The Plan
Finding Your Meaning and Purpose
Yogi Berra often said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”1 We hope that by now you are convinced that staying on autopilot is not a good aging strategy. It’s time for concrete solutions for the possible paths we can choose as we seek to contribute in this life stage. These pages lay out, in specifics, the road map for finding meaning and purpose in the 60–80 Window. Most of us will retire three or more times in our lifetime. There will be a rolling retirement picture for many of us.
How will we make this work? We have shared some great stories, and now it’s time for you to take some steps to launch your encore—or to keep at it if you have already begun. In order to succeed in this 60–80 Window, you may need to learn some new life skills to navigate the future.
Your final act really can be your greatest. This life stage has the potential to be one of your finest. This final section is packed full of great tools, options, and “how-tos” to make that happen. Join us on the journey as we seek to find meaning and purpose after moving beyond fulfilling, full-time careers.