n

psychophysics, 16

public good, 344–45

public commitment, 322–27, 345, 361, 475n

Purdue University, 265

Pyne, Joe, 437–38

rabies, 12

race relations. See also cross-group interactions

acting together and, 398–99

contact approach and, 97

diverse neighborhoods and, 420–21, 487n–488n

jigsaw classroom and, 102

liking and similarity and, 89

school integration and, 101–4, 102

segregation and, 272–73

sports and, 372

unitizing experiences and, 417–29, 435

radio call-letters jingles, 116

raffle tickets, 28–29, 45, 48

rationality, 403, 405

Razran, Gregory, 114–16, 461n

Reader’s Reports, xii–xiii, 6, 20–21, 27, 31–32, 46–47, 51, 56–57, 65–66, 70–71, 79–80, 95, 120–21, 133–34, 144–45, 150–51, 195–96, 211, 222–25, 237–38, 245, 249–50, 261, 276, 287–88, 306–7, 321–22, 326, 333–34, 351, 379–80, 444–45, 470n–71n

real-estate sales, 19, 22, 188, 278

reciprocation, xvii, xviii, 23–72, 452n–56n

advantages of, 28, 45

authority and, 236–38

automaticity and, 439, 446

breaking rule of, 455n

charitable donations and, 200, 248

communal relationships and, 50

compliance devices and, 71–72

concessions and, 51–66, 68

cross-group friendships and, 422

defenses against 66–72

defined, 23–24

exploitation of, 28, 45, 47

failing to conform to, 49–50

gifts and, 24–25

Good Cop/Bad Cop and, 106

group obligations and, 47

initial favors, redefined as tricks, 72

international negotiations and, 36–37, 37

international relations and, 25–26, 410

LBJ and, 34

liking and, 29–32

marriage and, 456n

not-so-free sample and, 38–42

obligation and, 24–26, 45, 47

online vouchers and, 33

personalization and, 42–44

pervasiveness of, 24

politics and, 33–38, 114

power of, 29–32, 38, 71–72

rejecting, 67–69

rejection-then-retreat technique and, 53–64, 72

repeated exchange and, 405–7, 436

scarcity and, 267

Tupperware parties and, 75

unequal exchanges triggered by, 47–50, 72

uninvited debts and, 44–47, 72

victims’ reactions and, 62–64

Watergate and, 57–60, 61

women and gifts from men, 50

recruiters, xvi, 93, 133–34

rectal earache case, 210–11

recycling, 132, 160, 328, 465n

Reda, Ali, 366–68, 367, 478n

Regan, Dennis, 28–29, 32, 45, 48, 453n

Reiterman, Tim, 466n

rejection-then-retreat technique, 53–66, 61, 72, 456n

relationships, xviii–xviii

number of, 440

similarity and, 87

relief aid, 25

religion, 73–74, 208–9, 369–70, 385, 417, 435, 456n

reminders, 347–49

Republican Party, 58–59, 423

request-plus-reason experiment, 4–5

Resnik, Alan J., xiii

restaurants. See also food servers

advice from consumers on, 415–16

candy with bill, 32, 49

credit card logos on tip trays and, 110

early lunch sign, 156–57

gifts and fast-food, 42–43

menu choice popularity and, 127–28, 144, 190, 462n

no-show reservations and, 326–27

rejection-then-retreat technique, 456n

résumés, 238


attractive staff and, 84

bargain-basement sales, 278–80, 279

contrast and, 18–19

price reductions and, 451n–52n

scarcity and, 247

theft and, 131

waiting lines outside shops, 193, 243–44

Retzlaff, Daryl, xiii

revenge, 47

revolutions, 271–72

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 296, 474n

Rice, Berkeley, 456n

Riecken, Henry, 135, 138

Rimé, Bernard, 411


loss aversion and, 247

of failing, 244

rituals, 396, 452n

Robert, Cavett, 131

robins, 4, 450n

Robinson, Chris, 212

robot toy, 337–39

rock-music groupies, 120

Rogue One (film), 112

Rolling Stone, 85

Rolling Stones, 85

Roman Catholic clergy, 430–31


commitment and, 292–93, 305–6, 355–56

competition and, 278

distinctiveness and, 281–82, 472n–73n

health and, 480n

infidelity and, 305–6

in-groups and, 374–75

loss aversion and, 247

low-ball tactic and, 344

