1. Paul Taylor, “Growing Old in America: Expectations vs. Reality,” Pew Research Group (June 29, 2009),
2. As quoted in Jane Pauley, “What’s Your Next Move?” AARP Magazine (January, 2014), 57.
3. George Clooney, Brainy Quote, accessed July 21, 2014,
4. Pauley, “What’s Your Next Move?” 57.
5. Max Lucado, He Still Moves Stones (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1999), 67.
Part 1 The Challenge
1. Theodore Roosevelt, Brainy Quote, accessed July 21, 2014,
Chapter 1 People Get Ready
1. Adapted from Alan Chapman, “Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory,”, accessed July 28, 2014,
2. Adapted from Daniel Levinson, Seasons of a Man’s Life (New York: Ballantine Books, 1978), 49.
3. Rick Hicks, “Tribal View of Life Development,” based on a concept by Ray Rood.
4. “People Get Ready,” lyrics by Curtis Mayfield.
Chapter 2 I Can’t Get No Respect
1. Henri J. M. Nouwen and Walter J. Gaffney, Aging: The Fulfillment of Life (New York: Image Books, 1976), 18.
2. Janine White, “How Gen X and Gen Y Will Change Philadelphia,” Philadelphia Magazine (February 25, 2011),
3. Ibid., comment by Trish, April 25, 2011.
4. Rob Romasco, “Ageless Myths,” AARP Magazine (January, 2014), 70.
Chapter 3 Transition Is Unavoidable
1. Adapted from William Bridges, Transitions: Making Sense out of Life’s Changes, expanded and updated ed. (Cambridge: Da Capo Press, 2004).
2. Adapted from Mary L. Anderson, Jane Goodman, and Nancy Schlossberg, Counseling Adults in Transition, fourth ed. (New York: Springer Publishing, 2012).
Chapter 4 Beware of Going to the Dark Side
1. Bernard Baruch, as quoted in The London Observer (August 21, 1955).
2. Charles Spurgeon, The Treasury of David (Pasadena, TX: Pilgrim Publications, 1885), 67.
3. Nouwen and Gaffney, Aging, 29.
Chapter 5 Elderlescence
1. Sally Abrahms, “Ready for Your Second Career?” AARP Magazine (October–November, 2013), 24.
2. Ibid., 26.
3. Eric McWhinnie, “3 Ways Baby Boomers Are Redefining Retirement,” Wall St. Cheat Sheet (June 16, 2013),
4. Marci Alboher, The Encore Career Handbook: How to Make a Living and a Difference in the Second Half of Life (New York: Workman Publishing, 2012). As quoted in Abrahms, “Ready for Your Second Career?” 26.
Part 2 The Choices
1. As quoted in Bridges, Transitions, 77.
2. George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (Cambridge, MA: University Press, 1903), 29.
Chapter 6 Prepare for the Choices Ahead
1. Christopher A. Borman and Patricia G. Henderson, “The Career/Longevity Connection,” Adultspan Journal 2, no. 2 (March 2005): 22.
2. Mark Anderson and Joel Beyer, “Ten Biblical Principles That Can Change Your Life,” adapted and used by permission from private unpublished notes, 2014.
3. Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (London: Macmillan, 1866).
4. Henry Ford, as quoted in The Indianapolis News (December 11, 1922), 14.
Chapter 7 Great Expectations
1. William Bridges, Dealing Successfully with Personal Transition (William Bridges and Associates, 1987).
2. “Passion,” Merriam Webster Dictionary online, accessed August 4, 2014,
3. Confucius, Brainy Quote, accessed July 22, 2014,
4. Rihana888, “Success and Achievement in Old Age—Why You are Never Too Old to Succeed,” Socyberty Advice (August 2, 2009),
5. “Chariots of Fire (1981) Quotes,” IMDb, accessed August 4, 2014,
Chapter 8 Try a Life Map
1. Leonie Sugarman, Life-Span Development: Frameworks, Accounts and Strategies, second ed. (Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press, 2001), 2.
2. Graham Lee, Leadership Coaching: From Personal Insight to Organizational Performance (London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2003), 56.
3. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Beyond Boredom and Anxiety: Experiencing Flow in Work and Play, twenty-fifth anniversary ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000).
