Appendix B:
Beneficial Nonprofit Organizations
There are a lot of worthy environmental nonprofits out there. The following are some of my favorites for donations. Keep in mind these are large national and international organizations. You likely also have more local groups doing a lot of boots-on-the-ground work for your bioregion, so consider helping them with a donation and/or volunteer time.
The Millennium Seed Bank
Project at the Kew Gardens
Wakehurst (Wakehurst Place and Millennium Seed Bank)
Ardinglynr Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH17 6TN
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 8332 5000
The largest seed bank in the world, working to preserve some of the most endangered plant species in the world. The Kew Gardens also maintains a sizeable selection of fungal samples, to include spores.
Seed Savers
3094 North Winn Rd.
Decorah, IA 52101
(563) 382-5990
Since 1975, Seed Savers has not only worked to preserve heirloom seeds, but also provides seeds for sale. They offer a membership package with a variety of horticultural and educational benefits.
The Nature Conservancy
4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203-1606
(800) 628-6860
The Nature Conservancy focuses on protecting habitats around the world and educating people about the importance of healthy ecosystems. This includes direct protection of individual habitats in conjunction with local communities.
The Ocean Conservancy
1300 19th Street, NW
8th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
(800) 519-1541
Works to protect the world’s oceans and create awareness of how crucial the oceans and their inhabitants are to the planet’s health as a whole.
The Sierra Club
85 Second Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415) 977-5500
One of the oldest and largest environmental nonprofits, the Sierra Club combines government lobbying with grassroots organization for a variety of ecological causes.
Natural Resources Defense Council
40 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
(212) 727-2700
Lobbies for the protection of both wild species and their environments, and is also instrumental in helping communities become more sustainable.
The Wilderness Society
1615 M St., NW
Washington, DC 20036
(800) THE-WILD
Many plants and fungi that face extinction are vulnerable due to habitat loss; the Wilderness Society works to preserve wilderness areas to include crucial habitat.