music and, 403–4

parental interference on teenagers, 259–61

physical attraction and, 457n

repeated reciprocal exchange and, 405–7, 417

Romeo and Juliet effect and, 260–61, 471n

similar language and, 86

speed-dating and, 87

Romeo and Juliet effect and, 261, 471n

Rosenberger, Geofrey, xiii

Rosenthal, A. M., 464n

Ross, Lee, 37–38

Rosten, Leo, 452n

Rothman, Alexander, 248

Royal Ascot Races, 158, 464n

“rule of the bagel,” 453n

Russian Revolution, 272

Rwandan genocide, 483n

Ryan, Leo R., 179

Sabbataists, 135

Sadat, Anwar, 317–18

sale signs, 112, 461n

salespeople, xvi, xvii. See also automobile salesmen

boiler-room investment swindles and, 255–56

competition and, 278

contrast principle and, 18–19

deadline tactic and, 254–55

escalating commitment and, 310

free samples and, 40

grooming and, 84

liking and, 93

magazine, door-to-door, 254

peer-suasion and, 166–68

scarcity and limited-number tactic, 250–51

similarity and, 87

social proof and, 131, 190

supermarket buyers and limited information, 266–67

“we” groups and, 366–67

written commitments and, 319–20

Salovey, Peter, 248

Sand County Almanac, A (Leopold), 412, 486n

San Francisco Museum of Art, 282, 473n

Sanna, L. J., 462n

Sarandros, Ted, 129

scarcity, xvii–xix, 241–90, 470n–73n

automaticity and, 439, 446

boiler-room swindles and, 255–56

charitable donations and, 248

competition and, 277–81, 290

cookie taste tests and, 271

defenses vs., 283–90

distinctiveness and, 281–83

ebox on, 253–54

free online vouchers and, 33

information and, 265–67

iPhone waiting line and, 243–45

limited-numbers tactic and, 249–52

limited-time tactic and, 252–56

loss aversion and, 246–56, 247, 248

New Coke and, 269–71

newly scarce items and, 290

political turmoil and, 271–75

psychological reactance and, 257–68

Reader’s Reports and, 245, 249–50, 276, 287–88, 444–45

social proof and, 188

thoughtful decisions and, 284–85

Tupperware parties and, 76

used car sales and, 285–87

value and, 289

Scarry, Richard, 249

Schacter, Stanley, 135, 138

Schein, Edgar, 308–9, 316, 474n

Schiele, Egon, 226

Schindler, Oskar, 386, 387

Schindler, Robert, 456n


basketball games, 121

competitiveness within, 98, 460n

cooperative learning and, 101–4, 415, 460n, 487n

desegregation and, 273

integration of, 97–98

jigsaw classroom, 101–3, 102

peer-suasion and, 163

shootings at, 176–77, 178

unitizing experiences and, 417

Schrange, Michael, 455n

Schwartz, Benjamin, 454n

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 233

science and scientists

communicators and, 73–74

COVID-19 and, 131–32

pharmaceuticals and, 35, 454n

security guard uniform, 220, 224

security systems, hackers and, 219, 469n

Segal, Henry, 314, 474n

Self, William, 280

self-affirmations, 489n

self-disclosure, 422, 488n

self-image, 313–14, 317–18, 323, 335, 361, 474n–75n

self-interest, 449n

self-other merging, 401, 484n, 485n

“Self-Reliance” (Emerson), 350

self-sacrifice, 397, 399–402

Seneca, 425, 488n

Serbia, 390, 424

service contract sales, 65–66

sex-discussion group, 333

sexual attitudes, 385

sexual material, censorship of, 264–65

Shadel, Doug, 359, 451n

Shakespeare, William, 107, 260, 407, 409, 490n

Shaklee Corporation, 78–79

Shanghai, China, 387–90, 393

shareholders, 417

Shatzkes, Rabbi Moses, 394

Shayo, 478n

Sherif, Carolyn Wood, 99

Sherif, Muzafer, 99, 101, 460n

Sherman, Steven J., 304

Shinseki, Eric, 282, 283, 473n

shopping cart, 144

shortcuts, 7–10. See also specific influence levers

consistency and, 361

efficiency and, 22, 438, 442

falsifiers and, 443

information overload and, 442, 446

scarcity and, 257

Shotton, Richard, 462n

Shtulman, Andrew, 456n