4. Richard Rohr, Radical Grace: Daily Meditations, ed. J. Feister (Cincinnati: Franciscan Media, 1995), 64.
5. For more information, see Frederic Hudson and Pamela McLean, Life Launch: A Passionate Guide to the Rest of Your Life (Washington, DC: Hudson Institute Press, 2000).
6. Carl Gustav, Modern Man in Search of a Soul (Abingdon, England: Routledge Press, 2001), 111.
Chapter 9 Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks
1. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson: Writings, ed. Merrill Peterson (New York: Library of America, 1984), 1249.
2. Sarah Arnquist, “What Makes Us Happy,” New York Times (June 16, 2013).
3. Haya El Nasser, “More Americans Delay Retirement, Keep Working,” USA Today (January 24, 2013).
4. Emily Coyle, “8 Best States for the Unemployed,” Wall St. Cheat Sheet (June 4, 2013),
5. “You Are Never Too Old to Succeed in Life for Success—Age Is No Excuse,” MLM Your Way (May 1, 2009),
6. SilentReed, “People Who Achieved Success Later in Life,”, accessed July 23, 2014,
Part 3 The Stories
1. Jane Thayer and Peggy Thayer, Elderescence: The Gift of Longevity (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), 188.
Chapter 12 A Professional Finds a Second Chance
1. Excerpts used with permission of Julie Clark; for more information about Julie visit
Part 4 The Plan
1. Yogi Berra, “Yogisms,” Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center, accessed July 24, 2014,
Chapter 16 Who Does God Say That I Am?
1. Abraham Lincoln, “Abraham Lincoln Quotes,” Think Exist, accessed September 4, 2014,
2. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Brainy Quote, accessed September 4, 2014,
Chapter 17 The Toolbox
1. There are many sources for good information on the DiSC test. Here is a good summary:
2. Ibid.
3. “MBTI Basics,” Myers Briggs Foundation, accessed July 24, 2014,
4. Tom Rath, StrengthsFinder 2.0 (New York: Gallup Press, 2007).
Chapter 18 Walking through the “Land Between”
1. Bridges, Transitions, 77.
2. Check out the full story of Robertson and Muriel McQuilkin in A Promise Kept (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1998).
3. William H. Murray, The Scottish Himalayan Expedition (London: J. M. Dent & Co, 1951), 6–7. Emphasis added. Note: the couplet attributed by Murray to Goethe is actually a very loose translation of Faust, lines 214–30, by John Anster, 1835.
Chapter 19 The New Starting Line
1. Henry David Thoreau, Brainy Quote, accessed July 28, 2014,
2. “Quotes for Pumbaa (Character),” IMDb, accessed July 28, 2014,
3. Gabriel H. Sahlgren, “Work Longer, Live Healthier,” Institute of Economic Affairs Discussion Paper no. 46 (London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 2013),,%20Live_Healthier.pdf.
4. Martin Luther King Jr., Brainy Quote, accessed September 4, 2014,
5. Simone de Beauvoir, The Coming of Age, trans. Patrick O’Brian (New York: W. W. Norton, 1996), 540–41.
6. You can read the complete story here: “Nola Ochs, World’s Oldest Masters Degree at Age 98, Now Writing a Book at 100 Years Old!” Helping You Care (August 4, 2012),
7. “Generative,” Merriam Webster Dictionary online, accessed July 28, 2014,
8. Jennifer Rose Warburton, Donna McLaughlin, and Deirdre Pinsker, “Generative Acts: Family and Community Involvement of Older Australians,” International Journal of Aging and Human Development 63, no. 2, 115–37.
Chapter 20 The Assignment
1. Tony Campolo, sermon, “If I Had to Live It Over Again,” accessed July 28, 2014,
2. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Brainy Quote, accessed July 28, 2014,
3. Mary Catherine Bateson, Composing a Further Life: The Age of Active Wisdom (New York: Knopf, 2010), 9.
4. Laurent A. Daloz, Effective Teaching and Mentoring: Realizing the Transformational Power of Adult Learning Experiences (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1986), 237.
5. Ibid., 92.
6. Tony Robbins, Brainy Quote, accessed September 4, 2014,
7. “7 Must Read Success Lessons from Stephen Covey,” Pick the Brain (September 15, 2010),