similarity, 122, 124–25, 446

contrived, 87–88

liking and, 84–89, 458n

peer-suasion and, 163–68

physical, 385

social proof and, 143, 197–98

uncertainty and, 198

sincerity, sly, 233–34, 237

Sinclair, Gordon, 326

Singapore, 194–95, 467n

Small Big, The (Martin, Goldstein, & Cialdini), 27

small favors. See also gifts

donation request and, 70–71

importance of not minimizing, 30–31

McDonald’s and, 32, 454n

obligation and, 25, 32

purchases after, 32

questionnaires and, 32

reciprocity and, 30, 455n

tips in restaurants and, 32, 454n

unequal exchanges and, 48–50

women’s obligation to men offering, 50

smiling, synchronized, 398, 484n

smoking cessation, 162, 165, 325–26, 465n

smoking referendum, 113–14

soccer, 117, 372–73, 462n, 479n

social acceptance, 161–63, 197

social conditions, 170, 176–77

social media, xiii, 376

likes and, 89–90

online marketing and, 88

rumors and, 159–60

social proof, xvii, 127–98, 197, 462n–67n

automaticity and, 439, 443

average-person ads and, 192, 443

Big Mistake and, 184–89, 198

bystanders in emergency and, 145–52

car salesmen and, 133–34

commitment and, 323–24

copycat crimes and, 174–75

COVID-19 and, 131–32

crowds mistakenly acting on, 194–95

defenses vs., 190–95, 198

defined, 13, 129–30

doomsday cults and, 134–43

ebox on, 253

environmental action and, 132

false and, 130, 156, 191, 430, 443–44

feasibility and, 160–61, 197

incorrect data and, 191–92

“the many” and, 143, 156–63, 197

mass shootings and, 176–77

mass suicide and, 177–82

mimics and, 13–15

never trusting fully, 195, 198

optimizers of, 143–44

peer-suasion and, 163–68, 197

people power and, 131–34

pluralistic-ignorance and, 194

popularity and, 127–29

Reader’s Reports on, 195–96

scarcity and, 267, 278

similarity and, 143, 197

social media and, 159–60

suicide and accidental deaths and, 168–77

trends and, 187–90, 198

Tupperware parties and, 76

TV sitcoms and, 156

uncertainty and, xviii, xix, 143–46, 181, 197, 463n

validity, 197

solar panels, 163

Solomon, Thomas “TJ,” 178

Somme offensive, 407

songs, 396

Sony Pictures, 192–93

Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Goethe), 170

South Africa, 488n

South Korea, 199

Soviet Union, 36–37, 274, 275, 396, 472n

space program, 111–12

Spain, 382

Spiegel Research Center, 229–30

Splash! restaurant survey, 415–16

sports, 244, 461n

fans and, 117–20, 119, 125, 372–73, 462n

referees and, 371–73, 479n

Spychala, Joanna, xiii

Stalin, Joseph, 274, 484n

stamp collectors, 246

Stanford University, 453n

Stanko, Jack, 303–4

Starbucks, 33

Star Wars, 112, 426

status, 215–16, 223–24, 468n

Stauth, Robert, xiii

Stein, Joel, 381

stereotypes, 8–9

stereotyping, 466n

Stern, Sheldon, 454n

Stevenson, McLean, 89

Stickley, Jim, 219

Stillman, Jessica, 13

St. John, Joe, xiii

Stoke, Marijn, 462n

stomach signs, 352–55, 362

Storke, Bill, 280

story, reading together, 397

Strathewen, Australia, 453n

Strauss, Michel, 226, 469n

strongest argument, place for, 230–31

Styron, William, 334–35

Subway restaurants, 321–22

suffering, 407–11, 408, 436, 486n

Sugihara, Chiune, 387–90, 389, 418–19, 482n, 483n


accidental deaths and, 168–77, 171, 175

mass, at Jonestown, 177–84, 182

prevention programs, 186–87

social proof and, 197–98, 466n

suicide-murder stories, 170, 173

Sunday Riley Skincare, 191

supermarkets, 471n

ecologically grown bananas and, 317

free samples and, 38–39

gifts and, 454n, 455n

tastings at, 288

supportive conduct, 484n–85n

surveys, 188, 223, 268, 393

Sutcliffe, Kathleen, 468n

Swanson, Richard, 331

Sweden, 455n

Swift, Dan, xiii

Swift, Jonathan, 74, 89

swimming lessons, 165–66

Sydney, Australia, 379–80

synchrony, 484n

System 1 vs. System 2 thinking, 402–5, 485n

Taber, Alberta, school shootings, 176, 178

Taliban, 30

Tamraz, Roger, 34

Target, 77

taste, 282, 473n

taxi drivers, 369, 479n

tax policy, 35–36

Taylor, 457n

teachers and teaching

acting in unison with students, 398

authority of, 209

competitiveness in schools and, 98–99

cooperative learning and, 99, 101–3

similarity of, to students, 85–86, 480n–81n

Teacher’s Scotch, 320

technology, 440, 442, 446

Teresa, Mother, 363, 390, 418–19, 482n

terrible twos, 258–59, 289

territorial defense, 3–4

terrorism, 411, 427–28

Tesla owners, 80

texting styles, 86

therapists, 226

thinking-processes experiment, 343–44

13 Reasons Why (web series), 171, 466n

Thomas, Carol, xiii

Thomas, Owen, 323

Thompson, Derek, 462n

Thompson, Leigh, 88

Thonga tribe, 328–31, 334, 476n

Thorne, Avril, 118

threat, 425, 489n

Tiger, Lionel, 24–25

Timberlake, Justin, 373

Time, 269, 274

timing, liking and, 122

tipping. See food servers


authority and, 213–18, 239

counterfeit, 216–18

recognizing empty, 232

Tokayer, Marvin, 483n

Tolstoy, Leo, 457n

toothpaste-preference test, 189

torture, 131, 453n


forbidden, 337–39

postholiday sales and, 299–303, 302

Trabolt, Jens, xiii

Trail of Tears, 410, 486n

Transcendental Meditation, 296–99

“Trashing Arizona” series, 185

travel, 440

Trebek, Alex, 233

trends, 188–89, 198, 466n


expert witnesses, 432–34

inadmissible evidence and, 265–66

jury commitment and, 304, 325

trustworthiness and, 228

tribalism, 478n

tribal societies

dancing and, 397

initiations and, 328–31, 334

trick-or-treat problem, 67

triggers, 3–5, 8, 10, 12–13, 21–22

Trobriand Islanders, 453n

Trocmé, André, 392, 483n

Trocmé, Magda, 483n

Trudeau, G. B., 235

Trump, Donald, 34


experts and, 226, 227, 227–28, 231, 233–34, 237, 239, 469n

online reviews and, 229–31

truth by repetition, 459n

Tully, Vanessa, 410

Tupperware, 75–78, 78, 80, 116, 457n

Turkey, 36–37, 135

turkeys, 2–5, 438, 450n

TV ads, 214, 405

TV news, 171

TV sitcoms, 156, 191, 443

20th Century Fox, 280

Twitter, 411

Tylenol, 174

Uber, 455n

UCLA, 64, 180

uncertainty, xix, xviii, 197

aid in emergency and, 145–52, 148, 197

loss aversion and, 244, 247

Jonestown suicides and, 198

social proof and, 143–47, 181, 196, 463n

woman attacked by man and, 151–52

unequal exchanges, 47–50

uniforms, 219–20, 469n

unifying practices, 418–29

United Kingdom, 24, 247

unity, xiii, xvii, xviii, 363–436, 477n–90n

acting together and, 396–415, 436

advice and, 414–16

attentional focus and, 426–28, 436

automaticity and, 439, 446

business and, 366–69, 367

close friendships and, 375–76

co-creation and, 412–14, 436

Code of Conduct and, 429

dealing with big problems and, 417–18

defense and, 429–35

diversity and, 420–22, 488n

ebox on, 375–76, 411

evolution and, 425–26

exploitation and, 430

favorable consequence of, 416–17

financial investment and, 368–69, 382–84

finger tapping and, 400

home and, 386–90, 419–20

human family and, 416–29

in-group effects, 365–70

kinship and, 378–85

liking, 398–99

locality and, 386–87, 390–96

marching in step and, 400

Milgram study and, 468n

merger of identities and, 385

music and, 401–5, 436

personal relationships and, 374–75

pets and, 377–78

politics and, 370–71

Reader’s Report on, 379–80

reciprocal exchange and, 405–7, 436

romantic partnerships and, 374–75

speaking-in-unison and, 398

sports and, 371–73

suffering and, 407–10, 408, 436

support and, 399–401

Tupperware parties and, 76

unity-building techniques, 400

“we”-groups and, 364–66

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 456n

University of Chicago, 20

University of Georgia, 116–17, 119

University of Minnesota, 135

University of North Carolina, 264

University of Southern California, 330–32

University of Virginia, 451n

University of Washington, 332, 335

University of Wisconsin, 412

unwanted behavior, decrying frequency of, 184–87, 198

UPI, 146

urban riots, 272

urgency, 253, 255–56

US Army Rangers, 282–83, 473n

US Congress, 34, 210

US Constitution, 264

US Forest Service, 185

US history, 393

US Marines, 335

US military intelligence, 30

US Senate, 256

US Supreme Court, 273

vacuum-cleaner sales, 255

validity, the many and, 157–59, 197


price and, 1–2, 5–7

scarcity and, 246–47, 250, 471n

Vaska, Karla, xiii

Veep (TV series), 381

Venezuela, 379

verbal style, 87

online reviews, 14, 191

verified buyers, 230

Viagra, 30

Vicks Formula 44, 212–13, 232–33

Vietnam War, 207–8, 458n

Villers-Bretonneux, France, 453n

Vinci, Leonardo da, 1

Virgil, 199

Virginia Tech massacre, 176

Voltaire, 403

waiting lines, 130, 193, 243–45, 443–44

Wallenberg, Raoul, 386

Wall Street Journal, 276

Wannsee Conference, 393

Warrick, Joby, 453n

watches, smile and, 113

water conservation, 188–89, 466n–67n

commitment and, 294

social proof and, 132

Watergate break-in, 58–60, 61

water-glass sipping, 399, 484n

water temperature, contrast principle, 16–17, 19

Watson, Emma, 75, 456n, 457n

Watson, Thomas, Jr., 451n

weaknesses, admitting, 469n

career and, 237–38

dishonest, 234–35

job candidates and, 235

placement of, 230–31

trustworthiness and, 228–30, 240, 469n–70n

“We Are the World” position, 425

weatherman, 107–8, 109

“we”-groups, 364–76, 397, 480n–84n

business and, 366–69

car sales and, 366–68, 367, 478n

Catholic priests, 431

close friendships and, 375–76

Code of Conduct and, 429, 489n–90n

collectives and, 382, 397

cross-group connections and, 423–29

ethics and, 432–34, 434–35

evolution and, 435

expert witness and, 432–34

exploiters and, 429–32

fellow members favored by, 365–66

financial investment and, 368–69, 479n

home and place and, 386–95, 395

human family as, 418

labor unions and, 429

pets and, 377–78

politics and, 370–71, 479n

romantic partners and, 374–75

shared identities and, 435

sports and, 371–73

suffering and, 409–10

Weidenfeld, Lord Arthur George, 26, 453n

weight loss, 323–25

weight of objects, judging, 16

Weimann, Lucas, xiii

Weinstein, Eugene, 459n

Werther effect, 170–73, 466n

West, Dr. Louis Jolyon, 180

When Prophesy Fails (Festinger, Riecken, and Schacter), 135

White-Black relations, 89, 97, 102, 272–74, 399, 423, 465n, 484n, 488n. See also cross-group interactions; race

Whitehead, Alfred North, 1

White House, legislators and, 114

white pine, red birch vs., 412–13

white van abduction fears, 159

Whiting, John W. M., 328

wildlife management, 412, 486n–87n

Willson, S. Brian, 207–8

Wilson, Lee Alexis, 146

Withers, Bill, 403


getting help, during attack by man, 151–56, 152, 464n

intimate partner violence and, 131

male judges of attractiveness of, 451n

obligation to men offering favors, 50, 455n

white vans abducting, 159

young, and musicians, 403–4, 485n

Wood, Robert, 280–81, 284

Worchel, Stephen, 268

World Cup, 117

World War I, 407, 453n

World War II, 272, 308, 372–73, 451n

Wosinska, Wilhelmina, xii, 396

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 121

written commitment, 316–27, 320, 336, 349, 431–32, 434

Wroblewski, Anna, xiii

Yadav, Agrima, xiii

Yale University, 204, 468n

Yazidis, 26

“you get what you pay for” rule, 7

Young, Bernard, 159

youth mentoring, 85–86

Zappa, Frank, 437–38

Zellweger, Renee, 384

Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, 331

Zimbardo, 454n

zoo-trip experiment, 55, 456n